1929 Public Works Department Annual Report

Submitted by David on

A copy of the original is available at HKGRO: http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkgro/view/a1929/714.pdf



Works under the Buildings Ordinance


B. O. O. Work. —Q 20 —

Sai Yu Shek Cemetery—Areas which had been washed out were repaired, paths surfaced and channels formed.

Cheung Sha Wan Cemetery—Exhumed areas were levelled, and terraces re-formed. Paths, steps, and channels were formed. Undergrowth was cleared. A R.C.C. Bridge was constructed.

39. Reclamations.—The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year:—

                                   Area in sq. ft.

M.L.’s 430 and 43, North Point,

  (nearing completion)                    833,975

S.I.L. 510, Shaukiwan, (completed)        8,530

S.I.L. 511, Shaukiwan, (completed)        6,960

S.I.L. 512, Shaukiwan, (completed)        5,130

S.I.L. 524, Shaukiwan, (completed)        7,626

S.I.L. 526, Shaukiwan, (in progress)     12,650

K.M.L. 93, Tai Wan, (in progress)        72,350

K.I.L.'s 1558 to 1561, Ma Tau Kok,

  (progressing early in the year, but

  work was suspended during the year)   407,985

N.K.M.L. 3, Lai Chi Kok, (in progress)  140,250

N.K.M.L. 6, Lai Chi Kok, (in progress)  374,400

N.K.M.L. 7, Lai Chi Kok, (in progress)  630,000

N.K.I.L. 520, Castle Peak Road, (work

   was suspended early in the year)      27,000

N.K.I.L. 521, Castle Peak Road, (work

   was suspended early in the year) .... 24,750

N.K.I.L. 971, Castle Peak Road, (work

   was suspended early in the year)      24,750

Tsun Wan M.L. 2, (completed)            874,400

Tsun Wan M.L. 4, (in progress)           74,900

Tsun Wan M.L. 5, (in progress)          273,600

— Q 21 —    B. O. O. Work.

40. Principal Works of a Private Nature, completed or in progress.    

Works completed:—

Shops, and Office Block, on I.L. 619 R.P., Queen’s Road Central.

Departmental Store for The Sun Co. Ltd., on P.R.M.L. 63, Des Voeux Road Central and Connaught Road Central.

School, on I.L. 338, at rear of No. 130, Hollywood Road

New Building for the Wesleyan Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Home, on I.L. 2616, Hennessy Road.

R. C. C. Building to be used as a Chapel, (St. Paul’s Hospital) on I.L. 1018, Causeway Bay.

Hospital for the Tung Wah Hospital Authorities, in I.L. 2686, Soo Kun Poo.

Block of Stables, on R.B.L. 33, Wongneichong Road.

Building to be used as a Public Dispensary, on S.I.L. 430, Main Street, Shaukiwan.

Rubber Factory, on S.I.L. 104, Main Street, Shaukiwan. Glass Factory, on S.I.L. 525, Shaukiwan East.

New wing as an extension to St. Stephen’s Girls’ College on I.L. 2440, Lyttelton Road and Park Road.

Students’ Hostel, to be known as “Ricci Hall”, on I.L. 2610, Section A, Pokfulam Road.

Godown, on I.L. 954 Section A, s.s. 2 and Section C, R.P., Belchers Street.

Chinese family mansion, on R.B.L. 28, The Peak. Distillery, on Crown Land adjoining Aberdeen I.L. 72.

10 European houses (10 shops and 30 flats,) on K.I.L. 407, Nathan Road.

10    European houses, on K.I.L. 2097, Prince Edward Road.

11    Chinese houses, on K.I.L. 1618, Reclamation Street.

Telephone Exchange and Staff Quarters, on K.I.L. 754 Nathan Road.

“Po Hing” Theatre on K.I.L. 2101, Nathan Road. Hostel and Hall for the Chinese Y.M.C.A., on K.I.L. 1483, Waterloo Road and Pitt Street

Maternity Ward, Kwong Wah Hospital, on K.I.L. 1213, Kwong Wah Street.

Workshop on K.M.L. 39, Public Square Street.

Offices, on K.I.L. 1218, Portland Street,

B. O. O. Work.    — Q 22 —

Chapel and School, on N.K.I.L. 579, Yen Chow Street.

School, on N.K.I.L. 1114, Un Chau Street.

Factory, on K.I.L. 1768, Tai Kok Tsui.

Pill Factory and Quarters, on N.K.I.L. 1140 Section B., Ki Lung Street.

Sugar Factory, on N.K.I.L.’s 995, 996, 997 and 975, Hai Tan Street.

Sub-station and Quarters, for The China Light & Power Co. (1918) Ltd., on K.I.L. 1900, Prince Edward Road.

Workshed, on N.K.I.L. 500, Po Kong Road.

Chinese Temple, on K.I.L. 2004, Ma Tau Wei Road.

In course of erection: —

Building for Banking premises, on I.L.’s 57 and 339 Sections A and B, Queen’s Road Central, was in progress.

Building for Banking premises and Offices, on I.L. 295, Queen’s Road Central, was nearing completion.

Block of Shops and Offices, to be known as “Gloucester Building” on M.L. 7 Section B and R. P., Pedder Street and Des Voeux Road Central. Piling for foundations was in progress.

1 Godown and 4 European Houses, on M.L. 197, Nos. 153 and 155 Praya East, (now Hennessy Road), were in progress.

Cold Store and Quarters on I.L. 563, Great George Street, was in progress.

Grand Stands on R.B.L. 33, Wongneichong Road, were nearing completion.

A Chinese family mansion, on I.L. 1946, Broadwood Road was almost completed.

Liquid Fuel Tank, No. 4, on I.L. 2273, North Point, was in progress.

Piano Factory, with Quarters on upper floor, on I.L. 2845, Shaukiwan Road, was nearing completion.

Cinema Theatre, one Crown Land, opposite S.I.L. 446, Shaukiwan East, was nearing completion.

10 European Houses, on I.L. 2980, Shaukiwan Road and Lau Sin Street, were in progress.

A large European house, on I.L. 591, Sections A, B, C, and H, Bonham Road, was in progress.

Theatre, to be known as “Central Theatre”, on I.L.'s 48 R.P. and 601 R.P., Queen’s Road Central and. Circular Pathway, was nearing completion.

— Q 23 —    B. O. O. Work.

Lard Factory, on I.L. 2415, Kennedy Town, was in progress.

2 Godowns, on I.L. 1298 Section A, Cadogan and Belchers Streets, were in progress.

Site formation for War Memorial Nursing Home, on R.B.L. 317, Mount Kellett, was nearing completion.

Regional Seminary, on R.B.L. 315, Aberdeen, was in progress.

5 European houses (5 shops and 15 flats), on K.I.L. 413, Nathan Road, were in progress.

13 Chinese houses, on K.I.L. 216, Canton Road, were in progress.

Site formation for a Church and Manse, on K.I.L. 2174, Jordan Road, was in progress.

Building consisting of Showrooms, Offices, Quarters, etc. on K.I.L. 2111, Nathan Road, was in progress.

Chinese Theatre, Actors’ Quarters and 2 Shops, on K.I.L. 1726, Nathan Road, were in progress.

32 Chinese houses, on K.I.L. 1578, Argyle, Tung Choi, and Fa Yuen Streets, were in progress.

10 Chinese houses, on K.I.L. 1796, Larch Street and Bedford Road, were in progress.

Steel Factory, on N.K.I.L. 521 Section A., new road near Castle Peak Road, was in progress.

Knitting Factory, on K.I.L. 1749 Section F., Fuk Tsun Street, was in progress.

School, on N.K.I.L. 1127, Boundary Street, was in progress.

12    European houses, on K.I.L. 2135, Prince Edward Road, were in progress.

10    Chinese houses, on K.I.L. 2175, Lai Chi Kok Road, were in progress.

13    Chinese houses, on K.I.L. 2175, Lai Chi Kok Road, were in progress,

11    Chinese houses, on K.I.L. 2175, Prince Edward Road, were in progress,

B. O. O. Work.    — Q 24 —

18 Chinese houses, on K.I.L. 2210, Prince Edward Road, were in progress.

10 Chinese houses, on K.I.L. 2239, Tai Nan Street, were in progress.

10 Chinese houses, on K.I.L. 2271, Tai Nan Street, were in progress.

12 Chinese houses, on N.K.I.L. 1248, Cheungshawan Road were in progress.

14 Chinese houses, on N.K.I.L. 1285, Cheungshawan Road were in progress.

12 Chinese houses, on K.I.L. 2208, Sai Yeung Choi Street, were in progress.

17 Chinese houses, on N.K.I.L. 1274, Ki Lung Street, were in progress.

41. Special reference is made to the following Principal Works of a Private Nature.—Regarding the development of Praya East Reclamation, started in 1928, when a large R.C.C. Godown on I.L. 2755 was commenced, and completed in 1929, the following is a brief resume of further works carried out during 1929: —

21 plans for 196 Chinese houses were approved. Of these, 33 houses were completed and 159 were in course of erection. In the case of only 4 houses work had not commenced at the end of the year.

2 plans for a Saw Mill and a Gasoline Service Station were approved. Both these buildings were completed during the year.

Site formation for 28 European houses on R.B.L. 245, Deep Water Bay, referred to in last year’s Report, was completed. One house on Site No. 22 was completed and two houses on Sites Nos. 17 and 18 were almost complete. Plans for fifteen houses on other sites were approved during the year, and ten of these houses were in course of erection.

The main buildings to house St. Stephen’s Boys’ College, referred to in last year’s Report, were occupied during the second half of the year. The premises comprise College, Hostel, 2 Bungalows, Servants* Quarters, Laundry, Garage, and Chauffeurs Quarters, and are situated on R.B.L.’s 314, 318, 319, 320, 321 and 322, Stanley.

— Q 25 —    B. O. O. Work.

On the Kowloon Tong Estate, 17 European houses, for for which plans were approved prior to 1929, were still in course of erection, and work was in progress on one Bungalow for which plan was approved during 1929.



— Q 67— P.W.E. Hong Kong.

130. Approach road to new Tung Wah Hospital site at Soo Kun Poo.—This work was referred to in paragraph 116 of last year's Report.

The road was completed in 1928 and the retention money paid. No expenditure was therefore incurred on this vote.

Estimates,   $1,000.00

Expenditure,    Nil.

131. Road from Causeway Bay to Quarry Bay (Section 70 feet wide) opposite M.Ls. 430 and 431.—The old road to Sau Ki Wan traversed an area, which, after negotiation, was included in M.Ls. 430 and 431 it therefore became necessary to undertake the construction of this new road so as to make the whole of the lots available to the owner.

It is not considered necessary to proceed with construction to full width in the first instance and the Contract let to Mr. Un Ng Tsung for a sum of $27,870 on 30th May, 1929 was for the construction of a road 1,000 feet long and 70 feet wide.

Estimates, . $30,000.00

Expenditure, $ 6,630.00

132. Tai Hang Development Road Construction.—This work was referred to in paragraph 114 (f) of the Report for 1926 wherein the work was reported as in abeyance and Contract closed.

A new Contract was let to the Lam Construction Co. for a sum of $64,369, on 28th February, 1929 for the completion of a length of 4,500 lineal feet of the 25 foot road above Tai Hang Valley.

Fair progress was made and by the end of the year work was well advanced on most of the walling.

Estimates,  $75,000.00

Expenditure $52,780.40

133. Barker Road Improvements from Stubbs Road to Victoria Hospital.—The widening of Barker Road from its junction with Stubbs Road to the Victoria Hospital was undertaken to provide access to the Hospital for motor traffic.

A contract for this work was let to Messrs. Yun Tai and Co. on 4th April, 1929 for a sum of $38,934.00 but slow progress was made with the work.

Estimates,      $30,000.00

Expenditure, .. $ 9,720.96


P.W.E. Hong Kong. — Q 74 —

164. Water Supply to New Tung Wah Hospital Site (Eastern).—This work was completed in March & consists of a 6" main 2,000 feet in length from Causeway Bay Tram Terminus to the Hospital Site.

Estimates, $5,500.00

Expenditure, $4,387.89

165. North Point Balance Tank.—A Contract for this work amounting to $50,202.50 was awarded to Mr. Ng Wah in November and by the end of the year matsheds had been erected and excavation commenced.

Estimates, $50,000.00

Expenditure, Nil.

166. Praya East Reclamation: —

(a) Contribution by Government towards funds for Reclamation.

(b) Morrison Hill Development, Retaining Walls and Drains.

This work was referred to in paragraph 130 of last year’s Report.

(a) Filling.—The filling in of the reclamation was completed on the 31st May. The quantity of filling material deposited in the reclamation during the year amounted to 17,939 cube yards, making a total of 3,111,099 cube yards, of this total 2,906,120 cube yards was paid as filling from Morrison Hill, the balance (204,979 cube yards) was from other sources, the greater portion coming from East Point Hill. The total area of land formed was approximately 90 acres, of which, about 3 acres was formed during the year.

Sea Wall.—The total length of the sea wall amounts to about 4,995 lineal feet and was completed on the 31st May. The construction was not undertaken of the wet dock at the north-east corner of the reclamation referred to in last year’s Report.

Quay Wall.—The construction was completed of reinforced concrete wharf 23 feet in length connecting the quay wall to the adjacent Admiralty wharf.

Public Pier ‘A’.—This pier is situated at the end of Fenwick Street. The decking, landing steps and fendering -were constructed during the year, thus completing the pier.

Public Pier ‘B’.—The decking of this pier was completed, and the pier opened to traffic.
