1936 Public Works Department Annual Report

Submitted by David on

A copy of the original is available at HKGRO: http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkgro/view/a1936/979.pdf



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Government Buildings were rewired. Twenty-five telephones were installed, improvements and additions were carried out in six buildings in Hong Kong, five in Kowloon and two in New Territories.

31. The laying of two submarine cables and buried land cable work was completed.


32. The volume of the new building works coming under the jurisdiction of the Buildings Ordinance, 1935 shewed a small increase in comparison with the figures for 1935.

33. Alterations and additions to existing buildings comprised a very large proportion of the work carried out. There was a decrease in the number of plans for new European houses but an increase in those of Chinese tenement type. Many buildings of a social character such as Churches and Schools were under construction during the year. (See Table XVI).

34. Plans were approved for the following more important works:—

  • One block of eighteen European flats at junction of Plantation and Plunkett Roads;
  • European house, Stanley Beach Road;
  • Convent, Stanley;
  • European house, Stanley;
  • Pentecostal Church for Chinese, Castle Road;
  • twelve Chinese houses, Hill Road;
  • fourteen Chinese houses, Gloucester Road;
  • eighteen Chinese houses, Stewart Road;
  • twenty-eight Chinese houses, Tonnochy Road;
  • New Cold Storage Building for Dairy Farm, Great George Street;
  • ten Chinese houses, Hennessy Road;
  • office block, 9 Queen’s Road Central;
  • office block, 10 Queen’s Road Central;
  • New Christian Church for Chinese, Tai Hang Road;
  • school for Chinese, to accommodate one hundred and twenty boarders, ten teachers and two hundred and thirty day scholars, Hau Pui Loong;
  • foundations for 100 ton crane, Kowloon Dock;
  • Chinese Roman Catholic Chapel and Quarters, Kak Hang Tsun Road;
  • Christian Church for Chinese, Ma Tau Chung Road;
  • block of European flats sixteen storeys high, Nathan Road;
  • Anglican Church, Waterloo Road;
  • block of four Chinese houses, Austin Road;
  • Private Hospital, Kiu Kiang Street;
  • block of ten Chinese houses, Lai Chi Kok Road;
  • block of four European houses, Nathan Road;
  • block of five Chinese houses, Reclamation Street;
  • extension to Weaving Factory, Un Chau Street.

35. Buildings of importance completed were:—

  • European house, Tai Hang Road;
  • large school for Chinese boys, to accommodate eighty boarders and three hundred and eighty day scholars, Third Street;
  • large residence, Bonham Road;
  • thirteen Chinese houses, Gloucester Road;
  • twelve Chinese houses, Hennessy Road; ten Chinese houses, Heard Street;

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  • six Chinese houses, Lockhart Road;
  • new residential quarters at French Convent;
  • new banks and offices (Marina House) 15 to 19 Queen’s Road Central;
  • Lower Peak Tram Station and flats, Garden Road;
  • new Methodist Church, Hennessy Road;
  • Central British School, off Argyle Street;
  • extension to St. Mary’s School, Austin Road;
  • engineering workshop for China Light and Power Company, Tai Wan Road;
  • block of four Chinese houses, Austin Road;
  • block of six Chinese houses, Lai Chi Kok Road;
  • block of ten Chinese houses, Lai Chi Kok Road;
  • large Chinese residential Hotel, Nathan Road;
  • six houses, European type flats, Nathan Road;
  • four houses, European type flats, Peiho Street;
  • fourteen Chinese houses, Shanghai Street;
  • Public Dispensary, Yee Kuk Street.

36. Occupation permits were issued for 167 Chinese tenement houses, of these eighty-eight were erected in Kowloon and seventy-nine on the Island. Occupation permits issued for seventy-seven European type houses of these fifty were erected in Kowloon and twenty-seven in Hong Kong.

37. A comparative statement of the number and type of buildings in respect of which plans were deposited, is given in Table XIV. Table XVII shews by graph the number of domestic buildings completed annually since 1905.

38. The number of water flushed sanitary installations approved amounted to 2,078.

39. Twelve fires were reported, none resulting in loss of life, this immunity being traceable very largely to the protection afforded by buildings of reinforced concrete construction and to the improved form of staircase now called for.

40. Twelve collapses were reported, eight of which occurred as a result of the severe typhoon experienced in the month of August. There were three deaths and ten people were injured as the result of the typhoon collapses and eight persons were killed and seven injured when defective timbers caused the collapse of Nos. 2 to 8 Woo Sung Street. The total casualties for the year numbered twelve killed and eighteen injured.

41. Reclamation by private enterprise of the remaining area of approximate 18,000 square feet of Kowloon Marine Lot No. 97 was completed.

42. There was only one minor landslip reported which affected private property.

43. The Chinese Cemeteries in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Kowloon were maintained in good order and provision was made for additional burial areas where required. The new area known as New Kowloon Cemetery No. 7, Customs Pass is being developed.


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Wiring for electric lights is in progress.

Expenditure $131,839.20

Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1936 $171,223.37

121. Trade School—Wood Road, Wanchai:—This work was referred to in paragraph No. 109 of last year’s Report. The contract for this new building proceeded satisfactorily and was completed to Contract time on the 29th August, 1936.

The installation of the inside service piping for the cold water supply was completed in July, and a connection made to the main in Wood Road.

Installation of electric lights, fans, power, bells and motors was completed.

Expenditure $126,552.08

Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1936 $162,996.50

122. Central Market—Improvements:—Owing to extensive structural defects appearing in this old market, it was decided to demolish the building and erect a new market on the site. The improvements, therefore, were not proceeded with and no expenditure was incurred.

Expenditure Nil


123. Roads:—Consequent upon the erection of new buildings, kerbing and channelling operations were executed on nine roads, etc., the footpath being paved, scavenging lanes surfaced with cement concrete, any necessary alterations in levels or alignment were carried out.

Expenditure   $13,734.80

124. Drainage—(a) Training Nullahs:—Minor works were carried out.

Expenditure $2,554.65

(b) Miscellaneous Drainage Works:—New main sewers and storm water drains varying from 30" to 4" in diameter to a total length of 930 feet were constructed; the major portion being at North Point and Wongneichong. Two road culverts were extended through South Bay Road to the foreshore of South and Middle Beaches in culvert and open nullah


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184.    Refuse Boat Pier at Kweilin Street, Shamshuipo:— This work was referred to in paragraph 176 of last year’s Report. The only expenditure under this head was on account of the payment of retention money amounting to $500 which became due to the Contractor on expiration of the maintenance period of six months.

Expenditure         $    500.00

Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1936...$11,441.55



185.    Compensation and Resumptions:—Minor resumptions were carried out in connection with the development of the district in accordance with the approved Town Planning Scheme.

Expenditure          $ 42.00



186.    Anti-Malarial Works, including cost of resumptions :—No works were carried out during the year.

Expenditure              $ Nil




187.    Market at Tsun Wan:—Sketch plans were prepared providing accommodation for twelve meat, six vegetable and six fish stalls, coolie quarters and a water-closet and urinal. A contract was let and signed by Messrs. Hop Shing & Co. on 18th February and the work was satisfactorily completed on the 18th August. 413 feet of 2" wrought iron piping were laid under the above head primarily as a supply to the new market. Thirty-one electric lights were installed.

Expenditure                  $11,514.86

Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1936 $26,266.10


188.    Block House and Well—Ta Ku Ling:—Sketch plans were prepared providing accommodation for two European police officers, twenty-six Indian constables, four Indian sergeants, four Chinese detectives, servants quarters and the boring of a well for fresh water supply. A contract was let

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and signed by Messrs. Sang Tai & Co. on the 23rd December.

By the end of the year the work had been laid out and the excavation to foundations was in progress.

Expenditure              $222.32



189.    Roads:—Kerbs, channells and surfacing to road and footpaths were laid in front of the new buildings erected during the year at Taipo Market and Un Long.

Expenditure          $2,508.92


190. Drainage :—(a) Training Nullahs :—Wages and field allowance were paid out of this vote for daily paid foremen engaged at the Air Ministry, Pat Heung Nullah (for which a separate contract was let on 21st March, 1936).

Expenditure     ... $634.68


(b) Miscellaneous Drainage Works:—Storm water drains were constructed to a length of 310 feet, varying in diameter from 18" to 15". One sewer connection was made.

Expenditure          $1,387.69

191.    Miscellaneous:—Work was carried out:—New Territory Dispensaries—new notice boards.

Improvements and additions to the electrical installations were made in six buildings. One electric fan was installed at Un Long Dispensary.

Expenditure      $2,232.34

192.    Water Works Miscellaneous:—The following works were carried out: —515 feet of 4" cast iron piping were laid in Taipo Road, Taipo Market between On Fu Road and Pak Shing Street replacing 4" wrought iron piping; 140 feet of 3" wrought iron piping were laid in Yat San Street, Un Long and 390 feet of 1 1/2" wrought iron piping were laid as a back lane service between Yat Hin Street and Su On Street, Taipo Market. In addition a telephone was installed and several minor alterations were carried out at the Taipo Depot.

Expenditure           $1,667.35



193.    Barbed wire barricades at Sheung Shui, Au Tau, Ping Shan and Sai Kung. Police Stations: —This work consisted of the erection of barbed wire apron fences around
