1938 Public Works Department report

Submitted by David on

View the original online at HKGRO: http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkgro/view/a1938/1056.pdf

Extracts below.


4.    The following is a summary of works carried out during the year —


5.    Works completed were :— market at Wongneichong; hutment camps for refugees at King’s Park, Ma Tau Chung and North Point; quarters for sextons at New Kowloon Cemetery No. 7; engine house at Hung Horn Wireless Station; two (public latrines at Stanley Village; isolation block at Kowloon Hospital and air conditioning of the operating theatre; additional block of flats at Hong Kong Prison; extension to gardeners quarters, Sookunpoo; conversion of the former Victoria Hospital into four flats and the nursing staff quarters into two semi detached houses; additional ward blocks at Kennedy Town Infectious Diseases Hospital; alterations to Central Magistracy to provide a third court and offices; Garage at Taipo; conversion to flush system of Hing Wan Street and Belchers Street Latrines; shelter at Queen Mary Hospital; alterations and additions to convert the lower blocks at the former Lai Chi Kok Prison into a relief hospital and the upper blocks into an infectious diseases hospital; demolition of buildings at Arsenal Street.

6.    Works under construction were :—New Central Market; additions to Tsan Yuk Hospital.

7.    In addition to general maintenance, numerous minor alterations, improvements and additions to government buildings were carried out during the year.


8.    Works completed were :—Superelevation of bends on Wongneichong Gap Road; raising Electric Road to new town planning levels; re-construction of bridge at Deep Water Bay; forming of 6-foot wide approach path to Chai Wan Cemetery; forming access roads to the refugee camps at Ma Tau Chung, King’s Park, and North Point; .road diversion at 5th mile, Taipo Road; forming Customs Pass Road; superelevating and improving Castle Peak Road; forming approach road to Lai Chi Kok Cholera Hospital; surfacing Smugglers Gap Road; surfacing Shatin Pass Road; forming road to Lai Chi Kok bathing beach; road diversion, Sai Kung Road; widening and surfacing Taipo Road from the market to the railway bridge; forming car parks adjoining bathing beaches on the Castle Peak Road; resurfacing Tsun Wan Market Road; forming road from Sheung Shui to Mak Fu Ferry.

9.    Works under construction were :—Superelevation of bends at Stubbs Road and Repulse Bay Road; re-construction of Macdonnell Road bridge; widening and provision of footpath, Bowen Road (between Peak Tram and Garden Road); re-construction of junction of Hennessy Road, Arsenal Street and Queen's Road East; Argyle Street extension; re-construction of Tai Lam Chung Bridge; resurfacing of Chatham Road; resurfacing of Fanling Road; widening of Castle Peak Road near the 15th mile; resurfacing of Castle Peak Road, from Taipo Road to Kom Tsen Road.


Works Not Appearing In Estimates


206. Demolition of Buildings at Arsenal Street:—This work consisted of the demolition of two buildings in Arsenal Yard, and the adjoining old building used as a workshop by the P.W.D. Electrical office, to allow of the re-alignment of Queen’s Road. The work, which was carried out in stages and included the re-erection of a portion of the boundary wall, was commenced in May and completed in August. The contractors were Messrs. Tak Hing & Co., from whom a credit of $6,300 was received for the old materials.


211. Praya East Reclamation:—The re-alignment of Queen’s Road East and Hennessy Road at Arsenal Street junction was put in hand.

The work of re-aligning water mains at this junction was completed. 122 feet of old 10" cast iron main were recovered from Arsenal Street.

New Sewers and storm water drains, varying from 21" to 9" in diameter, were constructed to a total length of 1,921 feet, together with contingent works.

Expenditure      $34,190.96

212. Refugee Camp, North Point:—To accommodate destitute refugees from the war zone in the neighbouring provinces of China a number of camps were erected. The camp at North Point consisted of twenty-six huts, 123'x 18', of timber construction with concrete floors, except the kitchen which has brick walls, together with drainage, channels, water and fire services, roads and a boundary fence. Accommodation was provided for 1,512 persons in twenty-one sleeping huts, one dining hut, one kitchen with store and office, two sanitary blocks containing latrines and ablution accommodation for males and females and including a wash house, one hut containing a baggage room, creche, and quarters for the camp Overseer, and a small hut for watchmen. The contract for the huts was let to Messrs. Cheong Hing Co. on 30th September and the work was satisfactorily completed on 2Sth November. In addition, a hut of similar construction was erected at the expense of the Emergency Refugee Council in connection with welfare work.

The work of surfacing portion of Kam Hong Road and Marble Road to provide access to the camp was carried out under the maintenance contract. Three sewer and one storm water drain connections were made to the existing drainage in Marble Road and King’s Road. 998 feet of 6" cast iron water main were laid in Marble Road. Inside water service piping, and 187 electric lights, and eleven light and power sockets were installed.


217. Refugee Camp, King's Park:—This work was of a similar nature to that carried out at the North Point Camp as described in paragraph 212 of this report. It consisted of the erection of twenty-four huts with accommodation for 1,368 persons. The contract was let to Messrs. Cheong Hing Co. on. 30th September and the work was satisfactorily completed on 28th November. In addition, a hut was erected at the expense of the Emergency Refugee Council in connection with welfare work.

A water supply was given to the camp. This involved the laying of 697 feet of 4" wrought iron main and 15 feet of 4" spun iron main. Four underground fire hydrants were connected to the mains. The inside water service and 169 electric light points and nine light and power wall sockets were installed.

Expenditure      $105,286.09

218. Refugee Camp, Ma Tau Chung:—This work consisted of the erection of thirty-seven huts to provide accommodation for 2,016 persons. The work was of a similar nature and construction as that described in the preceding paragraph, but the camp contains twenty-eight sleeping huts, two dining huts, two kitchens, four sanitary blocks, one hut containing a baggage room, creche, and quarters for the camp overseer, and three small huts for watchmen. The contract was let to Messrs. Yee Lee & Co. on 3rd October and the work was satisfactorily completed on 1st December. It was subsequently decided to utilize the north portion of the camp for the accommodation of interned Chinese soldiers, and additional fencing was erected, together with watch towers and a hut to accommodate the guards, with a kitchen and latrines.

The Roads leading to the camp were kerbed, channelled, macadamized and tar-painted. New sewers and storm water drains, varying in diameter from 15" to 9", were constructed to a total length of 1,875 feet to give connections to the camp. A water supply was provided, which involved the laying of 445 feet of 4" spun iron main and 1,085 feet of 4" wrought iron main. Five underground fire hydrants were connected to the mains, and the inside water service was installed and connected to twelve storage tanks. 245 electric light points and fourteen electric light and power wall sockets were installed.

Expenditure      $231,172.10


115. Macdonnell Road Bridge—Re-construction:—This work consisted of demolishing the existing bridge over the Peak Tramway at Macdonnell Road and constructing a new bridge in reinforced concrete, supported on granite columns. The contract was awarded to Messrs. Lain Woo dz. Co. in October. Work was progressing satisfactorily at the end of the year.