1909 Public Works Report

Submitted by David on

A copy of the original document is available online at HKGRO. (You may need to click the link twice to see the document.) Thanks to Herostratus for help providing the text below.



18. Military Lands

As the result of quarrying operations, Mount Cochrane is fast disappearing and the area occupied by the hill will become available for building purposes.

29. Improvements of Public Streets

The new public street, referred to in last year’s report, leading from Queen’s Road East to Praya East about midway between Arsenal and Ship Streets has been resumed by the Government and named Gresson Street. The buildings on the adjacent lots (Marine Lots Nos. 295 and 296 and Inland Lots Nos. 1,797 to 1,800) were nearing completion at the close of the year and the new street will be formed and opened to public traffic in due course.


Work under the Buildings Ordinance


37. Principal Works by Private Firms.—Messrs. Butterfield & Swire continued work on the sea-wall of their Shipyard at Quarry Bay and the erection of Quarters for their employees at Shaukiwan West. The latter were approaching completion.

The Standard Oil Company’s works at Lai Chi Kok were completed during the year. Some extensions however are still being made.

Messrs. Jardine, Matheson & Co.’s new premises in Pedder Street were completed in September.

Work is still in progress on the reconstruction of the southern portion of the Hongkong Hotel.

Work on the extension of the Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co's No. 1 Dock at Hunghom was carried on during the year but is not yet completed.

Several extensions of the Green Island Cement Co.’s works at Hok Un were made during the year.

Among other works which have been commenced or completed during the year the following may be mentioned :—

Works commenced.

14 Chinese houses on I.L. 796, Third Street.

Seamen's Institute on M.L. 295, Praya East.

4 Semi-European houses on M.L. 296, Praya East.

3 houses and godowns on I.L. 1.588, Whitfield.

6 European houses on K.I.L. 522 R.P. and K.I.L. 548 Sec. A., Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Hospital near Q.B.I.L. 7, Quarry Bay.

4 Chinese houses on K.I.L. 1,211, Shek Shan.

Swimming Bath at Murray Pier for Victoria Recreation Club.

Rope Factory extension on I.L. 906, Smithfield Street, Kennedy Town.

6 Chinese houses on S.I.L. 377, Shaukiwan.

4            „                        „    418,     ,,

Kwong Wah Hospital on K.I.L. 1,213, Dundas Street, Yaumati.

8 Chinese houses on N.K.I.L. 17, Sham Shui Po.

Extensions to the Italian Convent on I. L. 58 R.P., Caine Rd.

Works completed.

5    Chinese houses on K.I.L. 1,078, Mongkok.

6    European houses on K.I.L. 609, Nathan Road, Kowloon.

6 Chinese houses on Lot 1,568 S.D. II, Peng Shek, Ngau Chi Wan.

4    Chinese houses on K.M.L. 31, Sec. A, 70-74, Reclamation Street, Yaumati.

5    Chinese houses on K.M.L. 30, Secs. A and B. 78-86, Reclamation Street, Yaumati.

4 new European houses on I.L.’s 341, 342. Nos. 21-27; Shelley Street.

6    new Chinese houses on I.L. 1,780, Shaukiwan Road.

12 new Chinese houses on I.L.’s 1,798, 1,799. Nos. 62-84. Queen’s Road East.

New Plague Hospital on I.L. 1,793, Third Street.

4    new houses on K.I.L. 198, Nos. 157-163. Kramer Street, Taikoktsui.

Extension of St. Stephen’s College on I.L. 694.

5    blocks of hospital buildings for Tung Wah Hospital, New Street, on I.L.’s 835, 1,208, 1,209.

Terrace of houses on I.L. 1,300, Hill Road.

6 blocks comprising 32 houses on S.M.L.’s 5-10, Shaukiwan.


39. Extension of old Stables to provide additional office accommodation required for the Public Works Department. 

This work - begun in 1908, was completed during the year


The extension consisted of an addition nf 38 feet. to the length of the building at its Western end and the raining of its walls so as to provide an additional storey, thus milking it 2 stories high throughout. ~ By these additions, six rooms. ranging in size from 28’ 0” x 15’ 6” to 21’ 0” x 15’ 6" were rendered available for the Public Works Department. four being used to accommodate the Engineering Staff, one for an Overseer's‘ Office and one for a Telephone Workshop and Store. Three rooms, one measuring 31’ 0" x 15’ 7” and the remaining two 14’ 10” x 15’ 1”, were devoted to messengers’ quarters and at small cement-testing room was also procured. A covered way was erected across Lower Albert Road to connect the new offices with the main block. Lavatory accommodation was provided in a small outbuilding and a trough closet supplied with water from Albany Nullah was installed in part of the old outhouses for the use of the messenger stall. 


The above extensions enabled the old Praya Reclamation Office and a matshed adjoining the  Government Offices which had been occupied as an overseer’s office for a number of years, to be dispensed with, both structures being pulled down. They also admitted of the conversion of a portion of the main block hitherto occupied as a store and a cement-testing room into an additional office



75. Permanent Stairway to Ballroom, Government House

A contract  for the erection of this stairway was entered into with Mr.Chan A Tong on the 31st March and the work was completed

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at the end of October. lt consists of a stairway from the ballroom verandah affording direct access to the grounds. A wide stairway from the verandah descends to a landing and roof garden below which it branches into two flights of steps leading to ground level. A summer house is provided underneath the roof garden and stores underneath the flights of steps.


The work generally was constructed of brickwork in cement mortar, finished with plaster; the steps and landings being of granite.


The summer house and roof garden were paved with 4'” x 4" tiles, laid on cement concrete, a layer of asphalte being provided underneath the tiling of the roof garden


It was found necessary to pile the foundations

1909. Estimates, ... $4,500,00 Total Estimates, $5,800.00
1909. Expenditure,    4,486.45 Expenditure to 31 12 09, 4,486.45.

76. Additional Room at Queens College for Pupil Teachers

This work was completed. with the exception of some minor details and some extra work that was ordered towards the close of the year.


It consisted of the erection of a detached building at the South west angle of the main building with which it is connected by a covered way. It. contains one room, 30' 6” square. provided with verandahs. 7’ 6” wide, on two opposite sides, the Whole being constructed on pillars and arches so as to provide a space underneath, 11 feet in height, which is open all round and forms a small covered playground. A portion of one of the verandahs is enclosed to form an ante-room for the use of the master. The room is fitted up with desks, blackboard, electric-light fittings, &c. and a small raised gallery is constructed along one side.

1909. Estimates, ...$8,000.00. Total Estimates, $8,000.00
1909. Expenditure,  3,275.68.  Expenditure to 31 12 09, 3.275.68.
77. Market at Aberdeen.—In consequence of a proposal to lease an area of foreshore, which included the site proposed for the market and under which a considerable improvement in the locality would have been effected, this work was allowed to stand over.

1909. Estimates, ..$2,200.00 | Total Estimates          $2,200.00.

1909. Expenditure, - | Expenditure to 31 12 09, —

78. New Roads in Kowloon.—The following were the works executed under this vote:—
(i.) Extension of Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui.—This work was undertaken for the purpose of affording communication with Yaumati Railway Station. It necessitated the resumption of an area of 73,177 square feet from Kowloon Farm Lot 4, which was effected at the same rate as that paid for the area acquired by arbitration in 1907 for the railway, namely 16 1/2 c. per square foot. The cost of the resumption was $ 13,690.20, which included $1,516 for buildings and $100 for trees.




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The work consisted of the formation of a considerable embankment and the construction of one of the side-walls of a nullah which had to be provided for the drainage of the locality. As communication with the station was also required from Waterloo Road and as this involved a considerable amount of cutting, provision was made in the contract for obtaining the necessary material for Argyle Street embankment from this source. The work was begun towards the close of the year, the expenditure on it, exclusive of the resumption already mentioned, amounting to $1,000.
(ii.) Continuation of Nathan Road from Waterloo Road to K.F.L. 2.—This work was completed at a total cost of $8,961.09 of which $446.73 was expended during the year.
(iii.) Road from Ma Tau Kok to Tai Shek Ku.—This work was completed, the expenditure on it amounting to $627.79, making the total cost $3,723.94. The length of the road is 0'48 mile and its width 8 feet.
1909. Estimates,  $30,000.00.

1909. Expenditure, 15,778.52.

79.  New Roads in New Territories.—The works executed under this heading were the following :—

(i.) Road from Kowloon City to Shatin Pass.— By arrangement with the Military Authorities, a new road was constructed from near Kowloon City to Shatin Pass by way of Chuk Un Village. The road is 2 1/8 miles long and 9 feet in width. It was originally designed to be 7 feet in width but was subsequently widened to 9 feet. From near Kowloon City to beyond Chuk Un Village, it is practically level, but beyond this point it ascends the Kowloon range of hills with gradients varying from 1 in 43.82 to 1 in 5.26 until it reaches Shatin Pass at an elevation of about 960 feet above Ordnance Datum. The surfacing is of decomposed granite except where the road passes through rocky ground where it has been surfaced with concrete. There are 20 culverts, some of which are of considerable size. A side channel of lime and cement concrete has been constructed throughout that portion of the road ascending the hill and numerous cross drains have been provided for the escape of storm water. The work was nearing completion at the close of the year.

The arrangement made with the Military Authorities was that they should contribute one-third of the cost of the section extending from near Kowloon City to Chuk Un and defray the entire cost of the remainder of the road, the Colonial Government undertaking to maintain the whole road in future. The estimated amounts of the Military contributions were $2,000 and $5,700 or a


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More detailed information has been given in a special report on survey work for the 12 months ending 31st March, 1910, prepared at the instance of the Secretary of State and appended to this report (Annexe L). The period dealt with differs however from that covered by this report.

1909. Estimates,    $4,000.00 Total Estimates,. . $11,000.00

1909. Expenditure, ..$ 785.13 Expenditure to 31/12/09, ...    $1,099.78.

89. Reinforced Concrete Piers.-—All the piles for Kowloon City pier extension were driven, the old timber extension being diverted where necessary to admit of this being done. Some dredging was also done in the vicinity of the pier to improve the depth of water. The amount expended during the year was $15,282.94 but this included a sum of $12,300.18 for plant, which will be in great measure recovered when the work is completed and the plant returned into Store.

1909. Estimates, ...$20,000.00 Total Estimates,... $54,300.00

1909. Expenditure, $15,282.94 Expenditure to 31/12/09, .. . 20,857.54.

90. Blake Pier Shelter.—The fixing of the lamps was completed in January and the painting of the ironwork of the shelter was finished during the month of March, thus completing the work.

The total cost was $28,545.70.

1909. Estimates,    $3,555.00 Total Estimates,. $28,100.00

1909. Expenditure,.. 3,554.80 Expenditure to 31/12/09,.    . 28,545.70.

A supplementary vote for the excess was obtained.

91. Miscellaneous Works.—The following are the principal items of expenditure under this heading, representing in some cases only a part of the cost of the works in consequence of their execution extending over more than one year:—

  • Queen’s College:—    $    $
    • Additional store-room for Technical Institute,      290
    • Enclosing verandah for clerk’s room        494
    • Fitting up clerk’s room and providing desks for class rooms,     801
    • Furniture and desks for class rooms,      865
    • Telephone from clerk’s room to Headmaster’s room,     112
    • Overhead fans in class rooms    ... .    404
    • Installation of electric light in rooms 7, 13 and 24,     275
    • Lavatory fittings,     211
    • Sundry small items     50
    •     (Total) 3,502




93. Causeway Bay Typhoon Refuge

Deepening shallow area to one foot below Ordnance Datum.— Reference was made in last year‘s report to the commencement of this work, which was undertaken in accordance with the recommendation of the Public Works Committee (vide minutes of meeting held on 4th January, 1908). The work was nearly completed, 90,000 cubic yards of material being removed during the year. A portion of this material, amounting to 34,000 cubic yards, was utilized in reclaiming an area of foreshore between Marine Lots 285 and Inland Lot 1.588, extending to 99,570 square feet in area. The reclamation is protected by a rubble mound faced with a pitched slope.


Reconstruction and Extension. - The contract for the reconstruction and extension of the Albany Filter Beds was completed by Messrs. Sang Lee & Co. The contractors, in August

The whole of the walls of the building, with the exception of those of the Clock Tower, were practically built to the required height.

The main cornice extending round the verandahs was fixed. For the balustrade of the verandahs, a large proportion of the plinth was set and many of the granolithic balusters and much of the coping were fixed. The flat concrete roof of the verandahs was also constructed.

The central gables on the three principal fronts were built to about half the required height; the small gables on these fronts and those on the West front being nearly completed.

The main granite cornice round the towers at the South-east and North-east angles of the building was partly fixed.

The steel framing for the flat roof covering that portion of the main building adjoining the central yard was fixed and the cornice round walls of same was set.

The steel trusses and a number of the steel joists used as principals in the construction of the roof of the main building were fixed and also the steel girder carrying part of the tower at the North-east angle.

Most of the timber framing for the roof of the Chinese Quarters on the West front was fixed.

A large proportion of the special cement tiles for the gable roofs was made.

The plastering of the internal surfaces of walls and pointing of external surfaces were both well advanced at the close of the year.

Doors, easements, floor and ceiling boards and other portions of the joinery work were prepared ready for fixing.

The average number of Masons employed daily on the site was 81.

1909. Estimates;               $180,000.00

Total Estimates,                           $930,000.00

1909. Expenditure,           $153,454,63

Expenditure to 31/12/09,           $673,751.04