1915 Public Works Department's report

Submitted by David on

Copy of original available online at HKGRO.



20. Sites for Booths at the Race Course. - A sum of $10,507 was realized by the letting of sites for the erection of booths and stands at Happy Valley during the Race Meeting.


B. O. Work. — Q 20 —

A sum of $1,851.00 was derived from fees paid in connection with the issue of licences. This includes the following cases in which the nominal fee of $1.00 was sanctioned by the Governor in Council:—the Union Church Hall; the playground of St. Paul’s College; Queen’s College Hall; the Catholic Union Hall and the compound of the Roman Catholic Cathedral. The foregoing places are in addition to those mentioned in preceding Reports.

44. Fires.—The following buildings were seriously injured by fire, some of them being damaged to such an extent as to require reconstruction :—

180 Des Voeux Road Central.

111 and 113 Jervois Street.

2 and 4 Tsz Mi Alley.

2 and 4 Tsui Lung Lane.

24-30 (even numbers) Tai Ping Shan Street.

158 Queen’s Road East.

8-11 Star Street.

62-72 (even numbers) Main Street, Shaukiwan East.

37-39 Main Street, Aberdeen.

Glass factory, Tai Wan, N.K.I.L. 53.

Sugar factory, Canton Road, K.M.L. 56.

79 Sai Kok.

In addition to the above, a timber-yard and sheds on I.L. 954, Kennedy Town, were destroyed by fire.

In the case of the fire at 2 and 4 Tsui Lung Lane, 5 persons met their death.

45. Reclamations.— The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were in progress during the year:—

                                 Area in Sq. Ft.

Shaukiwan Inland Lot 433,             11,268

Marine Lot 321, North Point,         125,000

The Old Police Basin, Kowloon Point,* 22,615

The areas stated are those of the lots, which extend further inland than old high water mark and are therefore not exclusively reclaimed from the sea.

* In accordance with the arrangements made with the Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Co. in 1912, the Police Basin was handed over to them in exchange for certain land required for the terminal station of the kowloon-Canton Railway.

46. Principal Works of a Private Nature. The erection of one block of students’ quarters and of 5 houses for the staff of the Hongkong University on Inland Lot 1877 was completed and considerable progress was made with the erection of a second block of students’ quarters. An engineering workshop and a gas-producer house on Inland Lot 1853 were completed and the construction of a carpenters’ workshop, an extension to the Hydraulic Laboratory and of two buildings to serve as quarters for coolies and watchmen in connection with the University was commenced.

The University Recreation Ground (Inland Lot 1949), Pokfulam Road, was turfed and fenced in and the construction of a pavilion was commenced.

The new and extensive premises for the Sincere Company in Wing Wo Street were completed.

Considerable progress was made with the erection of the ‘Helena May’ Institute on Inland Lot 2083, Garden Road.

The development of Inland Lot 1947, on the ridge east of Happy Valley was proceeded with, 6 European residences being completed. The erection of one other residence was still in progress.

The Maternity Wards in connection with the Matilda Hospital on Mount Kellett Road were completed, though not certified before the end of the year.

Two blocks of flats on Inland Lot 1929, May Road were completed.

Progress was made with the erection of some new oil tanks at Lai Chi Kok for the Standard Oil Co.

A new station on the Peak Tramway was constructed adjoining May Road.

The reclamation of a new site for the works of the Hongkong Electric Co., (Marine Lot 321), at North Point, was commenced and was well advanced by the close of the year.

The buildings formerly occupied by the Hongkong Cotton Spinning and Weaving Co. on Inland Lot 1018, Causeway Bay, were acquired by the French Convent for occupation as a Hospital, Orphanage, School, Sisters’ Quarters, &c. This has necessitated considerable alterations to the buildings, of which only the Orphanage was completed by the end of the year.

Amongst other works which have been commenced or completed during the year, the following may be mentioned : —

Works  commenced.

9 Chinese houses, S.I.L.’s 420, 421 and 422, Sai Wan Hu.

6    „    „    I.L. 2086 Whitfeild.

3    ,,    ,,    I.L. 2084, Tunglowan.

3    „    ,,    I.L. 1970, Whitfeild.

2    „    ,,    I.L. 1723, Whitfeild.

2    ,,    ,,    I.L. 2093, Ship Street.

20    ,,    ,,    I.L. 1296, Kennedy Town.

2    ,,    „    I.L. 2119, Star Street.

7    ,,    „    I.L. 210, Hollywood Road.

8    ,,    ,,    K.I.L. 1262, Argyle Street.

11 European houses, I.L.’s 1923 and 1945, Kennedy Road

2    ,,    ,,    I.L. 1910, Kennedy Road.

2    I.L.’s 1931 and 1938, Kennedy Road.

2    ,,    ,, I.L.’s 2080 and 2090, Mount Davis.

2    ,,    ,,    I.L. 711, Conduit Road.

2    „    R.B.L.’s 2 and 138, Peak.

4    ,,    ,,    K.I.L. 576, Chatham Road.

2    ,,    ,,    K.I.L. 1171, Austin Avenue.

5    ,,    ,,    K.I.L. 1293, Nathan Road.

2 blocks of European flats, K.I.L. 1292, Jordan Road.

Indian School, I.L. 2121, Sookunpo.

Godown, 94 Praya East.

Mosque, I.L 268, Shelley Street.

New School, I.L. 833, Battery Road.

Additions to the China Light, and Power Co.’s Station, H.H.I.L. 225, Chatham Road.

Temple, N.K.I.L. 67, Shamshuipo.

Temple, Lot 1656, Ngau Shi Wan.

Dispensary, K.I.L. 1296, Kansu Street.

Wharf opposite, K.M.L. 91, Canton Road.

Godown and wharf, K.M.L. 88, Salisbury Road.

Forming sites for building operations : — I.L. 2070, Ship Street; I.L.’s 1923, 1944, 1945, 2072 and 2074, Kennedy Road ; R.B.L. 138, Lugard Road ; I.L. 2053, Babington Path; N.K.I.L. 63, Ngau Tau Kok; K.M.L. 87, Reclamation Street; and K.F.L. 3, Waterloo Road.

Works completed.

15 Chinese houses, M.L. 64a, Praya East and Tai Wong  Lane.

8    „    „    M.L. 64, Praya East.

48    ,,    ,,    M.L. 40, Praya East, Amoy Street and Swatow Street.

*26    „    ,,    M.L. 110, Praya East, Burrows Street, Mallory Street and Wanchai Road.

3    „    „    I.L. 1943, Whitfeild.

6    „        „    I.L. 834. Hill Road.

7    ,,    ,,    I.L 798, Third Street.

5    „    „    I.L. 2040, Tai Hang. I.L. 2085, Tai Hang.

3    ,,    ,,    I.L.’s 1036, 1037 and 1038, Whitfeild.

8    ,,    ,,    I.L. 472, Percival Street.

6    ,,    ,,    M.L.’s 18 and 53a, I.L.’s 1959 and    2000, Des Voeux Road Central.

7    ,,    ,,    I.L. 798, Queen’s Road West.

12    „    „    IL. 2087, Tai Hang.

3    ,,    ,,    S.I.L's 434 and 435, Shaukiwan.

8    ,,    ,,    S I.L.’s 63 and 64. Shaukiwan.

+27    ,,    ,,    K.I.L. 571 R.P., Nathan Road, Saigon Street and Cheung Lok Street.

18    ,,    ,,    K.I.L. 1286, Reclamation Street and Kansu Street.

3    ,,    ,,    K.I.L. 1282, Portland Street.

4    ,,    ,,    K.I.L.’s 1223 and 1292, Kowloon City    Road.

§ 8    ,,    ,,    N.K.I.L. 46, Shamshuipo.

12 European houses, I.L’s 690 and 691, Bonham Road.

12    „    „    IL. 729, Leighton Hill Road.

6    „    „    I.L. 124, Old Bailey. 

++4    ,,    ,,    I.L.’s 1934 and 1941, Kennedy Road.

1    ,,    ,,    I.L. 1940, Kennedy Road.

11    ,,    ,,    I L. 2039, Broadwood Road and Broadwood Terrace.

|| 3    ,,    ,,    I.L 1926, Wongneichong.

**2    „    „    RBL. 1, Peak.

4    ,,    ,,    K.I.L. 414, Middle Road.

Silencers and coolers for Hongkong Electric Co.’s Power Station, I.L. 1210, Star Street.

Cinema Theatre, I.L. 834, Hill Road.

Acetylene Gas Factory and Godown, I.L. 2082, Kennedy Town.


  • * 6 of these houses were not certified as the new private street, known as Mallory Street, was not completed.
  • + In addition to the 20 houses appearing in last years Report under “Works commenced", 7 others were begun in 1915.
  • § These were grouped in last year's Report with 7 houses on N.K.I.L. 41 which have not been completed.
  • ++ In addition to the 2 houses appearing in last year's Report under “Works commenced", 2 others were begun in 1915.
  • || Of the 10 houses mentioned in last year's Report, 7 were still uncompleted at the end of 1915.
  • ** In this case, an existing house was converted into two, the conversion entailing extensive reconstruction.

Coal Godown and machinery house, &c., S.M.L. 1, Sai Wan Ho.

Brewery and quarters, N.K.I.L. 60, Cheung Sha Wan.

Knitting Factory, K.I.L. 1260, Portland Street.

Godown and quarters, I.L. 2040, Tai Hang.

Temple and Dispensary. N.K.I.L, 54. Shamshuipo.

Wharf and spare gear store, Q.B.M.L. 2, Quarry Bay.

Godown, I.L. 1723, Whitfeild.

Knitting Factory, I.L. 1580, Causeway Bay.

Machinery shop and godown, M.L. 285, North Point.

Sports Pavilion, Queen’s Recreation Ground.

Billiard room and pavilion, I.L. 609b, Bonham Road.

Sugar Factory Furnaces, I.L. 905, Kennedy Town.

Retaining wails and fish-pond, I.L. 1355, Kennedy Town. Antimony Furnaces, I.L. 1703, Kennedy Town.

Godown, N.K.I.L. 48, Shamshuipo.

Godown, K.M.L. 56, Mongkoktsui.

Factory, K.M.L. 85, To Kwa Wan.

Soap Factory, Lot 7245, Kowloon City.

Pier, M.L 106. Connaught Road West.

Godown, I.L. 1301, Catchick Street.

Soy Factory, M.L. 239, Kennedy Town.

Cinema Theatre, I.L. 673 R.P., Queen’s Road West.

Workshop, K.I.L. 216, Battery Street.

Forming sites for building operations, I.L. 1937, Macdonnell Road.

There were numerous other buildings besides those mentioned above, which were either commenced or completed during the year, but they were not of sufficient magnitude or importance to justify special mention.

The following buildings, &c., mentioned in last year’s Report were not completed by the 31st December, 1915 :—

* 7 Chinese houses, N.K.I.L. 41, Shamshuipo, + 7 European houses, I.L. 1926, Wongneichong.

++ Schoolhouse, I.L. 1937, Macdonnell Road.

Workshops and packing sheds, N.K.I.L. 53, Tai Wan.

School in connection with Rosary Church, K.I.L. 617, Chatham Road.

Forming sites for building operations, I.L.’s 1931, 1938 and 1948, Kennedy Road; I.L.’s 690 and 691, Bonham Road ; I.L. 953, Belchers Street; K.I.L.’s 1283 and 1284, Ho Mun Tin ; and K.I.L.’s 640 and 1267, Ma Tau Kok.


97.Married Quarters for Police, Caine Road.—These quarters were completed and several of the flats were occupied during November. As explained in last year’s Report, the quarters have been erected on the site rendered available by the abolition of old No. 2 Tank and the diversion of Bonham Road. As the site consisted of made ground, the foundations of the buildings had to be extensively piled, the large amount of piling required causing some delay in the execution of the work.

The work comprised the erection of a large 3-storied building, containing nine flats, with servants’ quarters in the rear, or to the south of the main building. Five of the flats contain a living room, 19' 0"x 15' 0", two bedrooms, 16' 0'' x 15' 0" and 16' 0"x 14' 6" respectively, two bathrooms, a pantry and a store ; whilst the remaining four flats, in addition to the accommodation already stated, contain a third bedroom varying from 14' 10" x 7' 0" to 11' 6" x 6' 4". Each flat is provided with a European kitchen and the necessary servants’ quarters conveniently placed. Verandahs, 5' 0" wide, with a commodious bay opposite each living room, extend along the front of all the flats, and balconies and bridges afford access to the servants’ quarters, to which a separate entrance is provided on the ground floor.

The walls are of brickwork throughout, faced externally, up to first floor level, with Formosa bricks, above which they are generally covered with rough-cast. Architectural effect is obtained HK the introduction, where the hays project, of pilasters formed of alternate hands of red facing bricks and cast concrete blocks and by the use of panels and cornices, etc., which are finished in fine cement. The walls of the main building are plastered internally. The floors throughout are of reinforced concrete, finished with hardwood flooring boards, except in the case of the verandahs, where they are laid with 4"x4" red tiles, and the servants’ quarters, where they are laid with granolithic. All stairs are of cement concrete, with cast iron nosings. The roofs, except in the case of the verandahs and servants’ quarters, which are of cement concrete finished with “ Ruberoid ”, are covered with double pan and roll tiling. Electric light and electric hells have been installed throughout all the quarters.

1915 Estimates,...$41,500.00  Total Estimates, $64,000.00
1915 Sup. Vote,... 9,690.00  
1915 Expenditure, 51,140.80  Expenditure to 31/12/15, 64,540.98

A balance of $9,135.94, due in connection with the construction and equipment of the quarters, remained outstanding at the close of the year.

The cost, per flat, has amounted to $8,186.


P.W.E, Hongkong. — Q. 58 —

of materials had also been delivered on the site and the preparation of woodwork, granite, etc., had been began. Certain concrete blocks, which will replace granite dressings in various parts of the building were in course of manufacture at the Government quarry, Tsat Tsz Mui.

1915 Estimates, $50,000.00 | Total Estimates, $61,000.00*

                           | Expenditure to

1915 Expenditure, 6,682.85 | 31/12/15,          6,682.85

104. Extension of Central Police Station.—It was decided to confine operations to the resumption of the property required in connection with this scheme, which embraced the whole of Inland Lot 3. Action was taken accordingly, the whole of the property being acquired by the close of the year. The cost of the resumption was as follows:—

Compensation paid to owners, including 10% for

compulsory sale,                       $242,787.00

Fees of 3 valuers engaged Government and

retaining fee to Counsel,                 1,575.00

Total,                                 $244,362.60

105. Roads:—

(a.) Victoria Gap to High West Gap—Lugard Road Extension.— A sum of $10,000 was provided in the Estimates towards the construction of another section of this road in the direction of High West, but it was decided not to proceed with the work and no ex-

penditure was incurred.

(b.) Aberdeen to Deep Water Bay.—This work was completed by the close of the year, with the exception of some of the surfacing. A general description of the road, with the exception of the bridges and some minor matters, was given in last year’s Report.

The principal bridge, which spans the large stream skirting the western boundary of the golf links contains two 20' 0" spans, the abutments and piers being of masonry in cement mortar with dressed granite quoins to the centre pier. The decking, which is 6" thick, is entirely of reinforced concrete, supported on five reinforced concrete beams. The beams are 12" wide and from 23" to 26" deep and are reinforced with three straight rods, 1" diameter, along the bottom and six bent rods, 1" and 7/8" diameter, along the top. The decking is reinforced with 1/2" rods spaced 3 1/2" apart. An

*The sum of $80.000 appearing in the Estimates for 1915 as the estimated cost of quarters for Subordinate Officers included provision for the erection of a Liquors Ordinance Office, adjoining the Harbour Office, which was to be largely utilized as quarters.

— Q 59 — P.W.E. Hongkong.

invert of rubble stone, set in lime and cement mortar, has been constructed under the bridge and the east abutment has been protected with rubble pitching similarly set.

A second bridge of two 14' 0" spans was also constructed over a deep gully on the coast-line. Its construction was similar to the one already described, the beams in this case being 10" wide and 18" deep.

It was found necessary to protect the outer edge of the road and this was done partly with stone parapet walls and partly with earth mounds. The parapet walls are built of coursed rubble in lime and cement mortar, 3' 0" high, surmounted with a semi-circular cement concrete coning, the earth mounds, which are of the same height, being formed with a batter of 1 in 3 and turfed. The aggregate length of the former is 1,400 feet and of the latter 600 feet.

The road is surfaced with asphaltum carpeting, 3/4" thick, laid on macadam, 4" thick.

A small area adjoining the golf links was macadamized to form a stand for motor cars and several passing-places, also for motor ears, were formed on the length of the old and narrow road between the Aberdeen Paper Mills and the commencement of the new road. Some sharp bends in the old road near the Dock Co.’s premises, west of Aberdeen Village, were also eliminated by diverting a short length of roadway.

Certain liabilities in connection with the work were outstanding at the close of the year.

1915 Estimates, $36,000.00 | Total Estimates,  $48,000.00

Expenditure to

1915 Expenditure, 28,957.13 | 31/12/15, ... 40,812.97

(c.) Deep Water Bay to Stanley and Stanley to Shaukiwan — Improvements.—A certain amount of work of this nature was carried out in 1914 under “General Works” (vide items (iii) and (iv). p. 54 of last year’s Report). It was decided that no further work should be executed at present and the sum provided in the Estimates for 1915 ($5,000) was allowed to lapse.

(d.) General Works.—The following is a statement of the works executed under this heading, except those of a trifling nature. The sum stated is, in some cases, only a part of the cost, owing to the work extending into more than one year :—

  • (i.) Tai Wong Street. East (formerly Tai Wong Lane)—Forming, surfacing, kerbing and channelling portion widened to 30 feet, ... . . $2,131.82
  • (ii.) Amoy and Swatow Streets (extensions to Praya East of ‘cul-de-sacs’ formerly known as Amoy and Swatow Lanes)—-Forming, surfacing, kerb-


P.W.E. New Territories. — Q 94

157. Market, Tai O.—It was decided to postpone the execution of this work and no expenditure was incurred.

158. Tai Po Land Office,—Additions to provide quarters for Bailiff.—As it was found impossible to obtain what was regarded as a satisfactory tender for this work from local Contractors, it was decided to carry out the work departmentally, all plant, labour, materials, etc., being provided directly by the Government. Work was begun in July and was practically completed by the end of the year.

The work consists of the erection of a second storey over a portion of the Tai Po Land Office, the building having been originally designed to take a second storey. The accommodation provided includes a living room, 19' 4"x 16' 4", two bedrooms, 16' 4" x 16' 0" and 17' 4''xl7' 0" respectively, a verandah, 19'0"x 8'0'', a hall, 17' 0" X 8' 0", two bathrooms, a European kitchen, a store, a coal cellar and 3 servants’ rooms. An internal concrete stair gives access to the quarters and an external concrete stair to the servants’ quarters. Externally the extension is in conformity with the original building, the walls being of brickwork in cement, with granite dressings, the whole being roofed with double pan and roll tiling.

1915 Estimates,   $7,500.00 | Total Estimates, $7,500.00

1915 Sup. Vote,    6,480,00 |


                 $13,980.00 | Expenditure to

1915 Expenditure, 13,954.89 | 31/12/15,        13,954.89

159Police Station,—Ta Ku Ling,—It was decided to postpone the execution of this work and no expenditure was incurred.

160. Roads : —

(a.) Extension at Castle Peak Bay, including construction of Pier. —This work was fully described in last year’s Report (p. 85). The road and pier were completed by the end of March. ‘

1915 Estimates, $1,000.00 | Total Estimates, . $11,600.00

                          | Expenditure to 

1915 Expenditure,  716.58 | 31/12/15,    ...    11,240.00

(b.) Tai Po to Fan Ling, including bridging river.—This road was fully described in last year’s Report (p. 86).

The whole of the work was finally completed in June and all liabilities were discharged before the close of the year.

1915 Estimates, ...$ 6,000.00 | Total Estimates,  $46,000.00

1915 Sup. Vote, ... 10,810.09 |


                   $16,810.09 | Expenditure to

1915 Expenditure,   16,810.09 |    31/12/15,       53,592.34

Q 95 — P.W.E. New Territories.

The total cost of the work ($53,592.34) includes a sum of $4,315.44 spent on widening that portion of the road extending from, the Shataukok Light Railway to the road leading to the Fanling Golf Course. The estimate of $46,000 included no provision for this work.

Two sums, amounting in all to $71.11, which had been drawn for payment of compensation in respect of land resumed in connection with the widening of the road were refunded to the Treasury.

(c.) Kam Tin to Fanling through Ha Tsia Gap, Section A.— It was decided to postpone the execution of this work and no expenditure was incurred on it.

(d.) Castle Peak to Shataukok,—Bridge over Au Tau Creek.— The bridging of the Au Tau Creek, which is necessary in order to connect up the portions of road to the north and south of that waterway and so make available throughout for wheeled traffic the road which now extends from Kowloon Point, via Taipo and Fanling, to Castle Peak Bay,—a distance of 41 miles,—was undertaken, a Contract for the work being let in May to Mr. Ah Fung. Considerable lengths of the road have a width of only 6 feet, but by far the greater portion has a minimum width of 14 feet and it is intended to widen the remainder to 20 feet.

The bridge is being constructed throughout of ferro-concrete, supported on ferro-concrete piles and, by the close the year, the whole of the piles (48 in number) had been made and 31 of them had been driven down to hard bottom. The depth to which the piles have been driven below the surface of the ground varies from 12 1/2 to 18 feet. 

A Contract was let in August to one of the local Village Elders for forming the earthwork approaches to the bridge, the necessary material for which is being obtained from an extensive mangrove swamp adjoining the creek. The excavation which is being executed in order to obtain material for forming the embankments will result, in improving the stream-course. Satisfactory progress had been made with the work, which is partly tidal, at the close of the year.

1915 Estimates, ...$26,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$29,000.00

                              | Expenditure to

1915 Expenditure,   10,350.76 |    31/12/15,     ... 10,350.76

(e.) Fanling to Castle Peak, Bay,—Widening to 20 feet the section extending from road leading to Fanling Golf Course to San Tin Village (3.6 miles).—Two Contracts for the execution of the necessary earthworks were let in July to the local Village Elders, the portion of road dealt with being divided into two convenient sections for this purpose, while a third Contract was similarly let for extending the culverts ???dmit of the widening of the road. It was decided nor to widen the 3-span (75 feet) bridge at Kam Tsun which is at present 14 feet wide.
