1925 Public Works Department Annual Report

Submitted by David on

(A scanned copy of the original document is available at HKGRO.)


— Q 31 — B. O. O. Work.

28. Improvements etc., to Private Streets.—In connection with improvements to private streets, footways under verandahs, balconies, etc., apportionments were made in 352 eases involving 527 separate accounts which totalled $93,953.72.

In addition to the above several accounts were prepared in connection with work carried out by the drainage office. There were also the usual accounts for fees for disconnecting traps on Crown Land.

Accounts for shoring and other work due from owners of private properties or their contractors were dealt with in the usual manner.

29. Improvements etc., to Public Streets.—The policy of requiring houses, when undergoing reconstruction, to be built at a higher level where necessary in order to provide for the future raising of certain low-lying areas in Hong Kong and Kowloon has been continued. In some cases, arrangements were made allowing the ground floors to be retained at their existing levels upon owners giving an undertaking to raise such floors when the raising of the street is carried out.

30. Footways.—Attention has been given under Section 134 of the P. H. & B. O. (clause 11 of Schedule G) to footways under verandahs and balconies, any necessary repairs being carried out by this Department at the cost of the owners of the property from which such verandahs and balconies project.

31. Typhoon and Rainstorm Damages.—The exceptional rainfall during the months of June and July resulted in considerable damage to property. In June a retaining wall erected on the East side of I.L. 2354, Stubbs Road, to support spoil gave way, causing damage to other private property below the site, and a very large quantity of debris etc., was washed across the Wongneichong Road on to Happy Valley. Two persons were killed.

In June further damage was caused by flooding in the vicinity of Wongneichong Village; roofs, flank, front and rear walls of fifteen houses collapsed or were otherwise rendered dangerous, but no casualties were reported. Further damage was done by floods in July, when certain of the village houses collapsed. No casualties were reported.

A washout occurred at Causeway Bay, with damage in two places to the new road from Causeway Bay to North Point near I.L. 2301.

The old Kaulungtong Village was flooded and about fifty houses collapsed. There were no casualties.


— Q 33 —    B. O. O. Work.

36.    Applications and Appeals to the Governor-in-Council under Sec. 265.—Applications for modifications of various sections of the Ordinance were made to the Governor-in-Council in 10 cases, of which 8 were granted 4 (conditionally) and the other 2 refused.

There were two appeals to the Governor-in-Council both of which were allowed.

37.    Cemeteries.—Work in connection with the formation of new terraces etc., to afford additional grave spaces was carried out in the following cemeteries:—

  • Chai Wan,
  • Kai Lung Wan,
  • Shum Wan,
  • Kowloon Central Cemeteries.

38.    Fires.—Several fires occurred during the year, of which those at the following places were the more serious: —

January 55-61, Woosung Street.—All four houses were badly damaged, and there were 9 casualties.
March K.I.L. 894, Pine Street.—The premises which were occupied as a glass factory and foundry were completely gutted. No casualties.
April No. 5, Peak Road, R.B.L. 58.—European dwelling, partly gutted. No casualties.
September I.L. 2324, Whitfield.—The premises which were occupied as a garage and printing works were gutted. No casualties.
December 207-211, Des Voeux Road, West.—The premises were gutted. No casualties.

39.    Collapses :—The most serious collapse of recent years occurred on July 17th at Po Hing Fong, where five houses as the result of a landslide causing the destruction of a retaining wall were destroyed.

The destruction of the houses was sudden and complete, and the loss of life was consequently heavy, the casualties numbering 75 killed and 20 injured.

The following is a list of other important collapses, from which it will be noted that retaining walls were involved for the most part: —

February  99 and 101, Wuhu Street, Hunghom. 7 Fokis were injured, but none fatally.
April Retaining wall supporting approach path to No. 1, Mosque Terrace, No casualties.

Portion of retaining wall on K.I.L. 1627 Homuntin. No casualties.
June 93 and 94, Tokwawan. No casualties.

Portion of retaining wall at N. W. comer of I.L. 2411, Tunglowan. No casualties.


B. O. O. Work. — Q 34 —


Retaining wall supporting approach path to I.L 1744, Kennedy Road. No casualties.

Retaining walls at the Mohammadan Cemetery. No casualties.

40. Landslips.—Landslips occurred at different intervals throughout the year, but mostly during the wet season. Three slips resulted in the deaths of workmen or persons in the vicinity The slips were due in most cases to development works in progress on the lots.

The following is a statement showing the locations of the several slips: —


  • Large rock dislodged at I.L. 1946 Broadwood Road. 1 workman killed.


  • Landslide at I.L. 2289 Robinson Road. 3 persons killed.


  • Small slip at I.L. 1772, No. 2, May Road. No casualties.


  • Landslide near I.L. ’s 2237 & 2238, Bowen Road. No casualties.


  • Landslip at the rear of Leighton Hiil Road. No casualties.
  • Landslips at the rear of Nos. 5 & 7 and 15 & 17, Magazine Gap Road. No casualties.
  • Landslip behind the Mortuary, Hill Road. No casualties.


  • Landslip above the Ho Miu Ling Hospital, Robinson Road and Breezy Path. No casualties.


  • Landslip near I.L. 1744, Kennedy Road. 4 coolies killed.

41. Reclamations.—The following is a statement of the private- reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year: —

Area in sq. ft.

Q.B.M.L. 1 (additions to) Quarry Bay (in

   progress).................................... 33,600

M. L.’s 430 & 431, North Point (in progress)... 833,975

N.K.M.L.'s 6 & 7, Laichikok, (in ............./ 374,400

   progress)................................. \ 630,000

N.K.M.L. 8, Laichikok, (almost completed,

but a small amount of levelling off is

required) ..................................... 514,150

N.K.I.L.’s 520 & 521, Cheung Sha Wan, (in

progress)  ..................................... 51,750

K.I.L.’s 1558 to 1561, Mataukok, (in

progress) ..................................... 407,985

Tsun Wan I.L.’s 1 to 4, (in progress) ......... 498,750

Tsun Wan M.L. 2 (work was commenced) .......... 874,400


— Q 35 — B. O. O. Work.

In connection with the reclamation of about 215 acres of foreshore and sea-bed at the head of Kowloon Bay, referred to in previous years’ reports, work was continued, and R.C.C. bridges over the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Nullahs were completed.

42. Principal Works of a Private Nature.—The following blocks of business premises, etc., in the City were completed during the year : —

  • The reconstruction of the Carlton Hotel, now known as the Hotel Metropole on I.L. 644, Ice House Street.
  • An office block on I.L. 669 No. 7, Duddell Street.
  • An office block on I.L.’s 1871 R.P. and 1872 R.P., Nos. 236 and 238, Des Voeux Road, Central.
  • The reconstruction in R.C.C. of a five-storeyed Chinese Bank and Office Block on I.L. 43 Sec. A, R.P., Nos. 118 to 120, Queen’s Road, Central.
  • The reconstruction of 12 four-storeyed Chinese houses on R.P. and P.R. to M.L. 22 and Southern portion R.P., Nos. 216 to 234, Dos Voeux Road, Central.

The following blocks of business premises, etc., in the City were in course of erection: —

  • New offices for the “South China Morning Post" on I.L. 80, Wyndham Street, were in course of erection. A portion of the building has been completed and occupied.
  • Exchange Building on M.L. 7, Des Voeux Road, Central.
  • An office block on M.L. 102, R.P., Queen’s Road, Central.
  • An office block on M.L. 56, Sec. B., R.P., Nos. 144 to 150, Des Voeux Road, Central.
  • The reconstruction of 12 four-storeyed Chinese houses on R.P. of I.L. 851 etc., Nos. 111-125, Hollywood Road, and 24-30, Circular Pathway.
  • “Kingsclere” site, I.L. 1381 Kennedy Road, and Macdonnell Road; formation of site and construction of retaining walls.
  • The new building for St. Paul’s Girls’ School on I.L. 2459, Kennedy Road and Macdonnell Road.

The following is a list of. principal works in other parts of the City and outlying districts which were completed during the year: —

B. O. O. Work. — Q 36 —

  • 51 Chinese houses on M.L. 269 and I.L. 746, Praya East and Canal Road, East.
  • 28 Chinese houses on M.L. 202, Praya East etc.
  • 18 Chinese houses on M.L.’s 107, 108, and 109, Wanchai Road and. Burrows Street.
  • 16 Chinese houses on I.L.’s 2355 and 2356, Causeway Bay.
  • A Godown on M.L. 293, Watson Road.
  • A Wharf opposite M.L. 396, Watson Road.
  • An 8,000-ton Tank for storing Fuel Oil on I.L. 2273, North Point.
  • A Turbo Generator House on M.L. 52, East Point.
  • 18 Chinese houses on I.L. 897, Shaukiwan Road.
  • 16 Chinese houses on S.I.L. 500, Saiwanho.
  • A Chinese Nursing Home, on I.L. 2147, Caroline Hill Road.
  • The new Roman Catholic Church on I.L. 2364, Broadwood Road. The presbytery was still in course of erection.
  • 26 Chinese houses on I.L. 673 R.P. and 674 R.P., Queen’s Road, West, and a new street.
  • 23 Chinese houses on M.L. 242, Catchick Street.
  • 37 Chinese houses on I.L. 905, Kennedy Town.
  • 12 Chinese houses on I.L. 906, Belchers and Davis Streets.
  • 17 Chinese houses on M.L. 239 and I.L. 1355, Li Po Lung Point.
  • 19 Chinese houses on I.L. 1295 Sec. C., Catchick, North and Belchers Streets.
  • 14 Chinese houses on I.L. 747 Sec. C., and R.P., on a new street between Second and Third Streets.
  • R.C.C. Godown on M.L. 178, Des Voeux Road, West.
  • Waste Heat Boilers on M.L.’s 190 and 191, West Point.
  • The Ho Tung Workshop, on old Fly Point Battery, Pokfulam Road.

— Q 37 — B. O. O. Work.

  • A large extension to the Tung Wah Hospital Mortuary on I.L. 1572, Victoria Road.
  • The Repulse Bay Hotel Extension on R.B.L.’s 142 and 167.
  • A large Garage on I.L. 2388, Stubbs Road, for the Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Ltd.

The following is a list of principal works in other parts of the City and outlying districts, which were in course of erection:

  • 6 Bungalows on R.B.L. 200, Repulse Bay.
  • 3 Bungalows at Shek O (2 completed).
  • 92 Chinese houses on M.L. 365, and I.L.’s 29 and 457, Praya East, Percival Street, Leighton Hill Road and a new street.
  • 40 Chinese houses on M.L. 201 and 202A, Praya East.
  • 28 Chinese houses on M.L.’s 42 and 43, Spring Garden Lane and Lee Tung Street.
  • 30 Chinese houses on I.L. 1210 Star Street.
  • A Factory on I.L. 438, Wanchai Road.
  • A Chinese Theatre on I.L. 1452, Percival Street.
  • 24 Chinese houses on I.L. 1451, Leighton Hill Road and Matheson Street.
  • 10 European houses on I.L. 2366 Area E, and 10 on Area F, Shaukiwan Road.
  • 10 building sites on I.L.’s 2367 to 2376, North Point.
  • At Q.B.M.L, No. 1, Quarry Bay, the building of the undermentioned was in progress: —
    • Godown (in two sections).
    • Rebuilding of the Main Power House.
    • Reinforced C. C. Coal Silo.
    • Godown for storage of Raw Sugar.
    • Steel framed Refinery and Norit Kiln House.
    • Quarters for Coolies on Q.B.I.L. 8.
  • 28 Chinese houses on I.L. 679. Secs. A,B,C,D, and R.P., Third Street, Fuk Luk Lane, and Western Street.
  • A Chinese Restaurant on I.L. 834, Sec. B. ss. 2, Queen’s Road, West.

B. O. O. Work. — Q 38 —

  • The Empress Hotel on M.L. 235, Des Voeux Road, Central, Connaught Road, Central, and Morrison Street.
  • A number of Chinese houses and a Godown on M.L. 302, Des Voeux Road, West.
  • A Church on I.L. 590, Bonham Road.
  • 24 European flats on R.B.L, 78 near the Peak Hotel.
  • Work on site development on R.B.L. 245, Deep Water Bay.

The following is a list of principal works in the Kowloon district, which were completed during the year:—

  • The New European Y.M.C.A. Building on K.I.L. 1625, Salisbury Road.
  • 55 Chinese houses on K.I.L.’s 359 R.P. and 421 Sec. C., Temple and Woosung Streets, were erected. 11 of these were completed in 1924 and the remainder in 1925.
  • An extension to the Kwong Wah Hospital on K.I.L. 1213, Pitt Street.
  • A Wood Oil Refining Plant, with Boiler House and Coolie quarters on K.M.L. 47, Yaumati.
  • A Knitting Factory on K.I.L. 1569 Sec. A, Shantung Street, Mongkoktsui.
  • A Candy Factory on K.M.L. 57, Thistle Street , Mongkoktsui.
  • 37 Chinese houses on K.IL.’s 1630 and 1637, Mongkoktsui.
  • A Club-house at the Cosmopolitan Dock, K.M.L. 28 Taikoktsui.
  • A Pier opposite N.K.I.L. 8 Laichikok.
  • A large Knitting Factory on K.I.L. 1527 Hunghom.
  • Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Company.—8 European houses for the staff were completed and work on the new foundry and boiler shop was nearing completion. Good progress was made on the site of the new dock.
  • A large Tannery on K.I.L. 1445, Mataukok.

The following is a list of principal works in the Kowloon district which were in course of erection: —

  • The Peninsula Hotel on K.I.L. 1461, Salisbury Road.

— Q 39 — B. O. O. Work.

  • A Cinematograph Theatre on Crown Land at Hunghom.
  • A Cinematograph Theatre on N.K.I.L. 239 Sec. A, Kai Yan Road.
  • Spinning Houses, Rope and Hemp Godowns, etc., on K.I.L. 1094, Mataukok.
  • The erection of houses on the Kaulungtong Estate was continued and at the end of the year about 60 houses were almost completed.
  • Levelling of a large area, K.I.L. 1507, as an extension to the Garden City at Homuntin was completed, and houses were in course of erection.
  • Considerable development took place in the Kau Pui Shek district and several largo blocks of houses were completed.
  • Work on the New Kowloon Dairy Farm Lots at Diamond Hill, to which the Kowloon Dairies are being transferred, was put in hand.

Attention is drawn to the fact that work on several lots in the Kowloon district has been discontinued for some time, and in certain instances, where reference was made in the 1924 report to works in progress, the position in 1925 was that the buildings were only in a state of semi-completion. This condition of affairs presumably may be attributed to the recent disturbances, as a result of which owners have either left the Colony for the time being, or their funds have become exhausted.

43. Scavenging Lanes.—The following table shows the number and aggregate areas of scavenging lanes provided under Sections 179 and 180 of the Public Health and Buildings Ordinance No. 1 of 1903 : —

     | Provided on  | Provided by     | To be Provided | Provided by

     | payment of   | owners, but not | by owners when | owners and

     | compensation | surrendered to  | an opportunity | surrendered to

     |              | Government      | of gaining     | Government

     |              |                 | access occurs. | free of cost.

     |              |                 |                |

     |       A |       
B | C | D

Sq. ft. | Sq. ft. | Sq. ft. | Sq. ft.

Nil 39,155.25          2,031 720.00

Kln         Nil 19,180.25   Nil 1,458 50

NT          Nil 2,123.00 Nil 1,005.00

            Nil 60,458.50 2,031 3,183.50

Grand Total (in sq. ft.) 65,673.00

Lanes formed : 125.



96. Officers' Quarters.

Additional Quarters at rear of "Le Calvaire". - This work, referred to in paragraph 95 of last year's Report, proceeded satisfactorily during the year.

The retaining wall extending along the 2 sides of the site was completed as were also the reinforced concrete foundation columns which extend down to solid earth and support the foundations of the building. By the end of the year, the brickwork and concrete stood at ground floor level and the whole site had been adequately protected by the laying of the concrete floors and surfacing to yard.

  • 1925 Estimates, $250,000
  • 1925 expenditure, $249,426.91
  • Total Estimates,
  • Expenditure to 31.12.25, $1,559,053.58


— Q 73 —    P.W.E. Hong Kong.

The Contract drawings were completed and the tender of Messrs. Trollope & Colls (Far East) Ltd., for $184,681.95 was accepted. The scheme was modified in May, but owing to delay in receiving the steelwork drawings from England no work was commenced, and in December, after further consideration, it was decided not to proceed with the alterations. The Contractors agreed to the cancellation of the Contract on payment of $12,000.00 as a full and complete settlement, and this was arranged accordingly.

A small amount of material obtained by the Contractors for the work was taken over by Government.

1925 Estimates, .., $110.000.00  Total Estimates,  $

1925 Expenditure,   $ 16,279.10  Expenditure to

                                  31.12.25,        $ 46,266.67

110. Motor Garage near P.W.D. Offices.—This work was reported as completed in paragraph 119 of last year’s Report.

The only charge against this year’s vote was the payment of the Retention Money.

1925 Estimates, ...$ 5.000 00  Total Estimates, $ 15,000.00

1925 Expenditure,  $ 1,182.02  Expenditure to

                                  31.12.25      $ 14,951.74

111. Erection of New No. 8 Police Station.—The tender from Messrs. Kien On & Co. for $276,090.40 was accepted, and work commenced in February. The old building was demolished and foundations for new buildings were practically completed in July when the existing retaining wall South of In Mi Lane collapsed during heavy rainfall resulting in a subsidence of a portion of the site. As further work was impossible until a new retaining wall has been erected, the site was concreted and protected from weather and work suspended.

At the end of the year negotiations for the cancellation of the Contract were in progress.

1925 Estimates. ..$120.000.00  Total Estimates, $200,000.00

1925 Expenditure, $ 88,474.89  Expenditure to

                                 31.12.25,      $ 38,474.89

112Quarry Bay School.—Owing to the pressure of work in the Architectural Office, a private firm of Architects was employed to design and superintend the erection of this building.

The contract was let to Messrs. Kien On & Co. in October. 1924, the amount being $129,000, which sum covered extensive site formation work.



113. Central Police Station – New Store & Armoury. – This work was referred to in paragraph 114 of last year's Report.

In addition to the work described therein, all window openings were fitted with, in addition to the iron grills, angle iron frames and wire mesh to prevent the passing of arms through same to the street.

Increased space on the first floor was devoted to the workshop for the repair of arms, and additional expanded metal partitions were erected to provide further security to the arms stores.

The erection of the building progressed satisfactorily, being completed and occupied in February.

1925 Estimates, $25,000.00 Total Estimates, $35,000.00
1925 Sup. Vote, 2.41  
1925 expenditure $25,002.41 Expenditure to 31.12.25, $43,532.52


— Q 75 —    P.W.E. Hong Kong.

115. New Architectural Office.—This work, referred to in paragraph 112 of last year’s Report, was satisfactorily completed and occupied by the Architectural Staff of the Public Works Department during the month of February.

   1925 Estimates, .. .$ 10,000.00    Total Estimates, ...$ 80,000.00

   1925 Sup. Vote, ...    38,000.00

                                    $ 48,000.00    Expenditure to

   1925 Expenditure, $ 41,619.85            31.12.25,            $ 96,108.96 .

116. Government Civil Hospital,—Extension to Sisters’ Quarters.—This work was referred to in paragraph 117 of last years’ Report.

The work progressed satisfactorily, except during the period of unsettled labour conditions, and at the end of the year was almost completed, it being anticipated that the building will be ready for occupation early in 1926.

Owing to the impracticability of carrying out certain alterations to the existing adjoining Quarters until alternative accommodation is available in the new building, it has been necessary to temporarily defer this and the connecting bridge between the old and the new buildings until 1926.

   1925 Estimates, ...$ 90,000.00    Total Estimates, ...$130,000.00

   1925 Sup. Vote, ...    5,000.00

                                   $ 95,000.00      Expenditure to

   1925 Expenditure, $ 83,387.93          31.12.25,             $111,663.04

117. Erection of Temporary Barrack Sheds for Police at “Harbour View"—This work was referred to in paragraph 218 of last year’s Report.

The work comprised the erection of four sheds of wood, with concrete floors and tiled roofs, together with the necessary site formation and retaining walls, to provide dormitory accommodation for 56 Chinese and 48 Indian Police.

A Contract for the work was let to Messrs. Tat Lee & Co.

The erection of the building was commenced in January and completed in September.

   1925 Estimates, ...$ 35,000.00    Total Estimates, ...$ 45,000.00

   1925 Expenditure, $ 32,221.77     Expenditure to

                                                                    31.12.25,             $ 32,221.77


— Q 87 — P.W.E. Hong Kong.

In conjunction with the Roads Office, a considerable number of new gullies with flat gully gratings was constructed and connected to the stormwater drainage system.

126. Praya East Reclamation Scheme.—The work of re-drainage of the existing developed area between Arsenal Street, Causeway Bay, Queen’s Road, East, and the existing Praya rendered necessary by the Praya East Reclamation Scheme was continued during the year.

The following works were completed: —

Sewers : —

  • 21" & 9" in Percival Street.
  • 21",  15" & 9" in Praya East, from Spring Garden Lane to Tai Wo Street.
  • 18" in Matheson Street.
  • 15" in Ship Street.
  • 12", 9" & 6" in Praya East, from No. 2 Police Station to Heard Street.
  • 12" in Tai Yuen Street.
  • 9" & 6" in Praya East, from Anton Street to Li Chit Street.
  • 9" in Russel] Street.
  • 9" in Stone Nullah Lane.
  • 6" in the Scavenging Lane at Luen Fat Street.

Stormwater Culverts: —

  • 7' 6" in Bowrington Canal Road, East.
  • 43" in Anton Street.
  • 39" in Ship Street.
  • 36" in Percival Street.

Stormwater Drains: —

  • 24" in Leighton Hill Road.
  • 24", 21", 12"& 9" in Russell Street.
  • 21", 18" & 15" in Morrison Hill Road.
  • 21" in Stone Nullah Lane.
  • 12" in Wanchai Road.

127. Queen’s Pier.—This work was referred to in paragraph 122 of last year’s Report.

The Entrance etc., were completed, and the Pier opened to traffic in June.

1925 Estimates, ...$ 15,000.00 Total Estimates, ..$175,000.00

1925 Sup. Vote, ...  28,000.00


                   $ 43,000.00 Expenditure to

1925 Expenditure,  $ 30,752.23   31.12.25         $234,417.52




201. Police Station, Kowloon City. --This work was referred to in paragraph 198 of last year’s Report.

The Contract was let on 16th May, 1924, to Mr. Ng Wah. The work progressed satisfactorily, the buildings being completed on 16th June, 1925, a month under the Contract time.

1925 Estimates, ...$162,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$251,250.00
1925 Sup. Vote, ...    40,000.00  
1925 Expenditure, $201,335.41 Expenditure to
  31.12.25,         $260,811.64

202. Police Station, Shamshuipo.—This work was referred to in paragraph 192 of last year’s Report.

The Contract was let on 16th May, 1924, to the Wing Yick Company. The work progressed satisfactorily and the buildings were ready on 15th June, 1925, a month under the Contract time.

1925 Estimates, ...$162,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$251,250.00
1925 Sup. Vote, ...    43,000.00  
                                $205,000.00 Expenditure to
1925 Expenditure, $200,014.01     31.12.25,      $259,546.66


— Q 123 — P.W.E. New Territories.

The following roads within the Shamshuipo and Cheung Sha Wan Districts, in front of new buildings, were kerbed, channelled, surfaced with ordinary macadam and tar painted,

the footpaths being paved with granolithic slabs and necessary improvements made: —

Yen Chow Street,     Om Yau Street,

Tin Liu Street,      Laichikok Road,

Nanchang Street,     Yu Chau Street,

Boundary Street,     Yee Kuk Street,

Apliu Street,        Ki Lung Street,

Coastal Road,        Road in front of Shamshuipo

Pei Ho Street,       Police Station & the side

Cheung Sha Wan Road, streets.

The roads in front of new buildings at Taipo Market were likewise dealt with.

1925 Estimates,   $ 30,000.00

1925 Sup. Vote      48,500.00


1925 Expenditure, $ 59,679.00

212. Training Nullahs : —

(a.) One side-wall and invert of nullah on the Eastern side of the Kaulungtong Development Scheme.—This work was referred to in paragraphs 197 (a) of the Report for 1923 and 208 (a) of that for last year.

A portion of the decking was laid at the junction with the old boundary in connection with the extension of Waterloo Road from the old boundary to the foot of hills South-East of the Tunnel, vide paragraph 211 (g.) of this Report.

Work was commenced on the final section of the nullah from picket 63/00 Northwards, and by the end of the year good progress has been made with the excavation for foundation and piling.

1925 Estimates,   $ 20,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$ 70,000.00

1925 Sup. Vote,   . 26,000.00

                  $ 46,000.00  Expenditure to

1925 Expenditure, $ 38,032.03     31.12.25, ...... $ 97,068.83

(b.) Kaulungtong Development Area, connection of stream North of this area to the main nullah.—This work was referred to in paragraphs 197 (c) of the Report for 1928 and 208 (b) of that for last year.


— Q 127 — P.W.E. New Territories.

214. Kaulungtong Development Scheme: —

(a.) Resumptions.—This work was referred to in paragraph 210 (a) of last year s Report.

Of 156 lots, 151 were resumed during the year for a sum of $174,192.20, this expenditure being met from the New Territories Resumptions Vote. The total amount of payments approved under this heading in 1925 was $1,213.26, but certain compensations sanctioned in the previous year were also paid from this Vote.

1925 Estimates,   $10,000.00

1925 Expenditure, $ 2,900.07

Less amount refunded  149.50

                  $ 2,750.57

(b.) Excavation and filling.—This work was referred to in paragraph 210 (b) of last year s Report.

Good progress was maintained during the year in spite of the unsettled labour conditions. Excavation to the extent of some 270,000 cubic yards was effected from the hills and deposited on the low-lying swamps.

During the year an area of 19.36 acres of land was handed to the Kowloon Tong and New Territories Development Company, making a total acreage of 44.82 acres placed at its disposal.

1925 Estimates, ...$120,000.00   Total Estimates, ..$280,000.00

1925 Expenditure,  $ 55,907.87   Expenditure to

                                     31.12.25,      $290,749.87

215. Refuse Dump,—Cheung Sha Wan.-—This work was referred to in paragraph 202 of the Report for last year.

Good progress was maintained and material to the extent of 18,357 cubic yards was dumped on the Reclamation during the year in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary Department.

1925 Estimates, ...$ 1,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$

1925 Sup. Vote, ...  4,503.43

                   $ 5,503.43  Expenditure to

1925 Expenditure,  $ 5,503.43      31.12.25,       $ 35,344.71


— Q 133 — P.W.E. New Territories.

5.    This Overflow Channel has a width at the invert of 10 feet and a minimum height of 6 feet. Its side walls are of granite rubble backed with lime concrete and the invert is unlined except where the rock surface was found to be soft.

The 12 inch draw-off pipe from the Valve Tower discharges into the channel and subsequently into the Kowloon Reservoir. A. silt pool with a 2 foot rectangular gauge has been constructed below the path leading to the Smuggler’s Pass.

1920 Estimates, ...$120,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$260,000.00

1925 Expenditure,  $ 87,727.66  Expenditure to

                                       31.12.25     $239,456.65

224.    Shing Mun Valley Scheme.—This was referred to in paragraph 213 of last year’s Report.

(a.) Resumptions.—Particulars of lots resumed in the Northern District of the New Territories will be found in the Land Officer’s Report for 1925.

(b.) Access Road, Tsun Wan to Pineapple Pass.—This work was referred to in paragraph 205 (f) of last year’s Report.

From the commencement of both Contracts in July, 1923, progress has been very poor, but by the end of the year both sections were almost completed.

Altogether 56,000 c. yds. of soft material and 6,440 c. yds. of rock have been excavated.

The first section has a uniform grade of 1 in 16 for practically its entire length, while the steepest grade on the second section is 1 in 17 approaching Pineapple Pass. A reinforced concrete beam and slab bridge with a span of 20 feet crosses the stream below Wa Li Hop Village. The road has a minimum width of 16 feet and terminates within a few yards of Pineapple Pass at an elevation of 565 A.O.D.

1925 Estimates, ....$ 30,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$110,000.00

1925 Sup. Vote, ....  25,000.00


                    $ 55,000.00  Expenditure to

1925 Expenditure,   $ 44,145.46     31.12.25,        $ 98,004.06

(c.) Temporary Intake and Conduit.—A Contract for $64,101.50 was let in February to Mr. Ng Wah who made excellent progress with the work, and by the end of the year has almost completed it.

P.W.E. New Territories. — Q 134 —

The Conduit, which is of lime and cement concrete and faced with cement mortar, is capable of delivering ten million gallons of water daily into the North Conduit. It has a uniform grade of 1 in 272 and a length of 6,030 feet. The intake dam is constructed of cement concrete displacer and has an overflow sill level of 515.00 A.O.D. The length of the overflow sill is 50 feet and the top of the Dam stands at 525 A.O.D.

The overall length of the Dam is 115 feet 6 inches and its maximum height 34 feet from the lowest foundation level, 594 c. yds. of cement concrete displacer being used in its construction.

A gauge basin with a V notch measures the delivery into the Temporary Conduit, and an automatic apparatus has been installed for recording the flood discharge.

1925 Estimates, ....$ 25,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$ 65,000.00

1925 Sup. Vote, ....  30,000.00


                    $ 55,000.00  Expenditure to

1925 Expenditure,   $ 54,770.52     31.12.25         $ 54,770.52

(d). North Conduit.—A Contract for $70,801.00 was let in February to Mr. Ng Wah who made excellent progress and completed the works by the end of the year. It commences at the termination  of the Temporary Conduit in the Gorge below Pineapple Pass and discharges into the North Tunnel below Smuggler’s Ridge.

It has a uniform grade of 1 in 1,930, a length of 2,900 feet, and is capable of delivering twenty million gallons per day.

The width at the level of the path, which is 6 inches above the overflow level and 4 feet 6 inches above the level of the invert, is 5 feet 6 inches. The width at the invert is 2 feet.

For its construction cement concrete was used throughout, and it is provided with suitable intakes, overflows, sand pits, and washout pipes.

1925 Estimates, ....$ 30,000.00   Total Estimates. ...$ 73,000.00

1925 Sup. Vote, ....  40,000.00


                    $ 70,000,00   Expenditure to

1925 Expenditure,   $ 67,231.30      31.12.25,        $ 67,231.30

(e). North and South Tunnels and South Conduit.

North Tunnel.-—Operation was commenced in April at its South end and at the close of the year a length of 1,043 feet has been driven under the Smuggler’s Ridge.

— Q 135 — P.W.E. New Territories.

It was found necessary to line several short lengths with cement concrete of a minimum thickness of 12 inches at distances of 291 to 304, 419 1/2 to 461, and 554 to 627 feet from the Tunnel portal.

The rock met with was mostly granite of varying hardness with instrusions of soft green stone.

In December a start was made with the excavation of the open cut approach to the North end of this Tunnel.

South Conduit.—This work was nearing completion at the end of the year. Owing to the poor nature of the foundations more work than was anticipated had to be undertaken at the main stream crossing near the North Tunnel

South Tunnel.—Operation was commenced at the North end in February and at the South end in April. By the end of the year a length of 1,327 feet has been driven from the North end while another length of 1,143 feet has been pierced from the South end. Granite of a good quality was found throughout and no lining so far has been found necessary.

A length of 884 feet of cement concrete invert has been laid up to the close of the year.

1925 Estimates    $400,000.00  Total Estimates, $1,100,000.00

1925 Sup. Vote, ... 50,000.00


                  $450,000.00  Expenditure to

1925 Expenditure, $449,908.44    31.12.25,        $449,908.44

(f). Reception Reservoir.—A Contract for $170,208.43 was let to Messrs. Trollope & Colls (Far East), Ltd., in December, 1924, and the excavation for the foundations of the Draw-off Dam was commenced in February. Concrete depositing began in May and by the end of the year 1,100 c. yds. of fine cement concrete and 900 c. yds. of cement concrete displacer have been laid.

45 c. yds. of granite ashlar inner facing and 120 c. yds. of granite rubble outer facing were fixed.

The excavation for the overflow dam was completed and concrete laying begun before the close of the year.

1925 Estimates, ....$ 50,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$175,000.00

1925 Sup. Vote        70,000.00


                    $120,000.00  Expenditure to

1925 Expenditure,   $ 99,271.64    31.12.25,      ...$ 99,271.64

P.W.E. New Territories. — Q 136 —

(g). Filter Plant and its erection.—A Contract for £11,601. 10. 0. was let late in the year to the Paterson Engineering Company in England for the supply and erection of the chemical and mechanical apparatus. No work, however, has been carried out by the end of the year.

1925 Estimates, ....$100,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$200,000.00

1925 Expenditure,   $     60.00  Expenditure to

                                     31.12.25        $     60.00

(h).  Pipe Line.—A Contract for £26,043. 12. 3. was let to Messrs. Stewart & Lloyds in England for the supply of the necessary 24 inch diameter steel pipes and specials.

At the end of the year two specimen pipes sent in advance for test purposes were received in the Colony. A further Contract for £407. 14. 0. was let to Messrs. Glenfield & Kennedy, Ltd., for the supply of the necessary valves which were delivered in the Colony in October.

A local Contract for the construction of a piled reinforced concrete culvert under the Railway was prepared, but was not let at the close of the year.

1925 Estimates, ....$ 20,000.00  Total Estimates,... $700,000.00

1925 Expenditure,   $  5,517.06  Expenditure to

                                    31.12.25,        $  5,517.06

(i). Piper’s Hill Service Reservoir.—This work was referred to in paragraphs 189 and 213 of last year’s Report.

Excellent progress was maintained and the work was satisfactorily completed and tested by the end of the year.

It was constructed throughout of cement concrete, the walls being of gravity section, except where a reduction in thickness was found possible in cuttings. The invert is of cement concrete 8-1, 12 inches in thickness, and was laid in approximately 12' x 12' squares with bitumen expansion joints. The quantity of cement concrete used was 3,614 c. yds.

The roof, which is of jack arching and carried on reinforced concrete beams, is supported by 15" x 15" reinforced concrete piers.

A division wall of gravity section, 13.5 feet in height, is provided so that one-half of the reservoir may be put out of action for cleaning, &c., without disturbance to the other half.

— Q 137 — P.W.E. New Territories.

An 18 inch diameter draw-off pipe has been provided, with 12 inch control valves.

A covered gauge basin has been constructed with 15 inch connections to the Kowloon Supply and the projected Shing Mun trunk mains. The connecting main, live hundred feet in length, of 15 inch C.I. pipes was also laid.

The top water level of this Reservoir is 275.00 A.O.D. and the depth when full is eighteen feet three inches, its capacity being 1.547 million gallons.

1925 Estimates,     $ 90,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$140,000.00

1925 Sup. Vote        25,000.00


                    $115,000.00  Expenditure to

1925 Expenditure,   $110,716.31    31.12.25          $121,932.65

(j). Harbour Pipe.—A scheme has been prepared by Mr. Wm. Fairly, Consulting Engineer in England, and the drawings and copies of the Contract were received in the Colony before the end of the year, but nothing further was done.

1925 Estimates,     .    $ 10,000.00

1925 Expenditure,        $     58.65

225.    Kowloon Bywash Reservoir.—Detailed surveys of the proposed site for the dam of this Reservoir were made and trial trenches cut to expose the rock surface.

Preliminary drawings were under preparation at the close of the year for the construction of a dam 100 feet high with a storage capacity of approximately 110 million gallons.

1925 Estimates, ....$ 10,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$350,000.00

1925 Expenditure,   $     41.78  Expenditure to

                                   31.12.25,         $     41.78

226.    Fanling Waterworks Scheme—As there was no further development, it    was    decided    not to proceed    with further extensions.

1925 Estimates    $    7,000.00  Total Estimates,    ..,$    7,000.00

1925 Expenditure, $      ...     Expenditure to

                                    31.12.25            $    6,996.92


Annexe L. 


— Q 183 — Harbour Developments.



(a)    Contribution by Government towards Fund for Reclamation :—

Estimated Expenditure, 1925, .                   $ 97,000

Revised Estimated Expenditure. 1925, ...    161,000

Actual Expenditure, 1925,                            160,115

(b)    Morrison Hill Development, Retaining Walls and Storm Water Culverts :—

Estimated Expenditure, 1925,      $40,000.00

Actual Expenditure                         24,127.48

Harbour Developments. — Q 184 —

These two works are being carried out together under one Contract, No. 12 of 1921 and the Department is in charge of the whole of the work which, in addition to the Government’s share under sub-heads (a) and (b), includes the whole of the work of Reclamation for all the Participants under the Praya East Reclamation Ordinance No. 17 of 1921, with the exception of raising drains and sewers behind the Reclamation proper, the formation of roads and surface water channels and connections, etc., which works are being carried out by the Public Works Department.

The Government’s Contribution under (a) amounts to approximately 18% of the total cost of the Reclamation, the remaining Participants finding the balance of the Funds necessary for carrying out the work.

Progress in 1924.

                                Estimated         Up to               To                During

                                  Total.             31.12.24.      31.12.25.          1925.

(i)    Filling in Recla-        

  mation, cu. yds.      3,307,000      1,103,189     1,546,804        443,615

(ii)    Sea wall, Ap-

  proximately lin.

  ft.                                   4,966                 880           2,339           1,459

(iii) Area to approx-    

  imate finished    

  level acres                         94                   36                 44                 8

(iv)    Payments under

  Contract 12 of

  1921                                 —       757,345.23    1,252,032.05 494,686.82

(i)    The filling for the Reclamation, referred to in paragraph 2 of Annexe L to the Report of the Director of Public Works for 1924, is being obtained by the demolition of Morrison Hill. Early in the year it was realised that, owing to the quantity of rock then being exposed in the hill proving to be much greater than was originally anticipated, the Contractor could not be expected to carry, on the work at his prices which were tendered on the assumption that the excavation in the hill would be mostly soft material. Government, therefore, appointed a Committee of Engineers, consisting of the Port Engineer and his Deputy, and two other independent engineers, to examine the situation and report as to the best means of settling the deadlock, with the result that no stoppage occurred, but that from March 31st, the Contractor should in future be paid a bonus percentage on the whole of the Contract conditional on certain progress in the filling to the Reclamation being maintained, month by month, for the remaining period of the contract which was extended by  15 months, until 31st January, 1929.

(ii)    Sea Wall.—Dredging was continued throughout the year on the trench for the wall, a further length of 347'-6" ( F1 to F2 finally sounded 20.7.25) of trench being completed, and a further length of approximately 1,251 feet was filled in with pell-mell rubble. Concrete blocks for the foundation of the sea wall were laid for a further length of 1,637 feet and 1,459 lin. feet more of wall was built. Two sets of boat-landing steps were built, and 1,241 lin. feet of coping set. Pending the completion of reinforced concrete pier No. 2, a temporary bamboo pier was built and maintained for the purpose of supplying water to the Waterboat Companies.

The construction of the necessary culverts for sewerage through areas already reclaimed was proceeded with, and in one case the new sewer was put into service; others are ready for service whenever the sewers behind the new Reclamation are raised.

(iii) The aggregate area of Reclamation approximately formed by the end of the year amounted to 44 acres being an addition of 8 acres during the year. Of the total area reclaimed about 11 acres were brought up to finished level, ready for the formation of roadways by the Public Works Department, when the lots thereon can be handed over to their rightful owners.

As a result of the labour troubles which commenced about the end of June, considerable delay was caused to the work generally, and for about a month practically no work was done. 

The retaining wall to the North side of Gap Road between the Monument and Stubbs Road was completed as was also a short length of curved retaining wall to allow for easing the turn from Gap Road to Stubbs Road.

Morrison Hill was attacked from a fresh point on the North side, at the Wanchai Road level, by running a gullet into the hillside over the line of the twin storm-water culverts. Excavation was removed from this point by Decauville wagons to a tip on the site of Godown No. 142, from whence it was transported to the Reclamation at formation level.

(iv)    Payments under the Contract.

The monthly Certificates under the Contract were as follows: —

Month            P. E. R.        Bonus           Morrison    Bonus       Totals


                           $                   $                    $              $                $

January        27.674.12         —              1.179.80       —           28,853.92

February       19,765.45          —                259.70       —           20,025.15

March    .       26,224.54    19,930.65      1.828.10   1,389.36     49,372.65

April              24.107.24    18,057.79       1,987.30   1,510.34     45,662.67

May               32.713.00    25,773.87         642.20      488.08     59,617,15

June              21.670.05    20.068.07      4,268.80   3,244.28     49.251.20

July.               13,655.07    11.992.09         528.00      401.00     26,576.16

August                 —               —                  —               —             ---

September     31,373.78        —              2,258.04         —         33.631.82

October,         54,212.12    71,924.24        770.90     2,302.00  129,209.26

November,      34,953.70    23,983.66         —                  —       58,937.36

December,     42,932.76      36,098.14         15.39        11.97     70,058.26

Totals           329,281.83   227,828.51   13,738.23   9,347.03   580,195 60

Harbour Developments. — Q 186 —

Revenue.—Pending development of the areas which become available, it is the practice to permit such area's of reclaimed land to be occupied at competitive rentals, under Licence, and the fees collected in respect of these licences during the year under review amounted to $30,231.80 which was credited to the reclamation fund.



The following table is an analysis of the expenditure during the year under review: —


Head of Expenditure.        During the                                   Total

                                         year ended        Previously.            to

                                           31. 12. 25                                31. 12. 25.

                                                     $                    $                   $


Contract No. 12 of 192l      282,619.26      757,345.23    1,039,964.49

Bonus payments on

  Contract No. 12 of    

  1921 ...                             212,067.56              ...              212,067.56

Items subsidiary to but        

  not included in Con-    

  tract No. 12                           4,676.42              ...                 4,676 42

Dredging                                 7,452.05       86,381.37         93,833.42

Alteration of Existing

  Sewers                                43,898.37       25,391.44         69,289.81

Alteration of Existing

  Storm water Drains ..           44,794.83     110,041.79       154,836.62

Water Mains                                 ...                     31.51                31.51

Roads                                           ...                     30.50                30.50

Reconstruction of Buil-    

  dings &c., in R. N.

  Arsenal Yard                               ...    

Advance    Account    ...                ...             105,541.84     105,541:84

Salaries and Supervi-        

  sion                                      37,346.92          78,597.92     115,944.84

                          TOTAL        632,855.41    1,163,361.60    1,796,217.01

Percentage of Salaries    

to Expenditure                         6.271%               7.245%        6.900%