1918 Public Works Department's annual report

Submitted by David on

A scanned copy of the original document is available online at HKGRO.



— Q 21 - B. O. Work.

A portion of Mount Caroline Cemetery was set aside as a permanent burial place for the unidentified remains of victims of the fire which on the 26th February destroyed the matshed stands provided at Happy Valley in connection with the Annual Race Meeting.

In this Cemetery also, a considerable area was cleared of graves at the cost of the Roman Catholic Authorities in order to provide a place of burial for destitutes belonging to the Roman Catholic community. The area was re-terraced by this Department.

With a view to improving the appearance of Kai Lung Wan East Cemetery, some trees and shrubs were planted therein by the Botanical and Forestry Department at the cost of that Department.

41. Theatres Regulation Ordinance.—Forty-six licences were issued under this Ordinance during the year for the holding of various public performances. In some cases, the licences were for performances in buildings specially erected for the purpose ; in some cases for existing buildings which were altered as required prior to the granting of licences ; and in other cases for performances in the open air.

A sum of $ 1,830.00 was derived from fees paid in connection with the issue of licences.

In two cases, legal proceedings were taken in respect of contraventions of the Regulations made under the Ordinance with the result that a conviction was obtained in each case, fines amounting to $75.00 being inflicted.

42. Fires.—The following buildings were seriously injured by fire, some of them being damaged to such an extent as to require reconstruction :—

11-14 Beaconsfield Arcade.

161 Queen’s Road Central.

5 Hollywood Road.

3 Burd Street.

25-31 and 39a-39f Belcher’s Street.

Hongkong Golf Club House, Happy Valley.

12, 13 and 14 Main Street, Aberdeen.

Boat-building sheds at Cheungshawan.

Timber sheds, Shantung Street.

A number of matshed booths which were erected in connection with the Race Meeting collapsed without warning on February 26th. The collapse was followed by fire in which about 600 persons lost their lives and a number were injured.

43. Reclamations.—The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year:—

B. O. Work. — Q 22 —

                                      Area in sq. ft.

Extension of Marine Lot 321, North Point,

                                (completed), 50,000

Hunghom Marine Lot 3, Hunghom,

                             (in progress), 491,000

New Kowloon Inland Lots 190 and 191,

               Laichikok, (in progress), ...618,000

The areas stated are those of the lots, which, in some cases, extend further inland than old high-water mark and are therefore not exclusively reclaimed from the sea.

In addition to the above, considerable progress was made with the works in connection with the reclamation of about 230 acres of foreshore and sea-bed at the head of Kowloon Bay, referred to in last year’s Report.

44. Principal Works of a Private Nature.-—Considerable progress was made with the extension of the School of Anatomy 'to accommodate the School of Physiology, and the erection of a building to contain the School of Pathology and the School of Tropical Medicine at the Hongkong University on I. L. 1859. The erection of a large building for the Students’ Union and of quarters for one of the junior officers to the westward of same, on I. L. 1853, was commenced.

The reclamation of the extension to M.L. 321, North Point, referred to in last year’s Report, was completed and the erection of the building for the Hongkong Electric Company’s new power station was commenced.

The new building for the Missions Etrangeres on I. L. 82 was nearing completion at the end of the year.

The large block of buildings for the Chinese branch of the Y.M.C.A. on I.L. 2048, Taipingshan, was completed.

The erection of a considerable building on R.B.L. 142, Repulse Bay, by the Hongkong Hotel Coy. for occupation as a hotel was commenced.

Considerable progress was made with the construction of the 3 new building slips, 750 feet in length, forming an extension of the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company’s premises at Hung Hom, (H.H.M.L. 3).

The erection of a large reinforced concrete godown for the Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Coy. on K.M.L. 91 was commenced.

A large reinforced concrete godown for the Ocean Steamship Coy. on K. M. L. 88 was erected and the erection of a similar godown was commenced.

The development of two large areas at Ho Mun Tin, formerly known as K. I. Ls. 1283 and 1284 but now subdivided into 41 lots (K. I. Ls. 1308-1348), was proceeded with, the erection of 9 European houses being commenced.

— Q 23 — B. O. Work.

The construction of two additional building slips by the Taikoo Dockyard Coy. on Q. B. M. L’s. 1 & 2 was commenced.

The laying out of a new street and the erection of 40 Chinese houses on I.L. 795, Hill Road, were commenced.

In order to dispense with the depressors hitherto necessitated by a sharp change in gradient below Barker Road Station, an extensive re-grading of the upper portion of the Peak Tramway was undertaken towards the close of the year. The alterations, which involve the substitution of a gradient of 1 in 4 for one of 1 in 3 and the construction of a new and greatly-improved station at Barker Road, will conduce considerably to the safety of the line.

The erection of four large stands, constructed of brick and reinforced concrete, for the Hongkong Jockey Club, on R.B.L. 33, Happy Valley, was commenced.

An extensive reclamation for the Standard Oil Company was commenced on N. K. I. L’s. 190 and 191, Laichikok.

Amongst other works which have been commenced or completed during the year, the following may be mentioned:—

Work commenced.

2 Chinese houses, I.L. 1927, Wongneichong.

5    „            I.L. 637, Centre and Second Streets.

6    „            K.I.L’s 1177 & 1206, Canton Road and

                      Reclamation Street.

5    „            K.I.L. 956, Canton Road.

14   „            K.I.L. 60, Woo Sung and Temple Streets.

2    „            K.M.L. 31, Shanghai Street.

16   „            K.I.L’s 661 and 1349, Portland Street.

2    „            K.I.L’s 1356, 970 and 971, Portland Street.

4    „            K.I.L. 1220, Portland Street.

6    „            K.I.L. 1357, Battery and Pakhoi Streets.

3    „            K.I.L. 423, Reclamation Street.

5    „            N.K.I.L. 146, Shamshuipo.

3    „            N.K.I.L. 187,

5    „            N.K.I.L’s 112 and 113, Shamshuipo.

4    „            N.K.I.L. 139, Shamshuipo.

2    „            N.K.I.L. 114,

4    „            N.K.I.L. 42,

3    „            N.K.I.L. 98,

4    „            N.K.I.L. 180,

12   „            N.K.I.L. 109,

5    „            N.K.I.L. 196,

4    „            N.K.I.L. 163,

1 European house, I.L. 2205, Conduit Road.

1    „            I.L. 1627, May Road.

2    „            I.L. 1919, Bonham Road.

10   „            K.I.L. 608, Nathan and Mody Roads.

Vermilion Factory, I.L. 2258, Whitfeild.

1 Godown,         M.L. 239, Belcher’s Street.

3    „            I.L. 953, Belcher’s Street.

1    „            I.L. 1301, Sands Street,


B. O. Work. — Q 24 —

2 Godowns, I.L. 1301, North Street.

3    „     M.L. 245, Catchick Street.

6    „     K.M.L. 46.

2    „     K.M.L. 39.

Additions to the Tung Wah Hospital Mortuary, I.L. 1572, Sandy Bay.

Factory, K.M.L. 64, Samchun Street.

   „     K.I.L’s 953 and 954, Mongkoktsui.

   „     K.I.L. 955, Canton Road.

Forming sites:—I.L’s. 1889 and 2252, Conduit Road.

Works completed.

2 Chinese houses, S.I.L. 62, Shaukiwan.

2    „            S.I.L. 440, Saiwanho.

12   „            S.M.L’s 7—10, Saiwanho.

6    „            I.L’s 2164 and 2165, Wongneichong.

2    „            I.L. 2065, Wongneichong.

10   „            I.L. 734, Matheson Street.

10   „            I.L. 729, R.P., Sharp Street East.

24   „            I.L. 729, R.P., Yiu Wah Street.

23   „            I.L. 617, Pedder’s Hill.

13   „            I.L. 47, Star Street and Tien Poa Street.

34   „            I.L’s 682 and 683, High Street, Third

                      Street and U Lok Lane.

2    „            M.L. 198, Queen’s Road West.

13   „            M.L 111, Praya East, Heard Street and

                      Wanchai Road.

3    „            I.L. 97, Gage Street.

4    „            I.L. 6, Stanley Street.

2    „            I.L. 709, First and Second Streets.

2    „            A.I.L’s 42 and 65, Aberdeen.

10   „            K.I.L. 1173, Reclamation Street.

6    „            K.I.L. 964, do.

8    „            K.I.L. 976, do.

10   „            K.I.L. 1174, do.

12   „            K.I.L. 1167, Reclamation and Shanghai


6    „            K.I.L. 1168, do. do.

3    „            K.I.L’s 560 to 562, Battery Street.

5    „            K.I.L. 1259, Coronation Road.

2    „            K.I.L. 1263, do.

9    „            K.I.L. 714, Portland and Changsha Streets.

3    „            K.I.L’s 1306, 966, 967 and 1196, Portland


14   „            K.I.L’s 951 to 954, Argyle Street and

                       Canton Road.

2    „            K.I.L. 46, Temple Street.

6    „            K.I.L. 1165, Canton Road.

2    „            K.I.L. 1207, Shanghai Street.

5    „            N.K.I.L’s 68 and 69, Shamshuipo.

4    „            N.K.I.L’s 103 and 106, do.

11   „            N.K.I.L. 43, Shamshuipo.

8    „            N.K.I.L. 158, do,


— Q 25 — B. O. Work.


3 Chinese houses, N.K.I.L. 155, Shamshuipo.

4    „            N.K.I.L. 19, do.

8    „            N.K.I.L. 161, do.

3    „            N.K.I.L’s 162 and 164, Shamshuipo.

4    „            N.K.I.L’s 178 and 181, do.

6    „            N.K.I.L’s 70,159,177 and 189, Shamshuipo.

3    „            N.K.I.L’s 140, 154 and 165, do.

2 European houses, I.L. 2072, Kennedy Road.

4    „            I.L. 2071, do.

3    „            I.L. 689, Bonham Road.

8    „            I.Ls. 690 & 691, Bonham Road.

10   „            I.L. 757, Hing Hon Road.

20   „            I.L. 2091, Sands Street.

2    „            I.Ls. 1944 & 2074, Kennedy Road.

1    „            I.L. 2232, Bowen Road.

1    „            R.B.L. 139, Peak.

Tobacco Factory, I.Ls. 742 & 743, Wanchai Road.

Pavilion, Q.B.I.L. 8, Quarry Bay.

Smith’s Shed, Q.B.M.L. 2, do.

Offices, Q.B.M.L. 2, do.

Factory, M.L. 293 & I.L. 1780, Whitfeild.

   „     I.L. 2166, do.

   „     I.L. 2235, do.

Godowns, I.Ls. 2166, 2235, 2204 & M.L. 285,


Fat-boiling Factory, I.L. 2169, Kennedy Town.

Godown, K.M.L. 49, Canton Road.

2 Godowns, N.K.I.L. 26, Shamshuipo.

Forming sites for buildings :—R.B.L. 139,* Findlay Road; I.Ls. 2232 & 2238, Bowen Road; I.L. 953, Belcher’s Street; ILs. 1923, 1948, & 2072, Kennedy Road.

There were numerous other buildings besides those mentioned above which were either commenced or completed during the year, but they were not of sufficient magnitude or importance to justify special mention.

The following buildings, &c, mentioned in last year’s Report were not completed by the 31st December, 1918 :—

3 Chinese houses, S.I.L. 118, Shaukiwan.

34   „            M.L. 43, Praya East.

5 out of 10 Chinese houses, K.I.L. 1259, Coronation Road.

3 out of 5 ,, K.I.L. 1263, do.

28 Chinese houses, K.I.Ls. 1221 & 1222, Taikoktsui.

5 out of 16 Chinese houses, N.K.I.L. 43, Shamshuipo.

4 Chinese houses, N.K.I.L. 105, do.

2 European houses, I.L. 2079, Kennedy Road.

1 out of 3 European houses, I.L. 2072, Kennedy Road.

18 European houses, I.Ls. 145 & 146, Wyndham Street.

9    „            I.L. 609, St. Stephen’s Lane.

Forming sites for buildings:—I.L. 2205, Conduit Road; I.L. 2218, Kennedy Road; I.L. 2154, Babington Path; I.L. 2237, Bowen Road ; N.K.F.L. 8,++ Kowloon Tong.

* Erroneously stated as R.B.L. 239 in last year’s Report,

+         do.           I.L. 1079           do.

++        do,           N.K.I.L. 8          do, 


— Q 91 —    Hongkong.

to work on the 11th June. An account of the alterations to the motor will be found in paragraph 114 of the Report for 1916. All liabilities were discharged before the close of the year.

1918 Estimates,        —     Total Estimates, $10,000.00

                             Expenditure to

1918 Expenditure, $2,872.01    31/12/18,        9,713.45


144.    Additional Main from Filter Beds to Yaumati.—The only expenditure incurred was for the completion of the work of laying the surplus 18" pipes remaining over from the Taitam Tuk Scheme, (vide paragraph 135 of last year’s Report). An indent for the additional pipes required to complete the main was forwarded to the Crown Agents in December.

1918 Estimates,      —        Total Estimates, $175,000.00

                               Expenditure to

1918 Expenditure, $1,118.20    31 12/18,         19,930.06

145.    Resumption of Ferry Piers.—In order to institute improved ferry services between the City of Victoria and the western side of the Kowloon Peninsula, extending from Yaumati to Shamshuipo, it was decided to resume the piers hitherto used by such ferries and to utilize them until new and properly-equipped piers can be erected. The piers will henceforth belong to Government which will keep them in proper repair, but the privilege of running ferry services will be let, from time to time, by public tender, the Government retaining control over all matters relating to such services (vide the Regulations made by the Governor-in-Council on the 30th May, 1918, under the Ferries Ordinance, 1917).

The following is a statement of the expenditure incurred in resuming and repairing or extending the piers so as to make them reasonably serviceable for the new ferries: —

Position of Pier Amount paid as compensation

Amount expended

on repairs, extensions, & c.

  $ $ $
Opposite Queen Victoria Street 12,300.00   12,300.00
Opp. Jubilee Street 950.00 3,749.88 4,699.88
Opp. Western Market 3,000.00 6,724.96 9,724.96
Opp. Eastern Market 700.00 4,295.97 4,995.97
Opp. Public Square Street, Yaumati 400.00 2,258.26 2,658.26
Opp. Waterloo Road, Yaumati 300.00 2,685.84 2,985.84
Opp. Shantung Street, Mongkoktsui no pier in

3,164.98 3,164.98
Opp. Nanchang Street, Shamshuipo 1,550.00 816.28 2,366.28
Total $19,200.00 $23,696.17 $42,896.17

Kowloon.    — Q 92 —

The sum of $12,300. which, appears as having been paid as compensation for the pier opposite Queen Victoria Street was really a refund of the sum which was paid by the lessee in 1906 for the right to erect and maintain a pier. The pier itself, or what was left of it, was removed by the lessee. It will be replaced by a permanent structure in due course. All the other piers, for which compensation was paid, were erected under temporary licences which were revocable at short notice and the amounts paid were for the structures themselves. In the case of the pier opposite Eastern Street, the structure was in so dilapidated a condition that it was decided to make provision for the new ferries by utilizing and extending a small pier which had been constructed for the use of the dust-boats about 45 yards to the eastward and the amount appearing as expended on repairs, etc., was spent in constructing this extension and erecting a ticket office, turnstiles, etc. The reconstruction of the pier opposite Eastern Street will be greatly facilitated by this arrangement. The pier opposite Shantung Street is a new pier,—the pier hitherto used by the ferry-launches Was in front of a Marine Lot, the lessee of which desired to retain it for his own use. In all cases, ticket offices and turnstiles were erected on the piers.

1918 Estimates    .     —

1918 Expenditure,         $42,896.17

146.  Repairing and Coaling Yard for Government Launches. — . It was anticipated that the electrically-driven winch for operating the cradle would arrive during the year and a vote to cover the cost of it was accordingly taken. As the winch did not arrive, no expenditure was incurred.

1918 Estimates,      . —

1918 Expenditure,     —

147.    Resumption of Kowloon Marine Lot 83 and Kowloon Inland Lot 1178.—These lots are situated at the northern extremity of the reclamation in Hunghom Bay which was carried out in conjunction with the construction of the railway. As the lessees were about to dispose of them, it was considered expedient, with a view to future Railway and Wharfage developments, that Government should acquire them and this was accordingly done by private arrangement.

1918 Estimates,     —

1918 Expenditure,    $383,807.90


148.    Telephonic Communication with outlying Islands.—In consequence of disasters, during recent years, at some of the outlying islands, it was considered expedient to establish telephonic
