1937 Public Works Department Annual Report

Submitted by David on

A copy of the original is available at HKGRO: https://lib.hku.hk/hkgro/view/a1937/1017.pdf




172.    New Cemetery No. 7:—The work carried out under this Contract consisted of the formation of terraces, access paths and draining a new section of this cemetery.

Expenditure —        ...$14,396.64

173.    Street Name Plates:—Five additional name plates were erected from stock in hand and a further thirty-five name plates were ordered. The latter were not received in time for erection during the year.

Expenditure         -    $634.53

174.    Kowloon City Police Station—Rewiring:—The building was wired to serve 255 points.

Expenditure                 $2,895.42


175.    Back Lane Service Pipes:—In addition to two services which were enlarged from 1 1/2" to 2", eight new or extended services were laid. This involved the laying of 1,260 feet of 2" and eighteen feet of 1 1/2" wrought iron piping. Fifty new services and forty-five existing services were connected to these and existing subsidiary mains.

Expenditure                 $ 1,453.76

176.    Distribution Mains:—The following work was carried out:—697 feet of 12" spun iron main were laid in Kiu Kiang Street between Castle Peak Road and Fuk Wah Street; 144 feet of 6" spun iron main were laid in Kiu Kiang Street east of Castle Peak Road, and 315 feet of 6" cast iron main were removed from Kiu Kiang Street west of Castle Peak Road.

Expenditure         $4,235.24


177.    Refuse Dump at Kun Tong:—This was referred to in paragraph 183 of last year's Report. No constructional work was carried out during the year. A light railway was laid to expedite the handling of the refuse but this method of transporting the material was Later abandoned. Approximately 7,000 cubic yards of dredgings were spread over the refuse dump.

Expenditure             $ 3,218.61

Expenditure to 31st    Dec., 1937     $26,034.94

178.    Kowloon City Pier:—-This work was referred to in paragraph 206 of last year’s Report. The pier was completed and opened for passenger traffic in March.

Expenditure     $ 7,150.97

Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1937     12,638.57


Q 48


179. Compensation and Resumptions:—Minor resumptions were carried out in connection with the development of the district in accordance with the approved Town Planning Scheme.

Expenditure         $1,969.70



180. Anti-Malarial Works:—-Work on training the stream-course west of New Kowloon Inland Lot No. 1969 at Ngau Shi Wan was (commenced in November. A length of 150 feet of 36" diameter channel was completed. Filling to the amount of 1,200 cubic yards was also completed and an area of 300 super yards was turfed.

Expenditure         $1,605.21




181.    Ta Ku Ling Police Station—Extensions:—This was referred to in paragraph 188 of last year’s Report. The work proceeded satisfactorily and was completed on 22nd October.

Expenditure                         $51,337.82

Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1937     $51,559.64



182.    Roads: —Kerbing, channelling and surfacing to road and footpaths were laid in front of the new buildings erected during the year at Taipo Market and Un Long.

Expenditure     $6,731.69

183. Drainage—(a) Training Nullahs:—Rough dry weather channels were formed in the untrained length of the stream-courses below the dam adjoining the Cafeteria at Castle Peak, and minor stream-course training was carried out.

Expenditure             $469.44

(b) Miscellaneous:—Work of a minor nature was carried out at Taipo Market.

Expenditure     $7.50

