Map of all Places

Submitted by David on Mon, 05/02/2016 - 09:47

Here are instructions on how to use the map's controls.

Map Controls on the left side of map, from top to bottom

L.1 - Go full-screen

  • Click the [ ] icon in the top-left corner of the map to expand the map so it fills the screen.
  • When you've finished, click the icon again or press the 'Esc' key on your keyboard, and the map returns to normal size.

L.2 - Zoom

  • To zoom in...

    • Click the '+', or
    • Use your mouse-wheel, or
    • Stretch two fingers apart on a touch screen.
  • To zoom out ...
    • Click the '-' in the top-left corner, or
    • Use your mouse-wheel, or
    • Pinch two fingers together on a touch screen.

L.3 - Current zoom level

  • This is for display only, showing you the map's current zoom level

L.4 - Locate

  • Clicking this centres the map on your current location. It is most often used on a smartphone that has GPS enabled.

L.5 Add Place

  • Click this to add a new Place page to the website, using the centre of the map as its location

Map Controls on the right side of map, from top to bottom

R.1 - View different map layers

  • Click the layers icon on the right of the map, to show a list of the map layers available.

    • Background maps, e.g. Map by GovHK

      • The top section shows a choice of background maps, and also a satellite view. One of these must always be selected.
    • Overlay maps, e.g. 1901 HK
      • These are scanned copies of old Hong Kong maps. They are optional, and can be toggled on or off by clicking their check box.

R.2 - Transparency slider

  • If you've displayed an overlay map, you can drag down the transparency slider to make the overlay transparent. This lets you see through to the modern nap below it, and can be useful to compare how an area has changed over the years.

Map markers


  • Each marker on the map shows a Place in Hong Kong that has a page on Gwulo. Most Places record a building.
  • The colour of the marker shows the current condition of that Place:
    • Green=In use,
    • Yellow=Ruin,
    • Red=Closed or Demolished,
    • Blue/White=Unknown.
  • Click any marker and a pop-up appears to show the name of the Place. Click on the name to visit the Place's page where you'll find photos and further details of that Place.

Groups of Places:

  • The larger circles with numbers show groups of Places. The number shows how many Places are in the group. You can click on the number to expand the group to fill the map.

If anything isn't clear, please ask in the comments below.


Dear David,

I have to say this is a truly remarkable piece of work. My next task is to try and overlay the old lot numbers from 1934 onto the current layout...

Best wishes



Much confusion about the topic, at least on my part, puzzled me for years.

But now I try to come to a very simple fact.

Based on the 1938 map here, there are serveral lines with different direction and each of  their joint  may come with a BS marking. Clearly SOME of them are nothing to do with the European Reservation line.

The only European divisional line is a arrowed line from the St John Hospital. Please look carefully here the short straight line, from this Boundary Stone  towards Nam She Tam's BS, has an arrowhead. It is quite faded off to be seen yet barely visible!! It is shooting all the way to Pak Tso Wan, also known as the Italian Beach, at the other end of this southern CC island.You can see the letters  E----------PEAN--------over the Tai Choi Yeun area on this imaginary line.

The boundary of Houses and Districts reserved for the Europeana were shown here with the broken line of dash-dot-dash-dot type. The largest district with multiple ER Houses was on the western slope between Peak Rd. and the later CC Government School site.

And along the line for ER boundary, of course, you could expect the more BS stones along this line if and only if they were set up in year 1919 for that purpose. I believe there were at least 2 more BS stones between the Peniel Church and the Church of Christ in China, a hillet containing the gigantic Twin Erythrina Trees. And possible more BS stones beyond following the line.

However you still could discover BS stones which are nothing to do with the ER line boundary if and simply if those away from the vicinity of this ER line.


Regards, Tung

In the early days, it's impossible for us to have street maps of HK from the Government, so we had to turn to those non-government published maps, even for academic uses. One popular source was the so-called Sun Sun maps. I suppose the map overlay of Kowloon 1956 here is one of these. Yet, we could not deem these maps as accurate as those from the government.

Here is an example:

On the map, there is King's Park Road, now Wylie Road. But the northern section of this road was not correctly drawn; it ran through the football field of Wah Yan College, Kowloon instead of running parallel with the railroad.

I myself had worked at Wah Yan College for over 30 years. The school moved to the present land lot in 1952 and that section of misplaced "King's Park Road"was indeed the lining of the underground culvert (it still exists) which was originally a stream before the ravine was filled.

Though such maps were quite handy and helpful in the long past, we still have to refer to them with care.

Hi there,

GPS info is not practical in a city like Hong Kong as there are too many tall buildings that causes problems  'Consulting' the satellites.  From my own experience using Garmin handheld units, they maybe useful while you are in the wilderness, the handheld units do not have much use if you are surrounded by highrises.


I actually want to save these locations which I want to visit in the future on my own Google Maps.

The hard way will be to manually plot them one by one but it takes more effort since there is no Google Maps layer here. Also accuracy will be slightly lost.

Is there a way to get the GPS coordinates of a marker?

This is a bit of a hack, but may help. First go to the Place page for the marker you are interested in, and look at the url that is shown in your web browser, e.g.…

The latitude and longitude are shown in the url, as highlighted here:

(If for any reason they are not shown, clicking on the + or - to zoom in or out should add them to the url.)