1922 Public Works Department Annual Report

Submitted by David on

Copy of original available online at HKGRO. (You may need to click the link twice to see the document.)



B. O. Work.                    — Q 20 —

37. Reclamations.—The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year : —

                                       Area in sq. ft.

N.K.I.Ls. 190 & 191, Laichikok (in progress),      618,000

M.Ls. 277 & 281, (additions to) North Point

(in progress), .       134,200

Q.B.M.L. 1, (additions to) Quarry Bay, (in

progress),          33,600

S.I.Ls. 446, 447, 448 & 449, Shaukiwan (completed), 30,764

K.I.L. 1358, To Kwa Wan, (completed),              62,271

N.K.M.L. 8, Laichikok, (commenced),               514,150

The areas stated are those of the lots, which in some cases extend further inland than old high water mark and are there-fore not exclusively reclaimed from the sea.

In addition to the above, some further progress was made in connection with the work of reclaiming about 215 acres of fore-shore and sea-bed at the head of Kowloon Bay, referred to in previous years’ Reports.

38. Principal Works of a Private Nature,—The remaining half of a large block of offices for the Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company, on K.M.L. 11, was completed early in the year.

On the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company’s premises at Hunghom, the work referred to in last year’s Report was continued. Half of the office block was completed during the year and work on the other half is proceeding. Extensive cutting on the site is being carried out.

Work on the Standard Oil Company’s installation, N.K.I.Ls.., 190 and 191, Laichikok, was also continued, and further large Oil Tanks were completed. The erection of a pier in front of N.K.M.L. No. 6 was commenced.

The Knitting Factory on K.I.L. 1388, Coronation Road, was completed, as was also the Dust Collecting Plant on the Green Island Cement Company’s premises, K.M.L. 40, Hok Un. Reference to both of these works was made in last year’s Report.

A Cinema Theatre at the junction of Peking and Hankow Roads, on K.I.L. 526, was completed.

A Foundry on K.I.Ls. 1410, 1411 and 1412, Tai Kok Tsui, was completed, and also a Glass Factory on K.M.L. 48, Mongkoktsui.

Among other buildings of a non-domestic character, which were either completed or in progress in the Kowloon District, were Workshops, Offices, Stores, 2 Factories, a Tannery, and a Pier.

— Q 21 - B. O. Work.

Several European Flats in Kowloon, on which work had commenced towards the end of 1921, were completed during 1922, whilst work on a considerable number of new blocks was proceeding steadily.

A large Private Hotel at the junction of Hankow and Middle Hoads, on K. I. L. 413, was in course of erection, and at the end of the year had practically reached the roof level. The building is seven storeys in height.

The erection of 3 pairs of semi-detached European houses for the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company on I. Ls. 2308, 2309 & 2310, Magazine Gap Road, was completed.

Two Blocks of European Flats, on I. L. 2139, May Road, and I. L. 2267, Tregunter Path, were completed.

The erection of nine blocks of European bouses on I. L. 2293, Wongneichong, was in progress, and 3 of the blocks, comprising 6 houses, were completed at. intervals during the year.

The new. premises for the Lusitano Club on I. L. 339. R. P., Ice House Street, were completed.

An Office Block on I. L. 80, Secs. K & J, Nos. 3 & 3a, Wyndham Street was completed.

A large Chinese Restaurant on M.Ls. 181 and 182, Nos. 429 A, B, and C, Queen’s Road West, was completed.

The extension to St. Joseph’s College, I. L. 1642, and an extension to the Helena May Institute, I, L. 2083, were also completed.

An additional storey to the offices of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co. on M. L. 276, No. 3, Connaught Road Central, was completed.

The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation's extension, No. 4, Des Voeux Road Central, referred to in last year’s Report was completed.

A new block of offices has been completed on M. L. 361, Dos Voeux Road Central. The ground floor of this building now accommodates the Fire Brigade until such time as the new Fire Station Building is ready.

Another office block completed before the end of the year is situated at No. 6, Queen’s Road Central, on I. L. 292a.

A commencement was made and good progress maintained on buildings on important sites in the centre of the City, such as the Asiatic Petroleum Company’s site, I. L. 619, Queen’s Road Central; the Old Post Office site, I. Ls. 2316, 2317, 2318 & 2319; the P. & O. Company’s site, M. L. 366; and the Bank of Canton’s site, on M. L. 102, Des Voeux Road Central. As regards the Old Post Office site, a Cinema Theatre is being erected on I.L. 2316, an office

B. O. Work. — Q 22 —

block on I. L's 2317 & 2318, and another on I.L. 2319. Work on this last lot, however, had not advanced beyond the foundations at the end of the year.

The erection of new premises for St. Stephen’s Girls College at Park and Lyttelton Roads is proceeding, and the building is up to the third floor level.

In the early part of the year, a large Pavilion was erected on the site to the West of the Hongkong Club. This structure served temporarily as a reception hall during the visit of H. R. H. The Prince of Wales, and was demolished immediately after the Royal Visit. On the same site the erection of a permanent War Memorial is now in progress.

The following is a summary of the smaller works which have been completed or commenced during the year, which includes the larger ones specifically mentioned above :—

Works Completed.

57 European houses in Hongkong, including 14 in the Peak


31    ,,      ,,    „ Kowloon,

115 Chinese houses in Victoria,

51     „      „     „ Hongkong Villages,

228    „      „     „ Yaumati and Mongkoktsui,

189    ,,     „     „ Shamshuipo,

12     „      „     „ Hunghom,

20     „      „     „ Kowloon Villages, and

23     „      „     ,, Kowloon Bay Reclamation,

besides numerous buildings of a non-domestic character in Hongkong and Kowloon.

Works Commenced.

46 European houses in Hongkong, including 7 in the Peak


18     „       „    „ Kowloon,

190 Chinese houses in Victoria,

79     ,.      ,,   „ Hongkong Villages,

114    „       „    „ Yaumati and Mongkoktsui,

123    ,,      ,,   „ Shamshuipo,

48     „       „    „ Hunghom,

8      „       „    „ Kowloon Villages, and

34     „       „    „ Kowloon Bay Reclamation

besides numerous buildings of a non-domestic character in Hongkong and Kowloon.




86. Officers' Quarters:-


Quarters at rear of "Le Calvaire". – The work comprises site formation, and the erection of 2 blocks of 4 terrace houses of 5 apartments, with appurtenances and servants quarters.

Sketch plans were submitted, and, on approval, Contract drawings and documents were prepared and tenders called for in December.

The tenders were under consideration at the close of the year. 

  • 1922 Estimates $440,000 
  • 1922 Expenditure $313,171.69
  • Total Estimates
  • Expenditure to 31/12/22 $541,723.26


— Q 57 —   P.W.E. Hongkong.

90. Government Offices,—New Offices for Public Works Department.—This work consists of the provision of temporary office accommodation for a portion of the P.W.D. Staff; the building is of four stories, its allocation being as follows :—

Ground Floor—Buildings Ordinance Office.

First Floor—Survey Office.

Second Floor—Water Works Office.

Third Floor—Mainly Accounts & Stores but with two rooms reserved for the Survey Office. The building is simple in design, and has a central entrance.

Lavatory accommodation is provided on all floors, and a lift, in addition to the usual staircase gives easy access to the upper stories.

The Contract amounting to $67,260.17 was let to Messrs. Kin Lee & Co., on the 17th January and work was commenced immediately. Some delay was experienced during the year owing to the difficulty of obtaining a regular supply of bricks, but by the end of December the carcase of the building was nearing completion the steel roof trusses being fixed.

1922 Estimates    $ 70,000.00     Total Estimates    $ 75,000.00

                                                            Expenditure to

1922 Expenditure... 40,340.39    31/12/22     40,340.39

91.    Government House,—Additions and Reconstruction of Kitchen and Garage Blocks.—These extensions were described in paragraph 94 of last year’s Report. The Kitchen Block, which was nearing completion by the end of 1921, was finished and occupied before the end of January. The. work to the Garage Block was continued with all possible speed during the early part of the year and the building was completed and ready for occupation by April.

Further work was also executed under this Contract during the period January-April, consisting of the construction of two “Chunam” Tennis Courts with boundary fence and the erection of a small Summer House.

1922 Estimates    $ 40,000.00 | Total Estimates    $100,000.00

1922 Sup. Vote        15,000.00 |

                                $ 55,000.00 | Expenditure to

1922 Expenditure... 51,136.52 |    31/12/22    $ 90,948.27

92. Government Civil Hospital,—-Outpatients Department.—

This building was referred to in paragraph 97 of last year’s Report. The following accommodation is provided :—

A large Waiting Hall for patients with smaller rooms allocated to different forms of treatment opening from it.


99. Married Quarters for Police—Caine Road.—This work was referred to in paragraph 91 of last year’s Report.

The building was completed in February, the Contract being carried out by Mr. Ng Mou Hing.

The site is to the East of and adjoining the Police Quarters erected in 1915, and the work comprised the erection of a three storeyed building containing six flats with servants quarters in the rear of the main building; four of the flats contain a living room, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, pantry and water closet, while the remaining two flats, in addition to the accommodation already stated, contain a third small bedroom. An open verandah extends along the front of all the flats, with a spacious hay opposite each living room, while balconies and bridges afford access to the servants quarters which also has a separate entrance on the ground floor. The block of servants quarters was raised a storey, and a basement was thus formed on the ground floor containing two large stores which may be used as a Garage for Police Motor Cycles, Hand Ambulance or Domestic Vehicles. One of the Stores was allotted to the occupants of the old quarters.

1922 Estimates,$ 20,000.00  Total Estimates,$ 73,000.00
  Expenditure to                            
1922 Expenditure,... 14,322.71 31/12/22, 76,635.57


- Q 71— P.W.E. Hongkong.

The number of drain connections made was 117.

1922 Estimates,                    $ 25,000.00

1922 Sup. Vote,                      16,858.38


                                   $ 41,858.38

1922 Expenditure (from

Government funds),... $33,836.40

1922 Expenditure (contri-

       butions by various

       lessees),       13,664.60

                       ---------   $ 47,501.00

In conjunction with the Roads Office, a considerable number of new gullies with flat gully gratings were constructed and connected to the storm-water drainage system.

109. Extension of Lighting.---54 lamps were erected during the year—35 Electric and 19 Gas.

1922 Estimates, $ 1,500.00

1922 Sup, Vote,     800.00


                $ 2,300.00

1922 Expenditure, 1,437.50

110. Construction of re-inforced concrete Pier and superstructure opposite Queen's Statue.—This work was referred to in paragraph 116 of last year’s Report. The actual pier was completed by the end of the year with the exception of the depositing of the concrete to form the. decking and a few very minor items of work.

Drawings were prepared for the structural steel roof and also for the facade to the Praya, which will consist of a carriage entrance with approaches flanked by a balustrade ; tenders were called for the latter towards the end of the year.

1922 Estimates, ...$ 97,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$127.000.00

1922 Sup. Vote, ...  10,000.00 |

                   ----------- |

                   $107,000.00 | Expenditure to

1922 Expenditure,    96,487.54 |    31/12/22,         109,857.98

111. Quarry Workshops and Plant.— To keep pace with the increasing demand on the Quarry for the various material manufactured there, the undermentioned additional plant was installed :—

9 Moulding tables for paving slabs with a total capacity of 318 moulds.

1 Rotary Dryer and spiral mixer complete.

1 Revolving screen for 3/4" stone.


P.W.E. Hongkong.    — Q 82 —


Praya East Reclamation Scheme.

141. (a.)- —Contribution by Government towards Fund for Reclamation.—This was referred to in paragraph 130 of last year's Report.

Four locomotives, together with rails, fifty Decauville wagons, and one hundred side-tipping wagons were delivered, and in use by July.

The work of constructing guide-pile stagings, frames, and Engineers’ office was completed in January ; the laying of transport lines on Heard Street was completed and the deposition—by hand wagons—of earth filling from Morrison Hill commenced in April. During July, the transport line via Bowrington Canal was completed and the transport of earth filling by locomotives and side-tipping trucks commenced; good progress was made with this, a total of 410,000 cubic yards having been deposited on the Reclamation by the end of the year.

An intercepting drain to take the drainage discharging through the existing sea-wall, was constructed.

— Q 83 —    P.W.E. Hongkong.

The work of re-drainage of the existing developed area between Arsenal Street, Causeway-Bay, Queen’s Road and the existing Praya, rendered necessary by the scheme, was commenced during the year.

1922 Estimates, ..    .$ 50,000,00             Total Estimates,... $640,460.00

1921    Sup. Vote, ...    47,093.10


                                  $ 97,093.10              Expenditure to

1922    Expenditure,     65,070.10                 31/12/22               96,069.00

(b.) Road Improvements at Arsenal Street,— Resumption and alteration of buildings.—This item was referred to in paragraph 131 of last year’s Report ; no further action had been taken by the end of the year.

(c.) Road Improvements at East Point.—This was referred to in paragraph 132 of last year’s Report.

The Contract for the work was awarded to Messrs. Sang Lee & Co. The Botanical and Forestry Department had considerable clearing to do before the work could be commenced.

Good progress was made, however, during the latter portion of the year, and it is anticipated it will be completed about the end of March next.

1922 Estimates, ...$ 30,000.00            Total Estimates, ...$ 30,000.00

                                                             Expenditure to

1922 Expenditure, 11,088.00                  31/12/22,               11,088.00

(d.) Resumption of land for formation of road crossing Morrison Hill Area.—This was referred to in paragraph 133 of last year’s Report. 

Owing to the filling material from Morrison Hill being transported via Bowrington Canal and Heard Street no action was taken during the year, there was consequently no expenditure under this heading.

(e.) Morrison Hill District Development, Retaining Walls and Stormwater Culverts.—The work under this item was only commenced towards the end of December.

1922 Estimates, ...$ 20,000.00     Total Estimates, ...$269,576.00

                                                      Expenditure to

1922 Expenditure,           86.67        31/12/22,                       86.67

142. Kowloon Hospital.—This work, which was referred to in paragraph 136 of last year’s Report, will comprise the erection of the following buildings :—

Block No. 1.—-This will contain the following accommodation :—

Three first class and four second class wards, Operating Theatre, Dispensary, Outpatients Department, Administration Office, Duty Rooms, Stores, Bathroom and W.C. accommodation, &c.



P.W.E. New Territories. —Q 96 —

174. New Police Station, Shatin.—It was decided to erect this building on the hill to the West of Shatin Tau. Plans were prepared and tenders invited therefor, the lowest amounting to $47,096.50 being accepted prior to end of the year.

1922 Estimates, $35,000.00

1922 Expenditure, Nil.

175. Erection of a brick Bungalow at Tai Po for Public Works Department in place of the existing one.—This work was not proceeded with, there was consequently no expenditure under this heading.

176. Reconstruction of Certain Sheds at Lai Chi Kok.—This work, which was referred to in paragraph 192 of last year's Report, consisted of the reconstruction of four of the sheds used as a prison at Laichikok, and was executed by Messrs. Sang Lee & Co. under their Maintenance Contract. It was necessary that the reconstruction should be confined to one block at a time and the work was therefore slow. It was, however, nearing completion by the close of the year.

1922 Estimates,... $20,000.00  | Total Estimates,... $26,000.00

                               | Expenditure to

1922 Expenditure,   18,623.04  |   31/12/22           24,617.10

177. Clerks' Quarters, Tai Po.—This work was referred to in paragraph 157 of last year’s Report.

Each set of quarters comprises four living rooms, 2 being on the ground and 2 on the 1st floors ; the latter being provided with verandahs on their front elevation.

The construction is of brickwork in mortar roofed with double roll and pan tiling.

The ground floor is surfaced with cement tiles, the upper one being reinforced concrete finished with grooved and tongued floor boarding. The domestic offices comprise a kitchen, bath house and latrine and are roofed with reinforced concrete slab ; an enclosed yard at the back is also provided.

1922 Estimates. ..$20,000.00 | Total Estimates..$30.000.00 1922 Sup. Vote, ... 3,504.19 |

                  $23,504.19 | Expenditure to

1922 Expenditure,  23,504.19 |   31/12/22,  .....27,245.96

178. Anglo-Chinese School, Cheung Chau.—This work, which was referred to in paragraph 160 of last year’s Report, was not proceeded with, there was consequently no expenditure under this heading.


182. Land Bailiff's' Quarters, Ping Shan.—The building provides, on the ground floor, accommodation for a court room 18'0" x 26'6",- an office 18'0" x 18'0", a demarcation room 15'0" x 15'0" and a Land Bailiff’s Office 22' x 15' with a lavatory attached.

The quarters for the Land Bailiff are on the 1st floor, formed of reinforced concrete, finished with grooved and tongued H.W. boarding and consist of a dining room 18'0" X 18'0" and 2 bed rooms 23'9" x 12'10 1/2" and 18'0" x 12'6" respectively. The domestic offices consist of European kitchen, pantry, 2 bath rooms, store cupboard and a coal store. The usual servants quarters are also provided.

The exterior of the building is finished in cement pointed brickwork with the lower verandah piers in rough cast. The quarters verandah is laid with cement tiles.

All roofing is in double roll and pan tiling.

A Garage, shelter for visitors to the court, and male and female lavatory accommodation is provided in a detached building.

The work was completed in August and by the end of the year all liabilities had been discharged.

1922 Estimates, ...$ .10,000.00 | Total Estimates    $35.000.00

1922 Sup. Vote, ...   12,500.00 |

                      --------- |

                     $22,500.00 | Expenditure to

1922 Expenditure      21,876.54 |    31/12/22,        34,354.19


— Q 101 — P.W.E. New Territories.

The number of drain connections made was 221.

1922 Estimates,                                      $ 10,000.00

1922 Expenditure (from Government funds) $ 9,016.69

1922 Expenditure (contributions by various lessees), 481.93

                                                      $ 9,498.62

In conjunction with the Roads Office, a considerable number of new gullies were constructed and connected to the storm-water drainage system.

188. Further Reclamation at Shamshuipo.—This was referred to in paragraph 165 of last year’s Report.

In order to expedite the work of depositing earth filling, the Contractors were granted permission to obtain tilling material from a new position at Tai Kok Tsui and to lay transport lines along the Lai Chi Kok Road to convoy it to the reclamation. This new transport route was completed in March and work commenced in the new cutting. Steady progress was made with filling from the foot hills at Lai Chi Kok ; towards the end of the year, however, a large crop of boulders was encountered and the cutting became very difficult. As mentioned in last year’s Report, much rock was met in the cut above Tai Po Road, consequently the locomotives were withdrawn in April and the transport of materials therefrom was continued by Decauville trucks.

The earth filling deposited in the Reclamation amounted to 37,000 cubic yards, about 12,000 cubic yards of pell-mell rubble being deposited in the rubble mound foundation for sea wall and for foundations to nullah. The deposition of rubble for this latter work was completed and the cement concrete deposited in situ for foundation to nullah wall on the West side; the cement concrete foundation blocks for the sea-wall were cast and Inland Lots Nos. 366 and 367 were reclaimed to approved levels by the end of the year.

1922 Estimates, .$200,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$730,000.00

                             | Expenditure to

1922 Expenditure, 101,634.75 |  31/12/22,           259,238.31

189. Kowloon Tong Development Scheme :—

(a.) Resumption.—31 lots aggregating 5.91 acres [[Text is not clear - may be "591 acres"]] were resumed.

1922 Estimates, $ 84,000.00

1922 Expenditure, 14,737.39

(b.) Excavation and Filling.—A Contract was let for this work to Messrs. Li Hing Bros. in June.

P.W.E. New Territories. — Q 102 —

Owing to difficulties experienced in obtaining possession of certain portions of the area to be developed, it was not possible to make satisfactory progress.

An extension of the scheme Northwards was made part of the Contract.

1922 Estimates, $ 66,000.00

1922 Expenditure, 10,269.17

190. Construction of Water-boat Dock at Laichikok.—This work was referred to in paragraph 169 of last year’s Report.

The Contract for the construction of the Water-boat Dock was let in March to Messrs. Sang Lee & Co., whose tender amounted to $373,084.14; this tender does not include the cost of water supply connections, attendant’s quarters estimated at $ 13.000.00, or the dredging of trenches for rubble mound foundations, the tendered rates for dredging being so excessive that it was decided to carry out this work departmentally at an estimated cost of $32,000.00.

The work in Contract was commenced in March, the time allowed for completion thereof being three years.

1922 Estimates, .$40,000.00 | Total Estimates, .$440,000.00

                            | Expenditure to

1922 Expenditure, 19,067.33 | 31/12/22,           19,133.88

191. Refuse Dump, Cheung Sha Wan.—This work was referred to in paragraph 168 of last year’s Report.

The construction of the earth embankment (protected on the outer slope from sea action by building debris) projected in the South Easterly direction was completed, and the work on the embankment- was well in hand in the Easterly direction at the end of June.

In July a Contract was let for obtaining earth for covering all rubbish deposited ; some 11,000 tons of rubbish had been deposited and so covered by the end of the year.

1922 Estimates, ...$ 25,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...

                               | Expenditure to

1922 Expenditure, 19,828.81    |   31/12/22,      $ 21,379.30

192. Furniture for Government Offices and Quarters,—Four full sets of furniture were supplied, and a number of small articles to Police Stations, &c., including 50 double iron bunks at a cost of $1,675.00.

1922 Estimates    3,500,00

1922 Sup. Vote    2,500.00

                § 6,000.00

1922 Expenditure, 5,598.50



(a) Improving and widening road through Quarry Bay Village

A description of this work was given in last year's Report, paragraph 101 (o). Substantial progress was made with it. Up to the end of the year 30,000 C.Y. of rock was removed from the line of the road and deposited to form the rubble mound to enclose the reclamation opposite Q.B.I.L. No. 4. The nullah, the retaining wall adjoining the Recreation Ground, and the small culvert for carrying the water main under the new roadway were completed, whilst 300 feet of the 12 foot nullah adjoining the Refinery was widened to 24 feet.

159c Extending Coronation Road Northwards through Hill (formerly K.F.L. 11). - Heavy rock cutting was involved which considerably delayed the progress of the work.

By the end of the year a 30 ft. temporary road was available through the cutting for connecting up the Coronation and Tai Po Roads.

(a.) Pier opposite Queen Victoria Street.

--As stated in paragraph 107 of last year's report, a contract for the construction of a reinforced concrete roof over part of the pier and the erection of offices, &c., was awarded to Mr. Chan Tai Kee. This work was completed on the 31st May, and in June, the Yaumati Ferry Service was transferred from the wooden pier opposite Jubilee Street to this new concrete pier.

(k) Piers at Public Square Street, Yaumati.

—This work was completed by the end of the year with the exception of the depositing of the concrete to form the decking and a few very minor items of work.

The total Expenditure includes, in addition to the cost of new ferry piers, compensation in respect of Keng Shan and Hunghom Piers and reconstruction of, and alterations to, existing wooden piers.

1922 Estimates, ...


Total Estimates,

300,000.00 .

1922 Expenditure,


Expenditure to 31/12/22,
