1935 Public Works Department Annual Report

Submitted by Admin on

A copy of the original is available at HKGRO: http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkgro/view/a1935/941.pdf


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19. Works in hand or completed were:—Installations for the new buildings constructed under the Architectural Office and rewiring a number of Hospital, Police and Quarters etc. blocks in Hong Kong and Kowloon.

20. Improvements and additions were made in twenty-two buildings in Hong Kong, six buildings in Kowloon and five buildings in New Territories. Sixty fans and thirteen telephones were installed in various buildings. Illumination work was carried out in connection with the Jubilee Celebration.

21. Sections of submarine cable were laid.

22. Wireless: A beacon transmitter was installed at Cape D’Aguilar. Two new rebroadcasting receivers were received and installed. Two medium/long wave receivers and two short wave receivers were taken into use at Observatory Marine and Meteorological W/T Station. W/T for Air Services is in hand. New Creed transmitters and keyboard perforators were installed in the Radio Telegraph Office. A Government W/T School was started in the General Post Office Building.

23. In addition to minor works the usual maintenance of Wireless Stations, telephones, lights, fans, bells, lifts, ferry pier hoists, traffic lights, etc., was carried out. The installations were all maintained in good order.


24. The volume of new building works coming under the jurisdiction of the Public Health and Buildings Ordinance, shewed a slight decline when compared with 1934. The industry was nevertheless fairly actively engaged.

25. The plans approved were largely for works of alteration and additions to existing domestic buildings. In contrast to this however, many works of magnitude in the nature of Banks, Office Blocks and Factories etc., were dealt with. (See Table XVII).

26. Amongst the more important works for which plans were approved were:—New Factory of the British American Tobaco Co., Ltd. on Gloucester Road; new quarters at the French Convent, Causeway Bay; new station and flats at the Lower Peak Tramway Station, Garden Road; new Church at Causeway Bay; Industrial School on Third Street; office block at No. 10 Queen’s Road, Central; school for the Italian Convent on Caine Road; large block of flats and garages on Plantation Road; new building for the Salesian Fathers on Island Road, Shaukiwan, swimming pool and retaining walls at Repulse Bay;

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new Central British School on Argyle Street; extension to St. Mary's School on Austin Road; Maryknoll Convent School on Waterloo Road and Boundary Street; substation for the China Light & Power Co., Ltd., on Chatham Road; engineering workshop for the China Light & Power Co., Ltd. on Dyer Avenue; site formation for large residential and day school at Hau Pui Loong; motor bus shelters at Tsim Sha Tsui; private hospital on Kiu Kiang Street; widening and lengthening of pier at the Kowloon Wharf & Godown Co., Ltd.; Chinese hotel on Nathan Road; and Dispensary on Yee Kuk Street.

27. Buildings of importance completed were:—

  • New Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank on Queen’s Road and Des Voeux Road, Central;
  • Cheero Club on Queen’s Road, Central;
  • new factory of the British American Tobacco Co., Ltd. on Gloucester Road;
  • extension to the Soldiers and Sailors Home on Hennessy Road;
  • site development and Gasometer for the Hong Kong & China Gas Co., Ltd. at Smithfield;
  • office block and flats at Nos. 3 and 5 Duddell Street;
  • office block at Nos. 15 to 19 Queen’s Road, Central;
  • extension to Sincere Co. Building on Des Voeux Road, Central;
  • Bank of East Asia Building on Des Voeux Road, Central;
  • Gold and Silver Exchange on Mercer Street;
  • Lido Bathing Pavilions (1st Section) at Repulse Bay;
  • Theological College on Stubbs Road;
  • Headquarters of the St. John’s Ambulance Brigade on Tai Hang Road;
  • Confucius Hall at Sookunpoo;
  • Tungar Printing Press at North Point;
  • Buddhist Temple and Free School on Shan Kwong Road;
  • Industrial School at Aberdeen;
  • “Best House” at Stanley;
  • Club House at Kowloon Tong;
  • Gas holder and tar tanks at To Kwa Wan;
  • motor bus shelters at Tsim Sha Tsui;
  • widening and lengthening of pier at the Kowloon Wharf & Godown Co., Ltd.,
  • block of twenty-four European houses at Shamshuipo.

28. Occupation permits were issued for 158 Chinese tenement houses, of this number sixty-one were erected in Kowloon and ninety-seven on the Island, of the latter number, eleven were erected on the Praya East Reclamation, making a total to date on this area of 1,016 houses. There was a slight increase in the number of occupation permits issued for European type houses, thirty-five being erected on the Island and fifty-nine in Kowloon.

29. There was a decrease in the number of non-domestic type buildings completed when compared with the returns of the preceding year.

30. A comparative statement of the number and type of buildings in respect of which plans were deposited, is given in Table XV.


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107. Junior Technical School—Laboratory Wing:—The work was referred to as completed in paragraph 198 of last year’s Report and nothing remained to be done during 1935 but the payment of the retention money.

Expenditure                    $   922.20

Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1935 $16,933.07

108. New Quarters at Peak Wireless Station:—This work was referred to in paragraph 110 of last year’s Report as being practically completed by the end of the year and nothing remained to be done during 1935 but the payment of the retention money.

Expenditure                      $ 9,297.20

Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1935   $19,889.57

109. Trade School—Wood Road, Wanchai:—This building consists of three stories and contains accommodation for the teaching of technical subjects and practical instruction in various trades.

The accommodation comprises the following rooms: — Ground Floor—machine and fitting shop, motor car repair shop, blacksmiths forge, power house, rooms for instruction in bricklayers and plumbers work, a large store and coolie quarters; First Floor—carpenters shop, laboratory, engineering and building drawing offices and lecture rooms and other rooms for instruction in electrical work and building trades, lavatory accommodation is provided on this floor in a separate annexe at the rear of the building; and Second Floor—class rooms and staff offices.

A contract was let to the Building Contractors Association on the 27th of May and at the end of the year the work was well advanced, the carcase of the building being erected to the level of the first floor.

The laying of porcelain tubes and plugs for wiring for electric lights, etc., was in progress.

Expenditure  $36,444.42



110. Roads:—Consequent upon the erection of new buildings, kerbing and channelling operations were executed on twenty-six roads etc., the footpath being paved, scavenging lanes surfaced with cement concrete and any necessary alterations in levels, or alignment were carried out.

Expenditure $33,378.48


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151. Chinese Cemeteries-laying out new area:—Work carried, out under this head is covered by paragraph 36 of the report.

Expenditure- $ 3,891.02


152. Back Lane Service Pipes: —Six new back lane services and sixteen extensions were installed during the year, while ten services were enlarged. This involved the laying of seventy-eight feet of 3", 4,621 feet of 2" and 344 feet of 1 1/2" wrought iron piping. One hundred and thirty-six new services and fifty-four existing services were connected to these and existing subsidiary mains.

Expenditure $ 7,890.22

153. Distribution Mains: —The following:works were carried out:—1,595 feet of 8" cast iron main were laid in Argyle Street from Waterloo Road Eastwards; 1,670-feet of 8" cast iron main were laid in Waterloo Road between Peace Avenue and Argyle Street; seventy-five feet of 6" cast iron main were laid in Argyle Street near Kowloon Hospital; and 410 feet of 4" east iron main were laid from Argyle Street to Kowloon Hospital.

Expenditure $ 4,308.11


154. Improvement and Extension to Hung Horn Ferry Pier:—This work was referred to in paragraph 219 of last year’s Report. The work was completed at the end of October, 1934, and the expenditure under this head was on account of the payment of retention money amounting to $500 which became due to the contractor on expiration of the maintenance period of six months.

Expenditure $ 500.00

Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1935 $ 8,461.20

155. Refuse Boat Pier and Live Stock Landing at Ma Tau Kok Road:—This work was referred to in paragraph 220 of last year’s Report. Good progress was recorded and the refuse pier and live stock landing was completed in July. Delay was occasioned in the opening of the pier due to the non-completion of the sea wall of the adjoining lot.

Expenditure $ 17,819.64

Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1935 $ 42,838.30

156. Rubble Mound and Wall between K.M.L. 97 and Sung Wong Toi:—The contract for this work was let to Messrs. Kwan On in June and was completed in August. A sea wall founded on pell-mell rubble, approximately 170 feet in length and 5'-6" above O.D. in height was constructed.

Expenditure $ 17,892,85
