1921 Public Works Report

Submitted by David on

A copy of original is available online at HKGRO.




— Q 21 — B. O. Work.

No. 160, Connaught Road West.

„ 270, Des Voeux Road West.

Nos. 7, 8, 9, 9a, 12, 13 and 14, Third Lane.

„ 50 and 52, Catchick Street.

No. 61, Reclamation Street.

,, 76, Reclamation Street.

Oil-cake Factory, N.K.I.L. 26, Shamshuipo.

A number of buildings at Messrs. W. S. Bailey and Coy’s. Shipbuilding Works, K.M.L’s 52 and 67 and K.I.L. 1150, To Kwa Wan.

39. Reclamations.—The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year:—

                                       Area in sq. ft.

N.K.I.L’s. 190, and 191, Laichikok, (in

                                  progress) 618,000

Aberdeen I.L’s. 81 to 88, Aberdeen,

                             (completed)    165,000

M.L’s. 277 and 281, (additions to), North

                      Point, (in progress), 134,200

K.I.L. 1382, To Kwa Wan, (completed),        87,110

K.M.L. 52, (additions to), To Kwa Wan,

                               (completed), 138,150

Q.B.M.L. 1, (additions to), Quarry Bay,

                              (in progress), 33,600

S.I.L’s. 446, 447,448 and 449, Shaukiwan,

                              (in progress), 30,764

K.I.L. 1358, To Kwa Wan, (in progress),      62,271

The areas stated are those of the lots, which in some cases extend further inland than old high water mark and are therefore not exclusively reclaimed from the sea.

In addition to the above, a little progress was made with the works in connection with the reclamation of about 215 acres of foreshore and sea-bed at the head of Kowloon Bay referred to in previous years’ Reports.

40. Principal Works of a Private Nature.—The additional residential wing and the large two-storeyed garage at the Repulse Ray Hotel on R.B.L. 142 referred to in last year's Report were completed, and a large block of servants’ quarters was erected.

The power-house, offices, and staff’ quarters for the China Light and Power Company on K.M.L. 93, Hunghom, referred to in last year’s Report were completed and an extensive building for accommodating 6 coalbins with a garage attached was also erected.

Of the large block of offices for the Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company on K.M.L. 11 referred to in last year’s Report, one-half was completed and the remainder was nearing completion.

B.O. Work   -- Q 22 --

At Ho Mun. Tin, (K.I.L’s. 1308 to 1348), the 4 new houses referred to in last year’s Report were completed.

Within the premises of the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company at Hunghom, a block of European quarters was completed ; the formation of sites for other buildings was in progress ; several buildings and extensions to existing buildings were completed ; and the erection of a large block of offices and a pump house was commenced.

The reclamation of N.K.I.L’s. 190 and 191, Laichikok, for the Standard Oil Company progressed throughout the year; the erection of 12 large Oil Tanks was proceeded with, 3 being completed. A Welding Shed and some additions to the Filling House on N.K.M.L. 2 were completed and the erection of other buildings was commenced.

The reclamation at Aberdeen and the erection of 26 Chinese houses on A.I L’s. 84 to 87 referred to in last year’s Report, were completed and the erection of some other buildings was commenced.

The large extension to St. Joseph’s College on I.L. 1642 was nearing completion at the end of the year.

The Cigarette Factory on I.L. 1315 referred to in last year’s Report was completed.

The extensive addition to the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, 4, Des Voeux Road Central, referred to in last year’s Report was nearing completion a1 the end of the year; No. 4 Queen’s Road Central was completed ; and the erection of a large block of offices on M.L. 381, Des Voeux Road Central, and at No. 6, Queen’s Road Central, was commenced.

Additional godowns at Kennedy Town were erected, others were commenced and some of those referred to in last year’s Report were completed.

The erection of a number of factories and godowns in various parts of Kowloon was commenced, several of these and of those referred to in last year’s Report were completed.

The large Sweet Factory on I.L. 2234, Whitfeild, referred to in last year’s Report, was completed.

The block of 18 flats on K.I.L. 574, Hanoi Road, referred to in last year’s Report was completed ; a considerable number of blocks of flats in Nathan and Coronation Roads were completed, and progress was made with a large block of flats in Kimberley Road ; a block of flats in Prat Avenue was erected and the erection of other blocks was commenced.

The blocks of flats on I.L’s 2139 & 471 referred to in last year’s Report were completed ; progress was made with a large block of flats on I.L. 2267, and the erection of other blocks of flats, 

-- Q 23 --   B.O. Work

including one of 51 flats on I.L. 2293, Wongneichong, was commenced.

The reclamation of an area of about 134,200 sq. ft. for the Asiatic Petroleum Company on M.L’s 277 & 281, North Point, referred to in last year’s Report, was completed.

The site formation, I.L. 2273, Whitfeild, was completed. Three large fuel tanks were completed and a building for staff quarters was erected.

At Quarry Bay, the erection, of a block of 4 houses on Q.B.I.L. 7, and 14 Chinese houses on S.M.L’s. 3 and 4 were completed.

Cinema theatres on I.L. 2323, Des Voeux Road Central, and K.I.L. 535, Kimberley Road, were erected, and the erection of one on K.I.L, 526, Pekin Road, was commenced.

The erection of 3 pairs of semi-detached European houses for the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company on I.L’s 2308, 2300 and 2310, Magazine Gap Road, was commenced.

The erection of a large Knitting Factory on K.I.L. 1388, Coronation Road, was commenced.

The erection of an extensive Dust-collecting plant on the premises of the Green Island Cement Company was commenced.

The “Jubilee Ward”, Tung Wah Hospital, I.L. 835, was erected.

The erection of a large club-house for the Lusitano Club on I.L. 339 R.P., Ice House Street, was commenced and was nearing completion at the end of the year.

The following is a summary of the smaller works which have been completed or commenced during the year in addition to the larger ones specifically mentioned above :—

Works Completed.

22 European houses in Hongkong, including 4 in the Peak District,
9   ''  ''  '' Kowloon
41 Chinese houses in Victoria
42   ''  ''  '' Hongkong Villages
175   ''  ''  '' Yaumati and Mongkoktsui
8   ''  ''  '' Taikoktsui
121   ''  ''  '' Shamshuipo
12   ''  ''  '' Kowloon Villages, and
50   ''  ''  '' Kowloon Bay Reclamation

besides numerous buildings of a non-domestic character in Hongkong and Kowloon.

B.O. Work   -- Q 24 --

Works Commenced

33 European houses in Hongkong, including 6 in the Peak District,
27   ''  ''  '' Kowloon
81 Chinese houses in Victoria
15   ''  ''  '' Hongkong Villages
156   ''  ''  '' Yaumati and Mongkoktsui
6   ''  ''  '' Taikoktsui
96   ''  ''  '' Shamshuipo
1   ''  ''  '' Kowloon Village, and
51   ''  ''  '' Kowloon Bay Reclamation

besides numerous buildings of a non-domestic character in Hongkong and Kowloon.


88. Offices' Quarters: –

Homestead Site Houses. – This work was placed under the charge of Messrs Little, Adams & Wood. A contract with Messrs Kien On & Co for $477,039.68 was signed on the 31st August for the erection of a block of 6 flats and 4 detached houses. The work was shortly afterwards commenced and by the end of the year a large amount of site preparation had been done and the foundations of the block of flats had been laid.


— Q 47 —    P.W.E. Hongkong.

92.    Additional Quarters at Happy Valley (12 houses).—As mentioned in paragraph 96 of last year’s Report, a Contract for two blocks of six terrace houses was let to Messrs. Kang On & Co. Block 1 was completed in March, and Block 2 in July.

1921 Estimates     $50,000.00 Total Estimates ... $180,000.00

1921 Sup. Vote     20,000.00


                                $70,000.00 Expenditure to

1921 Expenditure    65,974.31    31/12/21      151.867.02

93.    Cape D'Aguilar Wireless Station,—Extension to accommodate Chinese Linesmen.—A contract was let to Mr. Keng Tak Cheong in November for this work.

By the end of the year the site was excavated and the work set out. The death of the Contractor caused considerable delay.

1921 Estimates     $3,500.00 | Total Estimates ...    —

                                                     | Expenditure to

1921 Expenditure... 500.00 |    31/12/21      $500.00

94.    Government House,    -Additions and Reconstruction of Kitchen and Garage Block

Kitchen Block.—The work consisted of pulling down the old kitchen and outbuildings and erecting a new block comprising kitchen, servery and servants.

The tender of Messrs. Wing On for this work amounting to $40,250.42 was accepted, the contract being signed on the 29th June.

Garage Block. —This work consisted of pulling down part of the old stables and outbuildings, erecting a. new block comprising a garage, laundry, and Custodian’s Quarters, and forming a new carriage drive and entrance gates.

The tender of Messrs. Wah Lee & Co. for this work amounting to $50,449.21 was accepted, the Contract being signed on the 18th October.

The foundations were laid and walls stood at a height of 8'0" by the end of the year.

1921 Estimates ...$100,000.00 Total Estimate        —

                                                          Expenditure to

1921 Expenditure... 39,811.75    31/12/21    $39,811.75

95.    Victoria Hospital,—Maternity Block and Alterations and Extensions to Existing Buildings.—Sketch plans for the revision of the existing buildings have been prepared. The working drawings for the New Block were completed, and a Contract let to Messrs. Kien On & Co. in August for the amount of $130,537.45.


— Q 59 — P.W.E, Hongkong.

112. Central Police Station,— Improvements.—The work consisted of the renewal of balustrades and the substitution of reinforced concrete for the old wooden floors to a portion of the verandahs.

1921 Estimates,  $10,000.00 | Total Estimates, ... —

                            | Expenditure to

1921 Expenditure.  4,604.89 |  31/12/21,          $4,004.89

113. Furniture for Officers’ Quarters.—During the year, 53 full sets of furniture were supplied under this Vote and a large number of orders for separate items or portions of sets were dealt with.

1921 Estimates.   $48,000.00

1921 Sup. Vote, ... 7,000.00



1921 Expenditure,  58,828.24

114. Lavatory Basins in Police Stations.—It was not possible to commence this work during the year owing to the non-arrival of the basins from England ; there was consequently no expenditure under this heading.

115. Marconi-Bellini Direction-finder. —It was not found possible to proceed with this work; there was consequently no expenditure under this heading.

116. Reconstruction of Queen's Statue Wharf.—The question of the best means of providing facilities opposite Statue Square for landing from, or embarking on, launches, and small craft generally, was referred to Sir Maurice Fitzmaurice, C.M.G., during his visit to the Colony in connection with the Improvement and Development of Hongkong Harbour in November, 1920. Schemes of Piers and Wharves were submitted for his consideration. He recommended that the original proposal to construct a Pier at right angles to the sea-wall should be adhered to. The question was further considered by the Public Works Committee who, in July, recommended the construction of the pier as originally designed.

Thereafter, Contract drawings and documents were prepared for the construction of a re-inforced concrete pier 160'-8" by 41'-4" and approach 112'-0" by 25'-0" providing accommodation for four launches lying alongside with a depth of water at L.W.L.O.S.T. of 16'-10". The contract was awarded to Messrs. Sang Lee & Co., whose tender amounted to §104,644.35. The contract was signed on the 20t.h October, 1921, the time allowed for completion being 10 months.

Of 80 re-inforced concrete piles varying in length from 60 feet to 68 feet required for this pier, and which will be moulded at the Government Quarry, Tsat Tsz Mui, 49 had been made by the end of the year. The old wooden wharf had also been removed and

P.W.E Hongkong. — Q 60 —

satisfactory progress made with the dredging and clearing for the foundations of the first row of re inforced concrete stanchions.

The construction of the roof and facade to this pier will form a separate contract.

1921 Estimates,   $40,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$127,000.00

                             | Expenditure to

1921 Expenditure,..13,370.44 |   31/12/21            13,370.44

117. Motor-lorry and Motor-bicycle in connection with maintenance of roads.—A “Dennis” motor-lorry was purchased for the transportation to the various works of the necessary road material, and has proved most economical and beneficial.

The bicycle was not purchased.

1921 Estimates    $7,000.00

1921 Sup. Vote,    1,408.00



1921 Expenditure,  7,731.49

118. Survey of Colony.-—An account of the survey work executed will he found in paragraph 17 of this Report.

1921 Estimates   $3,000.00

1921 Expenditure, 2,771.83

119. Boundary Stones.—A statement of the boundary stones fixed will be found in paragraph 16 of this Report.

1921 Estimates,  $1,500.00

1921 Expenditure, 1,213.49

120. Miscellaneous Works.—The following is a brief description of the principal works carried out under this heading :—

  • Sookunpoo Recreation Ground.—The low-lying area to the North-East of the above ground was filled in and turfed so as to give greater facilities for sport and a carriageway 15'-0'' wide was constructed on the Northern side.
  • “Harbour View” (late Berlin Foundling Home).—This building was converted into flats to provide additional accommodation for European Subordinate Officers.
  • Government Civil Hospital.-—-The existing iron latrine near “A” Block was demolished and a new trough closet erected.

    Ewarts Geysers were installed to the Maternity Block.
  • Kennedy Town Slaughter Houses.—A new ‘lean-to’ roof to form an extra cattle lairage was erected and walls of the pig killing rooms tiled with glazed tiles.


Praya East Reclamation Scheme.

130.    Contribution by Government towards fund for reclamation.As mentioned in paragraph 171 of last year’s Report, those persons entitled to participate in the Scheme accepted it. under the conditions laid down by Government at a meeting held on the 4th May, 1920. An Ordinance (No. 17 of 1921) authorizing the Government, to carry out the works was introduced on the 9th September, 1921, and a contract was awarded to Messrs. Sang Lee & Co., whose tender amounted to $2,766,899.70 for the construction of Sea and Quay Walls; the removal of Morrison Hill ; construction of two re-inforced concrete public piers, one 35'-4" wide by 120'-8" long and the other T-headed 21'-4" and 41'-2" wide by 40 feet long : the construction of a refuse-boat pier 63 feet wide by 58 feet long providing a depth of 15'-2" alongside at L.W.L.O.S.T. together with a refuse storage shed 32'-6" wide by 58'-0" long; the construction of Sewer and Stormwater Drainage Works on the reclamation area and including large twin stormwater culverts from the Grand Stand enclosure at Happy Valley to the new sea front; the construction of retaining walls and miscellaneous works in connection with the development, of Morrison Hill area ; and Temporary and Miscellaneous Contingent Works.

The Contract Documents were signed on the 20th October and notice was given on the 1st November to commence the works, the Contract time for completion being 6 years. From then to the close of the year operations were confined to the erection of offices for the Assistant Engineers and Overseers, workshops and coolie quarters, construction of the transport track along Bowrington Canal and the construction of Guide-pile Stagings on the line of the Sea Wall.

The Contractors placed orders for four Locomotives, one mile of track (155 lbs. rails), two miles of track (30 lbs. rails), one mile of track (12 lbs. rails), fifty Decauville Wagons and wheels, axles, and axle boxes for one hundred 3 1/4 cubic yard side-tipping wagons.

A Contract was awarded to the Anglo-Chinese Engineering Association, Limited, who are associated with Messrs. W.S. Bailey & Co., Ltd., for the construction of a grab dredger required for dredging trenches for the sea wall and stormwater drain foundations. Their tender amounted to $76,000.00 ; the Contract Documents were signed on the 24th October and notice was given on the 1st November to commence the work, the Contract time for completion being six months.

The revised Estimate of cost of the Praya East Reclamation Scheme (apart from premia) to be borne by those persons entitled to participate, including the Government, is $3,744,319.00 ; the original estimate of cost which appeared in paragraph 171 of last year's Deport was $3,386,000.00.

The Revised Estimate of Cost to be borne by Government, including its revised estimated contribution of $685,843.00 to the General Fund, Road Improvements at Arsenal Street and East Point, Development of Morrison Hill Area, resumptions of properties involved, and the construction of large twin-storm-water culverts from the Grand Stand enclosure at Happy Valley to the existing sea front, is $2,185,111.00.

The Revised Total Estimate of Cost of the Scheme is therefore $5,243,587.00.

The total expenditure charged to the Praya East Declamation Account to the close of the year, including a sum of $105,541.84 charged to “ Advance Account ”, amounted to $113,433.51.

At the end of 1908, a sum of $57,315.39 was written off the Advance Account and debited to P.W.E., Praya East Reclamation, as there was no prospect of carrying out the work.

The Advance Account, however, was subsequently reopened, and, in order to keep the previous transaction in evidence, the Colonial Treasurer suggested debiting the Advance Account with $57,315.39 crediting a new sub-head, namely, Praya East Reclamation Contribution under Deposit Not Available, and-this was done in 1917.

At the end of 1921, on the close of the Advance Account, Praya East Reclamation, the Deposit Not Available, Praya East Reclamation Contribution, was also closed, and the P.W.E. was consequently credited with $57,315.39.

1921 Estimates,     $85,000.00  Total Estimates, ....$620,000.00

1921 Expenditure, ... 30,998.90     Expenditure to  31/12/21 30,998.90

131. Road Improvement at Arsenal Street,—Resumption and alterations of buildings.-—The resumptions of Marine Lot, No. 65 R.P. and of the Reclamation Rights of Marine Lot No. 65 Sec. 15. & R.P. were effected during the year as referred to in paragraph 14 of this report.

1921. Estimates,    $100,000.00        Total Estimates, ... —  

1921 Sup. Vote     194.800.00  



1921. Expenditure, 294,800.00         Expenditure to  31/12/21     $294,800.00

132. Road Improvements at East Point.—Contract Plans and Specifications, &c., were prepared for the cutting away of part of Inland Lot No. 29 and constructing retaining walls, etc., but the negotiations with Messrs. Jardine, Matheson & .Co., Ltd., were not completed until 30th November. It was decided to delay operations until June of 1922 as Messrs. Jardine, Matheson & Co. wish their staff to be in occupation of the quarters affected, until then.

1921 Estimates, ..... $9,000.00    Total Estimates,     $9,000.00  

1921 Expenditure, ... —               Expenditure to 31/12/21     —

133.Resumption of land for formation of road crossing Morrison Hill area.—On account of the Contract awarded to Messrs. Sang Lee & Co., referred to in paragraph 132, providing for the transport of filling material from Morrison Hill via Bowrington Canal, it was not found necessary to effect any resumptions or carry out any. works under this Vote during the year.

1921 Estimates, ..... $107,000.00    Total Estimates,     ----

1921 Expenditure, ... —                    Expenditure to 31/12/21     —



(o) Improving and widening road through Quarry Bay Village

This work was undertaken to improve the only route of communication which exists with the eastern portion of the Island of Hongkong which includes the important and flourishing group of villages known as Shaukiwan. It also forms an essential part of the road round the Island. As early as 1912 the necessity for this work became apparent, and negotiations were begun with Messrs. Butterfield & Swire for the surrender of certain areas and houses to enable the project to be carried on; but it was only in September, 1920, that an agreement with them was reached.

The widening commences opposite Quarry Bay Inland Lot No. 4 which, opposite the road, will have a width of 100 ft., narrowing to 85 ft. as it enters the Village of Quarry Bay, and further reduced to 75 feet and 60 feet, where the road is carried through a deep cutting of 40 feet; it then joins the existing road below Dam No. 3 at a. level of 8 feet 6 inches above the present level.

The road will be 15 feet above Ordnance Datum at the Eastern entrance of the Village; and 20 feet opposite the present gate of the Refinery. The level at the deep cutting will be 55 feet above Ordnance Datum and the portion of the road from the Refinery gate to the cutting will have a gradient of 1 in 22 and from thence it joins the existing road with a flat grade.

The formation of this road involves the removal of over 50,000 cubic yards of earth and 30,000 cubic yards of rock, besides the construction of retaining walls over 30 feet high. In connection with this work, it was found expedient to widen the existing 12 foot nullah, which flows alongside the Refinery, to 24 feet and to divert about 500 feet of it on the. South side of the road involving the construction of a 16 foot culvert under the road.

In connection with this undertaking, 155,000 sq. ft. of foreshore opposite Quarry Bay inland Lot No. 4 will be reclaimed and handed over to Messrs. Butterfield and Swire on completion in Consideration of the areas and houses absorbed by the road. A Contract for this work was let to the Tung Shing Firm in August, and, at the end of the year, good progress has been made with the various items of work.

Mention is made above of the following: 

Cinema theatres on I.L. 2323, Des Voeux Road Central, and K.I.L. 535, Kimberley Road, were erected, and the erection of one on K.I.L, 526, Pekin Road, was commenced.

The cinemas on Des Voeux Road Central and Peking Road were the World and Star Theatres respectively. I think the one on Kimberley Road, just off Nathan Road was called the Kowloon Theatre as it opened on 13 June 1921.  According to  http://cinematreasures.org/theaters/17903 , the theatre's operation appears to have been brief.