1926 Public Works Department Annual Report

Submitted by David on

A copy of the original is available at HKGRO.



Land Sales, &c. — Q 24 —

15. Naval and Military Lands.—A total area of 6,633 square feet was taken over from Military Authorities for widening Garden Road.

An area of 220 square feet was surrendered by the Naval Authorities for a public purpose.

An area of 327,387 square feet known as part of the Belcher’s Battery was, however, transferred back to the Military Authorities.

16. Piers.—In Hong Kong an extension was granted to Permanent Pier No. 8 opposite Marine Lots Nos. 297 and 305 The premium was $1,280 (area 128 square feet).

There is nothing to report under this heading in Kowloon, New Kowloon, and New Territories.

17. Cemeteries.—The Christian Chinese Cemetery at Kaulung Tong was closed during the year.

18. Re-entries.—15 lots in Hong Kong, 36 lots in Kowloon, 11 lots in New Kowloon, 33 lots in the Southern District and 225 in the Northern District were re-entered during the year.


19. Ordnance Survey.—The staff of the Survey Office has to a large extent been concentrated on this work. The survey of the whole of the City of Victoria has now been completed and during the year 358 acres have been surveyed and 380 acres plotted, the chainage totalling more than 52 miles. Seven sheets have been reduced from a scale of 50 feet to one inch to a scale of 200 feet to one inch. Considerable revision, owing to numerous road improvements, erection of new buildings and reconstruction has yet to be carried out but it is hoped that this will be practically completed during 1927.

A number of traverses were run outside the City to enable the detail work to be carried on in the outlying districts. One traverse with a chainage of 3,350 feet was run from Mount Nicholson via Wong Nei Chong Gap to join up with a main traverse at the junction of Bowen Hoad and Stubbs Road, and from a station in this traverse at Wong Nei Chong Gap a traverse of 9,866 feet was made along the new Repulse Bay Road to a Trigonometrical station at the junction of this road with the Aberdeen—Repulse Bay Road.

Mount Gough Trigonometrical station was connected with the Peak Trigonometrical station by a traverse of 8,965 feet, and various minor traverses were run in connection with the revision survey of the Peak District.


— Q 33 — B. O. O. Work.

43. Reclamations.—The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year:—

                                         Area in sq. ft.

M.L.’s 430 and 431, North Point (in progress),   833,975


N.K.M.L.’s 6 and 7, Lai Chi Kok (in progress),  (630,000

N.K.M.L. 8, Lai Chi Kok (completed),             514,150

N.K.I.L.’s 520 and 521, Cheung Sha Wan

(completed),                                      51,750

K.I.L.’s 1558 to 1561, Ma Tau Kok (in progress), 407,985

Tsun Wan I.L.’s 1 to 4 (nearing completion),     498,750

Tsun Wan M.L. 2 (work suspended),                874,400

In connection with the reclamation of about 215 acres of foreshore and sea-bed at the head of Kowloon Bay, referred to in previous years’ reports, work has been suspended.

44. Principal Works of a Private Nature.—The following blocks of business premises, etc., in the City were completed during the year:—

  • Bank premises at Nos. 144-150, Des Voeux Road, Central.
  • Bank premises at Nos. 236-238, Des Voeux Road, Central.
  • Bank premises and offices at No. 5, Queen’s Road, Central, on M.L. 102.
  • The reconstruction of the premises of the “South China Morning Post”, on I.L. 80, Wyndham Street.
  • New Church on I.L. 590, Bonham Road.
  • A Godown on M.L. 302, Des Voeux Road, West.
  • A block of 23 four-storeyed Chinese houses on I.L. 349, Kwong Ming Street, St. Francis Yard.
  • A block of 12 four-storeyed Chinese houses on R.P. of I.L. 851, etc., Nos. 111-125, Hollywood Road and 24-30, Circular Pathway.

The following blocks of business premises etc., in the City were in course of erection:-

  • Exchange Building on M.L. 7, Des Voeux Road, Central, (nearing completion).
  • Hotel on M.L. 326, Connaught Road, West.

B. O. O. Work. — Q 34 —

  • Hotel on M.L. 325, Morrison Street, Des Voeux Road, Central, and Connaught Road Central.
  • "Kingsclere” site, I.L. 1381, Kennedy and Macdonnell Roads; formation of site and erection of retaining walls.
  • Formation of site and erection of retaining walls on I.L.’s 714-715, Belilios Terrace.
  • St. Paul’s Girls’ School on I.L. 2459, Kennedy and Macdonnell Roads.
  • Formation of site and erection of retaining walls and 10 garages on I.L. 1381, Kennedy and Macdonnell Roads.
  • Re-development of 28 four-storeyed Chinese houses on M.L.’s 42 and 43, Spring Garden Lane and Lee Tung Street.

The following is a list of the principal works in other parts of the City and outlying districts which were completed during the year:—

  • 20 Chinese houses on M.L.’s 201 and 202, Tang Lung Street.
  • Presbytery on I.L. 2364, Broadwood Road.
  • Quarters for coolies on Q.B. M.L. 8.
  • Printing Office on I.L. 2235, Whitfield.
  • Chinese Theatre on I.L.'s 29 and 457, Lee Gardens.
  • Block of 6 European flats on I.L. 2456, Wong Nei Chong.
  • Kiln House on Q.B. M.L. 1.
  • Storage tank and concrete dam on Q.B. I.L. 13.
  • 4,000 ton Kerosene Tank on I.L. 1366, Whitfield.
  • 8,000 ton Liquid Fuel Tank on I.L. 2273, Whitfield.
  • 10 ton Liquid Fuel Tank on M.L. 277.
  • Sixteen Chinese houses converted into thirty-four sets of quarters on R.B.L. 51, Pokfulam.
  • Extension, containing sixty bedrooms, to Repulse Bay Hotel, R.B.L.’s 142 and 167.

— Q 35 — B. O. O. Work.

  • Six bungalows completed on R.B.L. 200, Repulse Bay.
  • Reconstruction of Upper Peak Tram Station House and Engine House.
  • Three bungalows completed at Shek O.

The following is a list of principal works in other parts of the City and outlying districts which were in course of erection: —

  • Site development for 28 houses on R.B.L. 245, Deep Water Bay. A large number of the sites and five large reinforced concrete bridges are completed.
  • Formation of sites for 28 bouses and erection of retaining walls on I.L. 2354, Stubbs Road.
  • Ninety-eight Chinese houses on M.L. 365 and I.L.’s 29 and 457, at East Point Hill.
  • A large modern Theatre on I.L. 1452, Percival Street, was nearing completion.
  • Reinforced concrete godowns, steel framed refinery and morit house, and concrete and steel jetty on Q.B. M.L. 1, nearing completion.
  • Filter house on Q.B. M.L. 2, nearing completion.
  • Levelling of sites for several blocks of flats on I.L. 2366, Shaukiwan Road, was continued.
  • Formation of sites on I.L.’s 2367-2376, Shaukiwan Road, was continued.

The following is a list of principal works in the Kowloon district which were completed during the year: —

  • Theatre on N.K.I.L. 239, Kowloon City.
  • Rope Works on K.I.L. 1094, Ma Tau Kok.
  • New offices and quarters for the China Light and Power Company, on K.M.L. 93, Tai Wan.
  • New sub-station for the China Light and Power Company on K.I.L. 1947, Kau Pui Shek.
  • Twenty Chinese houses on N.K.I.L. 420, Shamshuipo.
  • Over 100 houses on the Kowloon Tong Estate were certified during the year.

B. O. O. Work. — Q 36 —

  • Hat Factory on N.K.I.L. 468, Ma Tau Wei.
  • Twelve Chinese houses on H.H.I.L.’s 262 and 265, Hung Hom.
  • Diocesan Boys’ School on K.I.L. 1588.
  • School on K.I.L. 617, Chatham Road.
  • New block, Kwong Wah Hospital, K.I.L. 1213, Pitt Street.
  • Block of seven four-storeyed European flats on K.I.L. 755, Nathan Road.
  • Oil Refinery on K.M.L. 47, Canton Road.
  • Extension to the Gas Works on K.I.L. 395.
  • New sub-station on K.I.L. 1969.

The following is a list of the principal works in the Kowloon District which were in course of erection: —

  • Theatre on N.K.I.L. 992, Shamshuipo.
  • A Cinema on K.I.L.’s 1778 and 1930, Reclamation Street, nearing completion.
  • Block of godowns on K.M.L. 11, Canton Road.
  • One European residence on K.I.L. 1918, King’s Park.
  • Good progress was made on the “Peninsula Hotel” K.I.L. 1461.

45. Scavenging Lanes.—The following table shows the aggregate areas of scavenging lanes provided under Sections 179 and 180 of the Public Health and Buildings Ordinance No. 1 of 1903: —

  Provided on payment of compensation Provided by owners, but not surrendered to Government To be provided by owners when an opportunity of gaining access occurs Provided by owners and surrendered to government free of cost
  A B C D
  Sq. ft. Sq. ft. Sq. ft. Sq. ft.
Hong Kong Nil 17,974.50 3,145.50 Nil
Kowloon Nil 4,240.75 796.50 1,568.25
New Kowloon (referred to as New Territories in last year's Report) Nil 264.00 Nil 930.00
  Nil 22,479.25 3,942.00 2,498.25

Grand Total (in sq. ft.) 28,919.50


— Q 105 — P.W.E. New Kowloon

156. Kaulungtong Development Scheme, Excavation and Filling.—This work was referred to in paragraph 214 (b) of last year’s Report.

Fair progress was made with the cutting in spite of the targe amount of rock met with. Excavation to the extent of 250,000 c. yds. was cut from the hills and dumped into the low-lying areas.

During the year 9.11 acres were handed over to the Kowloon Tong and New Territories Development Company, bringing the total area placed at its disposal up to 53.43 acres.

1926 Estimates, ... $100,000.00  Total Estimates, .. $370,000.00

1926 Expenditure,.  $ 43,650.00  Expenditure to

                                   31.12.26          $334,399.87

157. Refuse Dump,—Cheung Sha Wan.-—This work was referred to in paragraph 215 of last year’s Report.

The requirements of the Sanitary Department were met as to the dumping of material and the extension of the mole.

1926 Estimates,     $5,000.00

1926 Sup. Vote,      $2,500.00

                     $7,500.00 Expenditure to

1926 Expenditure, .. $7,499.83     31.12.26,   $42,844.54

158. Chinese Cemeteries.—The work carried out under this heading has been alluded to in paragraph 39 of this Report.

1926 Estimates,  $2,000.00

1926 Expenditure $1,884.93

159. Filling in large Area at Kowloon City.—This work was referred to in paragraph 218 of last year’s Report.

The work, which is chiefly the forming of areas required for exchanges with lot owners, progressed satisfactorily.

Altogether 57,000 c. yds. were deposited and 105,000 sq. ft. formed.

1926 Estimates, ... $30,000.00   Total Estimates, - $366,000.00

1926 Expenditure,   $16,314.97   Expenditure to

                                    31.12.26        $ 61,626.95

— Q 107 — P.W.E. New Kowloon

164.    Shing Mun Valley Scheme: —

(a)    Reception Reservoir, Shek Lei Pui, for Shing Mun Water.—This work was referred to in paragraph 224 (f) of last year's Report.

Owing principally to labour troubles, the completion of these works was delayed, but by the close of the year the contract had been fulfilled and the dams satisfactorily tested.

In addition to the storage provided the reservoir is intended to regulate and to a certain extent clarify, the delivery through the Shing Mun Tunnels which discharges directly into it.

The following data is given for record purposes:—

Direct Drainage area         96 acres.

Top Water Level              480.00 A.O.D.

Volume available through draw-offs .. 38.15 Mill. Galls.

Additional volume available through

      Wash-out                                       17.00    ,,

Area at Top Water Level          9 3/4 acres.

The works consist of: —

(1)    A Draw-off Dam with Valve House.

(2)    An Overflow Dam.

(3)    An Overflow Channel.

(1)    The Draw-off Dam has an overall length of 228 ft. and a maximum height of 48 ft. from the lowest foundation level to foot path level, which stands at 482.50 A.O.D.

The inner face of the dam up to 466.25 A.O.D. is of plain 4 1/2 to 1 cement concrete and above that level it is of ashlar masonry backed with 4 1/2 to 1 cement concrete. The hearting consists of 8 to 1 displacer cement concrete and the outer facing is of granite rubble in regular courses. The Valve Tower and House project from the inner face of the dam and are faced above 466.25 A.O.D. with granite ashlar. The draw-offs are designed to deal with the ultimate capacity of the Shing Mun Valley Scheme and are four in number each 18" in diameter. Two draw-offs are at 472.00 A.O.D. and two at 465.00 A.O.D. The Wash-out pipe, although situated outside the Valve Tower, is controlled from the Valve House.. It is of 18" diameter and its level is 450.00 A.O.D.

The following materials were used in the construction of the dam and Valve Tower:—

1,380 C. Yds.  Fine Cement Concrete.

  967    ,,    8 to 1  ,,     ,,

  111    ,,    Lime concrete.

  218    ,,    Ashlar masonry

  172    ,,    Rubble   ,,

P.W.E. New Kowloon — Q 108 —

(2)    The Overflow Dam is situated at the eastern extremity of the reservoir and diverts the overflow into the Lai Chi Kok Valley about 1/2 mile below the Kowloon Reservoir.

The total length of the dam is 87 ft. and its maximum height from the lowest foundation level to cope level is 16 ft.; the overflow dimensions being 40' x 3'. The dam is faced on both sides with granite ashlar masonry, whilst the hearting is of 6 to 1 cement concrete.

An 18" draw-of pipe has been provided at a level of 474.00 A.O.D. in order that a direct supply to the Kowloon Filter Beds may be given. By this means the Kowloon Reservoir could also be charged with Shing Mun water should the necessity arise. Immediately below the overflow dam is a masonry gauge wall with a V Notch 2' 6" in height.

(3)    The Overflow Channel commences at the Gauge Wall and has been continued down the hillside until a rock bottom was encountered. It is approximately 12 ft. wide by 4' 6" in depth and has a total length of 265 ft. The invert is of 8 to 1 cement concrete stepped to suit the slope. The side walls are of similar concrete and are surmounted by a granite ashlar coping.

By the end of the year the reservoir had been almost filled with water from the Shing Mun River and was found to be practically watertight.

1926 Estimates, ....$60,000.00  Total Estimates, ..$175,000.00

1926 Sup. Vote,        2,000.00



1926 Expenditure, ..$57,848.77  Total Expenditure, $157,120.41

(b) Filtering Plant and its Erection.—This work was referred to in paragraph 224 (g) of last year’s Report.

Owing to the non-arrival of the foundation and building plans from England no work had been commenced by the end of the year.

1926 Estimates, $175,000.00  Total Estimates, $200,0000.00

1926 Expenditure,   Nil.     Total Expenditure,      60.00

(c) Pipe Line.—This work was referred to in paragraph 224 (h) of last year’s Report.

All the pipes and fittings ordered from Messrs. Stewart and Lloyds arrived in the Colony during the year and were stored at Shamshuipo, Cheungshawan and Middle Road. No pipe laying was undertaken during the year.

1926 Estimates, ...$200,000.00  Total Estimates, ..$700,000.00

1926 Sup. Votes,... 110,000.00



1926 Expenditure,  $306,822.83  Total Expenditure,  312,339.89

— Q 109 — P.W.E. New Kowloon

(d)    Piper’s Hill Reservoir.—This work was referred to in paragraph 224 (i) of last year’s Report.

The works were on a maintenance basis until 30th. April when they were taken over from the Contractor and the retention money paid.

1926 Estimates,     $7,000.00  Total Estimates, ..$140,000.00

1926 Expenditure, .. 6,245.97  Total Expenditure,  128,178.62.

(e)    Temporary Intakes and Conduits.—This work was referred to in paragraph 224 (c) of last year’s Report.

The works were, satisfactorily completed and were taken over from the Contractor on the expiry of the maintenance period on 31st. July.

It is of interest to record that the highest flood level of the Shing Mun River during the rainstorm of 19th. July was 14 feet above the weir sill level which means that the entire dam was submerged to a depth of 4 feet.

1926 Estimates    $ 5,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$65,000.00

1926 Sup. Vote, .. 13,500.00



1926 Expenditure, $18,499.11  Total Expenditure,   73,269.63

(f) North Conduit.—This work was referred to in paragraph 224 (d) of last year's Report.

The maintenance period on these works expired on 30th. April when the outstanding retention money was paid to the Contractor.

A few improvements to the footpath at the overflow crossings were made during the. year.

1926 Estimates,   $5,000.00  Total Estimates,  $73,000.00

1926 Expenditure, $4,796.77  Total Expenditure, 72,028.07

(g) Tunnels and South Conduit.—This work was referred to in paragraph 224 (e) of last year’s Report.

By the end of the year the Contractors Messrs. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd. had completed the works comprising their Contract.

On December 24th the Shing Mun River was diverted through the Conduits and Tunnels into the Reception Reservoir, but owing to the low state of the river it has not yet been possible to test the maximum delivery capacity of the works.

North Tunnel.

This Tunnel was “holed” on 9th. August or about 16 months after driving was commenced at a point 149 ft. from the North Portal.

P.W.E. New Kowloon — Q 110 —

It was found economical to extend the ‘open cut’ section at the North end for a distance of about 140 ft. further than was originally intended.

This resulted in reducing the length actually tunnelled to 2,020 ft. The portable compressor engaged on the open cut work also drove from the north end the 149 ft. of Tunnel referred to above, the remaining distance of 1,871 ft. having been driven from the central depot between the North and South Tunnels.

The rock throughout this Tunnel was found to be generally of a poor quality, numerous patches of shale, soft clay and in two cases running sand and clay were encountered.

Altogether eleven separate lengths of lining were required having a total length of 362 ft.

Some difficulty was experienced in depositing the lining owing to seepage from the soft patches already referred to.

The lining is of 6 to 1 cement concrete of minimum thickness of 6" and 12" but in one length traversing a seam of loose clay and running sand cement concrete packing was put in to a height of 20 ft. above the normal level of the Tunnel roof.

The minimum Tunnel dimensions are as follows: —

Width at invert                    7' 0"

Width 4 ft. above invert-     9' 0"

Total height                         7' 6"

The roof is arched to a radius of 4.65 ft. and the invert is dished to a radius of 12.50 ft.

The tunnel has a total fall of 9". or 1 in 2,700. and the invert has been graded smooth with a layer of cement concrete of a minimum thickness of 3".

South Conduit.—This Conduit has a total length of 2,000 ft. and has been constructed of 8 to 1 cement concrete throughout.

Its inside dimensions are as follows:—

Width at invert                                          3' 6"

Width at overflow level                             6' 6"

Height of overflow above invert                4' 0"

Height of path level above overflow level     6"

A 2 span reinforced concrete bridge carrying the Conduit and footpath was constructed across the stream from Smugglers Pass. More work than was anticipated was found necessary owing to the mass of loose boulders comprising the stream bed.

— Q 111 P.W.E. New Kowloon

The Conduit has been provided with suitable overflows, sand pits and washout pipes, and has a uniform fall of 1 in 1,600.

South Tunnel.—This Tunnel was ‘holed’ on 4th July or about 19 months after driving was commenced, at a point 2,300 ft. from the South end and 2,350 ft. from the North end.

The rock throughout was of excellent quality and no lining has been required. It is possible however that atmospheric influence on the rock way in the future have a softening effect and that a certain amount of lining may be found necessary.

The Tunnel is of the same sectional area as the North Tunnel and has an average gradient of 1 in 2,800. The invert has been graded smooth with a minimum of 3" cement concrete.

All four tunnel portals have been finished in granite ashlar.

Outlet Cut and Gauge Basin at Shek Lei Pui.—The outlet cut has a length of 245 ft. and traverses a short valley in which a fair amount of subsoil water was encountered.

A Catchwater has been constructed on both sides of the outlet cut and also above the Tunnel portal to protect the works from the effects of heavy rainstorms.

The Gauge Basin is of granite ashlar on a cement concrete foundation. A 10 ft. rectangular gauge has been provided— capable of measuring up to 40 million gallons per day.

The Gauge sill level is 483.00 A.O.D. and the delivery discharges direct into the reception Reservoir which has a Top Water Level of 480.00 A.O.D.

1926 Estimates, .. $600,000.00  Total Estimates   $1,100,000.00

1926 Expenditure,  $597,911.77  Total Expenditure, 1,047,820.21

(h.) Harbour Pipe.—This was referred to in paragraph 224 (j) of last year’s Report.

No work has been carried out under this heading during the year.

Only Crown Agents charges in connection with the Consulting Engineer’s work have been incurred.

1926 Estimates, .... $10,000.00  Total Estimates, . $350,000.00

1926 Expenditure, .  $ 1,185.76  Total Expenditure  $  1,244.41

(i.) Access Road Tsun Wan to Pine-Apple Pass.—This work was referred to in paragraph 224 (b) of last year’s Report.

The work was completed and the retention money paid to the Contractor before the close of the year.


P.W.E. New Kowloon — Q 112 —

The road has been strengthened for a portion of its length with a 9" lime concrete foundation and the whole surface has been tar painted.

1926 Estimates     $10,000.00  Total Estimates,   $110,000.00

1926 Sup. Vote, .. $15,000.00



1926 Expenditure,  $24,341.23  Total Expenditure, $122,345.79

165.    Miscellaneous Waterworks.—The following works were carried out under this heading during the year: —

(1)    Rails and Trucks for filter beds      $ 245.00

(2)    Chloronome house at filter beds.

       New rain gauge                        1,195.63


                          Total             $1,440.63

(1)    Light rails and trucks were purchased second-hand locally and a track has been laid from the filter beds to the sand washing site. A considerable saving in labour is anticipated.

(2)    It was considered necessary to have the chloronome removed from the recorder house to a separate building, which has been erected at the South Tunnel entrance. As there is now a new rain gauge at Shek Lei Pui Reservoir it has been necessary to move the old rain gauge to the Kowloon Catchwater so that better average readings may be obtained.

1926 Estimates     $4,000.00

1926 Expenditure   $1,440.63


166.    Quarters for Indian Married Police.—This work was referred to in paragraph 195 of last year s Report.

Difficulty in obtaining labour and materials was experienced and the work was consequently slow. The quarters were all completed during the year, those at Cheung Chau in March, at Sai Kung and Taipo in May, and at Sha Tau Kok in August.

1926 Estimates, .... $ 3,000.00  Total Estimates, ... $40,000.00

1926 Sup. Vote, .... $17,500.00


                     $20,500.00  Expenditure to

1926 Expenditure,    $20,188.91    31.12.26,          $54,426.81



178. Officers' Quarters.

Additional Quarters at rear of "Le Calvaire". - This work, referred to in paragraph 96 of last year's Report was suspended during the first 2 months of the year, pending reconsideration of the financial position.

Work was recommenced on March 1st from which date satisfactory progress was made up to the end of the year.

All the brickwork from the ground floor level was completed and also the roof and the concrete floors. Doorframes and metal windows were fixed and all the stores with the exception of wall tiles had arrived from England.

By the end of the year the internal plaster work was being carried out and preparations were being made to proceed with the staircases.

  • 1926 Special Vote, $113,000
  • 1926 Expenditure, $111,302.36
  • Expenditure to 31.12.26, $1,670,355.94


Annexe L.


Harbour Developments. — Q 164 —


(a). Contribution by Government towards Fund for Reclamation.

(b). Morrison Hill Development:    Retaining Walls and Stormwater Culverts.

This work was referred to on page 183 of last year’s Report.

(a). Filling,—Progress on this work continued satisfactorily and sufficient material was deposited to satisfy the bonus conditions laid down by the Committee of Engineers referred to on page 184 of last year’s Report. About 699,737 cube yards of filling material was deposited in the reclamation area during the year, bringing the total quantity dumped up to 2,246,541 cube yards. The total area of land so formed is approximately 58.50 acres. Allotments Nos. 31 to 41 inclusive containing an area of approximately 11.64 acres are completely formed except for roadways, lighting etc.

Sea Wall.—The length of trench dredged for the rubble foundations during the period under review was approximately 1,009 lineal feet, bringing the total length for this work to approximately 4,880 lineal feet. Rubble was deposited in the foundations for an additional length of approximately 1,000 lineal feet making a total length of 4,416 lineal feet now formed. The sea wall is now wholly completed for a length of 3,219 lineal feet, partially completed for a further length of 113 lineal feet, and the foundation blocks are in place for a further distance of 35 lineal feet.

Quay Wall.—-Apart from dredging a trench for the foundations, no work was carried out in connection with the construction of the Quay Wall.

Public Pier ‘B'.—This work was completed for a length of 30 lineal feet.

Refuse Boat Pier.— The masonry of this work was all but completed at the end of the year and the rubble hearting was nearly up to the final level.

Public Pier ‘A’.—Rubble dumped by the Contractor on the site of this pier without authority was being removed at the end of the year.

--- Q, 165 — Harbour Developments.

Sewers.—The following lengths of sewers and storm water drains are now completed, viz : —

Sewers. 21" diam. 2,290 L.F.  \                   2,290

                                                 |  or % of  ----------  x 100 = 53.4%

              24"     „       —            /                   4,285

S.W. Drains. 15" diam.    1,045 L.F. \

                     18"       „       945    „     |

                     21"       ,,      105    ,,    |             or % of

                     27"       „       200    ,,    |

                     30"       „       220    ,,    +       3,785

                     39"      ,,       315    ,,    |     ----------- xl00 = 31.2%

                     48"       ,,      175    ,,    |       12,130

                     54"       ,,      340     ,,   |

                   11'6"       ,,     440    ,,    /

The following- table is an analysis of the expenditure during the year under review: —


Head of Expenditure.          During the  

                                            year ended      Previously          Total to

                                             31. 12. 26.                                31.12.26.

                                                       $                   $                     $

“ Current Account”. 

Contract No. 12 of 1921...    394,22,7.40    1,039,964.49    1,434,191.89

Bonus payments Contract

  No. 12 of 1921                     266,908.36       212,067.56       478,975.92

Items Subsidiary to, but

  not included in Contract

  No. 12.                                         219.8            4,676.42           4,896.30

Dredging                                     1,989.28        93,833.42         96,822.70

Alteration to Existing.

   Sewers                                   48,266.33        69,289.81       117,556.14

Alteration to Existing

  Storm Water Drains ...             20,591.37      154,836.62       175,427.99

Water Mains                                      89.69               31.51             121.20

Roads                                              181.48              30.50              211.98

Reconstruction of Build-

  ings,. &c., in R. N.

  Arsenal Yard    

Advance Account                                 ...           105,54l.84     105,541.84

Salaries and Supervision...          31,162.51      115,944.84     147,107.35


Total    $                                     768,646.30    1,796,217.01  2,559,863.31

The account in respect of the contribution by Government towards the Fund for the Reclamation is as follows: —

1926 Estimates, ... $160,000.00

1926 Expenditure, $128,092.00 Expenditure to

                                                      31.12.26,      $544,391.00

Harbour Developments. — Q 166 —

(b). Morrison Hill Area Development.—Owing to the large quantity of filling material being dumped in the Reclamation area from sources other than Morrison Hill, it was decided that a portion of the hill be not cut down to original formation levels.

An additional length of 37 lineal feet of retaining wall on the north side of Gap Road was formed during the year. The total length of the wall now completed is 545 lineal feet. The length of parapet wall formed is 439 lineal feet.

Twin Culverts.—Having regard to the repeated flooding of Happy Valley, it is considered that the capacity of the proposed culverts would be insufficient to drain the above area and consequently it was decided to abandon the culverts through Morrison Hill and to construct a nullah in lieu thereof. As Morrison Hill will be left at a higher level than that originally decided upon, it is not practical to carry this nullah through the Hill, the drainage will therefore continue via Bowrington Canal, the existing Nullah being enlarged to sufficient capacity to prevent flooding.

1926 Estimates, .... $10,000.00

1926 Expenditure,  $ 9,941.30 Expenditure to

                                                     31.12.26,      $46,005.97
