1924 Public Works Report

Submitted by David on

Copy of original available online at HKGRO. (You may need to click the link twice to see the document.)



Land Sales, &c. — Q 30 —

9. Grants on Nominal Terms.—In Hongkong, an area of 31,650 sq. ft., known as Inland Lot 2459, was granted without premium for a period of 75 years renewable, to the Chinese Anglican Church Body of Hongkong for the purpose of erecting a girls’ school together with staff quarters.

An area of 73,600 sq. ft., known as Inland Lot 2546, was granted without premium as an extension to Inland Lot 366 for a period of 75 years renewable, to the Ching Siong Land Investment Co. for the purpose of erecting School Buildings with playground. This Company is developing large areas at North Point known as Marine Lots 430 & 431.

10. Grants on Forty Years Leases.—During the year, terms were arranged for the disposal of 3 lots in Hongkong with an area of about 76,760 sq. ft., eight lots in Kowloon with an area of about 174,582 sq. ft., and one lot in New Kowloon with an area of about 40,500 sq. ft.

11. Grants on  Short Leases. —Ten New Kowloon Dairy Farm Lots containing an area of about 297,810 sq. ft. were granted for a period of ten years.

Eighteen Lots were granted on five years, and 101 lots on yearly, leases by the District Officer (North).

12. Permits to occupy land for short periods &c.—These were of a very miscellaneous character and too numerous to admit of individual mention ; most of them were for small areas on half-yearly permits.

The number of permits issued during the year in Hongkong, Kowloon, and New Kowloon was about 1,700, and the fees realized approximately $111,000.00.

13. Extension of short period Leases.—There was no extension of short period leases in Hongkong, Kowloon, New Kowloon and the New Territories during the year.

14. Prospecting and Mining Licences.—Four Prospecting and three Mining Licences were issued for areas in the New Territories.

15. Lease Plans.—Plans and particulars, in duplicate, of 102 lots were prepared and forwarded to the Land Officer in connection with the issue of leases.

16. Boundary Stones.—Boundary Stones were fixed to 55 lots in Hongkong, 50 in Kowloon, and 87 in New Kowloon and the New Territories.


— Q 37 —    B. O. O. Work.

  77, Wellington Street—floors badly gutted and roof collapsed. No casualties.
November 23, Graham Street - no casualties.
  17, Wang Kai, Kowloon City—no casualties.
  17 & 19, Catchick Street - no casualties.

39Collapses. -There were no collapses of any magnitude. Several minor accidents occurred, generally due to carelessness on the part of contractors or their foremen, with heavy rains as a contributory cause.

In June, there were 8 collapses, 3 of which affected dwelling houses, but there was only one casualty.

In July, there were 5 collapses, 3 of which affected domestic buildings, but caused no casualties.

In August, there was 1 collapse without casualty.

In December, a curious accident occurred at Jardine’s Hill (I.L.s. 29 & 457), where a wall, which was in course of erection, collapsed, causing the death of two Chinese, and injuries to two others, owing entirely to insufficient supervision on the part of the owner or his employees.

40Landslips.—Three landslips occurred during the month of June, one at the rear of I.L. 1211, Star Street, causing the death of a coolie. A cutting and retaining wall, which fell at the south of No. 20, Macdonnell Road, caused some damage to the Building, but no casualties.

A few other slips occurred, but occasioned no serious damage or casualties.

41Reclamations.—The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were in progress or completed during the year:—

                                                  Area in

                                                  sq. ft.

Q.B.M.L. 1, (additions to) Quarry Bay (in

progress)                                          33,600

M.Ls. 430 & 431, North Point (in progress) ...    833,975

N.K.I.Ls. 190 & 191, Laichikok (completed)...     618,000

N.K.M.L. 8, Laichikok (practically completed),    514,150

N.K.M.Ls. 6 & 7, Laichikok, (in progress)       { 374,400

                                                { 630,000

In connection with the reclaiming of about 215 acres of foreshore and sea-bed at the head of Kowloon Bay, referred to in previous years’ reports, the work carried out during the year was principally in the nature of finishing off the area already reclaimed, the erection of sea-walls, laying of stormwater drainage, and construction of R. C. C. bridges over nullahs, etc.

B. O. O. Work.    — Q 38 —

42. Principal Works of a Private Nature.—The following blocks of business premises etc., in the City were completed or in progress during the year :—

  • The Asiatic Petroleum Co.’s building, on I.L. 619, Queen’s Road, Central, was completed.
  • Queen’s Theatre on I.L. 2316, Queen’s Road, Central, was completed.
  • China Building on I.L. 2317 & 2313, Queen’s Road, Central, was completed.
  • Office Block on I.L. 2319, Pedder Street, was completed.
  • New Offices for the P. & O. Co. on M.L. 366, Des Voeux Road, Central, were completed.
  • Bank of Canton, on M.L. 102, section A, Des Voeux Road, Central, was completed.
  • A new Bank on I.L. 160, Nos. 122-126, Queen’s Road, Central, was completed.
  • Bank and Office premises on I.L. 1491, section F, s.s. 1, and R.P., Nos. 186 & 188, Des Voeux Road, Central, were completed.
  • A new Bank on I.L.’s 1556 & 1557, Nos. 244 & 246, Des Voeux Road, Central, was completed.
  • The Carlton Hotel on I.L. 644, Ice House Street, was nearing completion, and partly occupied.
  • New Offices for the South China Morning Post, on I.L. 80, Wyndham Street, were in course of erection.
  • An office block on I.L. 669, No. 7, Duddell Street, was in course of erection.
  • An office block on M.L. 102, R.P., Queen's Road, Central, was in course of erection.
  • An office block on I.Ls. 1871 R.P., and 1872 R.P., Nos. 236 and 238, Des Voeux Road, Central, was in course of erection.
  • An office block on M.L. 56, Sec. B., R.P., Nos. 144-150, Des Voeux Road, Central, was in course of erection.
  • Exchange Building on M.L. 7, Des Voeux Road, Central, foundation work was in progress.

— Q 39 —    B. O. O. Work.

The following is a list of principal works completed or in progress in other parts of the City and outlying districts : —

  • A Cinematograph Theatre on S.I.L. 484, Shaukiwan Road, was completed. [Cheong Lok Theatre]
  • A Benzine Storage Tank etc. on M.L. 277, North Point, was completed.
  • A 500-ton Tank for Fuel Oil on I.L. 2278, North Point, was completed.
  • An Ice Plant etc. on I.L. 748, Great George Street, was completed.
  • 92 Chinese houses on M.L. 365 and I.Ls. 29 and 457 Praya East, Percival Street, Leighton Hill Road, and a new street, were in course of erection.
  • 51 Chinese houses on M.L. 269 and I.L. 746, Praya East, and Canal Road, East, were in course of erection.
  • 40 Chinese houses on M.L. 201 and 202A, Praya East, etc., were in course of erection.
  • 30 Chinese houses on I.L. 1210, Star Street, were in course of erection.
  • 26 Chinese houses on M.L. 202, Praya East, etc. were in course of erection.
  • A Factory on I.L. 438, Wanchai Road, was in course of erection.
  • A Godown on M.L. 293, Watson Road, was in course of erection.
  • The New Roman Catholic Church and Presbytery on I.L. 2364, Broadwood Road, were in course of erection ; the former was nearing completion.
  • A wharf opposite M.L. 396, Watson Road, was under construction.
  • An 8,000-ton Tank for storing Fuel Oil, on I.L. 2273, North Point, was under construction.
  • A Chinese Theatre on I.L. 1452, Percival Street, was in course of erection.

B. O. O. Work.    - Q 40 —

  • At Q.B.M.L. No. 1, Quarry Bay, the building of the undermentioned was in progress
    • Godown (in two sections),
    • Rebuilding of the main Power House,
    • Reinforced C. C. Coal Silo,
    • Godown for storage of Raw Sugar.
  • A Cinematograph Theatre on I.L. 816, Sec : A, Water Street, was completed. [Sai Yuen Theatre]
  • A Chinese Bank Building on M.L. 56, Sec : A, etc., Nos. 6 and 8, Wing Kut Street, was completed.
  • 26 Chinese houses on I.L 816, Second and Third Streets, were completed.
  • A Chinese Restaurant on I.L. 672, Nos. 564-570, Queen’s Road, West, was completed.
  • A Chinese Restaurant on M.L. 186, Queen’s Road, West, and Hill Road, was completed.
  • A Chinese Restaurant on M.L. 180, R.P., Nos. 433-445, Queen’s Road, West, was completed.
  • A Chinese Restaurant on M.L. 179, R.P., Nos. 447-459, Queen’s Road, West, was completed.
  • 26 Chinese houses on I.L. 673, R.P., and 674, R.P., Queen’s Road, West, and a new Street, were in course of construction.
  • 28 Chinese houses on I.L. 679, Secs. A, B, C, D and R.P., Third Street, Fuk Luk Lane, and Western Street, were in course of erection.
  • 37 Chinese houses, on I.L. 905, Kennedy Town, were in course of erection.
  • About 120 Chinese houses on M.L. 239 and I.L. 1355, Kennedy Town, were in course of erection.
  • A Church on I.L. 590, Bonham Road, was in course of erection.
  • A Chinese Restaurant on I.L. 834, Sec. B, s.s. 2, Queen’s Road, West, was in course of erection.
  • The Empress Hotel on M.L. 235, Des Voeux Road, Central, Connaught Road, Central, and Morrison Street, was in course of erection.

— Q 41 —    B. O. O. Work.

  • Several new sites on the new road above Conduit Road were being developed.
  • A Chinese Wine Factory on A.I.L. 72, Aberdeen, was completed.
  • The Club House at Shek O was completed.
  • A commencement was made with the 24 European Flats on R.B.L. 78, near the Peak Hotel, but work was suspended from the beginning of October to the end of the year.
  • The levelling of the site for the Repulse Bay Hotel Extension was completed and building work commenced.
  • The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels Bungalow Scheme at Repulse Bay was commenced, foundations for six bungalows being laid.
  • The site for the War Memorial Nursing Home was prepared.

The following is a list of principal works completed or in progress in the Kowloon Peninsula :—

  • A cracker factory on K.I.L. 1404, Mataukok, was completed. In last year’s report, this building was stated to be on K.I.L. 1405. It should have read K.I.L. 1404.
  • 3 Kerosene Tanks, Nos. 13, 14 and 21 on N. K. I. Ls. 190 and 191, Laichikok, were completed.
  • A knitting factory on K.I.L. 1569, section D, Shantung Street, was completed.
  • 43 Chinese houses on K.M.L. 49, section C, Canton Road, were completed.
  • 53 Chinese houses on K.M.L. 49, section D, Canton Road, were completed.
  • 49 Chinese houses on K.M.L. 50, Canton Road, were completed.
  • 28 Chinese houses on K.I.Ls. 444 R.P., section B, and 445, Shanghai and Reclamation Streets, were completed.
  • A factory on K.I.L. 881, Portland Street, was completed.
  • Work on a block of 45 Chinese houses on K.I.Ls. 359 R.P., and 421 section C, Temple and Woosung Streets, was commenced, 9 of which being completed before the end of the year.

B. O. O. Work.    — Q 42 —

  • A saw-mill and wood-working shop on N.K.I.L, 329, Hai Tan Street, Shamshuipo, was completed.
  • A pier oppositei N.K.M.L. 7, for The Standard Oil Co; was completed.
  • An extension to the Kwong Wah Hospital on K.I.L. 1213, Pitt Street, was in progress.
  • The new European Y.M.C.A. Building on K.I.L. 1625, Salisbury Road, was well advanced.
  • Work on. the foundations for the Peninsula Hotel on K.I.L. 1461, Salisbury Road, was still in progress.
  • A factory on K.I.L. 1569, section A, Shantung Street, was in course of erection.
  • A factory on K.I.L. 1569, section B, Shantung Street, was in course of erection.
  • A Cinematograph Theatre on N.K.I.L. 239, section A, Kai Yan Road, was in course of erection.
  • 8 European houses for the staff of the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company were completed, and work was commenced on the erection of a new foundry of the Co. Good progress was made with the excavations for the new dock, and the levelling of sites for further staff quarters, etc.
  • Spinning Houses, Rope and Hemp Godowns, etc., on K.I.L. 1094, Mataukok, were in course of erection.
  • A large Tannery on K.I.L. 1445, Mataukok, was practically completed.
  • The erection of further houses on the Kaulungtong Estate was commenced.
  • Levelling of a large area, K.I.L. 1507, as an extension to the Garden City at Homuntin was almost completed.
  • 26 Chinese houses on K.M.L. 84, section C and R.P., Canton Road, were in course of erection.
  • 33 Chinese houses on K.M.L. 43, Canton Road, and Shantung Street, were in course of erection.
  • 38 Chinese houses on K.I.Ls. 1636 and 1637, Shamshuipo, were in course of erection.

— Q 43 —    B. O. O. Work.

  • 38 Chinese houses on N.K.I.L. 435 R.P., Cheung Sha Wan, were in course of erection.
  • 28 Chinese houses on K.I.Ls. 1222, 1597, 1599, 1600, 1609, 1620 and 1621, Mongkok and Shamshuipo, were in course of erection.
  • A Club House and Quarters at the Cosmopolitan Dock, K.M.L. 28, Taikoktsui, were in course of erection.

Various Godowns and other non-domestic buildings in Hongkong and Kowloon were in course of erection, several being completed during the year, and a large number of garages was erected throughout the Colony.

43Scavenging Lanes.—The following table shows the number and aggregate areas of scavenging lanes provided under sections 179 and 180 of the Public Health and Buildings Ordinance, No. 1 of 1903 :—

  Provided on payment of compensation. Provided by owners but not syrrendered to Government To be provided by owners when an opportunity of gaining  Provided by owners and surrendered to Government access occurs.
  A B C D
  Sq. ft. Sq. ft. Sq. ft. Sq. ft.
Hongkong Nil 37,224.00 5,765.75 462.00
Kowloon Nil 9,644.50 232.75 960.75
New Territories Nil 7,450.00 Nil 2,930.00
  Nil 54,318.50 5,998.50 4,352.75



95. Officers' Quarters.-

Quarters at rear of "Le Calvaire". - This work, which was referred to in paragraph 94 of last years Report, proceeded satisfactorily during the year.

The North Block was completed and occupied in December, while the work on the South Block was well advanced, the paintwork being in progress.

Additional Quarters at rear of "Le Calvaire". - This work consists of site preparation, and the erection of a block of 6 houses similar to, but slightly smaller than, those recently completed on the adjoining site.

The accommodation provided for in each house of force sitting room, dining room, 3 bedrooms and the usual servants quarters, etc.

A contract for this work was let to Messrs Kien On & Co. on 22nd of October, 1924, and the work commenced immediately.

By the end of the year, the site had been cleared and the foundations to the retaining wall were in position.


P.W.E. Hongkong.    — Q 86 —

It was not possible to commence this work during the year. The work of preparing the drawings, etc., for the contract was, however, practically finished by the end of the year.

1924 Estimates,    $ 50,000.00 Total Estimates    $

1924 Sup. Vote,     20,000.00

                               $ 70,000.00 Expenditure to

1924 Expenditure $9,818.03    31.12.24,    $ 29,987.57

111. Public Latrines, Urinals and Bath-Houses.— Contracts for the undermentioned public conveniences were let as follows :—

  • (a.) U Yam lane Trough Closet, — July, 1923.
  • (b.) Underground Trough Closet and Bath-house at the junction of Second and Western Streets,—September, 1923.
  • (c.) Cross Lane Bath-house,—November, 1923.
  • (d.) Conversion of the latrine at Ship Street into a Trough Closet,—November, 1923.
  • (e.) Trough Closet at Whitfield,— December, 1923.
  • (f.) Urinal at Sai Wan Ho,—July, 1924.
  • (g.) Urinal in Wong Nei Chong Road,—July, 1924.

(a), (b), (c), (d), (e). & (f), were described in paragraph 119 of last year’s Report.

(g.) A small urinal erected adjacent to the Chair Coolies’ Shelter opposite the junction of Broadwood Road with Wongneichong Road. This urinal was completed by the end of the year.

  • (a.) was completed in March, 1924.
  • (b.) was completed in November, 1924.
  • (c.) Fair progress was made with the considerable alterations necessary here.
  • (d.) was completed in November, 1924.
  • (e.) & (f) were much delayed owing to dilatoriness on the part of the Contractor.

The removal of the Urinal at Connaught Road, Central, opposite the Western Market, was the result of negotiations with the proprietors of the New Queen’s Hotel, the cost involved thereby in the sum of $1,950.00 being borne by them.

1924 Estimates,     $ 25,000.00 Total Estimates,...$

1924 Sup. Vote,        60,000.00

                                 $ 85,000.00 Expenditure to

1924 Expenditure,...$ 52,492.41    31.12.24,     $ 60,996.04

— Q 89 — P.W.E. Hongkong.

120. Open Market at Quarry Bay.—This work was referred to in paragraph 224 of last year’s Report.

The foundations were completed early in the year, and work on the building was finished by the middle of the year.

The excess on the amount of the contract was due to the necessary heavy foundations.

1924 Estimates,   $ 5,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$

1924 Sup. Vote, ... 6,200.00 |

                  ---------- |

                  $11,200.00 | Expenditure to

1924 Expenditure, $11,196.91 |   31.12.24          $12,196.91

121. Furniture for Government Offices and Quarters.—17 full sets of furniture for Quarters were supplied during the year. In addition, various single articles and part sets were furnished to Quarters, and a large number of articles of office furniture was provided for various Government Departments. The new School at Quarry Bay was partly furnished, and a number of desks and other articles were supplied to the Education Department.

1924 Estimates,   $30,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$

1924 Sup. Vote     20,000.00 |

                  ---------- |

                  $50,000.00 | Expenditure to

1924 Expenditure, $50,024.60 |    31.12,24,        $117,007.28

122. Queen's Pier.—This work was referred to in paragraph 123 of last year’s Report.

The progress on the contract for the construction of the Entrance was most unsatisfactory, and work thereon was suspended on several occasions owing to financial difficulties between the Contractors and the masons.

By the end of the year, the stonework was built up to the main cornice, while the cast concrete tiling for the roof of the Pier was practically completed.

1924 Estimates    $ 37,000.00 | Total Estimates,... $175,000.00

1924 Sup. Vote      38,000.00 |

                  ----------- |

                  $ 75,000.00 | Expenditure, to

1924 Expenditure, $ 32,630.90 |    31.12.24,        $203,665.29

P.W.E. Hongkong. — Q 92 —

(d.) Road from Wongneichong Gap to Repulse Bay Road.— This work was referred to in paragraph 120 (d.) of last year’s Report.

Mr. Ng Wah completed the remaining portion of the road, 7,100 feet in length, under his Contract in July, which was within the stipulated time.

1924 Estimates, ...$100,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$257,000.00

1924 Sup. Vote,...   56,000.00 |

                   ----------- |

                   $156,000.00 | Expenditure to

1924 Expenditure,  $149,040.68 |     31.12.24,      $300,882.32

(e.) Road contouring the hillside in Wongneichong and Tai Hang Valleys,— Extension.—2nd Section.—This work was referred to in paragraph 120 (e.) of last year’s Report.

Progress of this work was unsatisfactory. The dilatoriness on the part of the Contractor, the heavy cutting of the huge mass of rock at the Eastern end of the road, the extra toe-walls, and the trimming back of the cutting were the chief reasons for the delay in the completion of the work.

At the close of the year, about two-thirds of the road were completely finished.

1924 Estimates, ...$ 32,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$250,000.00

924 Sup. Vote,...     2,000.00 |

                    ---------- |

                   $ 34,000.00 | Expenditure to

1924 Expenditure,  $ 30,119.97 |   31.12.24,         $251,487.96

(f.) Wanchai Road Widening to 42 feet.—This work was referred to in paragraph 120 (f.) of last year’s Report. The carriageway adjoining the property that has been resumed was raised to the approved levels and. surfaced.

The setting back to the new line and rebuilding were effected in the case of the properties stated on pages 45 and 46. The total cost of the resumptions defrayed from the vote for this work was $1,461.40.

The sum of. $4,192.68 was expended on rebuilding a portion of the boundary wall of the Royal Naval Hospital at the South, end of the road, which collapsed during the heavy rains, and was rebuilt on the new line by the Government,

1924 Estimates, ...$ 25,000.00 | Total Estimates ...$ 95,000.00

                               | Expenditure to

1924 Expenditure,   $ 5,654.08 |    31.12.24        $ 51,661.90



P.W.E. New Territories. — Q 130 -

194. New Gaol, Ngau Shi Wan.—Sketch plans were prepared and approved in May. The scheme approved provides for a Cell Block to accommodate 1,000 prisoners, Administration, Reception, and Punishment Blocks, Kitchen, Workshops, Baths, Laundry, Boiler House, and Hospital.

As the ground upon which the buildings are to be erected is reclaimed land, special foundations are required, and a contract therefor was let in October to the Hongkong Excavation Pile Driving and Construction Co., Ltd., for driving 2,500 Raymond Concrete Piles.

At the end of the year, excavation had been completed for the foundations of the Main Cell Block.

1924 Estimates, $50,000.00

1924 Expenditure, $ 1,611.07

195. New Police Station, Shatin.—This work was referred to in paragaph 187 of last year’s Report.

The progress of the work was most unsatisfactory, due chiefly to the dilatoriness of the Contractor who was fined for failing to complete the contract within the stipulated time.

At the close of the year the Station has been completed.

1924 Estimates   $10,000.00 | Total Estimates, $50,000.00

1924 Sup. Vote    15,000.00 |

                 $25,000.00 | Expenditure to 

1924 Expenditure.$23,312.17 |  31.12.24,..     $48,638.61

196. Quarters for Indian Married Police.—These Quarters were referred to in paragraph 188 of last year’s Report.

Progress on this work was satisfactory during the year, the Quarters at Ping Shan being completed in September and those at Tsun Wan at the end of the year.

1924 Estimates,  $15,000.00 | Total Estimates, $

                            | Expenditure to

1924 Expenditure.$13,065.19 |   31.12,24, $18,469.16

197. Quarters for Inspector of Vernacular Education in the New Territories, Tai Po.—This work was referred to in paragraph 193 of last year’s Report.

— Q 141 — P.W.E. New Territories.

210. Kaulungtong Development Scheme :—

(a.) Resumptions.—This work was referred to in paragraph 200 (a) of last year’s Report.

137 lots were resumed during the year.

The total amount of the payments approved for these resumptions was $58,377.17, but owing to the refusal of certain owners to recognise the authority of the Boards of Arbitration and to accept the amounts awarded as compensation, and further as certain of the payments approved could not be made before the end of the year, a sum of $51,936.07 was refunded making the net expenditure for the year $6,441.10. The sum of $51,936.07 will have to be paid out of the corresponding vote for 1925 or subsequent year.

1924 Estimates,      $ 10.000.00

1924 Sup. Vote         50,000.00

                     $ 60,000.00

1924 Expenditure,    $ 58,377.17

Less Amounts refunded, 51,936.07

Net expenditure,      $ 6,441.10

(b.) Excavation and filling.—This work was referred to in paragraph 200 (b) of last year’s Report.

Good progress was maintained during the year, 430,000 cubic yards of excavation from the hills on the area being deposited on the low-lying swamps which were brought up to formation levels.

By the end of the year, a total acreage of 24.96 of formed land has been handed over to the Kowloon Tong and New Territories Development Company.

1924 Estimates,   $ 100,000.00 | Total Estimates, $ 280,000.00

1924 Sup. Vote,   ...35,000.00

                  $ 135,000.00 | Expenditure to

1924 Expenditure,.$ 124,900.00 |    31.12.24,       234,842.00

211. Compensation and Resumptions.—This vote provided for the resumption of properties required in connection with development schemes, new roads etc.

The exchanges and resumptions effected are shown on pages 22 to 29 and 59.

The total amount of the payments approved under this vote was $116,657.03, but owing to the refusal of certain owners to recognise the authority of the Boards of Arbitration and to accept

P.W.E. New Territories. — Q 142 —

the amounts awarded as compensation and further as in several cases payments could not be made before the end of the year, a sum of $50,321.95 was refunded making the net expenditure for the year $66,335.08.

The sum of $50,321.95 will have to be paid out of the corresponding vote for 1925 or subsequent years.

1924 Estimates,            $ 20,000.00

1924 Sup. Votes,             70,000.00


                           $ 90,000.00

1924 Expenditure approved,.$116,657.03

Less amounts refunded,       50,321.95


Net Expenditure,           $ 66,335.08

212. Extension of Kowloon Catchwater.—This work was referred to in paragraph 210 of last year’s Report.

By the end of the year, a length of about 6,000 ft. of Catchwater was practically completed, 5,300 ft. of which is continuous bringing 220 acres within the Drainage area of the Kowloon Reservoir.

The excavation for the remaining length is practically completed except for short lengths of rock section.

The excavation and invert for the widening of 490 lin. ft. of the existing Catchwater were practically completed by the end of the year.

1924 Estimates    $120,000.00 | Total Estimates,....$190,000.00

1924 Expenditure,..$59,388.17 | Total Expenditure, $ 102,620.21

213. Shing Mun Valley Scheme.—This scheme was referred to in paragraph 211 of last year’s Report.

A report, with estimate, was forwarded to Government in April outlining in detail the various sections of the scheme, which was subsequently submitted to the Secretary of State for the Colonies for approval.

Briefly, the scheme outlined consists of the complete development of the whole Shing Mun Valley, stretching from Lead Mine Pass to the sea at Shatin. By means of Catchwaters, the drainage from the Northern and Southern slopes of Tai Mo Shan will be diverted into the Shing Mun Valley, providing a total estimated drainage area of 13 square miles and yielding a daily supply of 17 million gallons based on the assumption of the driest season.

— Q 143 — P.W.E. New Territories.

The scheme has been divided into five sections which will be proceeded with us the requirements of the Colony demand.

The 1st Section comprises the construction of the necessary aqueducts, tunnels, and the reception reservoir for raw water to cope with the yield of the fully developed scheme. Filtration plant, service reservoirs, and a pipe line to deal with 5 million gallons daily are provided for in the meantime, but admit of extension when necessity arises.

This section will deal with the normal flow of the Shing Mun River, which will be diverted above Pineapple Pass into the permanent conduits and tunnels by means a temporary channel. An access road, 1.92 miles in length, from Tsun Wan to Pineapple Pass is also included in this section and is more fully described later.

The 2nd Section deals with the construction of three impounding reservoirs in the upper Shing Mun Valley, having an estimated total capacity of 2,000 million gallons, catchwaters discharging through Lead Mine Pass, and the necessary extension to the filter plant, while a 2nd trunk main would also probably be required under this section.

The 3rd Section involves the construction of a large Catchwater draining 2,575 acres of the Southern face of Tai Mo Shan from Tsun Lung Village to Pineapple Pass where it will discharge into the Shing Mun Valley. Two storage reservoirs near Tsun Lung, having an aggregate capacity of about 340 million gallons, would also be constructed to control the flood water discharge in the Catchwater, while further additions to the filtering plant and to the trunk mains would also have to be made.

These 3 sections complete the gravity portion of the Scheme and are estimated to provide a minimum daily yield of 11 million gallons.

The 4th Section consists of an Access Road from the Tai Wai Village to the mouth of the North Tunnel, two storage reservoirs having an aggregate capacity of 2,100 million gallons, catchwaters draining the Eastern slopes of Needle and Grassy Hills, and a pumping station at Tai Wai with rising mains to the mouth of the North Tunnel.

The 5th Section is a very doubtful one and may never materialise. It projects the development of the Gin Drinkers Bay Valley by forming a large dam across the estuary with the necessary pumps and mains to deliver the water into the South Tunnel. An estimated yield of 5 million gallons daily may be expected from this source, but this quantity is additional to the 17 million gallons already alluded to.

P.W.E. New Territories. - Q 144 —

The approval of the Scheme by the Secretary of State for the Colonies was received in May with sanction for the immediate construction of the 1st Section.

The works involved thereby are : —

  1. An access road 16 ft. in width and 1.92 miles in length, from Tsun Wan to Pineapple Pass.
  2. An intake dam across the Shing Mun River above Pineapple Pass with a temporary conduit 6,000 ft. in length.
  3. The North Conduit 2,900 ft. in length.
  4. The North Tunnel through Smugglers Ridge 2,160 ft. in length.
  5. The South Conduit 2,000 ft. in length.
  6. The South Tunnel through the Golden Hill 4,680 ft. in length.
  7. A raw water reception reservoir in the lower Shek Lai Pui Valley having a top water level of 480.00 A.O.D. and an effective capacity of 33 million gallons.
  8. A filtration plant immediately below the above reservoir, of which the 1st Section will be capable of dealing with 5 million gallons per day.
  9. A covered reinforced concrete service reservoir of 5 million gallons capacity adjoining the filters.
  10. A 24" trunk main to Kowloon Point 4.40 miles in length with a feed to the Kowloon System at Piper’s Hill.
  11. A covered reinforced concrete service reservoir at Pipers Hill with a capacity of 1 1/2 million gallons.
  12. A 24" main 1.10 miles in length across the Harbour from Nathan Road, Kowloon, to the Praya at Jackson Road, Hongkong.
  13. A 24" main 0.60 mile in length from the Praya at Jackson Road to the Botanical Gardens.
  14. A covered reinforced concrete service reservoir in the Botanical Gardens disposing of a 5 million gallons capacity at a top water level of approximately 280 A.O.D.

1. This work is in progress and referred to in paragraph 205 (f) of this report.

2 & 3. Tenders were called for in December and were still under consideration at the close of the year.

4, 5 & 6. A contract (No. 29 of 1924) was let to Messrs. Sir W.G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co. in November and by the end of the year good progress has been made with the erection of housing accommodation, plant etc.

— Q 145 — P.W.E. New Territories.

7.    A contract.(No. 56 of 1924) was let to Messrs. Trollope and Colls (Far East) Ltd. in December.

8.    Tenders from British Manufacturers of Mechanical and Fast Gravity Filters were called for and received, but no decision has been come to by the end of the year.

9.    Only the necessary survey work has been completed.

10.    The survey work was nearing completion and the preparation of the indent for the pipe was well in hand by the end of the year.

11.    This is referred to in paragraph 189 of this report.

12.    15 borings and 56 prickings were taken across the harbour on a line between Nathan Road, Kowloon, and Jackson Road, Hongkong, and the preparation of the necessary data and plans were well in hand by the end of the year.

13. and 14. Only preliminary survey work has been carried out.

1924 Estimates, ...$ 100,000.00 | Total Estimates,...$3,500,000.00

1924 Expenditure,    $ 4,369.52 | Total Expenditure, $   11,216.34

The expenditure incurred on the construction of the Access Road from Tsun Wan to Pineapple Pass (paragraph 205 (f) of this report) amounting to $44,143.45 is chargeable to Shing Mun Valley Scheme.

214Shek Lai Pui, -Reservoir and Contingent Works.—This work was referred to in paragraph 212 of last year’s Report.

The excavation for the foundations of the 2 Dams proceeded slowly. The'depositing of the concrete for the foundations of the second Dam was delayed by reason of a soft pocket in the rock at the South end of the Dam. This necessitated the foundations of the dam being carried down to 575 A.O D. and constant pumping was required to cope with the spring water met with. The depositing of the concrete to the Dam in question began in April and by the end of the year 1,500 c. yds. of fine cement concrete and 3,750 c. yds. of displacer cement concrete have been deposited. 160 c. yds. of cement concrete inner face blocks, and 190 c. yds. granite rubble back facing have been laid by the end of the year, when this Dam has reached a level of 625 A.O.D.

Concrete to the Draw-off Dam (the 1st Dam) commenced in October, and by the end of the year 520 c. yds. of fine cement concrete and 220 c. yds. of displacer concrete have been deposited.


--- Q 185 ---

Annexe L.


— Q 187 — Harbour Developments.


2. Praya East Reclamation Scheme.—The works under this scheme were referred to in paragraph 159 of last year’s Report and were placed under the control of the Port Development Department in August.

Harbour Developments. — Q 188 —

(a) Contribution by Government towards Fund for Reclamation.- Having regard to the difficulties encountered, satisfactory progress was maintained during the year with the deposition of earth filling from Morrison Hill. A total of about 1,103,000 cubic yards of filling materials was deposited in the reclamation area by the end of the year, the aggregated area of land formed being 36 acres.

The total length of trench dredged amounted to 3,710 feet, of which 2,800 feet was filled in with pell-mell rubble. On this rubble mound, sea-wall foundation blocks 1,100 feet in length, were laid, and a length of 880 feet of the sea-wall was completed, except for the fixing of the cope stones. About 90% of the total quantity of ashlar required for the sea and quay-walls was prepared.

The foundations of the twin storm-water culverts were completed for a distance of 390 feet during the year, as well as 325 feet of the storm-water culverts as an extension to the culvert in Wanchai Road, and about 600 feet of 21" sewer on the reclamation area near Heard Street.

Due to the approach of the excavation, it was necessary to demolish houses 1 to 4 on Morrison Hill.

1924 Estimates,    $97,000.00    Total Revised

                                                       Estimates,     $640,000.00

                                                    Expenditure to

1924Expenditure,.., $64,046.00    31.12.24,        $256,184.00

(b) Road Improvements at Arsenal Street,— Resumption and alteration of Buildings. —This work was delayed pending the resumption of property at Arsenal Street. No expenditure was, therefore, incurred during the year.

(c) Morrison Hill District Development, Retaining Walls and Storm-water Culverts.—The construction of a retaining wall to support the North side of Gap Road from near the Monument was completed for a distance of 420 feet.

1924 Estimates,    $10,000.00              Total Estimates, ...$486,000.00

                                                              Expenditure to

1924 Expenditure,...$ 7,978.72               31.12.24               $ 11,937.19



(a.) Improving and widening road through Quarry Bay Village.—

This work was referred to in paragraph 120 (a.) of last year's Report.

The progress made was very unsatisfactory, due to the dilatory manner in which the Contractor carried out his work. The Contract was closed in July.

The excavation within the area of the Quarry was completed and the material deposited in the Reclamation ; but this was not the case below Taikoo Terrace. The main culverts were extended as far as possible to carry the road on its new alignment.