1933 Public Works Department Annual Report

Submitted by David on

Copy of original available online at HKGRO. (You may need to click the link twice to see the document.)



— Q 40 —

152.    New Residence for Director, Royal Observatory.—The work consisted of the erection of a detached house in the Observatory Grounds. The site selected necessitated the removal of the signal mast to a new position. The new house is two storied with Hall, Drawing Room, Dining Room, Lavatory, Kitchen, etc. on the ground floor, and three bedrooms, verandahs and two bathrooms on the first floor. Servants’ Quarters and a garage are at the rear of the building. A contract was let to Messrs. Cheong Hing & Co. and work commenced on the 7th July. Good progress was made with the work and the building was nearing completion by the end of the year.

Expenditure      $20,693.90

153.    New Central British School.—A contract amounting to $68,220.00 was let for the formation of the site at the end of May. Progress was slow at first but improved later. The amount of excavation completed at the end of the year was 162,609 cubic yards.

Expenditure       $22,063.81

154.    Mong Kok Tsui New Market.—This work could not be undertaken owing to pressure of other work and shortage of staff.

Expenditure      Nil.

155.    Kowloon Junior School, Drill Hall.—The work consisted of the erection of a Hall 40'0" x 20'0", of wood framed construction, covered externally with weatherboards and lined internally with patent boards. A Contract was let to Messrs. Chung Lee & Co. for $4,150.00 and the work was satisfactorily completed early in July.

Expenditure      $4,669.64

156.    W/T. Station Hung Hom.—This work was referred to in paragraph 187 of last year’s Report. Good progress was made and the building was completed before Contract time on 10th March, 1933. The masts were erected and Broadcasting Transmitters were installed and worked with satisfactory results.

Expenditure      $40,606.22

157.    Kowloon Fire Station: Quarters for Sub-Officers.—The work consisted of the erection of an additional storey, also of a new kitchen and minor alterations. Work was commenced in June and completed in' August.

Expenditure      $1,681.88

158.    Latrine at junction of Ningpo and Woosung Streets.— Sketch plans were prepared for the conversion of the existing dry-latrine of 50 stalls into a water carriage system of 60 stalls. The necessary working drawings, details and specifications were completed prior to calling for tenders.

Expenditure      Nil.



214. Demolition of Beaconsfield Arcade. The work of demolition, which was commenced in June and completed early in August, was carried out by Messrs. Yeung Fat & Co. A credit of $3,500 was received from them for the old materials.

215. Demolition of Nos. 1 and 2 Queen's Gardens. The work of demolition, which was commenced in August and completed in October, was carried out by Messrs. Cheong Hing & Co. A credit of $1,650.00 was received from them for old materials.


255. This work was referred to in paragraph 218 of last year's Report. The piers, offices and concourse areas on both sides of the harbour were completed and an experimental vehicular service commenced on 9th February. The full service was commenced on 12th June. Certain fender strengthening works were carried out during the remaining portion of the year.

1933 Expenditure                                 $325,231.14

Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1933         $1,741,60.70