1914 Public Works Department's annual report

Submitted by David on

Copy of original available online at HKGRO.



— P 17 — B. O. Work.

and, after considerable discussion and amendment, was finally approved by a Committee of the Founders. A contract for the laying-out of paths and terraces, and for the erection of a mortuary, reception hall, gardeners’ quarters, boundary walls, entrance gates, etc., was let in July to the Tung Shing Firm. The amount of the contract is $26,234.40 and the cost of the work will be borne by the Founders. At the end of the year the whole of the roads and paths included in the contract and about two-thirds of the terrace had been formed but not surfaced, whilst the buildings had been erected up to eaves level.

44. Theatres Regulation Ordinance.—Twenty-four licences were issued under this Ordinance during the year for the holding of various public performances. In some cases the licences were for performances in buildings specially erected for the purpose, in some cases for existing buildings which were altered as required prior to the granting of the licences and in other cases for performances in the open air.

A sum of $ 1,546 was derived from fees paid in connection with the issue of licences. This includes the following cases in which the nominal fee of $1.00 per annum was sanctioned by the Governor-in-Council :—The Hall in the Sailors’ & Soldiers’ Home, Arsenal Street; St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Kowloon.

45. Fires.—The following buildings were seriously injured by fire, some of them being damaged to such an extent as to require reconstruction:—

149 Queen’s Road East.         |  73 Queen’s Road West.

140 & 142 Queen’s Road East.   | 358 Queen’s Road West.

16 Cochrane Street.            | 184 Wing Lok Street.

8, 9 & 10 Jubilee Street.      | 125 Wing Lok Street.

51 & 53 Wellington Street.     | 5 Sai Street.

119 & 121 Queen’s Road Central.|  33, 34, 35 & 36 Aplichau.

275 Queen’s Road Central.      | 10 houses in Shamshuipo.

377 Queen’s Road Central.      | Oil Godowns, Lai Chi Kok.

293 Queen’s Road Central.

46. Reclamations.—The only private reclamation in progress during the year was that of Shaukiwan Inland Lot 433 referred to in last year’s Report.

47. Principal Works of a Private Nature.—The erection of 2 blocks of Students’ Quarters and of 5 houses for the Staff of the Hongkong University on Inland Lot 1877 and of an engineering workshop on Inland Lot 1853 was commenced.

Work in connection with the formation of a Recreation Ground on Inland Lot 1949 for the University Union was proceeded with.

The double wharf at Kowloon Point for the Star Ferry was completed.


B. O. Work. —P 18 —

The block of buildings on Rural Building Lot 136, Pokfulam Road, (“Ebenezer"), was completed.

Considerable progress was made with the erection of new and extensive premises for the Sincere Company in Wing Wo Street.

The new building for the accommodation of the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank at No. 7 Queen’s Road Central was completed.

The new church and school on Inland Lot 1924, Bonham Road, in connection with the Rhenische Mission, were completed.

A steel-framed building containing Retorts and Engine House was erected by the Hongkong & China Gas Company on their premises adjoining Whitty Street.

The erection of the “Helena May" Institute on Inland Lot 2083, Garden Road, was commenced.

The development of Inland Lot 1947, on the ridge east of Happy Valley, was proceeded with and the erection of 10 European bungalows was commenced; of these 3 were completed before the end of the year.

The erection of Maternity wards in connection with the Matilda Hospital on Mount Kellett, Road was commenced.

The erection of two blocks of flats on Inland Lot 1929, May Road, was commenced.

The erection of some new Oil Tanks at Lai Chi Kok for the Standard Oil Company was commenced.

Amongst other works which have been commenced or completed during the year the following may he mentioned :—

Works Commenced.

16 Chinese houses, M.L. 64A, Praya East and Tai Wong Lane.

8     ,,     ,,    M.L. 64, Praya East.

43    „      „     M.L. 40, Praya East.

26    „      ,,    M.L. 110, Praya East.

3     „      „     I.L. 1943, Whitfield.

6     „      „     I.L. 834, Hill Road.

7     ,,     ,,    I.L. 798, Third Street.

5     „      „     I.L. 2040, Tai Hang.

3     ,,     ,,    I.L. 2085, Tai Hang.

20    ,,     ,,    K.I.L. 571, Nathan Road.

18    ,,     ,,    K.I.L. 1286, Reclamation Street.

3     ,,     ,,    K.I.L. 1282, Portland Street.

4     ,,     ,,    K.I.L.s 1223 and 1292, Kowloon City Road.

15    ,,    ,,    N.K.I.L.s 41 and 46, Shamshuipo.


— P 19 — B. O. Work.

12 European houses, I.L.s 690 and 691, Bonham Road.

12    „       ,,    I.L. 729, Leighton Hill Road.

6     ,,      ,,    I.L. 124, Old Bailey.

2     ,,      ,,    I.L.s 1934 and 1941, Kennedy Road.

11    ,,      ,,    I.L. 2039, Wongneichong.

10    ,,      ,,    I.L. 1926, Wongneichong.

4     „       „     K.I.L. 414, Middle Road.

Silencers and Coolers for Hongkong Electric Company’s Power Station, I.L. 1210, Star Street.

Cinema Theatre, I.L. 834, Hill Road.

Acetylene Gas Factory and Godown, I.L. 2082, Kennedy Town.

Coal Godown and machinery house, etc., S.M.L. 1. Sai Wan Ho.

School in connection with Rosary Church, K.I.L, 617, Chatham Road.

Brewery and quarters, N.K.I.L. 60, Cheung Sha Wan.

Knitting Factory, K.I.L. 1260, Portland Street.

Workshops and packing sheds, N.K.I.L. 53, Tai Wan.

Forming sites for building operations :—I.L.s 1931, 1938 and 1948, Kennedy Road ; I.L.s 690 and 691, Bonham Road ; I.L. 953, Belcher’s Street; K.I.L.s 1283 and 1284, Ho Mun Tin ; and K.I.L.s 640 and 1267, Ma Tau Kok.

Works Completed.

28 Chinese houses, I.L. 618, Wyndham and On Lan Streets.

16    ,,     „     R.B.L. 51, Pokfulam (workmen’s quarters

                        in connection with monastery).

8     „      „     I.L.s 2050, 2051 and 2064, Tai Hang.

11    ,,     ,,    I.L. 953, North and Belcher’s Streets.

8     ,,     „     M.L. 37a R.P., 2-16 Des Voeux Road West.

8     ,,     ,,    I.L. 2028, Yeung Lok and Fuk On Lanes.

5     ,,     ,,    I.L. 1968, Yeung Lok Lane.

11    ,,     „     I.L. 676, Queen’s Road West and Hill Road.

3     ,,     ,,    I.L. 1715, Star Street.

5     „      „     I.L. 1953 and M.L. 53 R.P., 112-118 Des

                     Voeux Road Central and 44 Hing Lung Street.

3     ,,     „     I.L. 786, Kennedy Street.

3     ,,     ,,    I.L. 747, 13, 15 and 17, Western Street.

6     ,,     „     I.L. 388, Stone Nullah Lane and Tai Yuen


7     ,,     „     I.L.s 783 and 784, Stone Nullah Lane and

                     Kat On Street.

4     ,,     ,,    S.I.L.s 62, 59 and 141. Main Street, Shau-

                     kiwan East.

B. O. Work. - P 20 -

3 Chinese houses, K.I.L.s 553, 554 and 555, Reclamation Street.

4    ,,     ,,    K.M.L. 48, Canton Road.

12   „      ,,    N.K.I.L.s 27, 40 and 41, Shamshuipo.

8    ,,     ,,    K.I.L. 1285, Reclamation Street.

20   ,.     „     K.I.L. 416, Pekin Road.

5    „      ,,    H.H.I.L. 235, Gillies Avenue.

4    ,,     ,,    K.I.L. 690, Kramer Street.

6    ,,     „     K.M.L. 90, To Kwa Wan.

3    ,,     ,,    K.I.L.s 476, 477 and 478, Portland Street.

4    ,,     ,,    M.L. 53 and I.L. 1953, Des Voeux Road


12 European houses, I.L. 157 R.P., Caine Road.

6     „     ,.      I.L.s 1898, 1942, 2021 and 2022, Conduit


21    ,,    ,,      K.I.L.s 410 and 1215. Ashley Road.

5     ,.    ,,      I.L. 1095, Pokfulam Road.

4     „     ,.      I.L.s 1876, 1890, 1912 and 1921, Kennedy


8     ,,    ,,      I.L.s 390 and 391, Robinson Road and

                      Mosque Junction.

Glass Factory, I.L. 1936, North Point.

Glass Works and Quarters, I.L. 1893, Tunglowan.

Wharf, Godown, Shops, etc., Q.B.M.L. 2, Quarry Bay.

Chapel, I.L. 899, Chinese Christian Cemetery.

Vermilion Factory, K.I.L. 1218, Portland Street. Mong Kok Tsui.

Cinematograph Theatre, K.I.L. 752, Portland Street, Mong Kok Tsui.

Extensive additions to Cigar Factory, K.I.L. 1203, Coronation Road.

Wing to Berlin Foundling House. I.L. 607, Hospital Road.

Roman Catholic Chapel, S.I.L. 432, Shaukiwan.

Additions to Cigarette Factory. I.L. 743, Wanchai Road.

Quarters for Chinese employees, cowsheds, etc., F.L.s 18, 26, 32, 65 and 78, Pokfulam.

Club Pavilion, M.L. 239, Li Po Lung Path.

Godown, K.M.L. 88, Tsim Sha Tsui.

Godown, K.M.L. 43, Mong Kok Tsui.

Sugar Boiling Factory, K.I.L. 56, Mong Kok Tsui.

Engineering Shop, K.I.L. 714, Portland Street.

Pier opposite the Paper Mills, Aberdeen.

— P 21 — P.W.R. Hongkong.

Pier opposite godown, M.L. 239, Kennedy Town.

Extensions to the Mortuary belonging to the Tung Wa Hospital, I.L. 1572, Sandy Bay.

The following buildings mentioned in last year’s Report were not completed by the 31st December 1914 : —

* 3 Chinese houses, I.L.s 1036, 1037 and 1038, Whitfeild.

+ 9 European houses, I.L.s 1926 and 1927, Wongneichong.

1 European house, I.L. 426, 7 Castle Road.

Schoolhouse, I.L. 1937, Macdonnell Road.

Godown and Quarters, I.L. 2040, Tai Hang,

Temple and Dispensary, N.K.I.L. 54, Shamshuipo.

There were numerous other buildings besides those mentioned above, which were either commenced or completed during the year, but they were not of sufficient magnitude or importance to justify special mention.


48. Maintenance of Buildings.—The building's upon which any considerable sum was expended were the following: —

  New Government Offices :—

General repairs and painting through

    out,                     ------ $6,607

Brass nosings to treads of stairs, - - 468

Various minor repairs,               - 408

Laying ruberoid on flat roof,      - - 250

Taking up and relaying tiles,      - - 220


  Government Civil Hospital

“A” Block—General repairs and

    painting throughout,       - - - - 3,354

Superintendent’s Quarters—General re-

   pairs and painting throughout,      - 795

Lunatic Asylums—Sundry repairs,        - 265

Maternity Block—Sundry repairs,        - 227

“ A ” Block—Sundry repairs,          - - 346

“ B ” Block—Sundry repairs,          - - 181

Staff Quarters—Sundry Repairs        - - 139

Chinese Quarters—Limewhiting and

tarring internally,                     - 90

                                            — 5,397

* 2 Chinese houses on I.L. 2023, which, in the Report for 1913, were grouped with those mentioned, were completed.

+ 2 Of the 11 European houses on I.L.s 1926 and 1927, mentioned in the Report for 1913, were completed.


— P 39 —    P.W.R. Kowloon.

Sand deposits wore removed from the trained nullahs, the Waterloo Road nullah requiring more attention than others in this respect on account of a portion of its length still remaining untrained and irregular. It also became necessary to repair the western end of Soy Street nullah owing to the washing-out of the mortar from the joints of the masonry by tidal action.

The details of the expenditure under this head are as follows:—

Labour for cleansing operations, -    $4,628.51

Repairs, --------    1,505.48

Tools for cleansing operations, -    358.57

General incidental expenditure, -    197.00

Total, -    $6,689.36

72. Gas Lighting.—The total number of lamps in use at the end of the year was 257, an increase of 1 as compared with the previous year. Particulars of the positions of additional lamps and a note of lamps removed will be found in paragraph 128 of this Report.

73. Electric Lighting.—The number of Electric lamps in use, all of which are incandescent, remains the same as last year, viz. 43.

74. Maintenance of Praya Walls and Piers.—The following is a statement of the principal items of expenditure under this vote:—

  • Tsim Sha Tsui Wharf—Re-arranging and adapting Old Star Ferry Wharf as a public wharf including provision of 3 stairways, new seats, etc., and repairing and painting the whole of the iron and woodwork above low-water level, $8,686
  • Old Police Pier—General repairs, -    169
  • Temporary Bamboo Coaling Pier—General repairs, 107

75. Maintenance of Chinese Cemeteries.—The work carried out tinder this heading has already been alluded to in paragraph 45 of this Report.

76. Typhoon and Rainstorm Damages.-—Apart from damage done to the Dock Lane Latrine, there is nothing special to report. The latrine in question was a cast-iron structure and it was entirely destroyed by a landslip resulting from the heavy rains during July. It was replaced by a matshed structure.

77. Maintenance of Water Works.—A constant supply of water was maintained throughout the year, the quantity supplied amounting to 422.27 million gallons, which gives an average daily consumption of 1.16 million gallons or, taking an estimated population of 94,700, say, 12.2 gallons per head per day. Details are given in Annexe H.

*The estimated population in last year’s Report was erroneously given as 91,700 instead of 92,900. With a population of 92,900 the consumption during 1913 amounted to 11.3 gallons per head per day.



— P 53 — P.W.E. Hongkong.

lowering of the main sewer in Pottinger Street necessitated by the work was carried out.

1914 Estimates   $8.000 00 | Total Estimates, ...$11,000.00

                           | Expenditure to

1914 Expenditure, 7,272.64 | 31/12/14,             7,889.52

104. Roads: —

(a) From Victoria Gap to High West Gap, “Lugard Road".— Work was confined to the completion of the first section a description of which was given in last year’s Report. The railings and surfacing were completed. The surfacing is of tar macadam. An electric cable was laid in the road and five incandescent lamps were erected to light it.

1914 Estimates,  $7,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$55,000.00

                           | Expenditure to

1914 Expenditure, 6,573.12 | 31/12/14,            17,946.73

(b.) To Inland Lots Nos. 1946 and 1947 on the ridge east of Happy Valley.—“ Broadwood Road. ”—The construction of this road was undertaken in October 1913, in accordance with the Conditions of Sale for the lots mentioned and it was completed in November 1914. It is 10' wide and 2,769' long and is surfaced with tar macadam laid on a foundation of broken stone. On account of the precipitous nature of a large mass of rock encountered on the line of the road, it was necessary to have recourse to bridging and a length of 235 1/2' comprising eleven spans, ranging from 13' 9" to 35' 0", was constructed in this manner. The bridging is of ferro-concrete supported on brick piers which are rendered all over with cement mortar. All liabilities were discharged before the close of the year.

1914 Estimates,   $14,000.00 | Total Estimates, .. $16,500.00

                             | Expenditure to

1914 Expenditure,  11.474.53 | 31/12/14,            12,924.47

(c.) From Aberdeen to Deep Water Bay.—A Contract for this work was let to Li Hing in July and by the close of the year the first half of the road was completed except the surfacing. Some very heavy rock cutting remained however to be done on the remaining half. The work executed includes the construction of one large culvert 10' 0'' x 9' 0" and six smaller culverts ranging from 4' 0''x 3' 0'' to 3' 0" x 2' 6" as well as several lengths of retaining wall.

This length of road forms a portion of the scheme for the construction of a carriage road to encircle the greater portion of the Island which was planned in 1898, when the construction of the Victoria Road was undertaken. The old road between Aberdeen and Deep Water Bay passes over a gap, 264 feet high, from which it descends steeply and by a dangerous zig-zag to Deep Water Bay, being thus quite unfit for vehicular traffic. The new road leaves the old Aberdeen Road at a point about a mile east of Aberdeen Police Station and traverses the flat valley in which the Green Island Cement Co.'s Brickworks are situated until it reaches the

P.W.E. Hongkong. — P 54 —

coast. after which it is constructed along the face of the cliffs which extend to Deep Water Bay. Owing to the configuration of the cliffs encountered along the coast, it has been necessary to introduce rising gradients in the road, the highest point reached being 70 feet above Ordnance Datum. From this point, the road falls towards Aberdeen with a gradient of 1 in 40 and towards Deep Water Bay with a varying gradient, the maximum being 1 in 28. The road is a little over a mile in length and is being constructed with a width of 20 feet.

1914 Estimates, ... $12,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$48,000.00

                               | Expenditure to

1914 Expenditure,... 11,855.84 | 31/12/14,        ... 11,855.84

(d.) General Works.—The following is a statement of the works executed under this heading except those of a trifling nature. The sum stated is, in some eases, only a part of the cost, owing to the work extending into more than one year:—

  • (i.) Raising level of streets in Tai Hang Village, (not completed), - - - - - - $ 351.92
  • (ii.) Improving Wongneichong Road past the Hindoo and Parsee Cemeteries, (completed), - - 1,176.23
  • (iii.) Improving road between Deep Water Bay and Stanley, (not completed), - 1,664.34
  • (iv.) Improving road between Stanley and Shaukiwan, (not completed), ----- 2,549.06
  • (v.) Constructing Belchers Street across M.L. 239 (portion of lot surrendered to Government for the purpose), (completed), - 962.45
  • (vi.) Improving alignment of Bonham Road past I.L.s 1096 and 1848, (not completed), - 1,221.55*
  • (vii.) Fuk On Lane—Forming steps and channelling and surfacing with cement concrete around new houses on I L. 2028, - 1,359.68
  • (viii.) New street south of Po Hing Fong—Forming steps and channelling and surfacing with cement concrete around I.L. 1968. - - 1,095.72
  • (ix.) Star Street—Kerbing, channelling and surfacing with cement concrete in front of I.L. 1715, -------- 533.54
  • (x.) Wongneichong Road—Kerbing, channelling and laving granolithic footway in front of I.L.s 1484 and 1090, - -  - - - 226.02
  • (xi.) Shaukiwan Road—Kerbing, channelling and forming footway in front of I.L.s 1740 and 1893, - -  - - - - - - 239.34
  • (xii.) Cutting a trace for a path from Peak Road above "Inverugie ”, (I.L. 1146), crossing the Peak Tramway at No. 6 Bridge and extending to the path connecting Barker Road with May Road, (completed), - 279.42

*A sum of S778.86, which was spent in diverting water mains, was charged lo “ Maintenance of Water Works ’.


— P 79 —    P.W.E. Kowloon.

Item (viii). This work consisted of extending the main 9'' sewer in Shantung Street in order to intercept the sullage water from houses recently erected on K.I.L. 1218. An extension of the storm-water drain had also to be carried out.

Items (ix) and (x). Extensions of the sewer and storm-water drains were necessary on account of the erection of a considerable number of houses on K.I.L. 410. The land had hitherto been occupied as a garden.

Item (xi). Owing to the development of K.I.L. 48, it was necessary to extend the sewer in order to connect the houses erected on the lot.

Item (xii). This work was rendered necessary by the erection of Quarters for Subordinate Officers adjoining Cox’s Path, King’s Park.

Item (xiii). This extension was necessary to enable sullage water from some quarters in connection with the Tin Hau Temple to he intercepted.

Item (xiv). This work was undertaken to improve the scavenging lane between K.I.L.s 394 and 910 which was in an insanitary condition owing to the channels becoming continually blocked.

Item (xv). Complaints having been received from the Soy and Ginger Factory on K.I.L. 629 that flooding occurred during heavy rains, causing trouble with the drainage of their premises, the sewer was extended and a direct connection was given to it.

Item (xvi). This extension was made to enable an extra connection to be made from K.I.L. 1203 to the storm-water system as the premises were flooded during heavy and prolonged rains. The cost was defrayed by the lessees.

Item (xvii). This calls for no comment.

128. Extensions of Lighting.—The following lamps were erected :—

   Salisbury Road, near new Star Ferry Pier, -  1

   Tsim Sha Tsui Wharf, -   -   -   -   -   -   1



   Lamp removed from portion of Salisbury Road

      enclosed for building operations,      -     1

   Net increase,                        -    -     1

1914 Estimates,     $500.00

1914 Expenditure,      38.00



- P 85 — P.W.E. New Territories.

test the suitability of the site from the point of view of health as well as Police requirements, a temporary matshed station was erected in 1913 in close proximity to the area selected for the permanent buildings. The position proving to be satisfactory, the permanent station was proceeded with, a contract for the preparation of the site being let to one of the local Village Elders in April and completed in June at a cost of $775.51. A contract for the erection of the buildings was let to Messrs. Hing Lee & Co. in July and at the end of the year the walls had been built to the level of the first floor. The wails enclosing the compound of the station had also been erected and the concrete bed for the tiling of the ground floor had been laid.

1914 Estimates,     $10,000.00 | Total Estimates. ...$23,000.00

                               | Expenditure to

1914 Expenditure, ... 4,778.90 |  31/12/14,            4,778.90

138.    Market,-—Tai O.— Plans were prepared and tenders called for for the reclamation of the site and the erection of the market, but, as the tenders received were abnormally high, it was decided to postpone the work for the time being.

1914 Estimates,    $9,500.00

1914 Expenditure    

139. Tai Po Quarters,—Addition to provide accommodation for Bailiff.—In this case also, plans were prepared and tenders called for, but the work was postponed for the same reason as above-stated.

1914 Estimates,     $6,000.00

1914 Expenditure,         .60

140. Roads :—

(a.) Kam Tin - Au Tau.— This work was fully described in last year’s Report, the work being finally finished in March 1914. The bridge proved a much more expensive piece of work than was anticipated owing to the depth to which the foundations of the abutments and piers had to be carried.

1914 Estimates,  $1,500.00 | Total Estimates, .. $9,000.00

1914 Sup. Vote,   4,350.00 |

                 --------- |

                 $5,850.00 |

                           | Expenditure to

1914 Expenditure, 5,818.76 |    31/12/14, .      14,060.41

(b.) Extension at Castle Peak Bay, including construction of Pier.—This work was practically finished by the end of the year. The road is 6 feet wide on embankments and 14 feet wide in cuttings. Where it skirts the bay and is carried on embankment, the outer

P.W.E. New Territories. — P 86 —

face of the embankment is pitched with rubble masonry, set in cement mortar. A portion of the road which extends over the rocky foreshore has been formed by blasting the rocks and forming a rubble mound which is surfaced with lime and cement concrete, 4" thick. The main portion of the pier is constructed of rubble similarly surfaced, terminating in a pierhead of hardwood provided with landing steps.

A balance of $716.58 remained to be paid in 1915.

1914 Estimates, ...$ 8,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$10,000.00

1914 Sup. Vote, ...  2.600.00 |


                   $10,600.00 |

                              | Expenditure to

1914 Expenditure,.. 10,523.50 |    31/12/14,         10,523.59

(c.) Tai Po to Fanling, including bridging river.—This length of road links up the road from Kowloon Point to Tai Po, constructed in 1889-1902, with the road which has recently, (1908-1913), been constructed from Fanling to Castle Peak Bay.

Contracts for the construction of the culverts and of the smaller bridges were let to the local Village Elders in January and for the earthworks in March. A separate contract for the principal bridge, 182 feet in length, spanning the river at Tai Wo Shi was let to Mr. Lam Woo in May. By the close of the year, nearly the whole of the earthworks had been completed and the whole of the culverts and bridges, with the exception of the principal bridge at Tai Wo Shi and one single-span bridge (25-ft.), had been completed.

After crossing the bridge at Tai Wo Shi. the road runs on a high embankment across the low-lying agricultural land to the north-west. This embankment was originally constructed for the Kowloon-Canton Railway but was abandoned as the result of an extensive re-alignment carried out in this neighbourhood during the progress of the work. It has now been utilized for the road, for which it was well adapted. Near Tai Po Tau, the railway and road cross each other, the former passing over the latter on a skew bridge, 14' 6" wide between the abutments. The road then follows the railway embankment for some distance, being closely confined for part of the way between the railway on the one side and the Lam Tsun Valley River on the other. It continues to follow the River after the Railway has curved northwards and between this point and Wai Tau Village it is largely cut out of solid rock. Between Wai Tau and Tai Hang Villages, the road is carried on a low embankment which was also constructed for the Railway before the re-alignment already alluded to was carried out. From Tai Hang to Fanling Station, it traverses a long valley, being carried generally on low embankments, but for some part of the way, where it skirts the base of the hills, it is in side-cutting. About 1 1/4 miles from Fanling Station, the road crosses the railway by a level crossing. The following is a statement of the bridges and culverts constructed in connection with the road :—

P 87 — P.W.E. New Territories.


Number.  Total    No. and length of spans.


  1       182'    5 @ 30 ft. and 2 @ 12 ft.

  1        25'    1 @ 25 ft.

  2        18'    3 @ 6 ft.

  3        15'    3 @ 5 ft.

  1        10'    2 @ 5 ft.


  1      6' 0" x 5' 0"

  2      4' 0" x 3' 0"

  7      2' 0" x 2' 0"

The whole of the bridges and culverts are constructed of ferro-concrete, the principal bridge being supported on 12" x 12" ferro-concrete piles, averaging 27 feet in length, driven into the hard ground. In the case of some of the other bridges, much difficulty arose in the construction of the foundations of the abutments and piers owing to the exceptional amount of rain which fell during the dry season.

The road is 4.20 miles long. 16 feet wide on embankments and 18 feet wide in cuttings. The maximum gradient is 1 in 30. Trees have been planted on both sides of it, wherever possible, by the Botanical and Forestry Department.

The amount expended on resumption of land required for the road was $2,392.26, of which $1,750.00 was expended in 1913.

The widening of a portion of the road from Fanling to Castle Peak Bay, 1.15 miles in length and 8 feet in width, was undertaken and paid for out of the vote for the road already described. It has now been widened to 20 feet. The amount expended on this work was $1,119.20, including $107.80 spent in resuming land. The work was still incomplete at the close of the year.

1914 Estimates, ...$40,000.00 | Total Estimates, ..$46,000.00

                              | Expenditure to

1914 Expenditure,.. 35,032.25 |    31/12/14,    ... 36,782.25


129. Reclamation opposite K.M.L.. 29-31, Yaumati.---This work, together with the slipway for the Repairing and Coaling Yard for Government Launches, which was constructed as an extra work under the contract, was completed in November. All liabilities were discharged before the end of the year. The area reclaimed (9.05 acres) lies to the westward of Reclamation Street and extends from Saigon Street to Public Square Street.