1919 Public Works Department's annual report

Submitted by David on

Copy of original available online at HKGRO.



— Q 15 — B. O. Work.

40. Reclamations.—The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year:—

                                    Area in sq. ft.

Hung Hom Marine Lot 3, Hung Hom,

                            (completed) 491,000

New Kowloon Inland Lots 190 & 191,

               Laichikok, (in progress) 618,000

Aberdeen. Inland Lots 81 to 88,

           Aberdeen, (in progress), ... 165,000

Kowloon Marine Lot 93, Hung Hom,

                            (completed), 73,500

The areas stated are those of the lots, which in some cases extend further inland than old high water mark and are therefore not exclusively reclaimed from the sea.

In addition to the above, considerable progress was made with the works in connection with the reclamation of about 230 acres of foreshore and sea-bed at the head of Kowloon Bay referred to in last year’s Report.

41. Principal Works of a Private Nature.—The extension to the School of Anatomy to accommodate the School of Physiology, and the new building on I.L. 1859 to contain the Schools of Pathology and Tropical Medicine in connection with the "Hongkong University were completed. The quarters on I.L. 1853 for one of the junior officers and the Students’ Union Building were also completed during the year.

The buildings constituting the Hongkong Electric Company’s new power station on M.L. 321 were completed.

The new building on I.L. 82 for the Missions Etrangeres was completed.

The Repulse Bay Hotel, on R.B.L. 142, was completed and the erection of a residential wing in connection therewith was commenced.

The three new building slips on H. H. M. L. 3, referred to in last, year’s Report, belonging to the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company, were completed. Two large blocks of quarters to accommodate the Company’s European Staff were completed and two other blocks were commenced. The preparation of sites for the erection of further blocks of quarters was also in hand at the close of the year. The erection of a Platers’ shed and a sawmill and extensions to the machine shop and other works were also commenced.

The large reinforced concrete godown for the Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company, on K.M.L. 91, referred to in last year’s Report, was practically completed.

A large reinforced concrete godown, on K.M.L. 88, as well as a wharf for ocean-going steamers and other structures for the Ocean Steamship Company, was completed.

The erection of a power house for the China Light and Power Company on K.M.L. 93, Hung Hom, was commenced.

B. O. Work. — Q 16 —

The development of the area at Ho Mun Tin, (K.I.L.’s 1308 to 1348), referred to in last year’s Report, was proceeded with. The erection of 28 European houses, in addition to the 9 referred to in last year’s Report, was proceeded with, 16 houses being completed by the end of the year.

Progress was made with the construction of the additional slips on Q.B.M.L.’s 1 and 2 for the Taikoo Dockyard Company.

The laying out of a street and the erection of 40 Chinese houses on I.L. 705, Hill Road, were completed.

The alterations to the upper portion of the Peak Tramway and the reconstruction of Barker Road Station were completed in the early part of the year.

The erection, on R.B.L. 33, Happy Valley, of four large stands for the Hongkong Jockey Club was completed early in the year.

The extensive reclamation by the Standard Oil Company on N.K.I.L.’s 190 and 191, Laichikok, progressed steadily throughout the year.

An extensive reclamation adjoining and to the eastward of the Docks at Aberdeen was commenced, and was nearing completion at the end of the year, whilst the erection of a block of houses on A.I.L. 88, situated on the reclamation, was commenced.

The laying out of a new street (Li Chit Street) and the erection of 30 Chinese houses on M.L. 25, Praya East, was commenced.

The laying out of a new street (Chun Sing Street) and the erection of 18 Chinese houses on I.L. 834 was commenced and was nearing completion at the end of the year.

The erection of a block of 9 Chinese houses on M.L. 198, Water Street, was commenced and was practically completed by the end of the year.

The erection on I.L. 1642 of a large extension to St. Joseph’s College was commenced.

A large building, situated on M.L. 183, at the junction of Des Voeux Road West and Hill Road, known as the Kam Ling Hotel, was completed.

The erection, on I.L.’s 1864 and 1865, Des Voeux Road Central, of large business premises for the Kwong Sang Hong was commenced.

A new Theatre, known as the Wo Ping Theatre, was erected on I.L. 1689, Des Voeux Road Central.

The erection of a large number of godowns at Kennedy Town was commenced, several of which were completed.

The erection of several factories, godowns, etc., in various parts of Kowloon was commenced, and a considerable number of such structures were completed.

— Q 17 — B. O. Work.

A Vermilion. Factory and residential quarters on I.L. 2258, Whitfeild, were completed.

The erection of a large Cigarette Factory on I.L. 1315, Bowrington, was commenced.

Some extensions to the Tung Wah Mortuary at Sandy Bay were completed.

Work was started in connection with the erection, on M.L. 103, Section B, in Des Voeux Road Central, of a large extension to the Hongkong Bank.

The demolition of No. 4, Queen’s Road Central, on I.L. 291A, with a view to the erection of a large block of offices, was commenced.

The erection of 18 European houses on I.L.’s 145 and 146 in Wyndham Street and Arbuthnot Road and of 14 European houses on I.L.’s 1923, 1945 and 2072, Fung Wong Terrace, Wanchai, was completed.

The erection of 20 Chinese houses on M.L. 43, R.P., Praya East and Spring Gardens Lane, was completed.

A building on I.L. 76, Upper Albert Road, belonging to the Church Missionary Society and known as St. Paul’s Hostel, was completed.

A block comprising 18 residential flats, on K.I.L. 574, Hanoi Road, was commenced.

The following is a summary of the smaller works which have been completed or commenced during the year, in addition to the larger ones specifically mentioned above: -

Works completed.

23 European houses in Hongkong.

11     ,,             Kowloon.

32 Chinese houses in Victoria.

7      ,,            Hongkong Villages.

158    „             Yaumati and Mongkoktsui.

20     „             Taikoktsui.

67     „             Shamshuipo.

2      „             Kowloon Villages,

besides numerous buildings of a non-domestic character in Hongkong and Kowloon.

Works commenced.

39 European houses in Hongkong including 1 in the Peak


23     „              Kowloon.

4      ,,                ,,    Villages.

33 Chinese houses in Victoria.

19     ,,            Hongkong Villages.

122    ,,            Yaumati and Mongkoktsui.

8      ,,            Taikoktsui.

35     ,,            Shamshuipo.

2      „             Kowloon Villages

besides numerous buildings of a non-domestic character in Hongkong and Kowloon.



96. Police Recreation Club Pavilion.—This building occupies the site of the old Police Club Matshed at the north-west corner of Happy Valley.

As mentioned in last year’s Report, (para. 138), it was begun in September, 1918, the building being completed and formally opened by His Excellency the Officer Adminstering the Government in May.

The building is of brick and measures 66' 0" x 32' 0". It contains a general Club-room, 25' 6" x 20' 0", a Dressing-room, 18' 6"‘ X 10' 6", with Bathroom and Lavatory attached, and a Ladies’ retiring room, 18' 0" X 11' 6", with Dressing-room and Lavatory. A verandah, 9' 6" wide, is provided on the Happy Valley front whilst a small separate building contains the necessary servants’ quarters.

The roof of the club-house is designed in Chinese style.

1919 Estimates,  $11,000.00 | Total Estimates  $11,000.00

                            | Expenditure to

1919 Expenditure,  9,742.77 |    31/12/19,      13,211.65

— Q 37 — P.W.E. Hongkong.

were discharged. A description of the work was given in last year’s Report.

1919 Estimates, $ 12,000.00 | Total Estimates, S 22,000.00

1919 Sup. Vote, 4,500.00 |

                 ----------- |

                  $16,500.00 | Expenditure to

1919 Expenditure,  14,917.55 | 31/12/19,         22,712.30

(g.) Lugard Road Extension.—A contract for this work was let in January. The length of this extension, which provides for the completion of the road from Victoria Gap to High West Gap, is about 4,800 lineal feet. Owing to the risks attendant upon the execution of the eastern section of the extension, work upon it was deferred until after the rainy season, operations being confined, in the first instance, to the western section. By the end of the year, fair general progress had been made over the whole of the alignment.

1919 Estimates, $10,000.00 | Total Estimates, $55,000.00

1919 Sup. Vote, 6,000.00 |

                 ---------- |

                 $16,000.00 | Expenditure to

1919 Expenditure. 15,821.40 | 31/12/19,        15,821.40

(h.) Road contouring hillside in Wongneichong and Tai Hang Valleys.—This road was undertaken for the purpose of opening up building sites in .the two valleys mentioned, in addition to providing a motor route to the Hill District and a short route to Deep Water and Repulse Bays. A contract for the first section of it, extending from Gap Road to the Taitam Tunnel outlet at the east end of Bowen Road, was let to Messrs. Wing Lee & Co. in March and substantial progress had been made by the close of the year.

1919 Estimates, ... $120,000.00 | Total Estimates,

                                | Expenditure to

1919 Expenditure,.. 72,704.25 |   31/12/19, $72,704.25

(i.) Branch road to Wanchai Gap.—A contract for this work was let in July and, by the end of the year, satisfactory progress had been made with the work. The road forms part of a motor road to the Peak District, It is 1.5 miles in length and 20 feet wide, the ruling gradient being 1 in 20. There are numerous building sites along its route.

1919 Estimates, $80,000.00 | Total Estimates,

                           | Expenditure to

1919 Expenditure 28,610.95 | 31/12/19, $28,610.95

(j.) Road contouring Mount Gough from Findlay Road to Gough Hill Road.—A contract for this work was let in October, 1918, and it was completed in December, 1919. The road is 10' 0" wide and has a ruling gradient of 1 in 16. As suitable stone was not procurable along the route of the road, the retaining wails generally were constructed of lime and cement concrete. Owing to the un-favourable nature of the hillside and the existence of certain buildings and retaining walls above the road, it was considered


— Q59 — Works not appearing in Estimates.—Hongkong.

138. Central Police Station,—Alterations to Charge Room, &c.—  Sundry alterations were undertaken in the Charge Room, a new desk 33' 0" long, a dock and a fire-arms cage, together with new benches, etc., being installed. Minor alterations were also effected and new fittings were provided to the Detention, Inspector’s and Telephone rooms and to the Store.

1919 Estimates,     —

1919 Expenditure,     $3,865.24

139. Berlin Mission Foundling House, Bonham Road.— Conversion into quarters for Married Police.—Alterations were carried out in the large building which was erected during 1914-15 in order to adapt same for occupation as Married Police Quarters.

Two quarters, one of four rooms and one of two rooms, are provided on the ground floor and two quarters of three rooms each on the first floor. Servants’ quarters are provided on a lower floor which, owing to the configuration of the ground, extends over a portion of the building.

1919 Estimates,     —

1919 Expenditure,     $2,208.62

140. Road from Deep Water Bay to Taitam Tuk,—Improvements to adapt for motor traffic, section from Deep Water Bay to Repulse Bay.—As the improvements effected in 1917 were not altogether satisfactory, it was considered advisable to carry out some further improvements in order to render the road reasonably safe for the increasing motor traffic.

A contract for the additional work was let to Mr. Li Ng in August and was completed in September. The work comprised the widening of the whole of the road to a minimum of 20 feet, the improving of the alignment and grade and the construction of further parapet walls and earth mounds.

All liabilities were discharged before the close of the year,

1919 Estimates,      —

1919 Expenditure,     $23,889.54

141. Council Chamber,—Repairing Chairs.—The chairs in the Council Chamber were thoroughly renovated.

1919 Estimates,     —

1919 Expenditure,      $515.00

142. Taitam Tuk Scheme,—Second Section.—-The defective parts of the engines were replaced and the engines were finally taken over, after satisfactorily passing their trials, on the 13th August. The trials were conducted by certain members of the Staff of H.M. Naval Yard, the expenses incurred in connection with same amounting, to $424.57. The balance of the expenditure was
