Land records at the Public Records Office

Submitted by David on

The PRO's overview lists these resources:


The PRO Holdings: Owing to extensive loss and destruction of official records during the Japanese occupation, the bulk of the PRO holdings date from the resumption of British

administration in 1945. There are, however, several significant pre-war groups or series of records which survived and these are now in the PRO custody.

Land and Court Records: Among the most important of these, from a research point of view, are several series of records relating to land matters. They include rates collection books from 1858 to 1983, Crown rent rolls from 1843 to 1960, village rent rolls from 1856 to 1960 and surrendered title deeds dating from the mid-1840s.

The PRO also holds the Colonial Secretary’s Office correspondence relating to land matters covering the period 1866 to 1940, and bonds executed by various individuals for the  performance of contracts and services from 1841 to 1928.


There isn't any online access to these that I'm aware of, so you'll need to visit in person to view them.

You can see an example of the information they contain at: