Historical and Statistical Abstract of the Colony of Hong Kong, 1841-1910

Submitted by lizchater on

Recently came across this book, its the nearest thing to a Census of Hong Kong


hope it helps people


I've used this quite a bit in the past. More format options for the book are available at openlibrary.org, including a Kindle-friendly version for those that have the device.

Thanks Liz, that's a new one to me.

Browsing through, it's in two sections as the title suggests.

The first section gives a brief history for each year from 1841 to 1910. eg:


Governor Sir William Des Voeux (6.10.1887 to 7.5.1891).
(Mr. Frederick Stewart administered from 7. S. 1888 to 20.3.1888, from
24.11.1888 to 18.12.18S8 and from. 30.8.1889 to 23.9.1889.)

Pr. Ev. — Sanitary Board reconstituted under a Public Health Ord. of previous year and Colonial Surgeon made president. Bad year for small-pox, 99 cases being admitted into hospital. Wire-rope tramway, commenced 20,9 85, from St. John's Cathedral (100 ft.) to Victoria Gap (1,300 ft.) opened for traffic (30,5). Exchange stood at 3/0 1/2 on December 3ist. P. W. — Cattle Depot at Kennedy Town extended for 240 additional head. Leg. — Letters Patent of 19/1 revoked Charter of 5/4/43 and Letters Patent of 9/4,77 and re-enacted provisions for govt. of Colony. Royal Instructions of 19 1 revoked those of 11/1/86 and re-enacted them with slight modifications. Regulation of Chinese Ord. (No. 3) provided for registration of householders and tenants, for appointment of District Watchmen, for regulation of ceremonies, etc., and for issue of night passes. Coroner's duties transferred to Magistrates by Coroners Abolition Ord. (No. 5).

The text version that Liz linked to is good if you want to cut & paste any of the text from this section.

The second section of the book is in the form of a table, one line per year for 1841-1910. Each line shows statistics for:

  • Trade
  • Finance
  • Climate
  • Population
  • Public Health
  • Public Instruction
  • Public Order

The tables don't appear properly in the text version, so to see them it's better to use the scanned version instead.

Regards, David