1920 Public Works Department's annual report

Submitted by David on

A scanned copy of the original document is available online at HKGRO.



B. O. Work. — Q 20 —

40. Reclamations.—The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year:—

                                   Area in sq. ft.

N.K.I.L's. 190 & 191, Laichikok, (in

                            progress), 618,000

Aberdeen I.L’s. 81 to 88, Aberdeen (in

                            progress), 105,000

M.L’s 277 & 281, (additions to), North

                  Point, (in progress) 134,200

K.I.L. 1382, To Kwa Wan, (in progress), 87,110

K.M.L. 52, (additions to), To Kwa Wan

                        (in progress), 138,150

Q.B.M.L. 1, (additions to), Quarry Bay,

                         (in progress), 33,600

The areas stated are those of the lots, which in some cases extend farther inland than old high water mark and are therefore not exclusively reclaimed from the sea.

In addition to the above, considerable progress was made with the works in connection with the reclamation of about 230 acres of foreshore and sea-bed at the head of Kowloon Bay referred to in previous year’s Reports. Of this reclamation, an area of 15.244 acres was surrendered to Government at a cost of $115,470.00 as a site for a new Gaol.

41. Principal Works of a Private Nature.—The new residential wing at the Repulse Bay Hotel on R.B.L. 142 was completed and the erection of an additional residential wing and of an extensive two-storeyed garage was commenced.

Considerable progress was made with the erection of a power house for the China Light and Power Compauy on K.M.L. 93, Hunghom, and the erection of two large buildings for Officers and Staff Quarters respectively was commenced.

The large reinforced concrete godown for the Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company on K.M.L. 91 referred to in last year’s Report was completed and the erection of a large block of offices for the same Company on K.M.L. 11. was commenced.

The development of the area at Ho Mun Tin (K.I.L’s. 1308 to 1348) referred to in last year’s Report was proceeded with, 17 houses were completed by the end of the year, and 4 others were in course of erection.

Within the area owned by the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company at Hunghom, two large blocks containing 16 houses were erected to accommodate the Company’s European Staff and another block was commenced. Progress was made with sites for other blocks and with the erection of a Platers' Shed and of the other buildings referred to in last year’s Report.

— Q 21 —    B. O. Work.

The reclamation of N.K.I.L’s. 190 and 191, Laichikok, for the Standard Oil Company progressed throughout the year, and the erection of a Welding Shed, of additions to the Filling House on N.K.I.L. 2, and of 12 large oil tanks N.K.I.L’s. 190 and 191 was commenced.

The extensive reclamation adjacent to the Dock at Aberdeen was practically completed, 5 Chinese houses on A.I.L. 88 were completed and the erection of 26 Chinese houses on A.I.L’s. 81 to 87 was commenced.

The erection of 30 Chinese houses in Li Chit Street, on M.L. 25, of 18 Chinese houses in Chun Sing Street on I.L. 834, and of 9 Chinese houses in Water Street, on M.L. 198 was completed.

Considerable progress was made with the erection of the important extension to St. Joseph’s College on I.L. 1642.

The extensive business premises on I.L’s. 1864 and 1865 for the Kwong Sang Hong, referred to in last year’s Report, were completed.

The large Cigarette Factory on I.L. 1315, Bowrington, was nearing completion at end of the year.

Considerable progress was made with the erection on M.L. 103, Section B, in Des Voeux Road Central, of an addition to the Hongkong Bank, and with the erection, on I.L. 291A, No. 4, Queen’s Road Central, of a block of offices six storeys in height.

The erection of several additional godowns at Kennedy Town was commenced and several of these and of those referred to in last year’s Report were completed.

The erection of several factories, godowns, etc., in various pacts of Kowloon was commenced and several were completed. .

A large block comprising Printing Office and Quarters on I.L. 2235, Whitfeild, was erected.

The erection of a large Sweet Factory on I.L. 2234, Whitfeild, was commenced.

A block containing 18 residenial flats on K.I.L. 574, Hanoi Road, was nearing completion at the end of the year, and the erection of several other blocks containing 69 flats in Nathan and Kimberley Roads, etc., was commenced.

The erection of blocks containing 33 residential flats on I.L's. 2139, 2267 and 471, May Road, Tregunter Path and Yee Wo Street, was commenced.

The building on I.L. 579, Robinson Road, formerly St. Joseph’s College, was converted into residential flats.

The reclamation of an area of about 134,200 sq. ft. for the Asiatic Petroleum Company on M.L’s. 277 and 281, North Point,

B. O. Work.  - Q 22 -

was commenced. The formation of the large area known as I.L. 2273, Whitfeild, for the same Company was also commenced. On the latter area, two large fuel tanks and other buildings were constructed and the erection of three additional tanks was commenced.

In the compound of St. John’s Cathedral, buildings comprising a Church Hall. Caretakers’ Quarters, etc., were erected and practically completed by the end of the year.

At Quarry Bay, the erection of a block containing 6 residential flats on Q.B.I.L. 7 was commenced, some additions to workshops on Q.B.I.L. 2 were commenced and progress was made with reclamation and other works on Q.B.M.L’s. 1 and 2.

Two large blocks containing 33 residential flats on K.I.L’s. 715 and 721, Nathan Road, were erected.

The following is a summary of the smaller works which have been completed or commenced during the year, in addition to the larger ones specifically mentioned above:—

Works completed.

37 European houses in Hongkong including 1 in the Peak District,

5                    ,,                  Kowloon,

21 Chinese houses    in  Victoria,

19                  ,,                   Hongkong Villages,

139                ,,                   Yaumati and Mongkoktsui

6                    ,,                   Taikoktsui,

17                  ,,                    Shamshuipo, and

5                    ,,                    Kowloon Villages,

besides numerous buildings of a non-domestic character in Hongkong and in Kowloon.

Works commenced.

15 European houses in Hongkong including 3 in the Peak District,

3                   ,,                   Kowloon,

23 Chinese houses in     Victoria,

23                 ,,                    Hongkong Villages,

112                ,,                    Yaumati and Mongkoktsui,

15                  ,,                    Taikoktsui,

94                  ,,                   Shamshuipo,

2                    ,,                   Kowloon Villages, and

26                  ,,           on the reclamation at the head of Kow-

loon Bay, besides numerous other buildings of a non-domestic character in Hongkong and in Kowloon.


P.W.E. Hongkong.    — Q 40 —

94.    Mortuary, Hill Road,—Removal to new site.—A preliminary scheme was prepared, but it was not possible to proceed with the work during the year.

1920 Estimates,     $20,000.00 Total Estimates,        —

                                                         Expenditure to

1920 Expenditure, ... Nil.    31/12/20,     Nil.

95.    Married Quarters for Police, Caine Road.—This building will be a three-storied block containing 6 flats similar in type to those in the adjoining block.

The tender of Mr. Mou Hing for this work amounting to $65,000.83 (exclusive of fittings, etc., supplied by Government), was accepted, the contract being signed on the 14th December. Preliminary work on the site was in hand by the end of year.

1920 Estimates,     $50,000.00 Total Estimates,    $73,000.00

                                                          Expenditure to

1920 Expenditure, ... Nil. 31/12/20,     Nil.

96.    Additional Quarters at Happy Valley (12 houses).-— A contract was let in March to Messrs. Kang On for the erection of two blocks of terrace houses (six in each block) adjoining the existing Government Quarters in Wongneichong Road.

Each house contains an Entrance Hall, Sitting Room 20' 6" x 15'9" and Dining Room 19'0" x 14'0" and three Bedrooms 15'9" x 15'0",14'0" x 12'3" and 15'9" x l0'0", respectively, together with two Bathrooms, one containing a Water-Closet, Kitchen, Pantry and Servants’ Quarters are also included. A wide verandah is provided on both floors, that on ground floor being augmented by the addition of a bay. A basement extends under each house.

Externally the walls are of Canton bricks, the basement portion being covered with cement, and the ground and first floors with rough cast.

1920 Estimates,    $ 180,000.00  Total Estimates, ...$180,000.00

                                                             Expenditure to

1920 Expenditure,... 85,892.71    31/12/20,     85,892.71

97. Summer Quarters, Gough Hill, The Peak, for Police and others.—Preliminary drawings for two schemes were proposed but it was decided not to proceed with the work during the year.

1920 Estimates,    $20,000.00 Total Estimates, ...    —

                                                         Expenditure to

1920 Expenditure, ... Nil. 31/12/20,     Nil.

98.    Block House, Wongneichong Gap.—This work was commenced in January, and completed for occupation at the end of July.

It consists of a brick building 25'0" x 21'3" with a double tiled ropf and covered verandah in reinforced cement concrete on 3 sides.
