1928 Public Works Department Annual Report

Submitted by David on

A copy of the original is available at HKGRO:




B. O. O. Work. — Q 16 —

31. Cemeteries.—In connection with the provision of additional grave spaces, the work of forming new terraces and paths, and repairing paths, channels and culverts proceeded as usual at the Chinese Cemeteries at Mount Caroline, Chai Wan, Kai Lung Wan, and Shum Wan in Hong Kong.

It was necessary to provide extensions to areas in Kai Lung Wan East Cemetery.

At the Chinese Cemeteries in Kowloon,—Kowloon Central and Sai Yu Shek,—similar works were also carried out.

A small amount of nullah training was carried out at the Kowloon Central Cemeteries.

A reinforced concrete Bridge and Embankment were formed at the approach to Sai Yu Shek Cemetery.

Cheung Sha Wan Cemetery was re-opened during the year and a new approach road formed.

32. Reclamations.— The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year:—

                                           Area in sq. ft.

M. L.’s 430 and 431, North Point (nearing com-

                                     pletion), 833,975

S.I.L. 524, Shaukiwan (in progress),             7,626

K.I.L.’s 1558 to 156.1, Ma Tau Kok (in

                                     progress) 407,985

N.K.M.L.’s 6 and 7, Lai Chi Kok (in      {     374,400

progress),                               {     630,000

N.K.I.L. 520, Castle Peak Road (in progress),   27,000

N.K.I.L. 521, Castle Peak Road (in progress),   24,750

N.K.I.L. 971, Castle Peak Road (in progress),   24,750

Tsun Wan M.L. 2, (work suspended nothing

               has been done during the year), 874,400

Tsun Wan M.L.’s 4 and 5 (in progress),   {      74,900

                                         {     273,600

In connection with the reclamation of about 215 acres of foreshore and sea-bed at the head of Kowloon Bay, referred to in previous year’s reports, this has now been taken over by Government and work is being completed by the General Works Office.

-- Q 17 --  B.O.O Work.

33. Principal Works of a Private Nature, completed or in progress.

Works completed: —

In course of erection: —

  • A large Departmental Store for The Sun Co. on P.R.M.L. 63, Des Voeux Road Central and Connaught. Road Central was in progress.
  • The new building for the Wesleyan Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Home, on I.L. 2616, Praya East, was nearing completion.
  • A large R.C.C. Godown on I.L. 2755, Praya East Reclamation was commenced. This is the first permanent building to be erected on the Reclamation.
  • A large building in R.C.C. to be used as a Chapel, (St. Paul’s Hospital), on I.L. 1018, Causeway Bay, was in progress.
  • A large Hospital for the Tung Wah Hospital Authorities, on I.L. 2686, Soo Kun Poo, was commenced.
  • A large Chinese family mansion on I.L. 1946, Broad-wood Road was nearing completion.
  • Theatre on I.L.’s 48, R.P. and 601, R.P., Queen’s Road Central, and Circular Pathway.
  • A new wing as an extension to St. Stephen’s Girls’ College, on I.L. 2440, Lyttelton Road and Park Road was in progress.
  • A Students’ Hostel, to be known as “Ricci Hall”, on I.L. 2610, Sec. A. Pokfulam Road, was commenced.
  • A building for use as a Public Dispensary on S.I.L. 430, Main Street, Shaukiwan, was nearing completion.
  • A large Rubber Factory on S.I.L. 104, Main Street, Shaukiwan, was commenced, and good progress made.
  • A large block of buildings for St. Stephen’s Boys’ College, on R.B.L. 314, Stanley, was commenced, and good progress made.
  • Site formation for 28 European houses on R.B.L. 245, Deep Water Bay, was almost completed, and the building of one house was commenced.
  • A large Chinese family mansion on R.B.L. 28, The Peak, was commenced, and good progress made.
  • 10 European houses (10 shops and 30 flats), on K.I.L. 407, Nathan Road.
  • 5 European houses (5 shops and 15 flats) on K.I.L. 413, Nathan Road.
  • Telephone Exchange and Staff Quarters, on K.I.L. 574, Nathan Road.
  • “Po Hing” Theatre, on K.I.L. 2101, Nathan Road,
  • Hostel and Hall for the Chinese Y.M.C.A. on K.I.L. 1483, Waterloo Road, and Pitt Street.
  • Maternity Ward, Kwong Wah Hospital, on K.I.L. 1213, Kwong Wah Street.
  • Chapel and School, on N.K.I.L. 579, Yen Chow Street, (nearing completion).
  • School, on N.K.I.L. 1114, Un Chau Street, (nearing completion).
  • Sub-station for The China Light and Power Co. (1918) Ltd. on K.I.L. 1900, Prince Edward Road.
  • 22 European houses on K.I.L. 2097, Prince Edward Road.
  • 24 European houses on K.I.L. 2135, Prince Edward Road.
  • 39 European houses on the Kowloon Tong Estate.





130. Praya East Reclamation :

(a.) Contribution by Government towards Funds for the Reclamation.

(b.) Morrison Hill Development, Retaining Walls and Drains.

This work was referred to in paragraph 129 of last year’s Report.

(a.) Filling.—The difficulties of obtaining suitable filling materials from Morrison Hill increased to such an extent that, as from 1st April, the Contractor failed to deposit filling in the reclamation area at the rate laid down by the Committee of Engineers : in consequence, he was paid no bonus on the Contract from the above date. In order to expedite the completion of this work, arrangements were made with the lessees of East Point Hill to permit the Contractor to obtain filling material from excavations on this site. The quantity of filling material deposited in the Reclamation area during the year amounted to about 123,300 cube yards, making a total of 3,093,??? yards. The total area of land formed was approximately ??? acres.

Sea Wall.—A length of about 4,770 lineal feet of sea wall had been completed at the end of the year. Work on the uncompleted portion of sea wall—about 165 lineal feet—was suspended pending a decision regarding the construction of a wet dock on portion of the reclamation area at its north east corner.

The Sea wall foundations were strengthened over the length of the displacement referred to in last year’s report, and the Sea wall completed to proper levels on the position it occupied alter displacement.

Quay Wall.—This work was completed. The total length of the quay wall is about 190 feet and provides a depth of 16 feet 10 inches of water alongside at L.W.O.S.T. The piles and stanchions were fixed in position to connect the quay wall with the adjacent Admiralty Wharf.

Public Pier A.—The lower walings and struts were constructed during the year.

Public Pier B.—The construction of this pier was completed except the surfacing of the deck.

Refuse Boat Pier.—The deck level of this pier was raised 3 feet 6 inches for a width of 25 feet to meet the requirements of the Sanitary Department. The chutes, navigation lights and water mains were fixed and the pier opened for use at the end of the year.

Sewers.—The following lengths of sewers were completed at the end of the year: —

21" diameter sewers 3,680 L.F. equivalent to 97% of the total.

27" diameter sewers 600.5 L.F. equivalent to 100% of the total.

Storm Water Drains and Nullah work.—Storm water Drains totalling 15,340 lin. ft. and varying from 9 inches to 11 feet 6 inches in diameter were completed.

The 36 feet wide nullah extending from Bowrington Bridge to the sea front was completed. The Contractor completed the reinforced concrete bridge over the nullah on the line of the 75 feet road parallel and distant 350 feet from the new sea front. A width of 55 feet of the bridge on the 100 feet roadway was also completed.

The work of draining the back areas affected by the Reclamation  Scheme was completed except in the vicinity of Arsenal Street.

Roads.-—The work of kerbing, channelling and surfacing the 75 feet roadway running east and west through the reclamation from the line of Percival Street to Arsenal Street was completed. The 75 feet wide frontage road was also surfaced for a width of 25 feet from the cope line. At the end of the year sufficient width of all cross streets on the Reclamation Area had been formed to provide satisfactory access to the building lots.

Water Mains.—During the year 7,068 lin. ft. of 6" and 372 lin. ft. of 8" water mains were laid in the new roadways.

A considerable area of the Reclamation was licenced for storage purposes and the fees collected credited to the Reclamation fund.

The following table is an analysis of the total expenditure during the year.

                                           During the 

                                           year ended                                Total to 31st

Head of Expenditure.         Decem-            Previously           December,

                                           ber, 1928                                        1928

                                                  $                    $                             $

Contract No. 12of 1921,...    444.494.98    1,943,856.97     2,388,351.95

                                            Cr. 30,948.48

Dredging                                5,822.78         96,106.38             70,890.68

Alteration of Existing 

Sewers,                                      115.79       126,841.12          126,957.91

Alteration of Existing

Stormwater Drains, ...             3,377.66       182,463.18         185,840.84

Water Mains,                         79,564.83              121.20          79.686.03

Roads,                                   76,393.03              221.98          76,615.01

Salaries and Supervision,      29,997.28       173,178.08        203,175.36

Advance Account,                       ...               105,541.84        105,541.84

Items subsidiary to but

not included in Contract

No. 12 of 1921,                            752.86          5,247.93            6,000.79

Bonus payment on Con-

tract No. 12 of 1921, ...           62,639.23       861,431.63        924,070.86

Total,    .$                              672,209.96    3,495,011.31     4,167,221.27

The account in respect of the Contribution by Government towards funds for Reclamation is as follows: —

1928 Estimates, .. $325,000.00     Expenditure to

1928 Expenditure, $124,982.85     31.12.28         $765,442.85

(b.) Morrison Hill Area Development.—The retaining wall supporting Wood Road was demolished, and the roadway and adjoining area excavated to the level of the Government Store Yard which was extended by the area thus levelled. A boundary wall 12 feet high and 411 feet in length was built to enclose the extended Store Yard on its west side. The removal of the Wood Road Retaining Wall necessitated the construction of three columns to support the floor and roof of the store house which abuts against the wall on the north side of Morrison Gap Road. Morrison Gap Road was widened to 60 feet by cutting into- the embankment south of the Naval Hospital Site and the construction of a retaining wall 217.5 feet in length and of a maximum height of 28 feet. The entrance to Kennedy Boad was widened by the resumption of portion of the land leased to the Wesleyan Chapel Authorities.

The difficulties of obtaining from Morrison Hill suitable filling materials for the Praya East Reclamation, increased to such an extent that, in the interest of the latter work, it was considered Morrison Hill should be abandoned as the source of filling materials; accordingly, excavations for earth filling in connection with the Reclamation ceased in June and the future development of the Hill was under consideration at the end of the year.

1928 Estimates,      $67,000.00       Expenditure to

1928 Expenditure,  $36,348.54           31.12.28,      $122,017.27





140. Raising of Time Ball Tower.—This work consisted of the raising of the Time Ball Tower on Signal Hill, an additional height of about 20 feet to enable the ball to be seen at points from which it had in recent years been obscured by new high buildings.

Tenders were obtained for the work during the month of March and that of Messrs. Tat Lee & Co. amounting to $4,700.00 was accepted.

Work was commenced at the end of April and completed during the month of October. In the course of the work improvements to the machinery were executed by the Hong Kong & Whampoa Dock Company.

Estimates,      $4,700.00

Expenditure,          $4,695.00
