1917 Public Works Department's annual report

Submitted by David on

A scanned copy of the original document is available online at HKGRO.



Land Sales, &c.                               — Q 10 —

15. Prospecting and Mining Licences.—Two mining licences and one prospecting licence were issued in the New Territories as follows: —

District.                       Period.

Shataukok (mining licence),      1/9/17 to 31 8/18

Taipo     (       "      ),      1/9/17 to 31/8/18

Tsun Wan (prospecting licence)   1/12/17 to 31/5/18

16. Resumptions.—Inland Lot 2026, situated on Kennedy Road and containing an area of 8,700 square feet, was resumed by Government at a cost of $4,250 as it was considered that the class of houses which it was proposed to erect on the lot would be detrimental to the neighbourhood. Inland Lot 1585, containing an area of 750 square feet, was resumed at a cost of $810.81. This lot had been granted in 1900 on payment of premium and Crown rent, in consideration of certain claims advanced by the holder of a private latrine, the removal of which had become necessary owing to developments in the neighbourhood of Ship Street. The lot had however never been occupied and, in consequence of still further developments, it became necessary to resume it. A portion of Inland Lot 710, containing an area of 78 square feet, was resumed at a cost of $385.32 for the provision of a scavenging lane. Sums of $8,250 and $9,000 respectively were paid by Government in connection with the resumption of the riding-floors, Nos. 107 and 127 Queen’s Road Central, over the south ends of Hing Loong Street, (M.L. 53a) and Wing On Street (I.L. 2004). The riding-floors were demolished. Inland Lots 1918 (area 59,700 square feet) and 84 (area 790,614 square feet), comprising nearly the whole of Morrison Hill, were resumed at a cost of $80,000 and $275,000 respectively in connection with the projected Praya East Reclamation Scheme. Portions of Inland Lots 625 and 626, containing a total area of 984 square feet, were resumed at a cost of $4,860.96 for the provision of scavenging lanes. A portion of Marine Lot 111, containing an area of 2.114 square feet, was resumed at a cost of $4,228.00 for the purpose of providing scavenging lanes. A portion of Marine Lot 110, containing an area of 6,564 square feet, was resumed for the provision of a public street at a cost of $13,128. Portions of Marine Lot 23, containing an area of 12,961 square feet, were resumed at a cost of $38,883.00 for the formation of a new street and for the widening of Tsui In Lane to form a 30-foot street.

A sum of $142.50 was paid in connection with the resumption of certain cultivated lots which fell within the extended boundaries of R.B.L. 132 (Brick Works near Deep Water Bay).

The following sums were paid in respect of resumptions necessitated by the construction of a new road through Aberdeen Village, viz :—

(a) $556 compensation for removal of portions of buildings from Aberdeen I.L’s 42 and 47.

(b) $250 for removal of a structure on Aberdeen M.L. 2.

(c) $1,200 for the removal of structures on Aberdeen I.L. 62, a new lot being granted in exchange for the old one.


— Q 19 — B. O. Work.

44. Fires.—The following buildings were seriously injured by fire, some of them being damaged to such an extent as to require reconstruction:—

1 Stanley Street.

19 Jervois Street.

50 Sai Street.

110 Hollywood Road.

19 Bonham Strand.

44 & 46 Bonham Strand West.

259 & 261 Queen’s Road Central.

41 Queen’s Road West.

Factory on K.I.L. 1266 Ma Tau Kok,

Factory on Lot 6100, S.D. I, Hok Lo Chun.

45. Reclamations,—The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year :—

                                                  Area in Sq. Ft.

The Old Police Basin, Kowloon Point, (completed), 22,615 Extension of Marine Lot 321, North Point,

                    (in progress),                50,000

Hunghom Marine Lot 3, Hunghom, (in progress),    491,000

The areas stated are those of the lots which, in some cases, extend further inland than, old high-water mark and are therefore not exclusively reclaimed from the sea.

In addition to the above, considerable progress was made with the works in connection with the reclamation of about 230 acres of foreshore and sea-bed at the head of Kowloon Bay, referred to in last year’s Report.

46. Principal Works of a Private Nature.—A considerable extension of the School of Anatomy at the Hongkong University on I.L. 1859 was commenced.

The development of the ridge east of Happy Valley was proceeded with, five European residences being completed.

The erection of a block of offices and residential quarters for the Hongkong Electric Co., on M.L. 321, North Point, was completed, and the reclamation of an extension to the lot was commenced.

Considerable progress was made with the erection of the new building for the Missions Etrangeres on I.L. 82.

The extensions to the Italian Convent on I.L. 148, Caine Road, were completed.

Considerable progress was made with the erection of the large block of buildings for the Chinese branch of the Y.M.C.A, on I.L. 2048, Taipingshan.

B. O. Work. — Q 20 —

An extensive block of buildings for carrying on the business of a tannery in accordance with modern methods, was erected on K.I.L’s 640 & 1267, Ma Tau Kok.

Substantial progress was made with the formation of a large area, partially reclaimed from the sea, to the eastward of the Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Company’s premises at Hunghom, in order to provide 3 building slips, each 750 feet in length.

Amongst other works which have been commenced or completed, during the year, the following may be mentioned :—

Works commenced.

 3 Chinese houses, S.I.L. 118, Shaukiwan.

 4      „          I.L. 2165, Wongneichong.

10      ,,         I.L. 734, Matheson Street.

 3      ,,         I.L. 729, R.P., Sharp Street East.

34      „          M.L. 43, Praya East.

23      ,,         I.L. 617, Pedder’s Hill.

13      ,,         I.L. 47, Star Street.

34      „          I.L’s 682 & 683, High Street, Third Street

                      and U Lok Lane.

 2      ,,         M.L. 198, Queen’s Road West.

10      ,,         K.I.L. 1173, Reclamation Street.

 3      ,,         K.I.L’s 560-562, Battery Street.

 6      ,,         K.I.L. 964, Reclamation Street.

12      „          K.I.L. 1167, Reclamation Street and Shang-

                      hai Street.

10      „          K.I.L. 1259, Coronation Road.

 5      „          K.I.L. 1263, Coronation Road.

 8      „          K.I.L. 976, Reclamation Street.

28      „          K.I.L’s 1221 & 1222, Tai Kok Tsui.

 6      ,,         K.I.L. 1165, Canton Road.

10      „          K.I.L. 1174, Reclamation Street.

 9      ,,         K.I.L. 714, Portland Street and Changsha


14      ,,         K.I.L’s 951-954, Argyle Street and Canton


 5      „          N.K.I.L’s 68 & 69, Shamshuipo.

 4      ,,         N.K.I.L’s 103 & 106. do.

16      „          N.K.I.L. 43, do.

 8      ,,         N.K.I.L. 158. do.

 3      „          N.K.I.L. 155, do.

 4      ,,         N.K.I.L. 19, do.

 4      ,,         N.K.I.L. 105, . do.

 8      „          N.K.I.L. 161, do.

 2 European houses, I.L. 1079, Kennedy Road.

 3      „           I.L. 2072, Kennedy Road.

18      „           I.L’s 145 & 146, Wyndham Street.

 3      ,,          I.L. 689, Bonham Road.

10      ,,          I.L. 757, Hing Hon Road.

20      „           I.L. 2091, Sands Street,

 9      „           I.L. 609, St. Stephen’s Lane.

Tobacco Factory, I.L’s 742 & 743, Wanchai Road.

— Q 21 — B. O. Work.

Forming sites for buildings: —I.L. 2205, Conduit Road ; R.B.L. 239, Findlay Road ; I.L. 2218, Kennedy Road ; I.L. 2151, Babington Path ; I.L.’s 2232, 2237 & 2238, Bowen Road ; I.L. 2091, Sands Street; and N.K.I.L. 8, Kowloon Tong.

Works completed.

12 Chinese houses, S.I.L. 433, Shaukiwan.

 3       ,,        S.I.L’s 437 & 438, Shaukiwan.

 2       „         S.I.L. 142, Shaukiwan.

 6       „         I.L. 2166, Whitfeild.

 4       ,,        I.L. 1927, Wongneichong. 

 3       „         I.L. 2234, Whitfeild.

37       ,,        I.L. 730, Matheson Street., Sharp Street East

                      and Yiu Wah Street.

47       ,,        M.L. 23, Praya East, Queen’s Road East,

                      Landale and Anton Streets.

14       ,,        M.L. 111, Praya East, Mallory Street and

                      Wanchai Road.

 6       ,,        I.L. 2240, Mallory Street.

15       ,,        I.L.’s 625 and 626, First, Second and

                      Western Streets.

 2       „         M.L. 239 Sec. B, Holland Street.

 4       ,,        K.I.L. 1261. Argyle Street.

 8       ,,        K.I.L. 1175, Shanghai Street.

 6       ,,        K.I.L. 3180,182, 828 and 829, Kramer Street.

32       ,,        K.I.L. 717, Reclamation and Shanghai Streets.

 2       ,,        K.I.L.’s 308 and 309, Reclamation Street.

12       ,,        K.I.L. 56, Temple and Woosung Streets.

13       ,,        K.I.L. 1304, Battery Street.

 2       „         K.I.L. 1182, Portland Street.

 3       ,,        H.H.I.L’s 165 and 167, Taku Street.

 6       ,,        N.K.I.L. 52, Shamshuipo.

 2       „         N.K.I.L. 73, do.

 6       ,,        N.K.I.L’s 92, 96, 97, 99 and 101, Sham-


 3       ,,        N.K.I.L. 75, Shamshuipo.

 5       ,,        N.K.I.L. 102, Shamshuipo.

 2 European houses, I.L. 2168, Tsat Tsz Mui.

 3       ,,         I.L. 1926, Wongneichong.

 2       ,,         I.L’s 1912 and 2152, Wanchai.

 8       ,,         I.L’s 1944, 2089, 2094 and 2140. Ship


 5       ,,         I.L. 2081, Wanchai.

 2       „          I.L. 711, Conduit Road.

 4       ,,         I.L’s 591 and 757, Bonham Road.

 1       ,,         I.L. 2053. Babington Path.

 1       „          R.B.L. 37, Pokfulam.

 1       „          K.I.L. 1301, Nathan Road.

 3       ,,         N.K.I.L. 63, Ngau Tau Kok.

Sugar drying house, M.L. 52, East Point.

Japanese Hotel, I.L. 2070, Hau Fung Lane.

Extension to St. Joseph’s College, I.L. 579, Robinson Road.

B. O. Work. — Q 22 —

Additional, depot for the Dairy Farm Co, I.L. 1280, Albert Road.

Transformer Station for the Hongkong Electric Co., P.R.M.L. 71, Sutherland Street.

Godown, M.L. 300, Kennedy Town.

6 Godowns, M.L. 268, I.L’s 1082 and 1298, Kennedy Town.

4 Lard Factories, M.L. 239 and I.L. 2169, Kennedy Town

4 Cowsheds, &c., F.L’a 26, 29, 38 and 82, Pokfulam.

Godown, K.I.L. 211, Canton Road.

Do., K.M.L. 91, West Bund. 

Do., K.M.L. 91, Canton Road.

Do., K.M.L. 63, Sham Chun Street.

Do., K.M.L’s 62 and 63, Sham Chun Street.

3 Godowns, K.M.L’s 58-61, do.

Depot for China Light and Power Co., K.I.L. 1307, Nathan Road.

Extension to Diocesan Girls’ School, K.I.L. 1281, Jordan Road.

Pier, N.K.I.L. 46, Shamshuipo.

Smelting Factory, N.K.I.L. 48, Shamshuipo.

Box Factory, N.K.M.L. 2, Lai Chi Kok.

Pavilion, K.I.L. 571, Cheung Lok Street.

Forming sites for new buildings :—I.L. 2094, Ship Street ; I.L. 2139, May Road; I.L. 2169,

Kennedy Town; and I.L. 2091, Sands Street.

There were numerous other buildings besides those mentioned above, which were either commenced or completed during the year, but they were not of sufficient magnitude or importance to justify special mention.

The following buildings, mentioned in last year's Report were not completed by the 31st December, 1917 :—

 1 out of 7 European houses, I.L. 1926, Wongneichong.

11 European houses, I.L.’s 1923 and 1945, Kennedy Road.

 2        „         I.L. 1910, Kennedy Road.

 8        „         I.L.’s 690 and 691, Bonham Road.

 1        ,,        I.L. 2074, Kennedy Road.

Forming sites for buildings;—I.L.’s 1923, 1945, 2072, 2153 and 2158, Kennedy Road; I.L. 953, Belchers Street; K.I.L’s 1283 and 1284, Ho Mun Tin; K.I.L.’s 1221 and 1222, Taikoktsui; and N.K.I.L. 63, Ngau Tau Kok.


— Q 53 — P.W.E. Hongkong.

Inland Lots 2072 and 2079.—This work consisted of the construction of a series of flights of granolithic steps, with landings spaced at. suitable intervals, between Queen’s Road and Kennedy Road. Owing, however, to the obstruction caused by buildings in course of erection near Kennedy Road, it was not possible to complete the work by the end of the year.

1917 Estimates, $2,000.00 | Total Estimates, $2,200.00

                          | Expenditure to

1917 Expenditure 1,203.55 | 31/12/17,         1,417.57

(b.) Deep Water Bay to Tytam Tuk,—Improvements to adapt. for motor traffic, section from Deep Water Bay to Repulse Bay.— This length of road forms a portion of the scheme, proposed in 1898. for the construction of a road to encircle the greater portion of the Island. A Contract for the work was let in February to Mr. Lai Fuk and was satisfactorily completed at the end of November.

The total length of the road is 1.28 miles, the greater part of the work consisting of improving, re-grading and widening the old road between Deep Water and Repulse Bays. Commencing opposite the Golf Club-house at Deep Water Bay, the road runs level for a distance of nearly half a mile skirting the bay. It then ascends with a gradient varying from 1 in 14 1/2 to 1 in 20 until it reaches a height of 156 feet above Ordnance Datum. After running approximately level for a distance of about 700 feet, it descends at 1 in 14 1/2 until it reaches Repulse Bay. Owing to the steepness of the hillside between the two bays, it was necessary to ascend and descend in the manner already described in order to obtain a favourable location for the road. That portion of road skirting Deep Water Bay has a width of 20 feet, whilst the remainder has a minimum width of 16 feet.

The work included the construction of two bridges,—one of 16''4" span and the other of 10'0" span,—both being skew bridges : the extension of a number of old culverts and the construction of a number of new ones and the construction of retaining walls, aggregating 1,200 feet in length and ranging from 5 to 17 feet in height. A short length of the stream at the south-east corner of the Golf links was trained, a channel for the dry-weather flow being provided.

The abutments of the bridges are of masonry, set in cement mortar, and the decking is of reinforced concrete, 0 inches thick, supported on beams of the same material.. The retaining walls are in part of rubble masonry and in part of lime and cement concrete. with displacers. They are surmounted by parapet walls, 3 Feet high, built of rubble stone, set in lime and cement mortar, and finished off on top with a semi-circular coping of cement concrete.

Owing to the sandy nature of the soil where the road skirts Deep Water Bay, quarry spalls, 12 to 15 inches in depth, were set over the full width of the road to form a foundation for the surfacing. The road throughout has been surfaced with macadam, 4" thick, finished with a top-dressing of asphaltum and crushed granite put on in two coats. The top-dressing, which was carried out departmentally, was not completed by the close of the year.
