1923 Public Works Report

Submitted by David on

A copy of the original document is available online at HKGRO.




40Reclamations.—The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year :—

                                                         Area in
                                                         sq. ft.
M.Ls. 277 & 281 (additions to) North Point (completed),  134,200
Q.B.M.L. 1, (additions to) Quarry Bay (in progress),      33,600
M.Ls. 430 & 431, North Point (in progress) 833,975
N.K.I.Ls. 190 & 191, Laichikok (practically completed),  618,000
N.K.M.L. 8, Laichikok (in progress),                     514,150

— Q 31 —    B.O. Work.

Further progress was made in connection with the work of reclaiming about 215 acres of foreshore and seabed at the head of Kowloon Bay referred to in previous years’ reports.

41. Principal Works of a Private Nature.—The following large blocks of offices in the centre of the City were nearly completed :—

  • The Asiatic Petroleum Co.’s office on I. L. 619, Queen's Road, Central.
  • The China Building on I. Ls. 2317 & 2318.
  • Offices on I. L. 2319, Pedder Street.
  • The New P. & O. offices on M. L. 366.
  • The Bank of Canton Buildings on M. L. 102, Des Voeux Road, Central.

The new Cinema Building on I. L. 2316, Queen’s Road Central, was practically completed.

The Cenotaph, opposite the Hongkong Club, was completed.

The following buildings of importance were commenced: —

  • A new bank on I. L. 160, 122-126, Queen’s Road, Central.
  • A new bank on I. Ls. 1556 & 1557, 244-246, Des Voeux Road, Central.
  • A new bank on I.L. 1491, 186-188, Des Voeux Road, Central.
  • New offices on M. L. 7, 14, Des Voeux Road, Central, for the Hongkong Realty & Trust Co.
  • A new block of offices for the South China Morning Post on I. L. 80, No. 1, Wyndham Street.
  • A new block of offices at 7, Duddell Street on I. L. 669.

B. O. Works.      — Q 32 —

The re-erection of the Carlton Hotel, on I. L. 644, in Ice House Street, which was destroyed by fire, was commenced.

In the Western portion of the City the new buildings for St. Stephen’s Girls’ College on Park and Lyttelton Roads were completed. A new Church on I.L. 590, Bonham Road, was commenced. A large Chinese Hotel on M. L. 325, Des Voeux Road, Central, was started, and several new Chinese restaurants in Queen’s Road, West, were also commenced.

In the Eastern portion of the City a block of 72 Chinese houses, on M. Ls. 42 & 43, Spring Garden Lane, was completed.

A commencement has been made on the scheme for development at Shek-O. It is probable that considerable advancement will be made when the new road to Shek-O is available for traffic.

The remaining half of the large block of offices for the Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co., on K. M. L. 27, referred to in last year’s report, was completed.

Extensive cutting for a new dock was carried out. A site for new moulding shops and quarters was in course of preparation. 38 old Chinese houses were demolished and a site prepared for a new entrance and time offices.

Work on the Standard Oil Co.’s Laichikok Installation was continued, and further oil tanks were completed.

The erection of a pier in front of N.K.M.L. 6 was completed.

A large concrete wharf and coaling basin were commenced on N.K.M.L. 8 for the Kailan Mining Administration.

A large private hotel on K.I.L. 413, Hankow Road, was completed, as were also a large number of European Flats in Kowloon. Reference to these works was made in last year’s report.

Foundations were commenced for the new Peninsula Hotel on K.I.L. 1461, Salisbury Road, and for the Y.M.C.A. Hostel on K.I.L. 1625.

— Q 33 —    B. O. Works.

A large Cracker Factory on K.I.L. 1405, Mataukok, was practically completed, but was blown down by the typhoon in August. This is now being re-erected.

The erection of houses on the Kaulungtong Estate was commenced.

A commencement was also made in levelling K.I.L. 1507, Ho Mun Tin Extension.

A considerable number of European flats in Kowloon were in course of erection during the year.


94. Offices' Quarters: -

Homestead Site Houses. – This work, which is being executed by Messrs Little, Adams and Wood, was referred to in paragraph 86 of last year's report.

The work proceeded satisfactorily during the year, three of the houses being completed in July, another in September, and the block of flats towards the end of November. The pair of semi-detached houses, which formed a separate contract, were well advanced by the end of December, the roof having been laid, and the work on the internal joinery and floors being in progress.

Quarters at rear of "Le Calvaire". - These Quarters are described in paragraph 86 of last year's Report. A Contract amounting to $243,028.80 was let to Messrs Sang Lee & Co., on 6th February, and the work commenced immediately.

By the end of the year, the site formation, inclusive of the retaining wall and all foundation work, was completed while the walls to the North Block stood at a height of 6'0" and those to the South Block at 2'0" above the ground floor level.

  • 1923 Estimates, $350,000
  • 1923 Expenditure, $298,228.30
  • Total Estimates,
  • Expenditure to 31.12.23, $839,951.56


P.W.E. Hongkong. -- Q 78 —

(e) & (f) will provide seats for 22 men and 6 women each, and are being constructed to carry a Bath House on their roofs, if at any future time this is considered advisable.

By the end of the year good progress had been made with the structures where possible.

1923 Estimates,   $25,000.00

1923 Expenditure, $ 8,503.63

120. Roads:—

(a.) Improving and widening road through Quarry Bay Village.—

This work was referred to in paragraph 106 (a) of the Report for 1922. The progress made during the year was not up to anticipation, owing chiefly to delay in obtaining the surrender of the necessary areas required ; at the close of the year, there still remained to be handed over the areas occupied by 50 houses. The first temporary diversion of the tramway was effected in January, and the second in November.

The following items were completed during the year:—

70 feet of the 16-foot culvert under the new road, and a length of the wall adjoining the Refinery, in addition to minor extensions to culverts and drains; 11,000 C.Y. of material was excavated below Taikoo Terrace and deposited on the road line, and 64,000 C.Y, of earth removed from the Quarry area and deposited on the Reclamation.

1923 Estimates,  $100,000.00 | Total Estimates, $360,000.00

                             | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure,$ 36,826.16 |  31,12.23,       $154,674.67

(b.) Road from Taitam Gap to Shek-0 and Cape D'Aguilar.

This work was referred to in paragraph 106 (b) of last year’s Report. The Contract let to Mr. Li Ng for the low level road from Island Bay to Big Wave Bay was completed in November at a cost of $58,250.46. Treating the surface with tar asphaltum was deferred until the completion of the intervening section.

The Contract let to Mr. Ng Wah for the section from Shek-0 Gap to Shek-0 Village, and the extension to include the half mile to link up the 3rd mile with Shek-0 Gap, was, at the close of the year, practically completed, with the exception of some channelling and surfacing. 1923

Estimates,       $125,000.00 | Total Estimates, $492,000.00

                             | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure,$124,179.31 |  31.12.23,       $329,070.55


— Q 89 — P.W.E. Hongkong.

The number of drain connections was 158.

1923 Estimates,                          $25,000.00

1923 Sup. Vote,                           21,000.00



1923 Expenditure (from Govern-

                  ment funds) $45,684.54

1923 Expenditure (contributions

           by various lessees) 11,664.29

                               --------- $57,348.83

In conjunction with the Roads Office, a considerable number of new gullies with flat gully gratings were constructed and connected to the storm-water drainage system.

123. Queen's Pier.—This work was referred to in paragraph 110 of last year’s Report.

The construction of the re-inforced concrete pier and approach was completed by February.

The surfacing to the pier and approach has been suspended pending the erection of the facade to the Praya and roof to the pier.

A Contract for the construction and erection of the structural steelwork and C.I. columns for the roof was let to the Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co. in March.

By the end of the year, the standards and trusses complete, were in position and only required painting.

The Contract for the Entrance amounting to $54,358.45 was let to Messrs. Yau Hing & Co. on 22nd March.

Owing to a settlement in the foundations of the new sea-wall, the Contractors were not called upon to commence building operations until 3rd December.

During the period of the delay, work was proceeding on the preparation of the stonework for the Entrance, and the concrete tiles for the roof of the pier proper were being cast at the Government Quarry.

1923 Estimates,   $56,000.00 | Total Estimates, $175,000.00

1923 Sup. Vote..   15,000.00 |

                  ---------- |

                  $71,000.00 | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure, $61,176.41 |    31.12.23      $171,034.39

124. Quarry Workshop and Plant.—This was referred to in paragraph 111 of last year’s Report.


P.W.E. Hongkong.  — Q 100 —


Praya East Reclamation Scheme.

159. (a.) Contribution by Government towards Fund for Re-clamation.—The above item was referred to in paragraph 141 (a) of last year’s Report.

One hundred additional side-tipping wagons were delivered on the works and in use by July.

Satisfactory progress was made with the depositing of earth filling from Morrison Hill; in addition to the transport line via Bowrington Canal, a track was laid on Heard Street, and the transport of filling material by locomotives and side-tipping wagons via the latter route was commenced in March. A total of about 800,000 cubic yards of filling material was deposited on the Reclamation Area by the end of the year.

The dredging of a length of about 2,500 feet of trench, and the filling in of same with rubble was completed in February. Dredging operations under this Contract were then suspended, as it was considered desirable that the rubble mound should be completed to the sea-wall foundation levels. Owing, however, to the stone-collecting coolies’ strike which commenced in July and was not settled at the end of the year, the amount of rubble received was not sufficient to complete the mound to the desired levels,

 — Q 101 —   P.W.E. Hongkong.

The foundations of the Twin Storm-water Culverts for a  distance of 110 lin. feet from the existing Praya wall towards the new seawall were completed during the year; also, a length of 200 feet of storm-water Culvert as an extension to the Culvert in Wanchai Road.

A total quantity of about 44,000 cubic feet of granite ashlar facing for the sea-wall and some 27,500 cubic feet of granite sets have been prepared at the quarry at Cheungshawan ; and 2,100 cubic yards in cement concrete blocks for the foundations of the quay and seawall have been moulded at the blockyard at Wanchai.

Owing to the approach of the excavations at Morrison Hill, it, was found necessary to remove houses Nos. 5 and 6. This work was commenced at the end of the year by Messrs. Sang Lee & Co., who purchased the material to be obtained by pulling down these houses.

1923 Estimates,    $ 71,000.00    Total Revised

1923 Sup. Vote, ...   26,000.00        Estimates,    ,$640,160.00


                               $ 97,000.00   Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure,..$ 96,069.00      31.12.23,        $192,138.00

(b.) Road Improvements at Arsenal Street,—Resumption and alteration of buildings. —This item was referred to in paragraph 141 (b) of last year’s Report. The necessary resumption has not been effected at the end of the year. No expenditure was incurred during the year.

(c.) Road Improvements at East Point.—This work was referred to in paragraph 141 (e) of last year’s Report.

The work under this Contract was completed in March, with the exception of the reconstruction of the boundary wall on the South side of M.L. 52. This latter work was not completed at the end of the year as the Hongkong Tramway Co.’s track encroaches on the new alignment of the boundary wall and arrangements were being made for the removal of the track.

1923 Estimates,.. ..$ 30,000.00   Total Estimates,    $ 40,000.00

                                                     Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure,..$ 16,139.85      31.12.23,            $ 27,227.85

(d.) Morrison Hill District Development, Retaining Walls and Storm-water Culverts.—The construction was completed of a length of retaining wall to support the North side of Gap Road from near the Monument and extending westwards to a distance of about 260 lin. feet.

The work of re-drainage of the existing developed area between Arsenal Street, Causeway Bay, Queen’s Road and the existing Praya, rendered necessary by the scheme, was continued during the year.

P.W.E. Hongkong.  — Q 102 —

The following are the most important storm-water drains and sewers laid during the year :—

Size.   Description.    Length   Locality.        Position.                        Remarks.

51"      Storm-water    585'6''    Praya East   Wanchai Road to Tai   Completed

                 drain                                               Yuen Street   

45"              „              150'9"           ,,            Tai Yuen Street to               „

                                                                        Spring Garden Lane

24"              ,,             194'7"            „            Spring Garden Lane to         „ 

                                                                        Amoy Street

15"               „              83'10"           „            Amoy Street to Swatow        „


 12"              „              70'8"              „           Wanchai    Road to op-         ,,

                                                                         posite No. 2, Police  


18"                „            162'4"             „           No. 2, Police Station to          ,,

                                                                         W. of Burrows Street

15"                ,,           163'0"             ,,          West of Burrows Street           ,,

                                                                         to Burrows Street 

12"                 „           148'9"              „          Burrows Street to                    „

                                                                         Mallory Street

9'6"x              ,,           514'4"    Wanchai Road    Praya East to Cross         ,,

7'6"                                                                         Street    

42"                 „                —     Spring G. Lane   Praya East to Cross      Not comple-

                                                                               Street                           ted

36"                  „               —               „                Cross Street to Queen’s      „

                                                                              Road East

30"                 ,,               —     Tai Yuen St.       Praya East to Cross            „


72"                 ,,               —     Wanchai Road    Cross Street to Queen’s     „

                                                                               Road East

33"                  „               —              „                 Wanchai Road to Bul-         ,,

                                                                                lock Lane

60"                  ,,              —     Recreation          From Leighton Hill Rd.         „


90"                   „              —     Bowrington          Praya East to Leighton        „

                                                   Canal Road         Hill Road    


9"              Sewer       165'11"   Praya East        Triangle Street to Wan-   Completed

                                                                              chai Road

6"                    „           179'7"    Wanchai Road   Praya East to Triangle        ,,


7"                    „             20'0"            „                 Praya East to Triangle         „


9"                    ,,              —       Spring G. Lane  Praya East to Queen’s   Not comple-

                                                                               Road East                      ted

6"                     „              —      Wanchai Road    Opposite No. 2, Police        „


6"                     ,,             —-      Triangle Street    Praya East to Cross           ,,


9"                      „             —-      Tai Wo Street      Praya East to Wanchai        „

                                                                                 Road, Queen’s Road 


12"                    „              —       Jardine’s             Praya East to Penning-        „

                                                      Bazaar                ton Street    

18"                    „               —      Praya East          Percival Street to Jar-          ,,

                                                                                  dine’s    Bazaar    

18"                     „              —      Matheson St       Leighton Hill Road to            ,,

                                                                                  Cross Street    

— Q 103 —    P.W.E. Hongkong.

1923 Estimates,    $10,000.00          Total Estimates...... $269,576.00

                                                          Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure, $3,871.80               31.12.23,                 $3,958.47


— Q 117 — P.W.E. New Territories.

187. New Police Station at Shatin. —This item was referred to in paragraph 174 of last year’s Report.

A Contract for the work was signed in January, and by the end of the year, the building, which is similar to the one at Lok Ma Chau was completed structurally, and the finishings were in hand.

1923 Estimates,   $20,000.00 | Total Estimates, $35,000,00

1923 Sup. Vote,     5,069.80 | Expenditure to

                  $25,069.80 |    31.12.23,     $25,326.44

1923 Expenditure, $25,326.44

188. Quarters for Indian Married Police.—These Quarters were described in paragraph 208 of last year’s Report. The work on the two blocks referred to, proceeded rather slowly, but the one at Au Tau was completed in November, and that at Lok Ma Chau by the end of the year.

The Contractor agreed to erect additional blocks on the same Contract with the amendment of one or two items. Two further blocks, therefore, were commenced in October, one at Ping Shan and the other at Tsun Wan, and these were well in hand by the end of the year.

1923 Estimates,  $ 8,000.00  | Total Estimates,    $

1923 Sup. Vote,   33,000.00  |

                 $41,000.00  |

1923 Expenditure, $5,403.97  | Expenditure to

                                 31.12.23,    $ 5,403,97 

189. Quarters for Government Officers, North of Kaulungtong Area.—It was not found possible to proceed with this during the year; there was consequently no expenditure under this heading.

190. Land Court Building, Taipo, Addition of Survey Offices.—This work was referred to in paragraph 183 of last year’s Report. It consisted of the erection of two large rooms and verandahs connecting two formerly isolated existing blocks, and was completed in August.

1923 Estimates,   $10,000.00  | Total Estimates, $

1923 Sup. Vote,    11,527.37  | 

                  $21,527.37  |

1923 Expenditure, $21,527.17  | Expenditure to 31.12.23, ....



— Q 119 — P.W.E. New Territories.


196. Roads:—

(a.) Metalling and tar painting hilly portion of Laichikok— Castle Peak and Taipo Roads.—This work was referred to in paragraph 185(a) of last year’s Report.

A section of the Coastal Road from Soo Kum Wat to Castle Peak, a distance of 1 mile, and the section of the Taipo Road from Cha Nei Ping to Tai Wai, a distance of 3 miles, were surfaced with ordinary macadam and tar painted, cement concrete margins being formed throughout.

1923 Estimates, $70,000.00

1923 Expenditure, $55,555.25

(b.) Tai Po to Shun Wan Road.—A section of this road, which is on the seaward side of Tai Po Old Market, referred to in paragraph 185 (b) of last year’s Report, was completed in July.

The whole of the road is embankment faced with rubble, turfed on the land side. One reinforced concrete bridge with a single 10 ft. span and 2 reinforced sluice gate culverts were provided. The surfacing is of decomposed granite.

1923 Estimates, .$ 7,000.00 | Total Estimates, $20,000.00

1923 Sup. Vote,    1,500.00 |

                  $8,500.00 | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure, $8,495.75 |         31.12.23 $16,265.14

(c.) Patrol Path, Sheung Shui to the Frontier.—This road, which has a length of 3.56 miles, was referred to in paragraph 185 (c) of last year’s Report.

The alignment is of the usual cutting and embankment type, and it is provided with 9 reinforced concrete culverts or bridges with spans ranging from 15' to 3'.

Owing to the flooding of the low-lying land adjacent to Sheung Shui, a section of the embankment was constructed to serve as an overflow during the subsidence of the floods.

A 4 ft. path having a length of .34 mile was constructed to Muk Fu Ferry as a branch of the main path.

1923 Estimates,  $10,000.00 | Total Estimates, .$22,000.00

1923 Sup. Vote,    6,000.00 | 

                 $16,000.00 | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure,$12,573.40 |        31.12.23   $16,213.44

(d.) Tai Po Market kerbing and channelling-—It was not found possible to proceed with this work during the year; there was consequently no expenditure under this heading.

P.W.E. New Territories. — Q 120 —

(e.) Tai Po Road,—Widening and improving from 5th milestone to Shatin.—Surveys were made in connection with the proposed improvements, but it was not found possible to proceed with them during the year; there was consequently practically no expenditure under this heading.

1923 Estimates, $20,000.00

1923 Expenditure, $ 60.60

(f.) Widening eleven bridges.—Necessary particulars of the existing bridges were prepared, but owing to pressure of more urgent matters, it was not found possible to proceed with this work during the year; there was consequently no expenditure under this heading.

(g.) Surfacing and strengthening those portions of main Road through paddy-fields.—Fair progress was made with this work between Castle Peak and Un Long, the road being strengthened where necessary with granite spalls, surfaced with ordinary macadam, and tar painted.

1923 Estimates, $50,000.00

1923 Expenditure, $47,149.23

(h.) Extension of Roads in Kaulungtong Development Area.— It was not found possible to proceed with this work during the year ; there was consequently practically no expenditure under this heading.

1923 Estimates, $30,000.00

1923 Expenditure, $ 26.37

(i.) Access Road from Tsun Wan to the proposed Waterworks at Shing Mun Valley.—Contracts for the 1st and 2nd Sections of this Road were let in July to Messrs. Chun Sing for $63,455.60 and $34,833.00 respectively and work was commenced at once, but progress was slow up till the end of the year.

1923 Estimates,  $10,000.00 | Total Estimates,   $10,000.00

1923 Expenditure, $9,715.15 | Total Expenditure,.$ 9,715.15

(j.) Waterloo Road extension (100 feet wide) Section between Kowloon Boundary to foot of hills S.E. of Tunnel (estimate for 50 foot width).—This work was referred to in paragraph] 185 (f) of last year’s Report and is being carried out in conjunction with the Kaulungtong Development Scheme.

Towards the end of the year, a start was made with the cutting through the hill at the Kowloon Boundary end.

1923 Estimates,   $5,000.00 | Total Estimates, $10,000.00

                            | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure, $4,952.50 |    31.12.23,     $ 5,952.50

(k.) General Works.—The following is a brief statement of the principal works carried out under this heading:—

The formation of roads and footways in connection with the Kowloon Bay Reclamation Scheme mentioned in paragraph 185 (h) of last year’s Report was continued.

— Q 121 — P.W.E. New Territories.

The following roads, all in the Shamshuipo District, in front of new buildings, were kerbed, channelled, surfaced with ordinary macadam, and tar painted, the footpaths being paved with granolithic slabs, and the necessary improvements made.

Ki Lung Street,   Nan Chang Street,

Apliu Street,     Pei Ho Street,

Yu Chau Street,   Laichikok Road,

Tai Nan Street,   Yee Kuk Street,

Kweilin Street,   Hai Tan Street.

1923 Estimates $30,000.00

1923 Expenditure $15,981.14

197. Training Nullahs: —

(a.) One side-wall and invert of nullah on Eastern side of the Kaulungtong Development Scheme.—This work was referred to in paragraph 18b (a.) of last year’s Report.

As it is being carried out in conjunction with other items of the scheme, it was not thought desirable to push on with same until the end of the year when piling operations were started and good progress made.

1923 Estimates,   $50,000.00 | Total Estimates $70,000.00

                             | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure,.$ 4,036.80 |   31.12.23,     $ 4,036.80

(b.) Kaulungtong Development Area, diversion of stream West of Railway.—This work consisted of diverting all stream and water courses that formerly drained from the West to the East of the Railway on to the Development Area. The diversions were satisfactorily carried out by filling in low-lying areas, channelling and making a heavy cut through a low-lying hill spur.

By the end of the year, the work was completed.

1923 Estimates,   $12,000.00 | Total Estimates, $12,000.00

                             | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure,.$11,652.29 |   31.12.23,      $11,652,29

(c.) Kaulungtong Development Area, connection of stream North of this area to main nullah.—This is being carried out in conjunction with other items of the scheme, which is not yet sufficiently advanced for this work to be commenced.

1923 Estimates,   $60,000.00 | Total Estimates, $60,000.00

                             | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure,.$ —        | 31.12.23,        $ —

(d.) Shamshuipo, extension of existing Nanchang Street Nullah to Taipo Road.—Good progress was made with this work during the year.

1923 Estimates, $30,000.00

1923 Expenditure, $27,961.39

(e.) General Works.—The invert of the nullah at Laichikok was extended.

1923 Estimates,  $5,000.00

1923 Expenditure, $4,612.95


The number of drain connections made was 168.

1923 Estimates, $10,000.00

1923 Sup. Vote,   5,000.00

               $ 15,000.00

1923 Expenditure (from Govt, funds),             ..$14,666.35

1923 Expenditure (contributions by various lessees), 2,159.13

                                                  $ 16,825.48

In conjunction with the Roads Office, a considerable number of new gullies was constructed and connected to the stormwater drainage system.

199. Further Reclamation at Shamshuipo.—This work was referred to in paragraph 188 of last year’s Report.

The depositing of earth filling obtained from the cutting at Taikoktsui and extending to Mongkok was continued by locomotives and side-tipping wagons. The transport of filling material from the cut above Taipo Road was carried out by Decauville trucks. The supply of filling material from the foot-hills at Laichikok was continued until May, when the Contractor had removed sufficient material to permit of a specified area at Laichikok being formed to formation levels.

The earth filling deposited in the Reclamation during the year amounted to about 500,000 cubic yards.

1923 Estimates, ...$200,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$730,000.00

                               | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure, .$ 99,860.42 |   31.12.23,         $359,098.73

200. Kaulungtong Development Scheme:—

(a.) Resumptions.—This work was referred to in paragraph 189 (a.) of last year’s Report.

Certain resumptions were effected during the year by the District Officer (South), particulars of which will be found in the Land Officer’s Report for 1923.

1923 Estimates,   $64,000.00 | Total Estimates, $84,000.00

                             | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure, $34,684.29 |   31.12.23,      $49,421.68

(b.) Excavation and filling.—-This work was referred to in paragraph 189 (b.) of last year’s Report.

Good progress was made during the year, 532,000 cubic yards of hill cutting being completed and deposited on the low-lying areas of the scheme, and the whole brought to formation levels.

P.W.E. New Territories. — Q 124 —

At the request of the Kowloon Tong and New Territories Development Company, an area of about 14 1/2 acres of formed land was handed over to them in November for development.

1923 Estimates, ..$160,000.00 | Total Estimates, ...$190,000.00

                              | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure, $ 99,673.83 | 31.12.23 $109,942.00

201. Construction of Water-boat Dock at Laichikok.—This work was referred to in paragraph 190 of last year’s Report.

The dredging of trenches for the rubble mound foundations was carried out by Chinese dredgers until the 15th February, when, owing to the slow progress made, they were replaced by Grab Dredger No. 2, which was supplemented by Grab Dredger No. 1 during the months of March to July inclusive. About one-third of the necessary dredging has been completed by the end of the year.

About 240 lin. feet of the Nullah, North of the Water-boat Dock, was completed, and approximately 9,000 cubic yards of rubble dumped into the dredged trenches. A much larger quantity of rubble was required, but it was not obtainable owing to the strike of stone-collecting coolies.

1923 Estimates, ...$100,000.00 | Total Estimates,...$440,000.00

                               | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure,..$ 63,731.08 | 31.12.23,       ...$ 82,864.96

202. Refuse Dump,—Cheung Sha Wan.—This work was referred to in paragraph 191 of last year’s Report.

The Contract for the supply of earth for covering purposes expired during the year, when arrangements were made with the Sanitary Department to supply earth only when required by it. 2,579 cubic yards of material was supplied during the year.

1923 Estimates, ...$15,000.00 | Total Estimates,...$

                              | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure,..$ 4,408.64 | 31.12.23,       ...$28,787.94

203. Furniture for Government Offices and Quarters.—Only one full set of furniture was supplied under this vote, most of the expenditure being caused by supplying single pieces to the various Police Stations, Government Schools, &c., the number of articles so supplied being 78. In addition, several single items were supplied to Government Quarters, and repairs effected as required.

1923 Estimates, ...$3,500.00 | Total Estimates, ... $

$1923 Sup. Vote, .. 1,000.00 |

                   $4,500.00 | Expenditure to

1923 Expenditure,..$3,507.40 | 31.12.23, ...        $3,507.40


— Q 129 — Works not appearing in Estimates,—Hongkong

219.    Alterations to “Beaconsfield Arcade” for S.C.A.— These alterations consisted of the conversion of rooms in the ground and first floors into a suite of offices for the Secretary for Chinese Affairs and his staff, including the erection of strong room, lavatories, and waiting rooms on the ground floor for emigrants, &c.

   1923 Estimates............ —

   1923 Expenditure,.........$5,956.80

220. Market at Whitfield.—This structure will be of the usual open type, consisting of a reinforced concrete roof carried on brick piers, provision being made for eight 10 ft. stalls.

Plans were prepared, and a Contract for the work was let in the latter end of December. Work will he commenced early in 1924.

221. Cart Shed & Inspector's Quarters at No. 1 Police Station.—Drawings, Quantities, &c., were prepared for this work during the year. The building will be erected when the development scheme of this district has been settled.

222. Alterations to G.C.H. Buildings.—These alterations comprised the remodelling of a portion of the Ground Floor of C Block, formerly used as the Steward’s Quarters, to form a Venereal Section of 30 beds with sanitary accommodation and ward kitchens. On the first floor, a new ward kitchen and Duty Room were constructed, and sundry minor alterations to convert this floor from Venereal to Medical Wards were also effected. The erection of a ward kitchen to A Block was commenced.

The work was carried out by Messrs. Sang Lee & Co. under the Maintenance of Buildings Contract.

   1923 Estimates,........... —

   1923 Expenditure,.........$4,195.30

223New Architectural Office.-—Sketch plans, and subsequently working drawings, were prepared during the latter half of the year for a building to house the rapidly increasing staff of the Architectural Office, Public Works Department.

The building is of three floors, with a Basement under a portion of it, and contains the following accommodation :—

  • Basement.—Foremen’s room, Sunprinting Room and Lavatories.
  • Ground Floor.—One Engineer’s room, Offices for Clerks of Works and Overseers, Plan Room, Stores, &c.

Works not appearing in Estimates,—Hongkong. — Q 130 —

  • First Floor.—A large Draughtsmen's Office, and rooms for the Engineer in charge, one Assistant Engineer, the Surveyor of Buildings, and Clerks.
  • Second Floor.—A Draughtsmen’s Office and rooms for six Engineers.

Work was commenced on the site preparation under the Maintenance of Buildings Contract in November and this portion of the work was well advanced at the end of the year.

   1923 Estimates,............ —

   1923 Expenditure,..........$ 6,605.33

224Quarry Bay Market.—This market is of the usual open type, consisting of a reinforced concrete roof carried on brick piers, and providing accommodation for twenty 6 ft. stalls. Caretaker’s Quarters are provided on the roof.

The site is to the West of the Quarry Bay Nullah, and a bridge will be thrown across it to provide access from the New Taikoo Coolie Quarters.

A Contract was let in October, and by the end of the year the site had been levelled by cutting and tilling ; pile foundations were laid and brickwork started.

   1923 Estimates,............ —

   1923 Expenditure,..........$ 1,000.00

225. Sub-Fire Station, Belcher’s Street Coolies' Quarters.— This work consisted of the conversion of a small portion of the Coolies’ Quarters into a Sub-Fire Station, providing an Appliance Room, Store, and Office in the Basement, and Quarters for Firemen on the Ground Floor.

226. Quarters at Green Island, Additional Floor.—This work consisted of the addition of an upper floor to the existing European Quarters, providing two Bed Rooms, two Bath Rooms and Verandah space. The work, which was executed by Messrs. Sang Lee & Co. under the Contract for Maintenance of Buildings, was commenced in March and completed during October.

227. New No. 8 Police Station.—Sketch plans were prepared for a new and larger Police Station on the site of the existing one. These were under consideration at the end of the year.

228. Memorial Tablets, Police Headquarters.—Several designs were prepared for four memorial tablets, commemorating the names of European, Indian and Chinese members of the Police Force who gave their lives in the Great War or in the execution of their duty.

The work on the selected design was nearing completion at the end of the year.

— Q 131 — Works not appearing in Estimates—Hongkong.

229. Construction of Quay Walls at North Point, Marine Lots Nos. 430 and 431.—Towards the end of November, the lessees of Marine Lots 430 and 431 entered into an agreement providing for an alteration, by substituting a quay wall giving a depth of water alongside of 30 feet at L.W.L.O.S.T. in place of their former proposals to protect the reclaimed area by a sea-wall founded on a rubble mound, with berthing accommodation to be provided in front of each lot by reinforced concrete wharves 400 feet in length and projecting 50 feet seawards of the cope line.

The above agreement requires the plans and specification of the quay wall to be prepared by the Government Engineers, who will also undertake the work of supervising the construction.

Sufficient information was not available on which to base a Contract for the construction of these quay walls. Operations to secure the additional requisite information were started in December, but had not been completed by the end of the year. The cost of this work is to be borne by the Lessees.

230. Pokfulam Road Station, Extension to Engine House to accommodate additional pumping plant.—This supplementary vote of $4,000 was a revote of some of the balance on P.W.E. 44 (a) of 1922.

It was required for the purpose of paying off the Retention Money on Messrs. Wing On & Co.’s Contract.

Financial Minute Vote, ... ...$4,000.00

Expenditure,                  $3,574.21

231. Pier at Whitfield for Sanitary Department.—A contract was let for this work in September, and the piles were in course of manufacture at the Government Quarry at the end of the year.

1923 Estimates,   $20,000.00

1923 Expenditure, $ 1,091.89

232. Pier at Blackhead’s Point.—A contract was let for this work in October, and preparatory work for fixing the piles was in hand at the end of the year.

1923 Estimates,   $16,000.00

1923 Expenditure, $

233. Improvements to Roads necessitated by the extension of Tramway Track around Happy Valley.—The extension of the Tramway track around Happy Valley necessitated widening the road at the South-East side, regrading the carriageway, relaying, kerbing, and channelling footways to suit the new grade.

1923 Estimates, $10,000.00

1923 Expenditure,... $10,000.00
