1916 Public Works Department's report

Submitted by David on

Copy of original available online at HKGRO.



— Q 21 —    B. O. Work.

In addition, various paths were surfaced, roads formed and rainstorm damages repaired, whilst other works in the nature of maintenance were carried out at Mount Caroline, Kai Lung Wan, Hau Pui Loong, and Kowloon Tong.

A survey of that portion of the new Chinese Permanent Cemetery at Aberdeen (A.I.L. 78) which has been terraced and laid out was completed whilst sundry small works and alterations were carried out. The pier referred to in last year’s Report was completed at a cost of $4,034.60. A complete report dealing with this Cemetery from its inception, including detailed financial statement, was prepared in July and will be found in C.S.O. 6875/1911.

43Theatres Regulation Ordinance.—Seventy licences were issued under this Ordinance during the year for the holding of various public performances. In some cases, the licences were for performances in buildings specially erected for the purpose; in some cases for existing buildings which were altered as required prior to the granting of licences ; and in other cases for performances in the open air.

A sum of $2,824.00 was derived from fees paid in connection with the issue of licences. This includes the following cases in which the nominal fee of $1.00 was sanctioned by the Governor in Council :—Royal Engineers’ Theatre ; French Convent, Causeway Bay ; grounds of the Kowloon Bowling Green Club ; and grounds of the Kowloon Cricket Club. The foregoing places arc in addition to those mentioned in previous Reports.

44Fires.—The following buildings were seriously injured by fire, some of them being damaged to such an extent as to require reconstruction :—

  • 11 & 13 Whitfeild.
  • 31 Bowrington Canal Road.
  • 2 Man Hing Lane.
  • 2 Elgin Street.
  • 34 Gage Street.
  • 90 Wing Lok Street.
  • 71 Queen’s Road West.
  • 24 & 26 Sai Street.
  • 127 Third Street.
  • 19 Arthur Street.

In addition to the above, a number of matsheds at Telegraph Bay were destroyed by fire.

45.    Reclamations.—The following is a statement of the private reclamations which were completed or in progress during the year :—

                                          Area in

                                           Sq. Ft.

Shaukiwan Inland Lot 433, (completed),      11,268

Marine Lot 321, North Point, ( do. ),      125,000

The Old Police Basin, Kowloon Point, (in

           progress),                       22,615

B. O. Work.    — Q 22 —

The areas stated are those of the lots which extend further inland than old high water mark and are therefore not exclusively reclaimed from the sea.

In addition to the above, a start was made with the reclamation of a large area at the head of Kowloon Bay, covering about 230 acres, to form a residential area for the better-class Chinese.

46. Principal Works of a Private Nature.—The erection of the second block of Students’ Quarters for the Hongkong University on Inland Lot 1877, referred to in last year’s Report, was completed, whilst considerable additions were made to the Vice-Chancellor’s residence. The other buildings mentioned in last year’s Report (carpenters’ workshop, extension to the hydraulic laboratory, and quarters for coolies-and watchmen) were completed and sundry alterations and additions to various buildings were carried out.

The pavilion on the University Recreation Ground (Inland Lot 1949) was completed.

The “Helena May” Institute, (Inland Lot 2083),Garden Road, was completed.

The development of the ridge east of Happy Valley was proceeded with, two European residences being completed. The erection of five other residences was in progress

The new oil tanks at Lai Chi Kok for the Standard Oil Co. were completed.

The reclamation of the site for the works of the Hongkong Electric Co., (Marine Lot 321), at North Point, was completed and the erection of a large block of offices and quarters was commenced.

Considerable progress was made with the alterations involved in converting the old Cotton Mills buildings (Inland Lot 1018, Causeway Bay) for occupation by the French Convent, the School and Sisters’ Quarters being completed by the end of the year.

The erection of a new building for the Missions Etrangeres on Inland Lot 82, at the top of Battery Path, was commenced.

Considerable alterations were made to the ticket offices and gangways on the Star Ferry Wharf opposite Ice House Street.

The erection of a Chapel, Hospital, Dormitories, and Sisters' Quarters for the Italian Convent on Inland Lot 148, Caine Road, was commenced.

The erection of a large block of buildings, comprising gymnasium, swimming-bath, concert-room, recreation-rooms, class-rooms, hostel, etc., for the Chinese branch of the Y.M.C.A., on Inland Lot 2048, Taipingshan, was commenced.

— Q 23 —    B. O. Work.

A School for Indian Boys on Inland Lot 2,121, Sookunpoo Valley, was completed.

Considerable progress was made with the wharf and godown for the Ocean Steamship Company, (K.M.L. 88), Salisbury Road.

A new steel pier, 655 feet long, to accommodate the largest ocean-going steamers which visit this port, was constructed opposite K.M.L. 91 for the Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Co.

Amongst other works which have been commenced or completed during the year, the following may be mentioned : —

Works commenced.

  • 12 Chinese houses, S.I.L. 438, Shaukiwan. 
  • 3    „    S.I.L.'s 437 and 438, Shaukiwan.
  • 6    „    I.L. 2166, Whitfeild.
  • 37    „    I.L. 730,.Matheson Street.
  • 47    ,,    M.L.’s 23 and 25, Praya East and Queen’s Road East.
  • 14    „    M.L. 111, Praya East.
  • 15    „    I.L.’s 625 and 626, First, Second,    and Western Streets.
  • 4    „    K.I.L. 1261, Argyle Street.
  • 8    ,,    K.I.L. 1175, Shanghai Street.
  • 3    „    K.I.L.’s 180 and 182, Kramer Street.
  • 6    „    N.K.I.L. 52, Shamshuipo.
  • 2    ,,    N.K.I.L. 73, Shamshuipo.
  • 6    „    N.K.I.L.’s 92, 96, 97, 99, 100, and 101, Shamshuipo.
  • 2 European houses, I.L. 2168, Tsat Tsz Mui.
  • 2    „    I.L.’s 1912 and 2152, Wanchai.
  • 9    „    I.L.’s 1944, 2074, 2089, 2094, and 2140, Ship Street.
  • 4    „    I.L. 1927, Wongneichong.
  • 8    „    I.L.’s 690 and 691,    Bonham    Road.
  • 3    „    N.K.I.L. 63, Ngau    Tau    Kok.
  • Sugar-drying house, M.L. 52, East Point.
  • Japanese Hotel, I.L. 2070, Hau Fung Lane.
  • Extension to St, Joseph’s College, I.L. 579, Robinson Road. Additional Depot for Dairy Farm Co., I.L. 1280, Albert Road. Transformer Station for the Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd., P.R.M.L. 71, Sutherland Street.
  • Godown, M.L. 300, Kennedy Town.
  • „    K.I.L. 211    Canton Road.
  • „    K.M.L. 91,    West Bund.
  • „    K.M.L. 63,    Sham Chun Street.
  • Extension to Diocesan Girls’ School, K.I.L. 1281, Jordan Road. Pier, N.K.I.L. 46, Shamshuipo.
  • Forming sites for buildings:—I.L. 2094, Ship Street ; I.L.’s 2153 and 2158, Kennedy Road; I.L. 2139, May Road; I.L. 2169, Kennedy Town; I.L. 2191, Sands Street ((sic. but believed to be a mis-print as the I.L. on Sands Street is #2190. See comments below.)); and K.I.L.’s 1221 and 1222, Taikoktsui.

B. O. Work.    — Q 24 —

Works completed.

  • 9    Chinese houses, S.I.L.’s 420, 421, and 422, Sai Wan Ho.
  • 6    ,,    I.L.    2086, Whitfeild.
  • 3    „    I.L.    1970, Whitfeild.
  • 2    „    I.L.    1723, Whitfeild.
  • 3    „    I.L.    2084, Tunglowan.
  • 2    „    I.L.    2093, Ship Street.
  • 2    „    I.L.    2119, Star Street.
  • 5    „    I.L. 133, Stanley Street.
  • 5    „    I.L.    133, Wellington Street.
  • 7    „    I.L.    210, Hollywood Road.
  • 4    „    I.L. 678, Second Street.
  • 11    ,,    I.L. 797, Water Street.
  • 20    „    I.L.    1296, Kennedy Town.
  • 104    „    I.L.    1297, Kennedy Town.
  • 8    „    K.I.L. 1262, Argyle Street.
  • 34    „    K.I.L.’s 911 and 912, Canton Road and Reclamation Street.
  • 13    „    K.M.L's 58-63, Sham Chun Street.
  • 10    „    N.K.I.L.’s 41, 94 and 95, Shamshuipo.
  • 2    „    lot 1887, S.D. I, Po Kong.
  • 3    European houses, I.L. 1926, Wongneichong.
  • 2    „    I.L.’s 1931 and 1938, Kennedy Road.
  • 1    „    I.L. 1948, Kennedy Road.
  • 2    „    I.L. 753, Bonham Road.
  • 2    „    I.L. 753, Pokfulam Road.
  • 2    „    I.L.’s 2080 and 2090, Mount Davis.
  • 2    „    R.B.L.’s 2 and 138, Peak.
  • 5    „    K.I.L. 1293, Nathan Road.
  • 2    „    K.I.L. 1171, Austin Avenue.
  • 4    „    K.I.L. 576, Chatham Road.
  • 2 blocks of European flats, K.I.L. 1292, Jordan Road.
  • 2    „    „    K.I.L. 574, Hanoi Road.
  • Extension to Candy Plant, Q.B.M.L. 1, Quarry Bay.
  • Godown, I.L. 2166, Whitfeild.
  • Godown, M.L. 113, 94 Praya East.
  • Theatre, on Crown land opposite M.L. 116, Praya East. Mosque, I.L. 268, Shelley Street.
  • School, I.L. 833, Battery Road.
  • Godowns, I.L.’s 905 and 953 and M.L. 239, Kennedy Town. Godown, K.M.L. 11, Tsim Sha Tsui.
  • Additions to the China Light and Power Co.’s Station, H.H. I.L. 225, Chatham Road.
  • Pier, K.M.L. 83, Hunghom.
  • Dispensary, K.I.L. 1296, Kansu Street.
  • Knitting Factory, K.I.L. 1287, Shanghai Street.

— Q 25 —    P.W.R. Hongkong.

  • Theatre, K.I.L. 41, Temple Street.
  • Benzine Godown, K.M.L. 32, Taikoktsui.
  • Sugar Factory, K.M.L. 56, Mongkoktsui.
  • Knitting Factory, K.I.L. 952, Argyle Street.
  • Engineering Workshop, K.I.L. 1217, Portland Street.
  • Temple, N.K.I.L. 67, Shamshuipo.
  • Temple, Lot 1656, Ngau Shi Wan.
  • Forming sites for buildings:—I.L. 2070, Ship Street ; I.L. 2081, Albany Lane; I.L.’s 1931, 1938, 1944, 1948, and 2074, Kennedy Road; I.L.’s 690 and 691, Bonham Road ; I.L. 2053, Babington Path ; R.B.L. 138, Lugard Road ; K.M.L. 87, Reclamation Street; and K.I.L.’s  640 and 1267, Ma Tau Kok.

There were numerous other buildings besides those mentioned above, which were either commenced or completed during the year, but they were not of sufficient magnitude or importance to justify special mention.

The following buildings, etc., mentioned in last year’s Report were not completed by the 31st December, 1916 :—

  • 4 out of 7 European houses, I.L. 1926, Wongneichong.
  • 11 European houses, I.L.’s 1923 and 1945, Kennedy Road.
  • 2    „    I.L. 1910, Kennedy Road.
  • 2    „    I.L. 711, Conduit Road.
  • *Schoolhouse, I.L. 1937, Macdonnell Road.
  • *School in connection with Rosary Church, K.I.L. 617, Chatham Road.
  • Workshop and packing sheds, N.K.I.L. 53, Tai Wan.
  • Forming sites for buildings :—I.L.’s 1923, 1945, and 2072, Kennedy Road; I.L. 953, Belchers Street; K.I.L.’s 1283 and 1284, Ho Mun Tin ; and N.K.I.L. 63, Ngau Tau Kok.



47. Maintenance of Buildings.—The buildings upon which any considerable sum was expended were the following : —

Kennedy Town Cattle Depots and Slaughter Houses :—

Cattle Depot—General repairs

   and painting, limewashing

   and tarring throughout, ...  $3,777.96

Minor repairs,             ...     189.28


               Carried forward,... ...    $3,967.24

* No work done during 1916.


— Q 51 —    P.W.E. Hongkong.

                                                                    £ s. d. $ c.

Brought forward,                                          11,730.06

Cooling tanks and fire protection,...    —    1,457.55

Furniture and stores supplied by

Naval Authorities,                                    —      898.51





1916 Estimates,    $ 7,500,00 | Total Estimates,    $102,500.00

1916 Sup. Votes, ...    2,321.68


                                   $ 9,821.68 Expenditure to

1916 Expenditure, .. 14,092.12    31/12/16,     107,778.31

94. Married Quarters for Police, Caine Road.—These quarters were completed in November, 1915, and were fully described in last year’s Report. The expenditure in 1916 consisted mainly of a balance due under the Contract, in addition to which there were sundry small items.

1916 Estimates,    $ 5,000.00 Total Estimates,     $ 71,000.00

1916 Sup. Vote,      4,500.00


                                   $ 9,500.00 Expenditure to

1916 Expenditure,..    9,335.94    31/12/16,      73,876.92

95.    Gaol Extension,—New Block.—This work was completed during 1915 with the exception of the locks to the cell doors, which arrived during 1916 and were duly fixed. The work was fully described in last year’s Report. The expenditure consisted mainly of a balance of $5,115.56 under the Contract, in addition to which there were several small items.

1916 Estimates,     $ 3,000.00 Total Estimates    $ 47,500.00

1916 Sup. Vote,        2,351.00


                                      5,351.00 Expenditure to

1916 Expenditure, ..    5,339.02    31/12/16,     43,186.82

96.    Quarters for Subordinate Officers, Happy Valley.—These quarters were completed early in November and were all occupied before the end of the month.

The work comprised the erection, on the east side of Happy Valley and immediately to the north of Broadwood Road, of a block of six two-storied houses of somewhat similar design to those already erected at Mount Parish and at King’s Park, Kowloon. Each house has a small plot of ground in front and a small yard in the rear from which access to a scavenging lane is provided.

The two end houses contain a living room, 20' 0" x 16' 3", a dining-room, 14' 0" x 12' 0", three bedrooms, 16' 3"x 12' 0'', 16' 3" x 13' 0", and 14' 0" x 12' 3", respectively, two bath-rooms, and a store-room.


P.W.E. Hongkong.    — Q 52 —

Each of the four intermediate houses contains a living-room, 18' l" x 15' 6", a dining-room, 17' 2" x 13' 6'', two bed-rooms, 20' 7" x 18' 1" and 17' 2" x 13' 6", respectively, a bath-room and store-room. Each house is provided with a verandah in front on both floors. The stairs in the quarters are of timber. External stairs of reinforced concrete provide access to the bath-rooms. A ventilating space, 4' 0" high, is provided underneath the houses. A small one-storied wing attached to each house contains 2 servants’ rooms, a European kitchen, pantry, servants’ latrine, and coal-store.

The walls are of coursed granite rubble up to the ground floor level and, above that level, of brickwork in cement mortar. The principal front is faced with Formosa bricks up to the level of the first floor, above which it is finished with rough-cast plaster. The hay windows, string courses, copings, etc., are of concrete blocks, which were prepared at the Government quarry at Tsat Tsz Mui. The internal surfaces of all walls, except those of the servants’ quarters, are plastered. The floors of the rooms are laid with hardwood boarding on hardwood joists, and those of the verandahs are of reinforced concrete, finished with a layer of 6" X 6" cement tiles. The floors of the servants’ quarters are of cement concrete, finished with granolithic. The roofs, except in the case of the verandahs and servants’ quarters, which are of reinforced cement concrete, are covered with double pan and roll tiling. Electric light and bells have been installed throughout all the quarters.

1916 Estimates,     $ 46,000.00 Total Estimates,    $61,000.00

1916 Sup. Vote, ...     6,000.00


                                  $52,000.00 Expenditure to

1916 Expenditure,... 51,705.60    31/12/16,     58,388.45

A balance of $6,251.09 remained to be paid in 1917.

97. Central Police Station,—Extension.—This work consists of the erection of a large block of buildings, containing offices, stores, recreation rooms and quarters on a site fronting on Hollywood Road. As mentioned in last year’s Report, the site was obtained by resuming Inland Lot 3 at an outlay of $244,362.60.

A Contract for the demolition of the old buildings occupying the site, for the formation of the site to suit the new buildings and for the construction of the foundations was entered into with Messrs. Sang Lee & Co. on the 11th August. An immediate start was made and, by the end of the year, the demolition of the old buildings and practically the whole of the excavation had been completed, whilst considerably more than half the concrete for the foundations had been laid and the brickwork had been commenced.

1916 Estimates,    $30,000.00 Total Estimates,     $265,000.00

                                                                  Expenditure to

1916 Expenditure, ..    5,691.32    31/12/16,     5,691.32


The area immediately in front of the station and to the south of Salisbury Road was made up to the required levels and macadamised, the necessary kerbing, channelling and footways being also provided. The cost of the work, amounting to $2,024.08, was defrayed from Railway Votes.