People tagged: POW

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Reginald Sydney Ablong Male
Charlie Charles Alexander Allen Male
Bill William Anderson Male
Charles Frederick Andrews Male
Keble Andrews-Levinge Male
George Ian Angus Male
Stanley Martin Banfill Male
Solly Solomon Bard Male
Robert Leo Barkus Male
Robert Joseph Barnes Male
James Forman Barron Male
Norman Lee Baugh Male
Lewin Arthur Benn Male
Gordon Matthew Reid Bennett Male
George Robert Bickley Male
Cecil Stanhope Blair Hickman Male
Cedric Blaker Male
Neville John Booker Male
Cecil Boon Male
Valentin Gabriel Borinevitch / Bourne Male
Colonel Botelho Henrique Alberto de Barros Botelho Male
Jack John Hubert Bottomley Male
Charles Ralph Boxer Male
George Brass Male
Arthur Nathaniel Braudé Male
Arthur Brown Male
Jack John William Macintyre Brown Male
John Cedric Brown Male
Bunny Horace Wilfred Browne Male
Harry Henry Easthope Budden Male
Gilbert Easthope Budden Male
Lewis William Bush Male
Michael George Carruthers Male
Sonny Castro Ferdinand Maria Castro Male
Alberto Eduardo Hendrickson Castro Male
Harry Chalcroft Male
Percy Chittenden Male
Niels Orskov Christensen Male
Clark Male
Hugh Latimer Cleave Male
Freddie Frederick James Duncan Clemo Male
Alfred Creighton Collinson Male
Cooks Male
Corky Warrington Kenneth Corneck Male
Henry Heinz Corra Male
Reginald Charles Creer Male
Douglas James Smyth Crozier Male
Fred Frederick Solomon Cullen Male
Christopher Paul D'Almada e Castro Male
Lionel Arthur Dabelstein Male
Dick Harold Richard Darby Male
Paul W. Davis Male
Barry O'Meara Deane Male
Joe Denton Male
Arthur John Dewar Male
J.G.B. (Gordon) Dewar Male
Alexander Hugh Dinnen Male
Loren Anthony Disper Male
Robert Johnstone Downs Male
Joseph W. Drewery Male
W F Dudman Male
Felix Frederick Arthur Dunnett Male
James Thomas Dupuy Male
John Durran Male
Ebbage Male
Egan Male
Egan Male
Teddy Edward Charles Fincher Male
Fred Flippance Male
Kenneth William Forrow Male
Frederick Percy Franklin Male
Ron Freer Male
John Arthur Gaunt Male
William Stanley Gegg Male
Boris Abraham Gellman Male
Gill Male
Billy William Minto Gittins Male
Lyall Glendinning Male
Alfred Trevor Godfrey Male
Arthur Ernesto Gomes Male
Ralph Burton Goodwin Male
Green Male
Tiger Walter Montgomerie Groves Male
Jock Joaquim Guterres Male
Sid Harry Sidney George Hale Male
George Albert Victor Hall Male
Hall Male
Geoffrey Cadzow Hamilton Male
Harding Male
Ralph James Hardy Male
Gilbert Alexander Harriman Male
Eric Thomas Harris Male
Busty Harris Male
Frank Henry William Haynes Male
George Haynes Male
Graham Scudamore Percival Heywood Male
Dennis Morley Dennis John Morley Hickenbottom Male
Thomas Jackson Houston Male
Hargreaves Milne Howell Male
Hugill Male
Ted Edward W. De V. Hunt Male
Thomas Drummond Hunter Male
Hurst Male
Parkman Scott Huston Male
Jenkins Male
Gene Eugene Max Joffe Male
Kalazhny Male
Herbert Otto Kees Male
Dickie Stanley Robert Kerr Male
Ian H F Kerr Male
Laurence Kilbee Male
Leo Landau Male
Lee Male
S Leonard Male
William Lindgren Male
Lofty Norman Duplan Lloyd Male
Desmond Cyril Loncraine Male
William Garland Long Male
Rupert Lonsdale Male
Forbes MacLeod Male
"Duffus" Robert Main Male
Rustam Jehangir Master Male
John Robert Maulonis Male
John Henry Maycock Male
William Wightman McCombe Male
Irving Michaelson Male
Bert Millar Male
Robert Millar Male
Frank Burt Minhinnick Male
Robert Morrison Male
Lanceray Arthur Newnham Male
John Bell Nichol Male
Carl Twed Nielsen Male
Harry Harold Oscar Odell / Obadofsky Male
Jakob Albert Thor Olsen Male
William Derrick Orchard Male
JJ John Johnstone Paterson Male
Peckham Male
Halfdan Olaus Pedersen Male
Andrew Peffers Male
Arthur Harry Aeroux Penn Male
Richard Penny Male
Charles Pike Male
Pine Male
Henrique Roldao de Pinna Male
John Prettejohn Male
Benny Benjamin Charles Albert Proulx Male
Manasseh Nat Rakusen Male
Alfred William Leonard Ramsey Male
Martin Randeberg Male
Frederick Anselm REDMOND Male
Robert Cyril Reed Male
Kenneth Struan Robertson Male
Henley Hembdon Rose Male
Cicero Rozario Male
Jack Andrew SALMON Male
Robert Douglas Scriven Male
Ken Seyer Male
Cedric Overton Shackleton Male
John Frederick Shea Male
Ralph James Shrigley Male
Fritz Edward Shuster Male
Jackie John Siddans Male
Simon-White Male
Bertie Robert Kennedy Simpson Male
Robert Arthur James Simpson Male
Osmond Skinner Skinner Male
Patrick James Townsend Skipwith Male
Alexander (Shura) V Skvorzov Male
Sydney Alfred Sleap Male
Ronald Sleap Male
Chucky Charles McConnell Sloan Male
Sconnie John Kane Sloan Male
Sidney George Smith Male
Douglas Thomas Smith Male
Norman Leonard Smith Male
Harry Smith Male
Henry Anthony Souza Male
Leonard Starbuck Male
Arnold Arthur Sutton Male
Alfred Taylor Male
Henry Jemson Tebbutt Male
Duncan Tollan Male
Tomalin Male
Chan Ernest Tuck Male
Pat Twitchett Male
Richard John Vernall Male
Podge Alan Frank Walkden Male
Russell Alfred Ernest Watson Male
Leo Leon Weill Male
George Alexander White Male
Jimmy James Percival Whitham Male
Thomas Sydney Douglas Whitley Male
Ernest Hillas Williams Male
Gerald George Wood Male
Fred Woodhead Male
Luiz Augusto Xavier Male
Michael Constantin Yatskin Male
Anatole Nicholas Zavadsky / Tonoff / Townley Male
Fred Frederick Zimmern Male