Photos of RAF Little Sai Wan (Siu Sai Wan) [????-????]

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Year Sort descending Title
1945 aerial photo 1945 part
aerial photo 1945 part

1945 1945 aerial detail
1945 aerial detail

1951 Little Sai Wan 1951
Little Sai Wan 1951

1952 Little Sai Wan 1952.
Little Sai Wan 1952.

1952 Officers Serving meal
Officers Serving meal

1952 Christmas revels a
Christmas revels a

1952 Christmas revels b
Christmas revels b

1952 Christmas revels c
Christmas revels c

1952 Military precision in the mess
Military precision in the mess

1952 Officers serving meal b
Officers serving meal b

1952 LSW Kit unloaded from Lye Mun camp b 1952.
LSW Kit unloaded from Lye Mun camp b 1952.

1952 LSW Sergeants and Officers quarters 1952 b.
LSW Sergeants and Officers quarters 1952 b.

1952 LSW pre war building on right 1952.
LSW pre war building on right 1952.

1952 LSW Kit unloaded from Lye Mun camp 1952.
LSW Kit unloaded from Lye Mun camp 1952.

1952 LSW Officers quarters 1952.
LSW Officers quarters 1952.

1952 LSW from beach 1952.
LSW from beach 1952.

1952 LSW luxury ablutions 1952.
LSW luxury ablutions 1952.

1952 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan

1952 LSW Kit unloaded from Lye Mun camp c 1952.
LSW Kit unloaded from Lye Mun camp c 1952.

1952 Amah and children
Amah and children

1953 Orderly Room staff b.
Orderly Room staff b.

1953 Banjo player.
Banjo player.

1953 Christmas 1953
Christmas 1953

1953 o Yacht Club.
o Yacht Club.

1953 Little Sai Wan 1953.
Little Sai Wan 1953.

1953 Little Sai Wan Accommodation Block 1953.
Little Sai Wan Accommodation Block 1953.

1953 p Yacht Club.
p Yacht Club.

1953 Little Sai Wan Amah Ah Fong 1953.
Little Sai Wan Amah Ah Fong 1953.

1953 Cpl Jock Renton and Air Dog Darkie
Cpl Jock Renton and Air Dog Darkie

1953 LSW1953.

1953 RAF Police section Little Sai Wan, 1953
RAF Police section Little Sai Wan, 1953

1953 LSW from balcony.
LSW from balcony.

1953 little Sai Wan wartime aerial mast 1953
little Sai Wan wartime aerial mast 1953

1954 LSW Xmas soccer match c.
LSW Xmas soccer match c.

1954 LSW Xmas soccer match b.
LSW Xmas soccer match b.

1954 LSW Xmas soccer match d.
LSW Xmas soccer match d.

1954 LSW Xmas soccer match a.
LSW Xmas soccer match a.

1954 LSW GrahamBall DJ Xmas 1954
LSW GrahamBall DJ Xmas 1954

1954 LSW Soap Box races Xmas 1954.
LSW Soap Box races Xmas 1954.

1954 LSW Sqd Ldr Imrie Xmas1954.
LSW Sqd Ldr Imrie Xmas1954.

1954 LSW Officers Football Team Xmas 1954.
LSW Officers Football Team Xmas 1954.

1954 Christmas 1954.
Christmas 1954.

1954 RAF Police @ LSW
RAF Police @ LSW

1954 Tech Block Raf Little Sai Wan
Tech Block Raf Little Sai Wan

1954 Colleagues at L.S.W.
Colleagues at L.S.W.

1954 Auxillary Raf Policeman Little Sai Wan
Auxillary Raf Policeman Little Sai Wan

1954 LSW Parade a.
LSW Parade a.

1954 LSW Yacht Club a
LSW Yacht Club a

1954 LSW Airmens Mess1954.
LSW Airmens Mess1954.

1954 Cpl Bill Batten raf police Little Sai Wan Hong Kong
Cpl Bill Batten raf police Little Sai Wan Hong Kong

1954 Protest a.
Protest a.

1954 LSW Yacht Club c.
LSW Yacht Club c.

1954 Cpl Pete Cannon Raf Little Sai Wan 1954
Cpl Pete Cannon Raf Little Sai Wan 1954

1954 LSW Locker Space.
LSW Locker Space.

1954 LSW Yacht Club g.
LSW Yacht Club g.

1954 LSW Parade b.
LSW Parade b.

1954 r Jim Davies Jock Smythe Ginger Phipps (both boxing champs).
r Jim Davies Jock Smythe Ginger Phipps (both boxing champs).

1954 LSW Yacht Club i.
LSW Yacht Club i.

1954 Cpl Harry (Jock) Renton Gibson Wing LSW 1954
Cpl Harry (Jock) Renton Gibson Wing LSW 1954

1954 LSW Corridor.
LSW Corridor.

1954 1954 RAF Little Sai Wan

1954 LSW Yacht Club k
LSW Yacht Club k

1954 1954 View of LSW main entrance
1954 View of LSW main entrance

1954 LSW Yacht Club l.
LSW Yacht Club l.

1954 LSW Yacht Club m.
LSW Yacht Club m.

1954 LSW above camp gate 1954
LSW above camp gate 1954

1954 LSW above camp gate 1954
LSW above camp gate 1954

1954 Little Sai Wan 1953
Little Sai Wan 1953

1954 LSW 1953
LSW 1953

1955 Little Sai Wan compulsory pt.
Little Sai Wan compulsory pt.

1955 LSW Room 35 Trevor Bob Bill.
LSW Room 35 Trevor Bob Bill.

1955 LSW Airmens Mess
LSW Airmens Mess

1955 LSW from Cape Collinson road 1954.
LSW from Cape Collinson road 1954.

1955 LSW from Cape Collinson road 1954 b
LSW from Cape Collinson road 1954 b

1955 LSW dinghy off camp.
LSW dinghy off camp.

1956 LSW Dog Section a.
LSW Dog Section a.

1956 LSW Yacht Club after Typhoon Ida.
LSW Yacht Club after Typhoon Ida.

1956 LSW Dog Section b.
LSW Dog Section b.

1956 LSW before Station headquarters was built.
LSW before Station headquarters was built.

1956 LSW Dog Section Raja and Trevor.
LSW Dog Section Raja and Trevor.

1956 LSW Firing Range a.
LSW Firing Range a.

1956 LSW Firing Range c.
LSW Firing Range c.

1956 LSW Firing Range to Point.
LSW Firing Range to Point.

1956 LSW Firing Range with PB37.
LSW Firing Range with PB37.

1956 LSW Land Rover wreck a.
LSW Land Rover wreck a.

1956 Brian

1956 LSW Land Rover wreck b.
LSW Land Rover wreck b.

1956 LSW MT section a.
LSW MT section a.

1956 LSW MT section b.
LSW MT section b.

1956 LSW SHQ under construction.
LSW SHQ under construction.

1956 LSW amahs washing lines.
LSW amahs washing lines.

1956 Norman Lawson's photos, page 01
Norman Lawson's photos, page 01

1957 1957 RAF Little Sai Wan
1957 RAF Little Sai Wan

1957 Queens Birthday Parade 1957.-Police Dogs.—-R.A.F.?
Queens Birthday Parade 1957.-Police Dogs.—-R.A.F.?

1957 LSW from Big Wave Bay path May 1957.
LSW from Big Wave Bay path May 1957.

1957 Camp road landslide 22 May 1957 a.
Camp road landslide 22 May 1957 a.

1957 Amahs' Room A Watch b.
Amahs' Room A Watch b.

1957 Amahs' Room A Watch.
Amahs' Room A Watch.

1957 LSW from near firing range.
LSW from near firing range.

1957 Paul, Unknown, JimMcCabe, Lew Cox.
Paul, Unknown, JimMcCabe, Lew Cox.

1957 Landslip on camp road.
Landslip on camp road.

1957 Reclamation work d 1958.
Reclamation work d 1958.

1957 Reclamation work e 1958.
Reclamation work e 1958.

1957 Christmas Day d.
Christmas Day d.

1957 Airmen's Mess Christmas 1957
Airmen's Mess Christmas 1957

1957 Mess Xmas 1957 a.
Mess Xmas 1957 a.

1957 Airmen's Mess Christmas 1957
 Airmen's Mess Christmas 1957

1957 Mess Xmas 1957b.
Mess Xmas 1957b.

1957 Airmen's Mess Christmas menu.
Airmen's Mess Christmas menu.

1957 Airmen's Mess menu.
Airmen's Mess menu.

1957 Christmas 1957 Ready for dinner.
Christmas 1957 Ready for dinner.

1957 Christmas Day a.
Christmas Day a.

1957 Christmas Day b.
Christmas Day b.

1957 Christmas Day c.
Christmas Day c.

1957 LSW reclamation a.
LSW reclamation a.

1957 Ariel magazine
Ariel magazine

1957 amahs.

1958 L S W ex R.A.F. Sunderland April 1958a1.
L S W  ex R.A.F. Sunderland April 1958a1.

1958 L.S.W. ex Sunderland April 1958a2.
L.S.W. ex Sunderland April 1958a2.

1958 L.S.W. ex Sunderland April 1958b1.
L.S.W. ex Sunderland April 1958b1.

1958 L.S.W. Ex Sunderland April 1958
L.S.W. Ex Sunderland April 1958

1958 HK The Point Swimmers.
HK The Point Swimmers.

1958 Gibson Balcony.
Gibson Balcony.

1958 HK Gibson August 1958
HK Gibson August 1958

1958 junk at Little Sai Wan
junk at Little Sai Wan

1958 Reclamation work a 1958.
Reclamation work a 1958.

1958 Reclamation work b 1958.
Reclamation work b 1958.

1958 Reclamation work c 1958.
Reclamation work c 1958.

1958 Little Sai Wan Astra
Little Sai Wan Astra

1958 Billets.

1958 LSW Dec 1958.
LSW Dec 1958.

1958 Tech Block portico.
Tech Block portico.

1958 Defence Exercise 091258.
Defence Exercise 091258.

1958 Collage2.

1958 Gibson Wing party
Gibson Wing party

1958 Camp social event.
Camp social event.

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan balcony view
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan balcony view

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan sunset.
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan sunset.

1958 Cunningham and Gibbons.
Cunningham and Gibbons.

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. View from Room 53 balcony
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. View from Room 53 balcony

1958 N.A.A.F.I. Reading Room.
N.A.A.F.I. Reading Room.

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. View from my room
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. View from my room

1958 LSW parade a.
LSW parade a.

1958 Radio Club VS6DV.
Radio Club VS6DV.

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan towards the gate from the N.A.A.F.I. stairs.
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan towards the gate from the N.A.A.F.I. stairs.

1958 LSW parade b.
LSW parade b.

1958 R.A.F. sign at the top of the camp road.
R.A.F. sign at the top of the camp road.

1958 LSW parade on the car park.
LSW parade on the car park.

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan ex Cave Window
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan ex Cave Window

1958 Little Sai Wan. Pals at the top of the camp road.
Little Sai Wan. Pals at the top of the camp road.

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. Room 53
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. Room 53

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan from the top of the camp road.
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan from the top of the camp road.

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. Pals on the balcony
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. Pals on the balcony

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan from the Cape Collinson Road
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan from the Cape Collinson Road

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan Andrew's bedspace.
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan Andrew's bedspace.

1958 Little Sai Wan. The road up from the camp.The Royal Navy in Junk Bay
Little Sai Wan. The road up from the camp.The Royal Navy in Junk Bay

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. Inside Room 53
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. Inside Room 53

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. The camp gate
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. The camp gate

1958 LSW General Office.
LSW General Office.

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. Chung, our amah
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. Chung, our amah

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan from the road above camp gate
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan from the road above camp gate

1958 LSW Gibson room 56 or 57.
LSW Gibson room 56 or 57.

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. Andrew in his k.d.uniform
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. Andrew in his k.d.uniform

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan from the Western Headland
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan from the Western Headland

1958 Hong Kong Album.
Hong Kong Album.

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan after the rain
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan after the rain

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan from the Cape Collinson road
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan  from the Cape Collinson road

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. A wet day
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan. A wet day

1958 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan view from Room 53
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan view from Room 53

1959 Collage1.

1959 Magazine 1.
Magazine 1.

1959 Magazine2.

1959 Magazine3.

1959 Magazine4.

1959 Magazine5.

1959 Magazine6.

1959 Magazine8.

1959 Jim (me) dancing with Nancy - LSW.
Jim (me) dancing with Nancy - LSW.

1959 Christmas in LSW canteen.
Christmas in LSW canteen.

1959 WC Segar Christmas 1959.
WC Segar Christmas 1959.

1959 LSW station headquarters.
LSW station headquarters.

1959 LSW from above camp gate.
LSW from above camp gate.

1959 LSW from Cape Collinson road.
LSW from Cape Collinson road.

1959 Little Sai Wan new yacht club and sea wall.
Little Sai Wan new yacht club and sea wall.

1959 Little Sai Wan the Point from sea wall.
Little Sai Wan the Point from sea wall.

1959 LSW Andy last week at work in Personnel office.
LSW Andy last week at work in Personnel office.

1959 LSW Lighthouse keeper's children.
LSW Lighthouse keeper's children.

1959 AOC Parade with Ken leading.
AOC Parade with Ken leading.

1959 QSLCards.

1959 Formal dinner Officers' Mess Little Sai Wan
Formal dinner Officers' Mess Little Sai Wan

1959 Gharry timetable
 Gharry timetable

1959 Radio Shack Harry Gibson and Brian on VS6DV.
Radio Shack Harry Gibson and Brian on VS6DV.

1959 Where was this taken?
Where was this taken?

1959 Little Sai Wan.
Little Sai Wan.

1950s Norman Lawson's photos, page 09
Norman Lawson's photos, page 09

1950s Norman Lawson's photos, page 15
Norman Lawson's photos, page 15

1950s Unknown airman
Unknown airman

1950s Norman Lawson's photos, page 03
Norman Lawson's photos, page 03

1960 Little Sai Wan 1960 a.
Little Sai Wan 1960 a.

1960 Little Sai Wan 1960 b.
Little Sai Wan 1960 b.

1960 Little Sai Wan c.
Little Sai Wan c.

1960 Colin Room 55 Gibson.
Colin Room 55 Gibson.

1960 Dec 3rd 1960 leaving LSW for England.
Dec 3rd 1960 leaving LSW for England.

1961 View towards SHQ and the main gate
View towards SHQ and the main gate

1961 Waiting for the "garry"
Waiting for the "garry"

1961 Little Sai Wan Yacht club a.
Little Sai Wan Yacht club a.

1961 Little Sai Wan e.
Little Sai Wan e.

1961 Little Sai Wan Yacht club b.
Little Sai Wan Yacht club b.

1961 Tom at Little Sai Wan.
Tom at Little Sai Wan.

1961 "Duds" Davenport
"Duds" Davenport

1961 Chinese workers' quarters
Chinese workers' quarters

1961 Gibson Block, Little Sai Wan
Gibson Block, Little Sai Wan

1961 Gibson Block, Little Sai Wan
Gibson Block, Little Sai Wan

1963 RAF Little Sai Wan aerial image Officers/Sergeants Mess
RAF Little Sai Wan aerial image Officers/Sergeants Mess

1964 dd.

1964 k1. Little Sai Wan sports field
k1. Little Sai Wan sports field

1964 a1. Little Sai Wan
a1. Little Sai Wan

1964 a2. Little Sai Wan
a2. Little Sai Wan

1964 b. Little Sai Wan gate
b. Little Sai Wan gate

1964 d1. Little Sai Wan rebuild
d1. Little Sai Wan rebuild

1964 d2. Little Sai Wan rebuild
d2. Little Sai Wan rebuild

1964 d3. Little Sai Wan rebuild
d3.  Little Sai Wan rebuild

1965 1965 RAF Little Sai Wan

1960s b Alan in K.D.
b  Alan in K.D.

1960s Entrance to RAF Little Sai Wan
Entrance to RAF Little Sai Wan

1960s Typhoon Mary outside NAAFI
Typhoon Mary outside NAAFI

1960s Cinema programme. LSW.
Cinema programme. LSW.

1960s 1960 RAF Little Sai Wan

1960s Little Sai Wan 1960.jpg
Little Sai Wan 1960.jpg

1960s Guardroom.

1960s Jim in newly shortened shorts.
Jim in newly shortened shorts.

1960s Jim, John, Bob.
Jim, John, Bob.

1960s Siu Sai Wan looking towards Leiyuemun channel
Siu Sai Wan looking towards Leiyuemun channel

1960s WC Segar & WVS Lady.
WC Segar & WVS Lady.

1960s Waiting for the transport
Waiting for the transport

1970s Little Sai Wan.
Little Sai Wan.

1981 Little Sai Wan
Little Sai Wan

1987 Little Sai Wan The Point
Little Sai Wan The Point

1987 Little Sai Wan Sunbathing Rocks
Little Sai Wan Sunbathing Rocks

1987 Lighthouse Path To Chaiwan.
Lighthouse Path To Chaiwan.

1987 Wall On Lighthouse Path.
Wall On Lighthouse Path.

1987 Tech Block and Sergeants' Mess
Tech Block and Sergeants' Mess

1987 Little Sai Wan bay
Little Sai Wan bay

1987 Path to Big Wave bay
Path to Big Wave bay

1987 Cinema

1987 Rest area
Rest area

1987 Gibson Wing
Gibson Wing

1987 The camp from the old firing range
The camp from the old firing range

1987 Towards the Main Gate
Towards the Main Gate

1987 The old firing range at the Point
The old firing range at the Point

1987 Corporals' Club
Corporals' Club

1987 Future signs
Future signs

1987 Tech Block guard room
Tech Block guard room

1987 Corridor in Tech Block
Corridor in Tech Block

1987 Airmen's Mess Interior
Airmen's Mess Interior

1987 Tech Block Entrance
Tech Block Entrance

1987 Airmen's Mess
Airmen's Mess

1987 View from the old West headland
View from the old West headland

1987 Airmen's billets
Airmen's billets

1987 Little Sai Wan from old sea wall
Little Sai Wan from old sea wall

1987 Camp Guardroom
Camp Guardroom

1987 Portal Wing
Portal Wing

1987 1950s camp gate
1950s camp gate

1987 Station Headquarters.
Station Headquarters.

1987 Over the old camp towards Chai Wan
Over the old camp towards Chai Wan

1987 Tech Block portico and Sergeants' Mess
Tech Block portico and Sergeants' Mess

1987 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan from camp road
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan from camp road

1987 Portico to Tech. Block
Portico to Tech. Block

1987 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan

1987 Towards the camp gate
Towards the camp gate

1987 Land reclamation
Land reclamation

1987 R.A.F. Little Sai Wan
R.A.F. Little Sai Wan

1987 Abdul's shop
Abdul's shop

c.1988 Police Story Two "Police Station" A
Police Story Two "Police Station" A

c.1988 Police Story Two "Police Station"
Police Story Two "Police Station"

c.1988 Police Story 2 police station
Police Story 2 police station

2001 LSW from Devils Peak Redoubt.
LSW from Devils Peak Redoubt.

2015 Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Power Mast with Porcelain Insulator
Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Power Mast with Porcelain Insulator

2015 Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Kitchen
Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Kitchen

2015 Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Front Door
Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Front Door

2015 Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Exterior
Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Exterior

2015 Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Equipment Room
Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Equipment Room

2015 Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Shrapnel Damage
Little Sai Wan AASL Shelter - Shrapnel Damage

2015 1950s Procelain Insulator from the Power Pole - Little Sai Wan
1950s Procelain Insulator from the Power Pole - Little Sai Wan

2015 1950s Procelain Insulator and Power Mast remains-Little Sai Wan
1950s Procelain Insulator and Power Mast remains-Little Sai Wan

2015 View North from Cutting off Little Sai Wan Camp Road
View North from Cutting off Little Sai Wan Camp Road

2015 View South from Cutting off Little Sai Wan Camp Road
View South from Cutting off Little Sai Wan Camp Road

2015 Water Channel above Cutting Off Little Sai Wan Camp Road
Water Channel above Cutting Off Little Sai Wan Camp Road

2015 Cutting Off Little Sai Wan Camp Road
Cutting Off Little Sai Wan Camp Road

2016 Base Structure of Signal Mast
Base Structure of Signal Mast

2016 Fallen Signal Mast
Fallen Signal Mast

2016 Vintage Ansell Walsall 6 Inch 3 Rope Pulley
Vintage Ansell Walsall 6 Inch 3 Rope Pulley

2016 Fallen Signal Mast Cut in Half
Fallen Signal Mast Cut in Half

2016 Vintage Ansell Walsall 6 Inch 3 Rope Pulley - Front
Vintage Ansell Walsall 6 Inch 3 Rope Pulley - Front

2022 img-20220408-AerialMast.jpg

2020s possible-masts-or-poles.jpg