RAF Little Sai Wan (Siu Sai Wan) [????-????]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

Andrew Suddaby posted this photo of the site from James Gregory, with the note:

James annotated his photograph to show what many of the buildings on the camp were used for during his time there in 1960.  I have edited his notes and added some additonal ones.  By 1960, with the ending of National Service, fewer R.A.F. personnel were available and the camp was rapidly being readied for civilian use.  

Little Sai Wan 1960.jpg, by James Gregory

Photos that show this Place



There's a good history of this location on the 367 Association's website. [Update 2018: As mentioned in the comments below, the full website at taltalk.net no longer exists. I've updated the link to point to a summary webpage that has replaced it.]

In Jock Kane's obituary, it notes:

Kane wrote the books out of frustration after waging a long campaign to end what he said were fraudulent activities widespread in GCHQ, which he claimed could expose staff to blackmail by hostile agencies. In particular, he detailed laxness at GCHQ’s Little Sai Wan establishment, Hong Kong, where he had worked until 1976. His complaints, first aired in 1973, centred on lost secret documents and a lack of supervision of Chinese cleaners who, he said, were passing on material that had been collected from waste paper baskets.


Thanks to Martin Heyes for the link.

Hello David,

Sadly, TalkTalk - our ISP - discontinued their FREE web-hosting back in July, so our original website is no longer available.  As the Association has 'run its course' it will sadly be wound up at our AGM this coming October.  For the sake of history, I have created an 'Archive' website which covers the history of 367 Signals Unit, RAF, and this can be found at:


Many of the photos in our collection have already been made available to you by Andrew Suddaby.

I really enjoy all the material you publish on Gwulo - keep up the good work!

Best Wishes,

David Gresswell (367 Association Webmaster)

Hello David,

Thanks for updating the information about our change of website.  It might be an idea to remove the OLD TalkTalk address as it no longer works?  For some reason, the NEW website address in this section does not work although the one in my earlier message does.  Could be that the ] at the end of the address is causing the problem?  Maybe a space is required?  Anyway, thought I'd let you know..


David Gresswell (Webmaster)

Thanks David, I've fixed those problems.

I also note that Andrew Suddaby is in the process of posting the photos from the old 367 Association website to this website. To find them, go to https://gwulo.com/image?field_gallery_tid=12709&items_per_page=All Click on "<Any>" and choose the sub-gallery you are interested in, then click the "Apply" button to see the photos.