Hong Kong 1960s & 70s : Mike Cussans' photos

Submitted by David on

Thanks to Mike Cussans for uploading over 100 of his photos of Hong Kong in the 1960s and 70s:

Over to Mike...

Growing up in Hong Kong

I was born in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong in 1949. My Dad was flying for Imperial Airways / BOAC on flying boats, and was based in Hong Kong. We lived in Stewart Terrace on the Peak.

We returned to England shortly after that, but my Dad was sent back to Hong Kong again in 1956 when Hong Kong Airways took delivery of 2 Viscount aircraft. We lived at La Salle road, a fantastic place with a huge garden, but sadly it is now a block of flats.

After HKG Airways folded into CPA 1959 my Dad took a position with Jardines Airways Dept. At the time I was at Kowloon Junior School, but was soon packed off to boarding school, probably not the best decision with hindsight! After LaSalle we moved to Cambridge Rd where we had a flat, but by the time my Dad was Manger of HATS (Hong Kong Air Terminal Services) and eventually Jardines Air cargo, we had been moved to St. George's Court... very nice too.

My Mother worked at the old Sea Terminal and eventually was PA to Eric Wood, CEO of the Ocean Terminal, a wonderful place to shop and wander round. Mum knew all the shop owners and retail outlets, and as a former ATS Captain, she had day to day control it seemed. So getting a table a Maxim's for lunch was no problem, or announcing that her son wanted to buy a Rolex in a jewellery shop - 43 years later its still on my wrist ...it cost me a month's salary £65, not bad!

By that time I had left school and was working at Kai Tak as a Traffic clerk, before becoming a Load Controller / Flight Dispatcher....a wonderful time but as a local employee it couldn't last when my parents retired in 1971.

My time was spent playing cricket and football, for both Jardines and KCC and popping into the USRC for a swim. Great memories of playing in the Hong trophy matches at Chater Rd and Jock's Pot Boxing Day football v Swire's, and all the wonderful characters & players I met at the KCC.

I grew up in Hong Kong during the 60s and will always have marvellous memories of the place... the food, buying my records in Diamond Music, learning to drive on Shatin Airstrip, and Lowenbrau at King's Lodge!

I returned to UK and worked for BOAC/British Airways as an aircraft Dispatcher for 37 years before retiring 2009.

The photos

Most of the photos in the early 60s were taken by Dad, as I was still young. The later ones in 60s & 70s I took as I was wandering around. The photos in the early 70s I took as I knew I was leaving Hong Kong soon and I wanted a few memories. Subsequent photos taken 1978 were done when I returned to Hong Kong leading a British Airways cricket club team to play various matches.


A drive up Fei Ngo Shan was a popular viewing place to look towards Sha Tin & Kai Tak, and Sai Kung & Tai Mo Shan were the preferred picnic / bbq locations.

Kowloon Tong in those days was a lovely peaceful area to live in just wish I had taken more photos!

The views towards Kowloon Tong, DBS school, and Ho Man Tin were all taken from St. George's Court, Kadoorie Ave. My bedroom looked out across to DBS, whilst the balcony gave views towards the harbour one way and Ma Tau Kok, Kai Tak the other, Ho Man Tin in front.

More to come?

My skills with a computer / scanner are getting better but it's a steep learning curve. So far I've just done slides now I want to see if I can dig out old photographs and upload them....so there may be more to come.

Thanks for all the help and feedback that I have had from the Gwulo folks.

Best wishes, Mike

(You can click any of the photos below to see other readers' comments, and / or leave your own.)

Year Title
1957 Halloween party..KJS 1957.jpg
Halloween party..KJS 1957.jpg

1957 KJS 1957 Nov ..Lady Grantham visit.jpg
KJS 1957 Nov ..Lady Grantham visit.jpg

1957 Lady grantham at KJS 1957.jpg
Lady grantham at KJS 1957.jpg

1959 Land's end.jpg
Land's end.jpg

1959 Prince Philip at Kai Tak
Prince Philip at Kai Tak

1959 Prince Philip visits HK
Prince Philip visits HK

1950s LaSalle Road Flat
LaSalle Road Flat

1950s LaSalle Road Flat
LaSalle Road Flat

1960 Landslide..Kowloon Tong
Landslide..Kowloon Tong

1960 Typhoon Damage
Typhoon Damage

1960 Typhoon Mary damage
Typhoon Mary damage

1960 Typhoon Damage
Typhoon Damage

1960 Local Cowboy
Local Cowboy

1960 Governor's House..Macau
Governor's House..Macau

1960 Lovely Macau
Lovely Macau

1960 HKSB Advert
HKSB Advert

1960 Water Front...Macau
Water Front...Macau

1960 Church...Macau

1960 Sun Yat Sen Statue...Macau
Sun Yat Sen Statue...Macau

1960 Esplanade...Macau

1960 National Chinese Flags - Tiger Balm Gardens
National Chinese Flags - Tiger Balm Gardens

1960 Approaching Macau
Approaching Macau

1961 Cape Collinson Lighthouse
Cape Collinson Lighthouse

1961 Causeway Bay 1960s
Causeway Bay 1960s

1961 Hakka Woman...LokMaChau
Hakka Woman...LokMaChau

1961 Clearwater Bay Road
Clearwater Bay Road

1961 Stanley beach
Stanley beach

1961 Ride on Star Ferry
Ride on Star Ferry

1961 KiaTak

1961 Waterloo road
Waterloo road

1961 Village Life
Village Life

1961 4th Kowloon Cub Pack
4th Kowloon Cub Pack

1961 North Point
North Point

1961 Beach

1961 Junk in the Harbour
Junk in the Harbour

1961 Luk Yuen Hotel...NT
Luk Yuen Hotel...NT

1961 Clearwater Bay Area?
Clearwater Bay Area?

1961 Repulse Bay 1960s
Repulse Bay 1960s

1961 Dragon Inn....NT
Dragon Inn....NT

1961 Stanley

1961 MongKok Lights
MongKok Lights

1961 Clearwater Bay Area?
Clearwater Bay Area?

1961 Peak Living
Peak Living

1961 La Salle Road
La Salle Road

1961 Kai Tak Departure
Kai Tak Departure

1961 Miramar Restaurant Kai Tak
Miramar Restaurant Kai Tak

1961 The Garden at La Salle Road
The Garden at La Salle Road

1961 Jubilee Resevoir
Jubilee Resevoir

1961 Onboard CPA DC6
Onboard CPA DC6

1961 Enroute to Japan
Enroute to Japan

1961 Funeral ..Kowloon Tong
Funeral ..Kowloon Tong

1961 Paddy Fields
Paddy Fields

1961 Clearwater Bay View
Clearwater Bay View

1961 Family Swim
Family Swim

1961 Small Pagoda...Peak Area
Small Pagoda...Peak Area

1961 Taipan leaves HK
Taipan leaves HK

1961 Castle Peak Way
Castle Peak Way

1961 Sharp Island
Sharp Island

1961 The Border 1961
The Border 1961

1961 The Border Road
The Border Road

1961 Taikoo Dockyard
Taikoo Dockyard

1961 Looking into China-The Border
Looking into China-The Border

1961 Old Cannons..TungChunFort Lantau
Old Cannons..TungChunFort Lantau

1961 Kowloon Tong..Waiting for the Bus
Kowloon Tong..Waiting for the Bus

1961 KaiTak...Towards Lion Rock
KaiTak...Towards Lion Rock

1961 Junk Building
Junk Building

1961 NT..Tree in Colour
NT..Tree in Colour

1961 Boy Scout
Boy Scout

1961 Pokfulam Reservoir
Pokfulam Reservoir

1961 Sharp Island?
Sharp Island?

1961 Pottinger Street
Pottinger Street

1961 Tai Pak Restaurant...Aberdeen
Tai Pak Restaurant...Aberdeen

1961 Castle Peak Hotel
Castle Peak Hotel

1961 Temple 10,000 Buddhas
Temple 10,000 Buddhas

1961 KamTin

1961 Boat Painting
Boat Painting

1961 Junk off the Coast
Junk off the Coast

1961 Countryside....NT

1961 Park

1961 South China Sea
South China Sea

1961 Lok Ma Chau
Lok Ma Chau

1962 Lufthansa 707
Lufthansa 707

1962 Ambassador Hotel
Ambassador Hotel

1962 Ambassador Hotel Advert
Ambassador Hotel Advert

1962 Swimming pool !
Swimming pool !

1962 Royal Air Laos DC6
Royal Air Laos DC6

1962 Aerial View Kai Tak
Aerial View Kai Tak

1962 Waterloo Road
Waterloo Road

1962 Swimming at Castle Peak
Swimming at Castle Peak

1962 Beach

1962 TaoFungShan...Shatin

1962 TaoFungShan

1962 The Monastry at Shatin
The Monastry at Shatin

1962 Shop Opening...Waterloo Road
Shop Opening...Waterloo Road

1963 Stanley Village
Stanley Village

1963 Junk At Sunset
Junk At Sunset

1963 Macau...SunYat Sen House
Macau...SunYat Sen House

1963 Tiger Balm Gardens
Tiger Balm Gardens

1963 Macau

1963 Victoria Harbour
Victoria Harbour

1963 Pagoda

1963 View Over Victoria
View Over Victoria

1963 Red Pagoda
Red Pagoda

1963 Mandarin Hotel Advert 1963.jpg
Mandarin Hotel Advert 1963.jpg

1963 The Peninsula Hotel
The Peninsula Hotel

1963 Watson's Advert 1963.jpg
Watson's Advert 1963.jpg

1963 Sampans

1963 Whiteaway's Advert 1963.jpg
Whiteaway's Advert 1963.jpg

1963 City Hall
City Hall

1963 CostPlus Advert 1963.jpg
CostPlus Advert 1963.jpg

1963 Hilton By Night
Hilton By Night

1963 Street Scene
Street Scene

1963 Shatin Floating Restaurant
Shatin Floating Restaurant

1963 HSBC Xmas Lights
HSBC Xmas Lights

1963 Eastern Hong Kong
Eastern Hong Kong

1963 Village Life
Village Life

1963 Happy Valley
Happy Valley

1963 KCR Clock Tower
KCR Clock Tower

1964 KaiTak from Kowloon Peak 1964
KaiTak from Kowloon Peak 1964

1964 US Carrier
US Carrier

1964 Hong Kong Harbour 1964
Hong Kong Harbour 1964

1964 KaiTak Apron 1964
KaiTak Apron 1964

1964 CityHall & Mandarin Hotel
CityHall & Mandarin Hotel

1964 FeiNgoShan view 1964
FeiNgoShan view 1964

1964 KaiTak Apron
KaiTak Apron

1964 The Governor at Kai Tak
The Governor at Kai Tak

1965 View Towards KaiTak
View Towards KaiTak

1965 WongTaiSin

1965 New Territories-Amah Rock
New Territories-Amah Rock

1965 WongTaiSin

1965 Looking over HK Air Copter KaiTak
Looking over HK Air Copter KaiTak

1965 KaiTak Runway
KaiTak Runway

1965 Central

1966 HKG departure
HKG departure

1966 Lok Ma Chau
Lok Ma Chau

1966 View Towards Argyle Street
View Towards Argyle Street

1966 HoManTin Hill-View From Kadoorie Avenue
HoManTin Hill-View From Kadoorie Avenue

1966 HoManTin-After

1966 HK WaterTours
HK WaterTours

1966 End of Clearwater Bay Road
End of Clearwater Bay Road

1966 Star Ferry - USN Carrier 1966
Star Ferry - USN Carrier 1966

1966 Walking at Clearwater Bay
Walking at Clearwater Bay

1966 Sunset

1966 Fountain at Night
Fountain at Night

1966 Jordan Road Lights
Jordan Road Lights

1967 NKIL 4103 & 4104
NKIL 4103 & 4104

1967 Wiltshire Road, Kowloon Tong 1967
Wiltshire Road, Kowloon Tong 1967

1967 Wiltshire Road, Kowloon Tong 1967
Kowloon Tong 1965

1968 Shek Kong Airstrip
Shek Kong Airstrip

1968 Overlooking Kowloon
Overlooking Kowloon

1968 "Model Village" in Kowloon Tong (模範村)
"Model Village" in Kowloon Tong (模範村)

1968 Ambassador Hotel 1968
Ambassador Hotel 1968

1968 Nairn House-China Light&Power
Nairn House-China Light&Power

1968 Tsim-Sha-Tsui Bristol Avenue
Tsim-Sha-Tsui  Bristol Avenue

1968 Nathan Road 1968
Nathan Road 1968

1968 Tsim-Sha-Tsui Peking Road
Tsim-Sha-Tsui  Peking Road

1968 Star Ferry-Kowloon
Star Ferry-Kowloon

1968 Cathay Convair880 KaiTak
Cathay Convair880 KaiTak

1968 KCR Clock Tower-Star Ferry
KCR Clock Tower-Star Ferry

1968 Sampan-Victoria harbour
Sampan-Victoria harbour

1968 Argyle Street-CLP building
Argyle Street-CLP building

1968 Mandarin Hotel
Mandarin Hotel

1969 Kowloon Tong-View to Boundary Street
Kowloon Tong-View to Boundary Street

1969 Star Ferry-Hong Kong Hotel
Star Ferry-Hong Kong Hotel

1969 Kowloon Canton Railway Terminal 1969
Kowloon Canton Railway Terminal 1969

1969 View across Kowloon to Island
View across Kowloon to Island

1969 Kadoorie Ave...View down from St.George's Court
Kadoorie Ave...View down from St.George's Court

1969 HK at Night
HK at Night

1969 View towards Kowloon Tong
View towards Kowloon Tong

1969 Night View
Night View

1969 Lau Fau Shan Police Station
Lau Fau Shan Police Station

1969 Night View towards Kaitak
Night View towards Kaitak

1969 Sai Kung
Sai Kung

1969 Nathan road Lights
Nathan road Lights

1969 Night View towards Harbour
Night View towards Harbour

1969 View towards Hebe Haven
View towards Hebe Haven

1969 Rickshaw-Kowloon

1969 Island View from Kadoorie Avenue
Island View from Kadoorie Avenue


1960s Waterloo road..Kowloon Tong
Waterloo road..Kowloon Tong

1960s Family gathering-LokMaChau
Family gathering-LokMaChau

1960s View Across Kowloon from Kadoorie Ave
View Across Kowloon from Kadoorie Ave

1960s Onboard USS Constellation
Onboard Coral Sea

1960s TaiLamChung

1960s KaiTak Viewing balcony
KaiTak Viewing balcony

1960s Law Courts?
Law Courts?

1960s View to the Harbour
View to the Harbour

1960s SaiKung

1960s Resettlement Housing
Resettlement Housing

1960s More Buns
More Buns

1960s Tao Fung Shan Christian Centre
Tao Fung Shan Christian Centre

1960s View From Peak Station
View From Peak Station

1960s Resettlement Block
Resettlement Block

1960s Sunset At The Border
Sunset At The Border

1960s DBS Sports Field-Stonecutters Beyond
DBS Sports Field-Stonecutters Beyond

1960s Water stream ...NT
Water stream ...NT

1960s Roof of Ocean Terminal
Roof of Ocean Terminal

1960s Old Man....Lok ma chau
Old Man....Lok ma chau

1960s Lion Rock from the Sea
Lion Rock from the Sea

1960s Peak Tram
Peak Tram

1960s Resettlement Block 60's
Resettlement Block 60's

1960s DBS School
DBS School

1960s Waterfall

1960s Tiger Balm Gardens
Tiger Balm Gardens

1960s Resettlement Housing
Resettlement Housing

1960s Kwun Tong?
Kwun Tong?

1960s P&O Chusan
P&O Chusan

1960s The Family group
The Family group

1960s Lantau Island
Lantau Island

1960s View From Ocean Terminal
View From Ocean Terminal

1960s Kowloon City&KaiTak
Kowloon City&KaiTak

1960s Bride's Pool...NT
Bride's Pool...NT

1960s Inside La Salle Road Flat
Inside La Salle Road Flat

1960s Hotel In Macau
Hotel In Macau

1960s View Towards Stonecutters
View Towards Stonecutters

1960s Shatin Valley
Shatin Valley

1960s Murray Building near Peak Tram
Murray Building near Peak Tram

1960s Rickshaw Pullers
Rickshaw Pullers

1960s Shatin Pagoda
Shatin Pagoda

1960s View towards Hebe Haven
View towards Hebe Haven

1960s Jordan Road
Jordan Road

1960s Macau..Portuguese Style Hotel
Macau..Portuguese Style Hotel

1960s Dusk-Looking towards DBS school
Dusk-Looking towards DBS school

1960s HoManTin-Before

1960s Repulse Bay Hotel
Repulse Bay Hotel

1960s Jordan Road Lights
Jordan Road Lights

1960s Bun Festival
Bun Festival

1960s Tiger Balm Gardens
Tiger Balm Gardens

1960s Cheung Chau-Festival
Cheung Chau-Festival

1960s Shelter Island
Sharp Island

1960s Nathan Road Lights
Nathan Road Lights

1960s Xmas Lights-HSBC
Xmas Lights-HSBC

1960s Shatin

1960s Bun Festival
Bun Festival

1960s Royal Boat at KaiTak
Royal Boat at KaiTak

1960s Tau Fung Shan...Shatin
Tau Fung Shan...Shatin

1960s Hennessy road Lights
Hennessy road Lights

1960s Nathan road Xmas Lights
Nathan road Xmas Lights

1960s Argyle Street
Argyle Street

1960s Cemetary-Kowloon

1960s View Beyond DBS School
View Beyond DBS School

1960s Kowloon Tong....Waterloo road
Kowloon Tong....Waterloo road

1960s Kwun Tong Resettlement
Kwun Tong Resettlement

1960s Large Grave in the Kowloon Hillside
Large Grave in the Kowloon Hillside

1960s USS Coral Sea in Hong Kong
USS Coral Sea in Hong Kong

1960s Jubilee Reservoir
Jubilee Reservoir

1960s Typhoon Shelter
Typhoon Shelter

1960s Junk...Full Sail
Junk...Full Sail

1960s LaSalle Road
LaSalle Road

1960s Taikoo Docks
Taikoo Docks

1960s Kowloon Tsai swimming pool
Kowloon Tsai swimming pool

1960s SCAA stadium
SCAA stadium

1960s On Lan Street Central-Looking towards Zetland Street
On Lan Street Central-Looking towards Zetland Street

1960s Taikoo Dock
Taikoo Dock

1960s Sai Kung Peninsular
Sai Kung Peninsular

1960s Sea Terminal
Sea Terminal

1960s Market Place
Market Place

1960s Flat at La Salle Road
Flat at La Salle Road

1960s Sek Kong
Sek Kong

1960s TaiMoShan

1960s Local Biker
Local Biker

1960s Macau Hydrofoil
Macau Hydrofoil

1960s Harbour

1960s Boat People-Medical centre
Boat People-Medical centre

1960s Castle Walls KamTin
Castle Walls KamTin

1960s Living in Kowloon Tong
Living in Kowloon Tong

1960s Sunset across the rice fields
Sunset across the rice fields

1960s Lion Rock
Lion Rock

1960s Fishing Fleet
Fishing Fleet

1960s Shatin Valley
Shatin Valley

1960s Fishing Junk
Fishing Junk

1960s View of 27LaSalle Road
View of 27LaSalle Road

1960s Police Station
Police Station

1960s Junk-Causeway Bay Shelter
Junk-Causeway Bay Shelter

1960s Bank of China
Bank of China

1960s Cheung Chau-Festival
Cheung Chau-Festival

1960s Ocean Terminal
Ocean Terminal

1960s Fishing Boat
Fishing Boat

1960s New Territories
New Territories

1960s Shatin Pagoda
Shatin Pagoda

1960s Iron Gate...KamTin
Iron Gate...KamTin

1960s Central-HSBC

1960s Harbour

1960s Tao Fung Shan Christian Centre
Tao Fung Shan Christian Centre

1960s Sai Kung
Sai Kung

1960s SanPoKong

1960s Aberdeen

1960s ShingMunRedoubt

1960s View of Kowloon City
View of Kowloon City

1960s Coral Sea
Coral Sea

1960s Kowloon Tong 1965 (flipped)
Kowloon Tong 1965 (flipped)

1960s Sai Kung?
Sai Kung?

1960s RAF KaiTak
RAF KaiTak

1960s Hillside Grave
Hillside Grave

1960s Sunset

1960s Fountain Roundabout KCR
Fountain Roundabout KCR

1971 Chinese NewYear 1971
Chinese NewYear 1971

1978 Sha Ha...Near SaiKung
Sha Ha...Near SaiKung

1970s New Year 1970
New Year 1970

1970s ShuiHing Store
ShuiHing Store

1980s Central at Night
Central at Night

Thanks again to Mike for showing us his photos. If you have any photos of old Hong Kong you'd like to share on Gwulo.com, please click here for details of how to upload them: http://gwulo.com/node/2076


Thank you so much Mike for your photos! No images anywhere else have come close to capturing the Hong Kong that I knew as a child. Many of the places in your pictures were also part of my growing up.

I was born in 1963 at St Teresa’s Hospital, Kowloon City. For most of my childhood, I lived in a flat near St Teresa’s Parish, and went to a primary school adjacent to the church. My first memory of Waterloo Road was with that nullah running down the middle, just like in one of your photos.

Often Mom would take us kids to a bakery/restaurant called Coffee House, at the intersection of Waterloo and Prince Edward Road, to buy pastries for tea. The air-conditioning inside was always welcome relief on a hot day.

Sometimes, we would go on a longer walk, past Maryknoll Convent School to Oxford Road. A Dairy Lane used to be there, between Moray and Selkirk Roads, where one afternoon Mom bought us soft ice cream in a cone, and we ate it in the little park just behind the store. That was special, because ice cream for me usually came in Dairy Farm paper cups.

Going to Ocean Terminal was always a treat. I remember Maxim’s on the upper deck – my favourite dish was chicken à la king – and I loved the Swindon bookstore, with its shelves stuffed to overflowing. Then there were the big ocean liners; I dreamed of getting on one of them someday.

Thanks, Mike, for the opportunity to relive some of our shared memories.


Dan.....thank you for your kind comments,I'm glad the photos brought back memories.

I was very lucky to have l been able to have lived there from the 50s to 70s,such wonderful times.





Thank you for sharing these wonderful photo's. Having worked for JATS/JASL at CLK i was enjoying the historical insight. I then realised my father Chris and yourself must have worked together at BOAC/ BA T3 Dispatch/ Load Control. I will get him to have a look! All the best - Nick

Hi Nick,

Your old man has just phoned me....guess it was Gwulo that you had looked at.

I remember you at BA in PSU and then as a Duty Manager.

Chris and I had some good memories of those days and glad to hear he's recovering from illness.

Regards Mike

Mike - yes, you're right we also knew each other. My years at Jardine Aviation were less regimented than your father's but his looked good fun as well. I understand the old man got in touch yesterday - how wonderful and all credit to Gwulo!


Hi Mike,

Thanks for sharing your fabulous photo's!  I was wondering if you possibly knew Michael or John Butterworth?  Both went to DBS.  John would have been about 7 years older than you so you might not have crossed paths with him however Michael was born 1948 so you may know him.  

Regards, Rebecca

Rebecca.....sorry I did not know your family,both Michael&John from DBS.

I attended KJS before being shipped off to boarding school in Ireland.

Hope you enjoyed the memories of HK with my pictures.

Regards Mike

Thank you so much for bringing me back to the good old days in the 1960s and 1970s.

I have found two photos which are identical in the album as follows:

1968     Nairn House-China Light & Power

1968     Argyle Street-CLP building

Was Nairn House in Argyle Street?

Also, for the photo with the title "1960s     Law Courts?", Yes, for sure. You may rename the title to "The Supreme Court".

Once again, thank you so much for your contribution.

Best Regards

Jimmy Ho

Hi Mike, thanks for sharing your photos. I spent my first five tears in hong kong with my family, from 58-63. My father was in the RAF.

my favorite place to visit was Tigerbalm gardens, and Stanley beach. i have a photo of me and my family posing at the Pokfalum reservoir, ive tried finding a simaler picture but no luck im afraid.

I happened on this site in my quest to research the possibility of finding information on a furniture house on Hankow Rd. Kowloon 1961. My dad told me it was Y.S. Ma, I found a S.Y. Ma. but other than a name nothing. I cant imagine there still there real estate prices being what they are, but worth a shot. My parents  moved us from Plainfield NJ to Hong Kong in 1960. My dad Mr. E.L. Behr was with Pfizer Pharma. His partner was a man named Leonard Chan. We moved to Bangkok in 1962 then Taiwan 65 then stateside in67. My parents gave a large furniture commission to the Ma shop. 5 capitol pieces and 7 accessory pieces. i spent 40 years in the High end furniture business. The last 20 years as  master finisher in the NY City millwork industry, working exclusively for architectural firms. I gained a reverence for the hand craftmanship in the furniture that is being passed down to me. All the surfaces, all the profiles, were done with hand planes, hand chisels, saws, there are no mill marks, just amazing the mastery of craft. I would love to hear from someone who might have been there, but my folks are 89 and 94, i was 5, so not expecting much,and just saying Billy Tingle sucked.



The photos of the Macau hotel, with Mike in the doorway, brought back memories of when I was about the same age and stayed there a few times.

I'm pretty sure it was called the Pousada, on the Esplinade next to the Governor's place.

Hello Mike,    

I've so enjoyed looking at your treasure trove of photographs and reading about all the memories they've triggered among the Gwulo community. Although I was born in Hong Kong, sadly my RAF dad was posted back to England when I was just two years old. How I'd love to have grown up there! For me, your photos capture what I believe was the last decade of exotic beauty and glamour of the city that my dad loved, and where he met my Chinese mother. Thank you for a truly valuable addition to the Gwulo archive.

Kind regards Lai Wah 

Lai Wah....thank you very much for your kind comments.I'm glad you enjoyed viewing the pictures,they evoke many memories for me also.

Regards Mike