Ocean Terminal

Sat, 06/08/2024 - 00:45
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Do any readers remember a large Asian arts and crafts discount retail store in the  Ocean Terminal shortly after it first opened  in 1966?  My memory of this is sketchy and it might have been in one of the old warehouses associated with the HK & Kowloon Wharf Godown Company’s old warehouses before they were ripped down? I recall the shop was called “Cost Plus” or perhaps “Cost Plus Ten ? It appeared to be a temporary endeavour, no decoration … just bare walls with rows of stacked , metal containers on shelves , full of small, cheap (and very rough) hardwood carvings and metal objects from India, the Philippines  and perhaps Indonesia. They also had cheap Chinese “objet d'art” as well, although this is a rather generous description when it came down to assessing the quality of workmanship.

I think some bright spark had cornered the market for all S. East Asian small crafts rejects. The shop was soon gone. I bought two horrible Indian wood carvings of some unknown Goddess which adorned a standard-issue teakwood side-table in my small Government staff quarter. They eventually became an embarrassment but because they were so heavy and made of rare hardwoods felled illegally from rapidly disappearing forests,  I just couldn’t bring myself around to binning them until about 30 years later.

This shop/store was in the old SeaTerminal prior to opening in the Ocean Terminal.

If you look on my 1960s pictures there is an advert for this establishment.

It was run by Barry Barradas,and whilst it was in the Sea Terminal my Mum worked as Barry's secretary.


Thanks for the  reply and information.  I will look at all your 1960s pictures. I did  a search for Cost Plus on Gwulo but nothing popped up. 

We still have various items of crockery bought when Cost Plus was in the old Sea Terminal and from when it moved to the Ocean Terminal. For many expats in the mid-60s it was enormously popular.

The eight-letter name on the bow and the ship’s profile indicate that it is the M.V. TRICOLOR owned by the Norwegian shipping company Wilhelmsen.

Wilhelmsen  were involved in two services.

Barber – Wilhelmsen Line

Bangkok/Hong Kong/Philippines/Japan/Los Angeles//Panama/ U.S. Atlantic coast ports.

Agents Thoresen & Co. Union House, Chater Road,Central.

Seaco-Wilhelmsen Line Scandinavia/Europe/Malaysia/Philippines/Japan/China Ports

Agents Gilman & Co. Ltd. Alexandra House, 7th. floor, Des Voeux Road, Central

Built in 1960 by Eriksberg Mekaniska Verksteds A/B Gothenburg Sweden, the ship was renamed TROJA in 1970.

In 1979 the ship was sold to Compania Naviera Americana de Vapores Panama City Panama and renamed BELACAZAR

 Sold in 1980 to Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd.Singapore. Renamed " KOTA MAKMUR

1985 - broken up in China.

Regards degahkg


  • The Port of Hong Kong  G.I.S. for the Director of Marine  1968 3rd. edition
  • Talbot –Booth’s  Merchant Ships Vol.3
  • Marine News – World Ship Society