Lau Fau Shan Police Station

Date picture taken
4 Apr 1969


I was the Sub-Divisional Inspector ( the sole expatriate officer) here for two years in the early seventies,although it was then painted white with blue trim ! Just me,sixty junior officers,a scooter and a large alsatian.Interesting times.Our area ran from Tsim Bei Tsui Marine Police Post in the North to our own Nim Wan Post on the south west of the Castle Peak peninsular .A  monthly foot patrol from Lau Fa Shan  around the coast via Nim Wan,avoiding stray rounds from the Army on Castle Peak range,to Castle Peak,followed by all the sea food one could eat,washed down by icy San Mig.Now those were the days ! Sorely missed.

Like the previous contributor-I was Officer in Charge(only overseas officer etc)-BUT: the whole of the Station buildings were in fact 'green'(as per the photo),I was there April 1974 to June 1976.Agreed though -that the sea food and cold beers-were unbeatable!