This page explains how to upload photos from your computer / iPad / tablet / smartphone to the website, so other readers can see them.
1. Before we start
Please only upload photos that are your own, or that are in the public domain, or where the copyright has expired. In all other cases, please just provide a link to the photo, rather than uploading the photo and breaking copyright.
2. Log in
If you're already logged in, you can skip this step.
If you already have an account, please click here to log in.
Or if you're new to, please click here to create your account.
3. Upload the photo
Please click [+upload] to go to the Upload Photo page. Once that page appears, please fill in:
3.1 Image:
Click the Choose File button and select the image you'd like to upload.
3.2 Title:
This will appear once the image has finished uploading. It defaults to the filename, but if that isn't very meaningful - e.g. something like IMG_2748 - then please take a moment to change it to a short description of the scene.
3.3 When was this photo taken?:
Tell us how accurately you know the date - e.g. just the decade, or maybe the exact date - then fill in the value.
3.4 Notes:
This is optional, but anything extra you can tell us about the scene will be helpful, e.g. who is in the photo / what is the event / where it was taken.
4. Save
Scroll down to the bottom of the page, click the Save button, and your photo is uploaded to the website for all to see.
4. Insert your photo into comments, pages, etc
Now your photo is on the website, you can include it in any comments you write, pages you create, etc. Here's how:
5. Upload another photo - advanced
To help other readers find your photos more easily, the next time you upload a photo please follow the instructions for advanced uploads,
If you find any mistakes, or anything isn't clear, please leave a message in the comments below.
Which category to use for odd pictures?
I want to upload some pictures to Batgung website and later refer to them in my text. They do not, however, belong to any of the categories such as "Shop House". Should I use "Others"? Would it mess up your classification as I am sure you dont want thousands of pictures under "Others"?
Otherwise, can I simply include pictures in my text without first uploading them to the Batgung Image Data Base? Do I just cut and paste then?
Sorry - I am not intuitive when it comes to software.
re: Which category to use?
Thanks for checking - 'Others' will be fine. If you've uploaded say 10 or more that are all related and you think deserve their own gallery, just let us know and we can create a new gallery for you.
Unfortunately cut & paste won't work, but there is a shortcut you can use: Instead of uploading the photo first, you can go straight to the 'insert the photo' step. After you click the camera icon, and the new window pops up asking you for the photo, look in the grey bar at the top of the new window. You should see a button marked "Upload". You can click that to upload the new photo, and then once it is finished uploading you can insert it immediately.
Let us know if you have any other questions.
Uploading problem
I repeatedly received this error message "Places shown in this photo: found no valid post with that title"
What did I do wrong?
re: Uploading problem
I had exactly the same problem yesterday, let's see if the same solution applies.
I was uploading this photo. When I got to the 'Places shown...' box, I typed in '313' and waited for it to show me the full name of the place, '#313-315 Shanghai Street, Yaumati [nid:2168]'. BUT, I forgot to click the full name, so the 'Places shown ...' still showed '313'.
When I tried to save the new photo I got the error message you mentioned. (Because of course there is no post on the website titled '313'). I went back to the 'Places shown ...' box, typed '313', clicked on the full name when it appeared, and then I could save the photo ok.
Does that work for you too?
Significance of "Places Shown" box?
It seems my problem stems from trying to type into the "Places Shown" box. I managed to upload the picture only if I leave the box blank. Should I be typing in the same text as the title? What purpose does this label serve?
thanks, sophia
re: Significance of "Places Shown" box
A 'Place' on this website is a single location in Hong Kong, that you, I or someone else has created an entry for. (Down under "Create content' in the left hand menu, one of the options is to create a 'Place')
eg if you look back to the first image you uploaded, you'll see the 'Places Shown' box has been filled in with '#1 Queen's Road West, Possession Street, Sheungwan', so there is now a link to that place, that T created. That does a few things:
We've only just added the Places - Images link, so it may be hard to see the benefits just yet. I hope it will become clearer as we add more of each. eg last night I uploaded a bunch of photos of shophouses. T had already created the places, so it was easy for me to just upload them and link them by filling in the 'Places Shown' box. eg T had created the Place for 187 Apliu Street, if you look at it you can see all the photos listed on it, without T having to do any edits to it.
Ok, got a bit carried away! Short story: The 'Places Shown' is optional, but using it helps link related information together, making it easier for other readers to find later.
Creation Sequence - place, image, text with ref to image
I feel like I am seeking help from an IT helpdesk.. and you are most patient. Thank you. So the correct sequence is to first create PLACE (if it is not on the drop box list already), then upload the IMAGE (refering to the PLACE) and finally write TEXT that refers to the image.
For now, I will skip creating PLACE as it requires messing with markers and I am hopelessly bad with directions and maps.
Place > Image > Text
Yes, ideally that's the right order. Not the end of the world if it doesn't turn out that way though.
Lost "Place"
I'm having the same uploading problem as Sophia had in 2009. I've already written and posted my text. I've also found the gallery where I would like to upload my photo, but it isn't separately listed. I'm therefore getting the same "found no valid post with that title" message as Sophia. If I've followed the rest of the correspondence correctly, the solution is to leave "Place" blank, but I'm not sure how I would then locate my picture in order to insert it.
re: Lost "Place"
Hi Jill,
I've rewritten the instructions above, which hopefully will make it clearer. I recommend you also take a look at the video of how to add a Place, as it's easier to show than to describe!
Also a clarification of terminology - Galleries and Places are different things.
Galleries are groups of related photos, most commonly grouped by the period they were taken. Click here to visit the Galleries.
A Place is a single landmark in Hong kong, usually a building.
Hope that helps, but let me know if you have any further questions.
Regards, David
Exchanging photo sources
a couple of days ago I uploaded an image from flickr. This one is obviously only a part of the original photo. I found the original on flickr (or at least a complete one). I tried to edit the entry to Gwulo by removing the link. But then the system wants me to upload an image, and I found no possibility to enter a link to flickr. What to do?
Regards, Klaus
re: Exchanging photo sources
Sorry Klaus, once you've created an image from Flickr there isn't an easy way to change it.
So please create a new one for the original, then add a comment "Please delete" to the old one so I can remove it.
Regards, David
Maximun Size of Photos
Wah ais the maximum file size of photos that can ber uploaded to Gwulo? I have some great 1860 panoramas but they are aprox 20MB. I don't really want to reduce them in size as they are so clear and the detail is incredible however I understand that there is a server bill to pay.
Is there a way to create new Galleries of photos?
re: Maximum Size of Photos
The maximum size is currently 8Mb. If suggest you shrink the width by half, then upload and see how it looks. If there is a noticeable loss of detail you can email the file to me and I'll upload it. Please also add a link to the source in the notes as you upload - or just mention "Author's collection" if it's one you own.
Creating a gallery is done via the Admin function, so you'll need to let me know the name of the new gallery. Or you can use a tag to collect related photos together, eg:
For whatever reason opening
For whatever reason opening them in paint then saving again reduced the file size to 5MB. I will upload when i get a chance.
For the Galleries i would suggest breaking up the 19th Century into separate decades similar to the below. I would also include sub galleries of the most famous photographers so they are grouped together
Pre 1840's Hong Kong
1840's Hong Kong -already exists
1850's Hong Kong - already exists
1860's Hong Kong
Sub Galleries -
Felice Beato
John Thompson (photos from 1860s and 1870s)
1870's Hong Kong
Sub Galleries
William Pryor Floyd
Thomas Child (photos from 1870s and 1880s)
Lai Afong (all the way up to the 1900's)
1880's Hong Kong
1890's Hong Kong
Would that work?
The panoramas look good, glad
The panoramas look good, glad they uploaded ok.
I've made galleries for 1860s / 70s / 80s / 90s.
To group by the photographer, let's use the "Author" field on a photo, as you've done with the panoramas.
Two problems:
Flickr Photos
What happens if a photo on Flickr is deleted that was uploaded to Gwulo? On Gwulo, is there a file or only a link?
I'm asking because one of our best sources is eternal1966. Flickr announced that regular users (not PRO - you have to pay for it) may only post 1000 photos, others will be deleted. And eternal1966 has more than 4500!
Flickr 1,000 limit
DP review - "Within a week, Flickr announced it was sparing Creative Commons and public domain images and also sparing non-profits from the 1,000 photo cap."
A lot of eternal1966's photos are available on google photos here. It may actually be his google account.
re: Flickr Photos
A copy of the photo is downloaded to Gwulo so we can show the zoom. I'm not sure if it will still be displayed if it is one that Flickr has hidden.
Fingers crossed they'll be spared as tkjho notes above, but let me know if you spot any that disappear.
Save and Cross Link
Hi Klaus. Another way of retaining the photo on Gwulo is to upload and save the photo from flickr. Then add a cross link to the original photo like here:
Uploading a photo
I am commenting on a post and wish to add two photos. In the past, I could easily do that by copying & pasting the photo below my text or by pressing "Ctrl + V". Could not do so now. Any reason?
re: Uploading a photo
Sorry, I don't know about the ctrl+V. I always use the approach described at to add a photo to a comment.
Any possibility of bringing…
Any possibility of bringing back the ability to upload multiple photos at once?
Upload multiple photos
I tried enabling this during the upgrade in 2022, but it didn't work well.
I see the software writers have added some new options for upgrading multiple images since then. Once the latest round of upgrades is complete I'll try the new options to see if they are usable. (Please remind me if you don't see any update on this after the upgrade is finished.)
Unable upload photos
I got lots of photos want to upload , size is below 10MB , is it fine ?
re: Unable upload photos
I see you've been able to upload the photos of the pillboxes - is there still a problem?
Is fine now
Is fine now , thanks
Photos people
I am currently uploading my own photos from the 1970's and have not uploaded images where people can be identified. Is there a problem uploading these photographs eg my own family, children at a school sports day event in the Central at HKCC, teenagers playing on a beach on lantau, public community service events?