How do I add a diary to ?

Submitted by Admin on

(If you'd like to see an example of a finished diary on, please visit Barbara Anslow's diary.)

To add another diary, first you'll need to create a new Book / Document (and optionally a Person page for the author), then you'll add Pages to it.

Here's how:

1. Log in.

If you're already logged in, skip ahead to step 2. Otherwise please create an account if you're new to, or log in if you already have a username and password here.


2. Create a Person page for the author of the diary

2.1 Click here to open the 'Create Person' window, and follow the instructions to create a page for the author of the diary.


3. Create the new Book / Document

3.1 Click here to open the 'Create Book / Document' window. Then fill in the following fields...

3.2 Title: - type in the name of the diary.

3.3 Book type: - tick 'Diary / Memoir'.

3.4 Author: Type in a few characters of the name of the person you created in step 2, then choose that name from the list of results.

3.5 Dates: Enter the dates this diary covers.

3.6 Description: Type in a description of / introduction to the diary.

3.7 Scroll down and click the 'Save' button.


4. Add pages

(We usually create one page on the website for one day's entry in the diary. So if a page in the original handwritten diary has five entries for say 4, 5, 7, 9, and 14 July 1942, we'd create one website page for each of those dates.)  

4.1 Click here to open the 'Create Page(s) from Book / Document' window. Then fill in the following fields...

4.2 Title: Leave this blank, and it will be filled in for you when you save the page.

4.3 Book / Document: Choose the name of the diary you created in step 3. 

4.4 Text: Type in the text for this page of the diary.

4.5 Dates: Enter the dates covered by this diary entry.

4.6 Scroll down and click the 'Save' button.


5. Add more pages

Repeat steps 4.1 - 4.6 for each day from the diary.


6. Any problems?

Please leave a comment below if you run into any problems.