How do I add a "Place" page to

Submitted by Admin on

Before you start...

Have a quick look at the 'Map of Places', to see if anyone else has already created a page for the Place you're thinking about. Not there? Then here's how to add your new page:

1. Log in.

If you're already logged in, skip ahead to step 2. Otherwise please create an account if you're new to, or log in if you already have a username and password here.

2. Create the new Place

2.1 First time

  • Click here to open the 'Create Place' window.
  • Then in the 'Name:' box, type in the name of this Place, eg Mandarin Hotel, Tai Mo Shan, etc.
  • In the 'Location' box, click the map to add a marker showing where this Place is located. You can click and drag the marker to move it to the right location.
  • Scroll down, and at the bottom of the screen you'll see a 'Save' button. Click the 'Save' button, and you've successfully created the new Place.

2.2 Add more information

After you've created the Place, you can click the 'Edit' tab at any time to go back and add more information. eg

  • 'Current condition'. Click on the option that best describes the current condition of this Place.
  • If this Place is a building, and you know the dates it was completed and/or demolished, you can fill them in in the 'Date Place completed: / demolished:' boxes.
  • If you can tell us anything more about the building, please let us know in the 'Notes:' box.

Scroll down, and at the bottom of the screen you'll see a 'Save' button. Click the 'Save' button, and you've successfully updated the Place.

3. Check it appears on the map

If you want to check everything worked ok, please view the Map of Places again. The new Place you created should appear on the map.

4. Any problems?

Please leave a comment below if you run into any problems.

5. The next time

Any time you want to add a new Place, just look at the 'Directory' menu on the left of the screen. In the 'Places & buildings' section click the 'create' link to go straight to the screen to add a new Place.

If you create a place, you can set a marker on the map given during set-up. This map is a Google map (with satellite images). This map sometimes differs from the ESRI map (found this when creating the Brick Hill Marine Police Pier: it's on the ESRI map, but not on Google). Additionally, when creating older places it would be helpful to use the map from this time.

It would be helpful if all the maps of "Places & Buildings" would be available for the places creation, too.

Unfortunately that feature isn't available with the current software. It is definitely a useful feature for anyone making Places, so we should revisit this after the website has been upgraded to the next version.