How do I find photos of a specific building?

Submitted by Admin on

Let's imagine you're looking for photos of 250 Prince Edward Road, taken around the 1950s.

First visit Gwulo's map and zoom in to the area showing the building you are interested in: Map of all Places

(You can try different layers. e.g. the 'Map by OSM' layer is better at showing the names and street numbers of buildings.)

Next look for any markers nearby (they look like an upside-down drop). If there's a marker on your building, click the marker to see the building name and check the years cover the time you're interested in. Click the building's name to visit its page, then click the 'Photos' tab to see any photos we have of that building.

However, in this case there isn't any marker on the building - don't give up yet though. Are there any markers on nerby buildings? In this case I can see two green markers on the map.

When I click on the lower marker it shows it is the marker for:

Any photos of that building will be from the 1970s or later - too late for our search, so I ignore them. How about the upper marker? I click it and see it is for:

That may have photos from the 1950s so I click the link to go to page and then click the 'Photos' tab to see a list of photos:

There are a couple of aerial photos showing the neighborhood around the church, including 250 Prince Edward Road


  • If you don't seen any markers, try zooming out a bit. That means it is less likely you'll see the building you're interested in, but you might still get lucky with an aerial view.

  • If you're new to Gwulo's maps, there's a tutorial describing how to use them at the bottom of this page:

  • If you can't find any relevant photos, try adding a 'Place' page for the building you're interested in (see for instructions), and include a note that you're looking for photos. For best results, tell readers why you're interested in the building, and upload any of your own photos of the building (see for instructions) to help get the ball rolling.