How do I add a "Person" page to

Submitted by Admin on

Before you start...

Have a quick look at the "List of People", to see if anyone else has already created a page for the person you're thinking about. Not there? Then here's how to add your new page:

1. Log in.

If you're already logged in, skip ahead to step 2. Otherwise please create an account if you're new to, or log in if you already have a username and password here.

2. Create the new Person page

Click here to open the 'Create Person' window.

Fill in as many of the details as you can, then use the Notes to add any extra information. I see the people who get the best responses include the following information in their Notes:

  • What you'd like to find out
  • What you already know about the person
  • Where you've already looked for information
  • Your relationship with / reason for interest in the person

Scroll down, and at the bottom of the screen you'll see a 'Save' button. Click the 'Save' button, and you've successfully created the new Person.

(After you've created the Person page, you can click the 'Edit' tab at any time to go back and add more information.)

3. Check it appears on the list

Now view the list of People again. The new Person you created should appear on the list.

4. Any problems?

Please leave a comment below if you run into any problems.

5. The next time

Any time you want to add a new Person, just look at the "Directory" menu on the left of this web page. Under the "People" heading, click the "+person" link to go straight to the screen to add a new Person.