How to include photos from in your text

Submitted by David on Mon, 06/16/2008 - 15:51

If you're writing a comment or adding a new page on Gwulo, the Insert from Media Library button lets you insert a photo into the text:

insert from media library


Here's how to use it:

I've added notes above explaining how to use the Search feature to find other photos from the website and insert them into your text. Please let me know if anything isn't clear.

Regards, David


Having triumphantly mastered this technique on the old website, I now can't find the relevant button to insert a photo into text on the new website. I've just watched your YouTube video. More directions welcome.



Hi Jill, please use the the Insert from Media Library button:

insert from media library


If the video instructions still aren't clear, please let me know which section needs more explanation.