Associations, Clubs & Societies

Submitted by David on

Here are a few I can think of that are interested in one or more aspects of Hong Kong's history. What others are out there?

  • Royal Asiatic Society, Hong Kong Branch

    You can attend many of their talks without membership, but being a member also allows you to join their organised outings, gets you a copy of their annual journal, and lets you borrow books from their extensive collection. Recommended.

    Visit their website.
  • The Conservancy Association

    "The Conservancy Association, founded in 1968, is the non-government environmental organisation with the longest history in Hong Kong". One of their areas of interest is the preservation of Hong Kong's heritage.

    Visit their website.
  • Hong Kong Railway Society

    "The main objective of the society is to have a group of people who enjoy railways get together and meet new friends who have similar interests. As a result, members will be able to learn about railways in general."

    Visit their website.


I was browsing Ordinary Gwei Lo's site the other day ( and found a comment by someone called Mike McNamara about a website that is trying to link up ex-Royal Navy Staff who served at the Joint Services Transmitting Station on Stonecutters Island.

They have website:

The site mentions they have some photos on FLICKR which can be accessed if you send them an email requesting to see them. May be worth having a look although I haven't contacted him as of yet.



Phil, thanks for the link to the Stonecutter's site. That reminds me of another forces' site, for anyone that served at RAF Little Sai Wan: (2020 updated, replacing the link to the old site

They have a photo of how it looked, and several other old photographs of the area.

Today the area uses the Chinese name 'Siu Sai Wan'. Reclamation and re-development means it looks very different now. 

[gmap markers=small bred::22.264480095620698,114.24862861633301 |zoom=14 |center=22.264236505364067,114.24914360046387 |width=510px |height=350px |control=Small |type=Hybrid]