Orders and Medals Research Society (HK Branch)

Submitted by David on

I first noticed the OMRS when Tony Banham wrote about them: "the medals were often just an excuse into serious research into the lives of the men who wore them".

The society's website says they meet "monthly usually at the Police Officers' Club in Causeway Bay. Anyone interested in the collecting or research of medals or military history in general is most welcome to attend."

Their website hasn't been updated since 2008, but don't be fooled, they are still going strong. I joined them on an organised walk to Devil's Peak today, and they are a very friendly bunch.


Even stronger today than we were in 2010!

I am the Hon. Secretary of the HK Branch of the OMRS and we are a very active group of enthusiasts. We took the decision long ago to move away from purely medallic interests, and I think it fair to say that we adopt a very broad approach to matters of military history with the emphasis on HK and Asia.

We meet monthly and invite guest speakers to our in-house meetings, as well as participating in outdoor visits. In November 2021, for example, we conducted a well-attended visit to the Sai Wan War Cemetery. This was, admittedly, the first gathering for a very long time due to Covid restrictions.

Our annual Christmas Dinner was held in December 2021 at the United Services Recreation Club in Kowloon.

Anyone interested in joining the Branch should contact me at tideswell27@hotmail.com.