Hong Kong Oral History Group

Submitted by David on

Just read about this on the HKHP blog:

  • The Hong Kong Oral History Group (OHG) was launched this October. It's part of The Hong Kong Archives Society (HKAS).
  • The OHG aims to provide best practice guidelines, practical advice and support; encourage individuals and organisations to record their own life histories and to establish a regional network and a point of contact for oral historians to publicise their work and share ideas. 
  • The OHG aims to provide talks and workshops from oral historians working in the field in Hong Kong as well as a network to share ideas and projects.
  • They just held their first meeting and had nine members attend, including representatives from HKHP, HKU SPACE, HSBC Asia Pacific Archives, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong University,  Baptist University and the Royal Asiatic Society. 

They're looking for new members - students, oral historians, or anyone with an interest in the field are welcome. To join up, please go to the HKAS membership page and download the application form: http://www.archives.org.hk/joinus.html