Hong Kong Study Circle (Postal history of HK)

Submitted by David on

By email:

We are a group of 150 philatelist interested in the stamps but mainly the postal history of Hong Kong.

From the Hong Kong Study Circle website:

The Hong Kong Study Circle was founded in 1951 to record and circulate information on the philatelic and postal history of Hong Kong and the Treaty Ports. It is UK-based and regular meetings are held in London. Provincial meetings are also held from time to time. Overseas meetings are a feature as well and are arranged as opportunities arise.

Membership is world-wide and is linked by the Journal plus the Newsletter, which are the medium for reporting, exchanging and recording information, normally submitted by members. The Journal has been published continuously since 1951 and is issued quarterly free to members.

From time to time specialized handbooks are published by the HKSC, the most recent being two volumes, Hong Kong Airmails 1924-41 (by Duncan Crewe), and Hong Kong Airmails 1945-95 (by Nick Halewood).


I noticed HK Discovery Magazine has a large article on the history of the HK postal service this issue.