Friends of the RAS HK [UK-based]

Submitted by mlpainter on

We are a group of mostly ex-members of the Royal Asiatic Society in Hong Kong, now living in the U.K., who meet together for regular lectures in London as well as an annual Chinese New Year lunch in Chinatown and a weekend away during the summer, always with a Chinese theme.  Our lectures are on topics to do with the history of Hong Kong and China, and are always interesting.

Membership is open to anyone with a history of and/or an interest in Hong Kong. Our lectures are held on Saturday afternoons at the headquarters of the Royal Asiatic Society in Euston and are preceded by an optional Asian lunch at a nearby restaurant. Recent summer trips have been to Cambridge, Oxford, Aberdeen, Liverpool, Bath, Durham and Paris.

Our annual subscription is £15/£25 per year (single/joint) – to join please contact Mary Painter on or telephone 01223 880869.