Inscriptions for cemetery sections 10-16

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This list was compiled by Patricia Lim with the help of Cliff Atkins. It is part of the research for Patricia's recently released book, Forgotten Souls: A Social History of the Hong Kong Cemetery. Thank you to Patricia for generously letting us publish the list so that everyone interested in Hong Kong's history can benefit from it.

Some brief notes on each of the columns:

  • "Plot" gives the location of the grave's plot of land within the cemetery, and uses a Section/Row/Number format. For example, Sir Robert Hotung’s entry is numbered Section 11B/Row 13/ Number 2 and will appear in this list as 11B--/13/02-.

    The section numbering follows the standard used by the cemetery staff, with the exception that some of the larger sections have been further divided to make it easier to record them. eg cemetery section 16C appears as sections 16Ci and 16Cii in the list. The location of each section within the cemetery can be found on this map. Further maps will be provided to identify the location of given rows and columns within each section.
  • "Inscription" shows the text copied from the inscription on the gravestone.

Other notes:

  • Unlike other lists on, this list is not sortable - it's just too long.
  • If you make a note of the Plot for a given grave, you can look up who is buried there in "List of Burials ordered by Plot". See the pages listed in the menu at the top-left corner of this screen.
  • More information to follow once I've worked out how to put on the website.
  • If you use any of this information elsewhere, please quote Patricia Lim as the source (and a mention of is always welcome!).
Plot Inscription
10---/01/01- Sacred to the memory / of / R. TYLEMAN / Nederlande? schiff / 'Doggersbank' / Geboren af Groningen. Overleden te / Hong Kong / Den 20 October 1858 / 50 Jahren old.
10---/01/02- Sacred to the memory / of / FREDERICK H. CROSS / of London / who departed this life / on the 19 September 1855? aged ? years.
10---/01/03- Sacred to the memory / of / JOACHIM MENSING / Master of the Bremen ship / "Asia" / who died at Hong Kong / on the / 19th August 1858? / aged 45years.
10---/01/04- Sacred to the memory / JAS. B. COCKELL / who died on board H.M. Ship / 'Fury' / At sea on / 9 August 1858
10---/01/05- Sacred to the memory / of / JOHN L HANNAY / Who -----? Military / Turnkey ----? Victoria? / who died 12 August 1859 / aged 67.Very difficult to read
10---/01/06- In loving memory of / KATHERINE MURIEL / ARTINDALE / Born 30th November 1883/Died 4th August 1962 / aged 79 years. / A filial daughter / and / a devoted mother. / Rest in Peace.
10---/01/07- Sacred to the memory / of / THOMAS JOHN IRWIN / who departed this life on the 28th of / June 1858 / aged 24 years.4 lines illegible
10---/01/08- In loving memory of / SIDNEY KENNETH THOMPSON / Born 17th November 1932 / Died 15th June 1964. / R.I.P.
10---/02/01- In loving memory / of / THOMAS HENRY GORDON BRAYFIELD / Born 26th April 1879 / Died 19th April 1960 / Rest in Peace.
10---/02/02- Sacred / to the memory / Lieut. H E. BACON / who died on the 15th december 1857 / aged 27 years / 4th son of CHARLES BASIL BACON Esq. / of / Moor Park and Culverlands Surrey?
10---/02/03- JOHN SMITH ESQ / 3 lines illegible. Is this the same John Smith as described below?
10---/02/04- Front: In / memory of / JAMES KEMP / of Edinburgh / who died at Hong Kong / 17th November 1865 / aged 34 years.Right: JAMES KEMP / Late / Editor and proprietor / of the / China Mail Newspaper / -- illegible
10---/02/05- In loving memory of / WILLIAM INGRAM KEIR A.P.I.B.A., F.I.I.A. / Born 13th December 1883 / Died 15th February 1967.
10---/03/01- Sacred to the memory / of / ANN ELIZABETH / daughter of / JOHN? AND HARRIET CATER? / who died 21? November 1857 / aged 8? months and 4 days
10---/03/02- In loving memory / of / GERTRUDE ELIZABETH BELL / Born 18th July 1896 / died 28th February 1977 / Rest in Peace.
10---/03/03- Face 1: This monument is erected / by many sorrowing friends / to the / memory / of / WM. AURELIUS HARLAND M.D. / Colonial Surgeon / who died / 12th Sep. 1858 / aged 39 years.Face 2. He was admired for his attainments / as a scientific enquirer, trusted / for his skill as a physician, / beloved for his many noble qualities as a man
10---/03/04- Sacred /to the / memory of / JOHN / youngest son / of / Sergt. W. SMITH / 59th regiment / who departed this life XXIX [29] January MDCCCLVIII [1858] / aged 3 months.Requiescat in Pace.
10---/03/05- Sacred / to the memory of / William / son of Sergt. Wm. Smith / ? 11 Regt / who departed this life on / 25 ?? 1858
10---/04/01- Sacred to the memory / of / WASHINGTON T. PITTON Esq. / Staff Assistant Surgeon / died on / 18th October 1857 / aged 29 years.This stone is erected by his / brother officers.
10---/04/02- CHARLES EDWIN BATESON / of Liverpool / Died 7th September 1857 / aged 33 years.
10---/04/03- Erected / to the memory / of / ABRAHAM HOWARD / of / Boston Massachusetts / United States of America / Died at Hong Kong July 9th 1861.
10---/04/04- To the memory / of / GEORGE CHAPE / Master Mariner / A native of Berwick-upon-Tweed / who died at sea on a voyage / from Saigon to this port / on the 22nd April 1860 / aged 46 years.This small tribute is erected by / one of his most attached friends / 1861.
10---/04/05- In loving memory mof / HENRY OFSPRING BLACKALL R.E. / Born March 8th 1865 / Accidentally drowned Jany. 15th 1888.
10---/05/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Mr. W. BALL / Conductor / Madras Commissariat Establishment / who died at this place / on the 8th September AD 1857 / aged 42 years.
10---/05/02- Sacred to the memory of / THOMAS LARKING WALKER Esquire, Architect / who was born at Dugart, N.B. / on the 28th day of April 1814 / and died at Hong Kong / on the 10th day of October 1860 / aged 46 years.Blessed are the dead which die / in the Lord from henceforth / Yea, saith the Saviour, they then shall rest from their labours and / their works do follow them / 1V Chapter 13 verse
10---/05/03- Sacred / to / the memory / 4 lines (illegible] Former Captain? who lost his life at Macao Fort on the /Canton River. / June 1857 / This stone was erected by his shipmates / in token of his -----?Barely legible
10---/05/04- Sacred to the memory / of / HENRY L. BARKER / Midshipman R.N. / who departed this life / on June 22nd 1857 / also of / PATRICK GREEN?5 lines illegible
10---/05/05- Sacred to the memory /of / Mr. JAMES SMITH / who departed this life on the 2nd July 1857 / aged 65 years. / He was one of the oldest European residents in China / and much esteemed and respected.
10---/06/01- Sacred to the memory / of / E.C. BRYAN / 1 line (illegible] who was killed at Fatshan / June 1st 1857 / aged 17 years. Erected by the Captain and Officers ----? illegible
10---/06/02- Sacred to the memory / of / Lieut. KEITH STUART R.N. / Late Commander / H.M. Gunboat 'Plover' / who died / 19th September 1857 / aged 23 years.
10---/06/03- Right: Sacred to the memory of / ELIZABETH ANN MARY / the beloved wife of PHINEAS RYRIE / She departed this life in Hong Kong / the fifth day of February 1866 / aged 24 years.Left: Sacred to the memory of / MURIEL / the infant daughter of / EDITH ANN MARY / Born on the 31st January 1866 / and died the same day / having only survived her birth / a few hours.
10---/06/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / ELIZABETH MARY / MURRAY / Born 9th July 1856 / Died 16th April 1858
10---/06/05- Antony B Ives / died June 1857. SS Sloop - SS H.I.C.S.
10---/07/01- HENRY RICHARD / Third son of / D.R. CALDWELL / who died 16th July 1858? / aged 2 years & 2 months.
10---/07/02- Sacred to the memory / of / RICHARD STOWERS / who died at Hong Kong / May 11th 1857 / aged 45 years / after a long and protracted illness.
10---/07/03- Sacred / to the memory / of the late / Capt. WILLIAM BEEBY / of the Ship 'Pudsey Dawson' / who departed this life / 8th March 1857/This was erected by his brother / Shipmasters as a token of / esteem and respect.
10---/07/04- Sacred to the memory / of / HENRY DAVIS / For some years resident in Canton / Died at Hong Kong 22nd February 1857 / in his 48th year
10---/07/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / FREDERICK CUFFNELL / lieutenant of H.M. Ship '-Nankin?' / who died on board H.M. "Minerva" / Hospital Ship / on the 26th December 1856 / of dysentery contracted in the / Canton River / aged 27 years.
10---/07/06- Sacred to the memory / of / Captain NATHANIEL CROSBY / Native of ??ster? (Princeton?) Mass. USA / who died in Hong Kong / on the / 26th? December 1856? / aged 46 years. illegible
10---/07/07- C.H.D.M. / Died 20 October 1858?
10---/08/01- JAMES HENDRICKS / Captain / on board U.S. Ship / 'Plymouth' / who died in this Port? (place?) / on the 29th day of July / AD 1854 / This / monument / is erected/-----? illegible
10---/08/02- 1st April 1857 / Sacred to the memory / CHARLES MARKWICK / Government Auctioneer / aged 62 / many years resident in China
10---/08/03- Sacred to the memory/of / Mr. JAMES BROWN / Solicitor of the Supreme Court / Hong Kong / who departed this life / on the / 28th April 1857 / in the 34th year of his age / This stone is erected by the ----? friends---token--- / --their esteem.
10---/08/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / Lieutenant / CHARLES DEAS / US Navy / Died 16th April 1859? / aged 39 years / This monument is erected as a testimony of respect from / the Officers and crew of the US Ship / Germantown.
10---/08/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / J.H.MORRISS / Died January 21st 1861? / aged 25 years / Blessed are the just / for they shall see God.
11A--/01/01- In loving memory of / EUNICE SAMY / Born 26th March 1903 / Died 29th January 1955 / I shall be satisfied / when I awake with /thy likeness. / Ps 17-15.
11A--/01/02- STRONACH / ETHEL SEARON ... illegible
11A--/01/03- To the memory / of / CHARLES HERBERT ARNHOLD / Born 10th Sep. 1881 / Died 11th Nov. 1954/and / PHILIP / his son / born 1st August 1909 / died 8th February 1975
11A--/01/04- Captain G M NAVROTZKY / 20-III-89 - 6-XII-54Russian Script - GLUB {?} MEKAELOVITCH NAVROTZKY
11A--/02/01- In loving memory of / FELIX CHRISTIAN SAMY / Born 7th December 1907 / died 7th December 1957 / For me to live is Christ / and to die is a gain / Phil 1-21
11A--/02/02- In loving mnemory of / CLIFFORD ALLAN LECKIE / Beloved husband of / Lois / Died 28th Sept. 1954 / aged 35 years / Always in our thoughts.
11A--/02/03- WILLIAM BENNETT PEACH / Born Shanghai Mar.6th 1922 / Died Hong Kong Nov. 22nd 1954
11A--/02/04- In loving memory of / WILLIAM DAVY / Died 30th November 1916 / and his wife / JENNY / Died 8 Oct 1948.
11A--/02/05- In loving memory of / VICTOR GEOFFREY GOODYEAR / of Solihull England / who died March 18th 1955 / aged 27 years / An only son.#10973
11A--/02/06- In loving memory / of / LEO ALOYOISUS GARLAND / Born July 17th 1881 / Died December 10th 1954 / Rest in Peace
11A--/03/01- 1. Sacred /to the memory of / Major / JAMES UNIACKE / Senior Officer of R.M. / who died at the capture of Chin Kiang Foo / 21st July 1842 / His remains were interred on / Golden Island.2. also / to the memory of / Lt. W. ATCHERLEY / who died / in The Yang Tse Kiang / 1842.3. also / to the memory of Lt. C. HEWET / Rl Marines / who was killed / at / Woo Sing.4. This monument / was erected / by / the Officers of / H.M.S. CORNWALLIS / and Marine Officers / on / the Expedition
11A--/03/02- Sacred / to / the memory of / THOMAS HANCORN / Master of / HMS Minden / who departed this life / Sep. 10th 1843 / aged 33 years / This stone is erected by / his Messmates in testimony of / their regret for his loss.
11A--/03/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / WILLIAM GRAHAME / Staff Assistant Surgeon / Bengal Establishment / who died at Hong Kong 5th November / 1843
11A--/03/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / Lieut. RALPH MILBANKE / Late / First Lieutenant of H.M. Sloop 'Childers' / who died at Hong Kong on the 28th August 1845 / aged 33 years / This tablet is erected by the Captain and Officers / in testimony of their regret at his loss.
11A--/03/05- Erected / by shipmates / to the memory of / Capt. WILLIAM CURRIE / of the British Ship 'Leander' / Died 10th November 1842aged 34 years
11A--/03/06- chest tomb - In memory / of / THEODOSIA / daughter of / I.R. BARKER Esq. / and / wife of the Rev. WILLIAM DEAN / Missionary to the Chinese / who died March 29th 1843 / aged 24 years / Let me die the death of the / righteous.headstone - in / memory of / THEODOSIA / wife of / Rev. W Dean / who died / at Hong Kong / March 1843 / aged 24 years
11A--/03/07- JOHN ABBEY / Second son of / BENJAMIN & JANE / HOBSON / Born ----- Departed / 15th April 1843.
11A--/03/08- Sacred to the memory of / the late / Major CHAS. GREGORY / of / H.M. 9th Regt. / who departed this life / at Hong Kong Novr. 30th 1842 / aged 39 years.
11A--/03/09- HENRIETTA / First American female missionary to China / Daughter of / the Rev. ADDISON HALL of Virginia U.S. / Consort of / the Rev. J. LEWIS SHUCK, Missionary to China / from the / American Baptist Board for Foreign Missions / She was born October 28 1817 / Married 8th Sep. 1833 / Arrived in China September 1836. / In the prime of her life, in the midst of her labors, and in the / meridian of her usefulness, suddenly but / peacefully / she died at Hong Kong, November 27th 1844 / aged 27 years / Hallowed and Blessed is the memory of the Good
11A--/03/10- Major ELDRED POTTINGER C.B. / Died at / Hong Kong / 15th November 1843 / aged / 30 years.
11A--/03/11- Sacred / to the memory / of / RICHARD M. ISBELL / Asst. Surgeon HMS 'Agincourt' / who died January 11th 1843 / aged 29 years / This stone is erected / by his Messmates.
11A--/03/12- FREDERICK JOSEPH / Older son / of / Revd --- ---? BALL / 24th Aug. 1843
11A--/03/13- MILLS BRIDGEMAN / Younger son of / Rev. DYER & Mrs. BALL / Born in Macao 10th April 1842 / Died at Macao / on the 2nd day of August 1844.
11A--/03/14- Sacred / to / the memory of / the Right Hononable / the Lord / RICHARD PELHAM CLINTON / L.R.N. / Born Feb. 20th 1820 / Died May 12th 1842 / on board / HBMS ' Harlequin'. / His body / was committed to the deep / off the Gulf of Siam / This stone was erected / by his commander / & fellow Officers.
11A--/03/15- Side 1. Sacred / to the memory / of / Capt. T. DE HAVILLAND / HM 55 Regt / 6 Sep. 1845Side 2: Sacred / to the memory / of / J.R. MACGRATH / HM 55 Regt / died at Hong Kong / 8 July 1845Side 3: Sacred / to the memory / of / Capt. A.H.S. YOUNG / HM 55 Regt. / who died at Hong Kong / 13 July 1843.Side 4: sacred / to the memory / of / Ensn L.H.C. ROGERS / HM 55 Regt. / who died at Hong Kong / 23rd Dec. 1841.Side 5: Sacred / to the memory / of / Ensn J. A. CAMPBELL / HM 55 Regt. / who died in Hong Kong / 1st April 1843. Side 6: This monument / was erected by / their Brother Offiicers / as a mark of their / esteem.
11A--/03/16- side 1 - Sacred / to the memory / of / Lieut. BENJAMIN FOX R.N. / aged 29 / Late First Lieutenant / on / H.M. Ship Nimrod / who was killed on the heights / of / Canton / During the attack on that city / 25th May 1841.side 2 - This monument / was erected / by / his late captain / messmates and friends / as a testamony of / their regard and esteem
11A--/04/01- In / memory of our / dear beloved brother / DANIEL MCKENZIE / Born 20th Mar. 1900 / Died 18th Sep. 1940 / Jesus liveth.#9944
11A--/04/02- In / memory of our / dear beloved Mother / JEAN ALICE MCKENZIE / Born 5th Dec. 1876 / Died 9th Mar. 1964 / 'He careth for you' 1.Peter 5-7#11624
11A--/04/03- iIn loving memory / of / ARTHUR GEOFFREY SHEARS / Barrister-at-law / Died 1st January 1969 / aged 56 years.#11789
11A--/04/04- In loving memory / of / ALICE JARRETT / Born 29th April 1902 / Died 29 April 1955. / Beloved wife of FRANK JARRETT / and mother of FRANCIS HAROLD / IRENE ELIZABETH, EVELYN YVONNE.Moses & Co # 10952
11A--/04/05- In loving memory of / JUNE MARGUARITE REEVE / Beloved wife of / EDWARD REEVE / Born 7 June 1925 / Died 23 July 1955 / Worthy of remembrance.
11A--/04/06- In loving memory / of / JAMES LIDDELL STEWART / (JOCK) / who was called to rest on / 19th September 1955 / Born at Glasgow on / 24th September 1892 / 'Nearer my God to Thee' / Deep in our hearts / a memory is kept / of one we loved / and will never forget.#11009
11A--/04/07- In loving memory / HENRY HARRIS / Born 27th Dec. 1904. Death 15 Feb. 1986/JESSIE BAIRD SORLEY HARRIS / Born 12th March 1906. Death 11 Sept. 1955 / MABEL HARRIS / Born 7th July 1920. Death 5th Jan 1995.#11007
11A--/04/08- ELIZABETH NORTON ALWARD / BETSY / February 24th 1944 - August 27th 1955.
11A--/04/09- In loving memory of / VERE R. HOWELL / Born 8th April 1897 / Died 19th September 1949 / With her went a secret sense / of all things sweet and fair / and beauty's gracious providence / refreshed her unaware.
11A--/04/10- MARGARET USPENSKY / 24.11.1911 - 10.6.1966.#11701
11A--/04/11- Archpriest / DIMITRI USPENSKY / 30-1-1886 - 17-1-1970. / Vicar of the / Russian Orthodox Church / in Hong Kong 1934 - 1970.#11816
11A--/04/12- K.N. USPENSKY / 3-11-1889 - 26-10-1955.Russian script#11016
11A--/05/01- Front: Sacred / to the memory / of / Capt. A. FREDERICK BEVAN / 39th Regiment M.N.I. / who departed this life / on the / 18th October 1842 / aged 32 years.Back: This monument is erected / by his brother officers / in testimony of their / respect and regard.
11A--/05/02- Front: Sacred / to the memory of / Lt. FRANCIS BEAVAN / of / 55 Regt. Bengal N.L.I. / and attached to the / Bengal Volunteers / during / the China campaign / of 1842 / Died at HongKong / Nov. 6th 1842 ... illegibleBack: This memorial is / erected as a token of regard and / ------? / ---- by / his Brother Officers / of the / 55 Regiment.
11A--/05/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / STEWART GARNETT / ESQ. / of Liverpool Merchant / who died at Hongkong / 6th September 1844 / aged 36 years.
11A--/05/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / WILLIAM BRODIE / Master in the Royal Navy .Late Com- / manderof HM Troop Ship Rattle / Snake who died at Hongkong 17th June 1841 / aged 56 years / Erected in token f their respect and / esteem by his Brother Officers and / those of the Military Force composing / the China Expedition in 1841.
11A--/05/05- Sacred to the memory / of / SARAH ELIZABETH / the beloved wife of / PETER MARGUSSEN / who died at Victoria Hong Kong / on 2nd Aug. 1844 / aged 26 years / This tablet is erected by / an affectionate Brother.
11A--/05/06- ROBERT / MORRISON / BROWN / Born / March 1843 / Died / 13th January 1844.
11A--/05/07- LUCY HENDRICKS / Eldest daughter of / FREDERICK MILLS Esq and Mrs SUSAN G. / Wife of / the Rev. DYER-BALL M.D.Missionary / of A.B.C.F.M. / to the Chinese. / Born New Haven, Conn. USA Dec. 16th 1801 / Died Hongkong China June 6th 1844 / illigble
11A--/05/08- In / loving memory of / THOMAS GIBBISON / Died 23rd April 1955 / aged 57 years / Erected by KWONG LIN.
11A--/05/09- In memory of / Lieutenant OLIVER CHARLES ANKATELL / 37 Regiment Madras Native Infantry / who departed this lfe at Hong Kong / 13 July 1841 / aged 19 years / This tomb was erected / by his brother officers, 37 Regt. M.N.I. / in token of their respect and esteem.
11A--/05/10- Sacred / to the memory of / Lieut. LEWIN HANDY / Late of U.S.S. 'Constellation' / Died Sep. 14th 1842 / in the 29th year of his age / This stone was eected by / his Commander and Messmates.
11A--/06/01- Right: Captain THOMAS MAITLAND EDWARDS / 98th Regiment Assistant Adjutant General / to the troops in China / who died at Hong Kong / 13th November 1844 / aged 35 years / This monument was erected as / a tribute of respect and esteem / by officers and staff ??Left: and also / in loving memory of / Col. H.B. LAYARD DOWBIGGIN O.B.E., E.D., J.P. / Beloved husband of Hilda / and devoted father of / four children / Died in Hong Kong / 21st March 1966 / aged 82 years. / Hong Kong 1906 - 1966
11A--/06/02- Right: Sacred to the memory of / HENRY DALLAS / Lieut. in H.M. 98th Regiment / who died at Victoria on 26th July 1844 / aged 21 years and 11 months / Deeply and sincerely regretted / by his brother officers.Left: This monument is erected / by his Brother Officers / as a token of their esteem and / respect for his memory.
11A--/06/03- Sacred to the memory of / JOHN AMBROSE MERCER Esq. / who died at Hong Kong / on 23rd August 1843.
11A--/06/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / JOHN THEOPHILUS BOILEAU / Assistant surgeon Bengal Establt / who departed this life / November 21st. 1842 / in the 24th year of his age.
11A--/06/05- Sacred to the memory of / ALEXANDER SCOTT Esq. / of Raeburn Dumfriesshire / Scotland / who died at Hong Kong on / the 24th August 1841 / aged 43 years
11A--/06/06- Sacred to the memory / of / Mr. JOHN SLADE / who died at Hong Kong on / the 2nd. August 1843./Mr. SLADE was for several years / editor of the Canton Register
11A--/07/01- Sacred / to the memory of / AUGT. FRED. LANGER / -------? Died at / Hongkong / October 19th 1849 / aged 20 years.
11A--/07/02- ALBERT LIONEL / BRIDGE / Born March 25th 1904 / Died August 27th 1954.Eternal Joy / NG CHIK PAK#10921
11A--/07/03- ERINA NIKITISHNA / ELCHENKO / Born 24th April / Died 27 July 1954.
11A--/07/04- In memory of / Dr. DENNIS CHURCHMAN / WHITTACKER L.D.S. / Died 3 March 1954 / aged 26 years / R I P
11A--/07/05- Hier rust / mein innig geliefde man / TEUNIS SUIKER / Geb. 22 Februari 1903 / te Sliedrecht / Overl. 10 December 1955 / te Hong Kong / Ver van huis / en toch dicht by ons.
11A--/07/06- In loving memory / of our / beloved father / WILLIAM ALBERT PALMER / Born 30th March 1881 London / Died 7th January 1956 Hong Kong / Gone but not forgotten.
11A--/07/07- Hier rust onee lieve man en vader / DIRK VAN DER SCHILDEN / Geb. 31-10-1906 / Aalsmeer (Holland) / Overleden 1.3.1956 / Rust in Vrede#11053
11A--/07/08- ANATOLY IVANOVICH MELNIKOFF / Born 6th May 1885 / Died 13th April 1956 / Rest in Peace.
11A--/08/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / E.J. HUME / who died on board the / USS 'Constellation' / 26 September 1842/.
11A--/08/02- Sacred / to the memory / of / WILLIAM KNIGHT Jnr. / son of / -----? KNIGHT Esq./2 Lines illegible MALCOLM? (Ship?) 1Line) Aged 21 years / lines illegible
11A--/09/01- EDWARD HAROLD SMYTH / Died / 29th November 1955 / aged 75 years / Write me as one that loves his fellow-men.
11A--/09/02- FRANCIS R. FOOTE / Deputy Commissary General / 20 hm Regt.? / Died / -- -- 1842.
11A--/09/03- sacred /to the memory / of / JOHN TALLMON, sea- / man of the SS 'Liverpool / who departed this life / on the 6th June 1844 / aged 25 years / This stone is erected / by his Officers and / shipmates.
11A--/09/04- Sacred / to the / Memory / of Colour / Sergt. HENRY WELCH / Late of H.M. 98 Regt. / who died on the 4th / of November 1842 / aged 36 years.4 lines illegible
11A--/09/05- Sacred to the memory of / ISAAC MCLEAN / Sergeant Royal Artillery / died May 10th 1861? aged 36 years/4 lines illegible#2362
11A--/09/06- Sacred / to the memory / of / CHARLES SIMPSON / Born in Massachusetts / aged 28 years / Died November 26 1859?1 line illegible
11A--/09/07- I H S / Sacred to the memory of / SERGEANT ROBT. ARMSTRONG 2nd BRG / who departed this life Nov. 28th 1859/1869? / aged 34 years / also his son ROBERT who died / aged 1 year and 2 months.Erected by his fond beloved / ELLEN ARMSTRONG.4 lines illegible#2066
11A--/09/08- Hier ruht / PAUL MOLLER / Stoker des --------? 'Isis' / Geb. in Flensburg / den 21 August 1826? / Gest. in Hongkong den 16 May 1861
11A--/09/09- Sacred / to the memory / of / ----? / who died------ --? / aged 24 years.Also / Willm. -----? Black---- / who died at Kowloon? aged 41 years.also / Ba -----? / Car----? / aged 27 years
11A--/09/10- Sacred to the memory / RICHARD GREGORY / H.M.S. Chesapeake, 1859 (parts illegible)
11A--/09/11- Sacred / to the memory / of / WM. SOUTHWELL / Native of / Louth Lincolnshire / ----- --- / 1858? / -----?#1700
11A--/09/12- TER WILLARWAR DOTTER? / Gasseria / Dod Juli 1864.#3079
11A--/09/13- Erected by the Officers and crew / of the----- / Her Majesty's Ship ? / 1866 died at----? illegible
11A--/09/14- Sacred / to the / memory / Gunner GEO. TANKARD / of the Royal Artillery / who died at Hongkong / Sep. --? 1855 / aged 52 years#1084
11A--/09/15- In / memory / of / FANNY / illegible
11A--/10/01- ALEXANDER BADENOCH / Shipbuilder / A native of ---- ----? / Departed this life on / --- --- ----? / In the 26th year of his age / deeply regretted by a beloved / wife and -----friends/
11A--/10/02- Sacred / to the memory of / G.W. YORK / of Bangor, Maine, U.S.A. / Died at sea ---? of the / USS 'Constellation / 13th September 1842.
11A--/10/03- Sacred / to the / memory of Mr. E D PRATT / HMS 'Vestal / who departed this life on the / 27th June 1845 / aged 28 years. / This monument is erected / by his Messmates as a slight / mark of the great esteem in / which he was held by them.
11A--/10/04- The memory / Capt JOHN ROBERT CORRIN / Late Master of the LI---? / 5th January 1845
11A--/10/05- JAMES LEITCH / Master Mariner / Died 30th June 1954 / Erected by members / of the / Merchant Navy Guild.
11A--/10/06- NICHOLAS YADRISHNIKOFF / Born 21st October 1896 / Died 13th June 1954 / Russian script.
11A--/10/07- Sacred to the memory / of / Colour Sergt. H. HILL Died 1860 / Colour Sergt. F. KEATS Died 1864 / Sergt J.M. ARNE Died 1860 / also / Thos. Atkins .... / illegible
11A--/11/01- In memory of / PAUL WELCH / Born 8th September 1913 / died 14th June 1954
11A--/11/02- Erected / to the / memory of / JOHN IRVINE / Asst. Commissary / General / Died / at Hong Kong / 1st Feb. 1844.
11A--/11/03- Illegible.
11A--/11/04- Sacred to the memory / of / CHARLES ALVERS / illegible / aged 26 years / illegible#1466
11A--/11/05- Sacred / to / the memory / of / THOMAS STACEY / Late of the / Rifle Brigade / Died on October 18 / 1857 / aged 24?#1504
11A--/11/06- Sacred to the memory of / JOHN GOODWIN / Main top man / on board the US Steam frigate / Susquehanna / native of Boston, Massachusetts / died August 8 1853 / aged 24 years / Erected by his top mates
11A--/11/07- Sacred / to the memory / of / MAUD MARY / the beloved child / of / S. BOYLAND / who died at Hongkong December1852 / aged 8 years and 4 months.#1545
11A--/11/08- Sacred / to the / memory / of / THOMAS HARRIS / Captain of Long----? / HMS 'Pique' / who / departed this life / 11 February A.D.? 1856 / aged 34 ? years illegible#1166
11A--/11/09- DONALDSON SELBY / On Her Majesty's Civil Service? / who died in Hong Kong / 24th day of September 1855.#1094
11A--/12/01- In affectionate memory of / SERICA ISABELLA GRIMSHAW / Born 18th February 1869 / Died 13th January 1958 / RIP#11192
11A--/12/02- FRONT: VERE PALLETT / HARRIS / Son of / C.P. HARRIS / of Manchester, England / Died / Nov. 16th 1843 / aged 14 years.SIDE: In memory / of / MARIA / wife of / WILLIAM HARRIS / Died / 27th---1864 / aged / 32 years and 6 months - illegible when checked in 2009
11A--/12/03- Sacred to the memory / of / WILLIAM ASHFIELD / Aged 32 years / who departed this life at Hongkong / illegible
11A--/13/01- Sacred to the memory of / JULIA / daughter of / The Hon. JOHN WALTER HUME / Chief Justice of Hong Kong / who died / October 26 1844.
11A--/13/02- Sacred to the memory / of / THOMAS JACKSON SCALES ESQ. / Native of ----? / Postmaster of Hong Kong / Died 31st July 1844 / aged 30 years.
11A--/14/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / Captain HENRY MARRIOT / of the / 39th Regiment M.N.I. / who departed this life / on the 13th December 1842 / aged 34 years.
11A--/15/01- Russian script / - ULIYA SOKOLSKAYA 94 1868 - 1962.
11A--/16/01- Sacred to the memory / of / AH LI BATLEY / who went to her rest / on the 12th July 1966 / R.I.P.
11B--/01/01- Sacred / to the memory of / JAMES B. ENDICOTT / who was born at Danvers, Mass. USA / August 8th 1814 / who died in this city from the effects of / typhoid fever / November 5th 1870 / He spent thirty-five years in China / where he made many friends / by whom his loss is / deeply regretted / 'He is not dead but sleepeth.'
11B--/01/02- HENRY JAMES FAERS / Born 4th September 1891 / Died 5th January 1954 / "Fuzzy" A friend to all.
11B--/01/03- In loving memory / of / CHARLES RICHARDS / 1873 - 1953 / and his wife / ESTHER BEATRICE / 1878 - 1956 / Rest in Peace
11B--/01/04- Side 1: Erected / by / JOHN C. DALRYMPLE HAY / Commander / the Officers and Ship's / Company / Her Majesty's Sloop / 'Columbine' / in testimony of their regard for their / departed comrades.Side 2: Killed in action / Borneo / ADAM G SUTHERLAND, Colour Sergt. R.A. 30 June 1849 / in / China / C.R. GODDARD, Midshipman / 30 September 1849? / JOHN HALGOLSON A.C. 23rd September 1849? / JOHN SHARP, Private Marine 23 September 1849? / CHRISTOPHER BOOTH 23 September 1849?Side 3: base - Con. May 1850Beneath this column are deposited / the remains / CHARLES RICHARD /son of AMBROSE GODDARD, / of / The Lawns, Swindon, Wiltshire / Late Midshipman of H.M. Sloop / Columbine / who departed this life / aged 18 yearsSide 4: GEORGE REARS Painter Drowned 19 November 1846NATHANIEL LEYGASSICK AB 20th April 1847JOHN McCARTHY Capt. A Guard 22th April 1847JOHN BROWN Private Marine 4th May 1847JAMES MILLS A.B. 23rd May 1847SAMUEL DEVINE 2nd Class Boy 31st May 1847WILLIAM MAWSON Qr. Master Drowned 21st September 1847JOHN PIKE Boatswain's Mate 28th September 1848MATTHEW POWER Sailor's crew Drowned 16th Jan. 1849? (See Over)WILLIAM BEVERSTOCK Qr. Master 10th September 1849DAVID SIMMS Private Marine 20th September 1849OWEN BRYANT A.B. 27th September 1849ROBERT CAMPBELL 1st Class Boy 25 October 1849JOHN MANEKIN A.B. 26th October 1849
11B--/01/05- In loving memory / of. / beloved wife and mother / JOYCE VICTORIA RICHARDS / Born 1913. Died 1954 / God is Love / Rest in Peace
11B--/02/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / ROBERT BRAND / ----? (illegible Died on board the U S S Constitution? (Constellation) / __Son of John Heal Brand and Jane Brand? October 184? / in the 20th year of his age.
11B--/02/02- In memory / of / CHARLES GUSTAVUS? WILLBERG / captain of the Mainmast / U.S. 'Sir Powhatan" / Born at ----Holland? / Died June 5th 1855 / aged 28 years 21 days / 6 lines illegible #1042
11B--/02/03- sacred / to the / memory / of / JOHN LAWSON / Carpenter / who departed this life / on the 27th August 1855 / aged 27 years? Deeply regretted#1075
11B--/02/04- Sacred to the memory / of / OLGA TROFIMOVA / Born 24th July 1882 / died 12th November 1955 / Beloved by all
11B--/02/05- Hier ruhet / Captain JACOB APPEL / ? Bark "Johann Herrmann" / Geb. den 30ten August 1800 / Gest den 31sten October 1860 / Sanft ruhe seine asche# 2256
11B--/02/06- Sacred / to the memory / of / GEORGE TAYLOR / Born in Liecester / the 14th October / 1822 / Died at Hong Kong / the 26th September 1860 / aged 37 years 11 months. 3 lines illegible#2241
11B--/02/07- Hier Ruhen in Gott / JOACHIM KUTTNER / Geb. 19.4.1930 Gest 16.12.1949/Dr. OTTO KUTTNER / Geb. 25.5.1883 gest. 28.5.1954/LORE KUTTNER / Geb 20.1.1896 Gest. 16.11.1957
11B--/02/08- Sacred / to / the memory / of / ARTHUR TREAYS / Died ? 15th December 1865? / Hong Kong Whampoa / Dock Company / aged 40 years.#3252
11B--/02/09- Sacred / to the memory / of / JOHN THOMPSON / Ordinary Seaman U.S.N. / Born in Guysborough N.S. / Died May 27 1866 / aged 35 years / Erected by the Officers & Crew / of the US Ship "Hartford"#3305
11B--/02/10- G.W.A. HEIBERG / Born at Schleswig? 25 July 1836 / died at Hong Kong July 14 1862.#2540
11B--/02/11- Sacred / to the memory / of / ROBT. SHARP / Late warder of Victoia Gaol / 1 line illegible / age 33 years.
11B--/02/12- Sacred / to the memory / of / HAMILTON ALLEN / Late Engineer of the S.S. Astauchaft'? / Died July 6th 18--- illegible / This stone is erected / as a token of respect#2538
11B--/02/13- MICHAEL RYAN / Former clerk of the High Court / 57 Regiment of -----? / Died / on the 5 August 1849? / aged 24 years and 2 months?also / wife ELIZABETH RYAN11 lines illegible
11B--/02/14- MARIA NICKANOROVNA MARTINOVSKY / Russian script 29-9-1953.
11B--/02/15- Russian script - ALEXANDER MICHAELNOVICH TINKOFF / 1884 - 1954
11B--/02/16- JAMES WRIGHT ADAMS / Died 16th November 1953 / aged 59 years / from / JAMES / BETTY MARY ZENA.
11B--/02/17- Sacred to the memory / of / ALICE CATHERINE ENTWHISTLE / Died 20th Nov. 1860? / aged 3 years and 2 months. 3 lines illegible
11B--/02/18- JOHN KENNEDY ROSS / 1903 - 1967 / R.I.P.
11B--/02/19- In loving memory of / EDWARD BELLAMY / Beloved husband of VIOLET / and father of JOHN / Born 4th January 1909 / died 11th January 1971 / May he forever rest in peace.VIOLET BELLAMY CHUNG LAI YING / 26 May 1909 - 4 October 2003 / Devoted mother of BETTY and JOHN / Inspirational Grandmother of / BOBBY, MIMI and DEBORAH / Much loved Great-Grandmother of / PAUL, MARK, REBECCA, BEN and ANNA / and loving Great-Great Grandmother / Forever in our HeartsThe Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want, / He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: / He leadeth me beside still waters. Psalm 23
11B--/03/01- Russian script 2 lines / EVGENY MICHAELOVICH MELNIKOFF / Russian 5-II-1915 / Russian 13-VI-1954 / 3 lines Russian script.
11B--/03/02- In memory of / E.B. WHITE / Att. ? age 26 years / Born at Baltimore, Ms. USA / Died at Hong Kong Feb? 1866 / erected by the Firemen and / coal heavers of the / USS ' Wyoming'#3305
11B--/03/03- Sacred to the memory / of illegible September 1860 ?
11B--/03/04- Sacred to the memory /of / JANE DEADY ---- illegible.
11B--/03/05- No text.#10865 #10896
11B--/03/06- FRASER [written on front curb]#8887CEW & Co
11B--/03/07- Sacred to the memory / of / ANN ROBINSON / the beloved wife of COL?... / 11.11.49 AD / Born at Exeter / on the 24th of -----? / 1823 / aged 26? years.
11B--/03/08- Sacred to the memory / of / HENRY SMITH / who died 23rd July 1845 / aged 22 years / Late----- / ----servant / of / The P. & O. Company Steamer / 'Tilly' ?
11B--/03/09- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Veterinary Surgeon / JAS. CLEAVELAND / Royal Artillery / who died at Hong Kong on the 20th / September 1860 / of illness contracted during the previous / campaign in North China.#2237
11B--/03/10- In loving memory / of / JAI POK PARK / aged 17 years / Son of / Mr. and Mrs. C.J.PARK / Died 15th November 1953. 'Always in our thoughts.'
11B--/03/12- CONSTANTINOS / ATHANASIOU ROUSSOS / Chief Engineer / S.S. 'Eurystheus' / Departed this life / 29th September 1953 / aged 48 / Homeward bound for Greece / A loving husband and Father / deeply mourned.
11B--/03/13- In loving memory of / HALLIDAH ABBAS O'NEILL / Died 13th April 1968 / in Sydney, Australia / age 50 years.
11B--/04/01- In loving memory of / ROSE LOUISE GUIGNARD / Died 29th September 1953 / Fondly loved and deeply / mourned by her sorrowing / husband, children and sisters / 'Grant her O Lord eternal rest / and let light perpetual shine upon her.In loving memory of / GEORGE THEODORE GUIGNARD / Born 2nd September 1884 / Died 30th August 1976 / Beloved husband of the late / ROSE LOUISE / Fondly loved and sadly / missed by his children / 'The Lord bless you / and keep you, dearest Dad'JAMES CHARLES CLARK 17-3-1856 16-8-1910 / Wife / IDA 25-5-1863 24-7-1910 / Infant daughter / LAURA WINIFRED 28-10-1906 28-8-1908
11B--/04/02- Sacred / to the memory of / THOMAS BROWNE / Captain of the British Schooner / "Eagle" / He was a native of Plymouth / England / and was born November 11th 1838 / Died April 23rd 1862, / defending his vessel from an / attack of pirates / Brave in spirit / Gentle in manners, amiable and benevolent / in disposition, / manly and upright in character.#2059
11B--/04/03- Sacred /to the memory / of / SAMUEL JUBB / who departed this life on the / 19th July 1862 / aged 28 years.3 Lines illegible#2542
11B--/04/04- Sacred / to / the memory / of / son of Colour Sergt. GATES? / -- -- 1859 / aged 6 months.
11B--/04/05- In affectionate remembrance of / VICTOR RONALD WATSON SCHOFIELD / (Chinese characters) / Born 28th August 1918 / Died 18th February 1953 / Sadly missed by his sorrowing mother / sisters, brothers and MAK / Sleep on beloved.#10780
11B--/04/06- In loving memory of / NEIL GERRARD / Died 24th January 1953 / aged 43 years.
11B--/04/07- Russian textALEXANDRA NICKOLAEVNA PERKOVAborn 11 Jan 1863 / died 13 Jan 1953
11B--/04/08- SIGVARD DRAGSET / fodt 30-10-1931 / Edoy, Norge / Dod 26-12-1952 / Hong Kong.
11B--/04/09- In memoriam / ELEANOR MASSEY / Wife of / ANDREW JOHN LEACH / Barrister at Law / Born May 28, 1862 / Died January 5, 1887 / 'Simply to Thy cross I cling.'
11B--/04/10- Beneath this stone / are deposited after cremation / the remains of / MATILDA LINCOLN SHARP / who died / full of love to everyone / 22nd August 1893. aged 64.Also / of her husband / GRANVILLE SHARP / who died / at Norwich, England / 16th August 1899. Aged 75 / Both residents of this colony / since book - left page: Founded for "The benefit, / care and happinness of / patients"right page: With heartfelt thanks to / Granville and Matilda / from all staff and those / who have found the light / and help of human / kindness at Matilda / International Hospital / Matilda International Hopsital / Centeneray Year 2007BJ & Co. #6206
11B--/04/11- left side: Lord into Thy hands / In loving memory of ERNEST HAMILTON SHARP. February 8th 1922 / front: Death is the opener / of the Golden Door.right side: "To higher life which goes from more to more."
11B--/04/12- Side 1. Sacred / to the memory of / EMILY ELIZABETH ELLIS / Wife of / Major W.T.ELLIS, 58th Northamptonshire Regt. / Died at Hong Kong 16th January 1888. Aged 35 years.Side 2: 'When Christ, who is our Life, shall / appear, then shall ye also appear / with him in glory."#5036
11B--/04/13- In / loving memory / of / BETTY EVA READMAN / Dearly beloved wife of DEREK / and / devoted Mother of DEBORAH and MIMI / who died on 5th April 1968 / aged 38 years / "To live in the hearts of those we love / is not to die." #11759
11B--/04/14- RACHEL RICHARDS / "always rejoicing" / 1907 - 1962.Gay in her beauty / I saw her once upon a mountainside. / Her hair caressed by sunlight and her feet / kissed the glad grass. Swift eagles dropped / to greet / one like themselves, splendid in youthful pride, / her eyes so full of beauty.I sang with her / a song of loveliness that did not end. / Our life together was a vaulting flame / of exultation, till the evening came / then all the colours of the stars did blend / to light the shadows, with her.Her gift was giving / and all her riches, gladness, warmth and mirth / loving and loved by all,she freely gave / her joyous spirit. So beyond the grave / lives the immortal spreading of her worth / in all her love and giving.Constant as morning / and eager as the wind: I long to raise / her eyes to mine, and here again to see / the secret's of love's timeless ecstasy. / O God, that this may be, that I may gaze / fearless into the morning. / H.U.R.
11B--/05/01- Sacred to the memory / of / ANN SPEED daughter of / the late / Quarter Master Sergt. / of the Royal Horse Guards / (Blue) / who departed this life / on the 8th? of January 1868.
11B--/05/02- ROBERT ADAM / Born 18th April 1892 / Died 1st December 1952.
11B--/05/03- Sacred to the memory / of / JOHN WHITE / who departed this life / 3 lines illegiblealso / DORCAS AMELIA WHITE / Daughter of the above / who died / on the --? day ---? / 1846 / aged 3 Months.
11B--/05/04- IHS / To / loving memory / of / LILIAS ANNE / Beloved wifer of / JOHN THUBURN / Died 14th Jany. 1886 / aged 23.# 4337
11B--/05/05- IHS / In loving memory of / FRANCIS SNOWDEN / Second son of / JOHN SNOWDEN ESQre / of North Petherton, Somerset / Puisne Judge / of H.M. Supreme Court / in this Colony / Born June 29th 1827, / Died April 1st 1883 / "The path of the just is / as----? / shineth--? the perfect.# 4636
11B--/05/06- In loving memory of / PHILIP CAMPBELL AMNESLEY / who died on / the 4th October 1952 / aged 21 years#10758
11B--/05/07- Sacred / to the memory / of / JAMES COLLINS / Gaoler of Hong Kong / who died 7th June 1849 / aged 43 years.Also / ELIZABETH / Relict of JAMES COLLINS / who died on 31st August 1850 / aged 34 years.Requiescat in Pace.
11B--/06/01- YURA ARBUSOFF / Born 11th December 1922 / Died 1st July 1951.2 lines Russian script.
11B--/06/02- Sacred to the memory / of / JOHN ALEXANDER ROSS / engineer ?? illegiblealso / Henry Ross
11B--/06/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / JOHN MILLS (WILLS)
11B--/06/04- Sacred / to the memory of / JAMES A. GATES / of the US Ship / 'Portsmouth' / departed this life on / December 16th 1855/8?#1552
11B--/06/05- Sacred /to the memory /of / T.KIBBLE? WHITE / Formerly of the William Meent? / who departed this life on the / 15 December 18--? / aged 24 years.#2469
11B--/06/06- Sacred / to the memory of / JOHN TREEN / Late boilermaker of the P. & O. Co. / who departed this life / 17th February 1849? / aged 36? years. / Native of Brighton#1917
11B--/06/07- OSMOND NEVILL SMYTH / Drowned in Formosa 1952 / aged 32 years.
11B--/06/08- In / loving memory / of / JOHN S. CARR / Chief Engineer / Born 28th Nov. 1901 / Died 20th Aug. 1952 / R.I.P. / Erected by HAU YUK LIN
11B--/06/09- Captain RALPH BILLEN / In loving memory / beloved husband / of ALICE MARY / Died 12th August 1952.HK Marble Co.#10742
11B--/06/10- EVDOKIA LAVRENTEVNA / LEVAYA / Born 1-3-1871 / Died 11-7-1952 / Russian script (2 lines)
11B--/06/11- # 10736
11B--/06/12- In loving memory / of / MARY TREGILLUS / Born 21st May 1882 / Died 15th June 1968 / A beloved Aunt.Sacred to the memory / of / PAUL TREGILLUS / Born 26th April 1880 / Died 28th April 1907 / A beloved Uncle.#11765
11B--/07/01- In / loving memory/of / PERCIVAL GEORGE BOSWELL / Died 6 July 1951 / aged 46.
11B--/07/02- WILLIAM GORDON HENDERSON / Died 11th November 1951 / aged 24 / Phil. 4 Verse 8 #10692
11B--/07/03- Russian text ZAEG POKOETCYA GRACH ?born Moscow 1866 Jan 7 / died Hong Kong 1982 Dec 8Moses & Co. #10700
11B--/07/04- In / loving memory / of / A. MURRAY SCOTT / Marine engineer / Died 26th January 1952.
11B--/07/05- In memory of / GERTRUDE M. CONE / American Methodist Missionary / who gave twenty-three years / of loving service in China / 1901-1952.
11B--/07/06- In loving memory of / NORMAN JAMES BOURNES / Died 12th April 1952 / aged 60 years.
11B--/07/07- In loving memory / of / FRANK ROBERT HARDY / aged 12 years. / Son of / W. O. and Mrs F. HARDY R.A.F. / Died 17th June 1952 / "Ever in our thoughts."Jesus said, 'Suffer little children / to come unto me / and forbid them not / For such is / the Kingdom of Heaven."
11B--/07/08- In / loving memory / of / HUGH CREIGHTON POPE / Died 27th June 1952 / aged 72 years.
11B--/07/09- In loving memory / GEORGE M. DAVREUX / Born 21st January 1908 / Died 18th March 1968.#11755
11B--/08/01- In memory of / my beloved husband / KENNETH ERSKINE IMRIE / father of DONALD / PENELOPE and TIM. / Born 2nd Oct. 1905 / Died 11th Mar. 1951.
11B--/08/02- Capt. C.C.L. REEDER M.M. / of Plymouth, Devon / Died 30.3.1951 aged 46 / With love from JO and SUZY / R.I.P.# 10643
11B--/08/03- V.S. AKCHOORIN / Born 28th April 1876 / Died 25th May 1951.May God be with you / 3 Lines Russian script. - VASSILY SEMENOVYA AKCHOORIN
11B--/08/04- To the loving care of Almighty God / GWYNETH MARGARET HOCKRIDGE / Died 6th April 1951 / and /RONALD CHARLES THOMAS HOCKRIDGE / Died 2nd July 1954.
11B--/08/05- EMMA MARIE GUNTHER / Born 10-1-1883 Died 16-2.1951 / andCaptain BRUNO GUNTHER / Born 17-9-1874 Died 14-4-1944 / at sea.#10636
11B--/08/06- In / loving memory / of / our dearly beloved / Daddy and Mummy / C.W. QUELCH Born 8th Aug 1877 / Died 21st Dec 1950.M. QUELCH Born 23rd Dec. 1881 / died 10th Aug 1956.#10882
11B--/08/07- In loving memory of / S / LDR. J.F. WILLS, D.F.C. / Died 19th November 1950 / aged 32 years.'So from a summer's height / He came into his peace / The wings have earned their night / and the song may cease.'
11B--/08/08- In loving memory / of / DOUGLAS COURTNAY (DILLY) / Capt. Mercantile Marine / Husband and father / of / PAT and PAM / In Jesus keeping we / are safe and they.
11B--/09/01- In loving memory/of / FRANK CECIL ROBERTS / Born 2nd February 1895 / Died 31st January 1951 / 'Deep in our hearts a memory is kept / of the one we love and will never forget.'
11B--/09/02- In lasting memory of / ALBERT DAVIES / aged 64 years / who died 29th Dec. 1950 / 0n board M.S. 'Nassa' Anglo-Saxo Petroleum Co. Ltd.
11B--/09/03- Deaths in 1859.William Jones, A.B.Robert Moore, S.C.
11B--/09/04- JOSEPH THEOPHILUS CHATER / Born 31st August 1851 / Died 21st October 1886 / 'Thy Will be done.'#4910
11B--/09/05- In memory / of / Captain ROBERT WHERRY / born 24.1.1886 / died 8/9/1966 / and beloved wife / KATHERINE WHERRY / Chinese characters / Born 25.5.1908 / Died 8.10.1970 / Always in our thoughts / JOHN DONALD & MINNIE.
11B--/10/01- In loving memory of / Air CATCHICK PAUL CHATER Kt, C.M.G., L.L.D. / Born 8th September 1846 / Died 27th May 1926.And also of his beloved wife / Lady MARIA CHRISTINE CHATER / Born 6th May 1879 / Died 11th March 193 / 'In God's keeping.'Necropolis Co. London.#9508
11B--/11/01- In lasting memory of / our beloved Mother / OLIVE PAULINE BRAGA / Born 16th January 1870 / Died 13th February 1952 / From her children with deepest gratitude. / JEAN PAULINE BRAGA / Born 23rd June 1896 / Died 1st Feb. 1987 / ANTHONY MANUEL BRAGA / Born 28th Aug. 1907 / Died 9th May 1994.and MARY / her youngest daughter / Born 4th March 1914 / Died 15th July 1965 / CAROLINE MARY BRAGA / Born 19th Dec. 1911 / Died 21st Nov. 1998. / 'In thy Presence is fulness of joy; / At thy right hand there are pleasures / for evermore.'
11B--/11/02- Sacred to the memory of / THOMAS I. ROSE / who died 4th May 1910 / aged 59 years / and/His beloved wife / ELLIE / who died 28th September 1908 / aged 47 years/Peace perfect peace.#7419 #7640
11B--/11/03- Sacred to the memory / of / JOSEPHINE AHERN / who died / August 2nd 1892 / aged 38 years.R.I.P.
11B--/11/04- Sacred to the / everlasting memory / of / my dearly loved husband / JOHN THEOPHILUS BAGRAM / who fell asleep on April 24, 1947 / aged 60 years.Thou art with me.
11B--/11/05- WILLIAM CHARLES GOMERSALL / Born England 26th January 1895 / Died Hong Kong 3rd. July 1960. 'And earth shall have no dominion.'In loving memory of my beloved husband.'Whither shall I go from thy spirit:/Oh, whither shall I flee from Thy presence?/If I ascend up into Heaven, Thou art there. / If I take the wings of the morning, / and swell in the uttermost parts of the sea / Even there shall Thy Hand lead me / and thy right hand shall hold me. / Psalm 139, Verses 7-10.
11B--/12/01- In loving memory of / our dear Mother and Father / MATILDA ALICE ETHEL GRIFFITHS / (TILLY) / who fell asleep on 7th March 1954 / aged 75 years / and / Captain HARRY GRIFFITHS / who fell asleep in England on / 30th December 1949 /aged 76 years/'To live in heartsd of those we / love is not to die.'#10874
11B--/12/02- Chinese charactersIn memory of / Miss AU SHING CHEUNG / Faithful and loyal companion to / Lady Ho Tung for over 40 years.
11B--/12/03- In ever / lasting memory of / EMMA KWAI-CHUNG WONG TAPE / Born 30th May 1874 / Died 30th June 1953 / beloved wife of / BENJAMIN WONG TAPE O.B.E., J.P. / Born 26th December 1857 / Died 16th June 1967.'In Christ we meet again.'ERIC WONG TAPE B.Sc. ENG. / Born 23rd June 1908 / Died 20th May 1984/Beloved husband of / JULIA YUK-NGO WONG TAPE / Born 8th Mar. 1908 / Died 8th Nov. 1988.#10802
11B--/13/01- Chinese characters / Sacred to the / everlasting memory of MARGARET MAK SAU YING / Dearly beloved wife / of / Sir ROBERT HO TUNG / Born 18-5-1865 / Died 7-2-1914.
11B--/13/02- Chinese characters / Sacred to the / everlasting memory / of / Sir ROBERT HO TUNG K.B.E., L.L.D., J.P. / Born 22-12-1862 Died 26-4-1956.
12A--/01/01- In loving memory / of / my beloved son / JOHN COUSINS / Born 9th Oct 1961 / Died 10th Oct 1961.
12A--/01/02- MARION TURNER / 11 Nov. 1955 - 13 Nov. 1955 / Peacefully sleeping
12A--/01/03- ANGELA / infant daughter of / CON?? and Mrs. JOYCE / ---? August 1955 / Peace perfect peace
12A--/01/04- In loving memory of / LESLIE / Beloved son of / LESLIE and MAUREEN JONES / 27 Dec. 1952 - 19 May 1955.
12A--/01/05- In loving memory / of our daughter / JEAN HOTCHKISS / born 8 Jan. 1954 / Died 28 April 1955.
12A--/01/06- Darling PETER / Beloved son of / OLIVE and KEITH BAKER / 1951-1955 / As you were so now always you / will be / A beautiful thought / in our memory.
12A--/01/07- In memory of / NIELS AUGUST JOHANSSON / Died 31st August 1937 / aged 71 years.
12A--/01/08- In / loving memory / of / ALFRED / Dearly beloved husband / of / MAY HICKS / Passed away Sep. 20th 1937 / aged 54 years / Rest in Sleep.
12A--/01/09- ALBERT WILLIE EUGENE DAVIDSON / Died November 5th 1937 / aged 62 years / In loving memory of / DadIn loving memory / of / DONALD DAVIDSON / Beloved husband of JANET DAVIDSON / Victoria B.C. Canada / who gave his life for Hong Kong / 23rd Dec. 1941 / aged 31 years/Good husband, loving father / Faithful friend.
12A--/01/10- DAVID WILLIS / Born 28th April 1892 / Died 14th March 1938/NORA WILLIS / Born 4th July 1888 / Died 1st July 1970 /Rest in Peace.Moses & Co.#9347 #11834
12A--/01/11- In loving memory / of / HENRY FREDERICK WESTLAKE / Died May 21st 1938 / aged 31 years.
12A--/01/12- In loving memory of / WILLIAM THOM / Born 3rd October 1890 / Died 27th June 1938 / aged 48 years/and his wife TAM LIN HING / born 2nd Aug. 1908 / died 18th Aug. 2005 / aged 97 years
12A--/01/13- In loving memory / of / MARY ELEANOR CRONDAHL / The dearly beloved wife of / ANTON KASIMIR CRONDAHL / and mother of / ALEX / Born October 27th 1890 / Died June 30th 19736
12A--/02/01- RUDI / RONALD.
12A--/02/02- WENDY SERCOMBE / Born Jan 8th 1962 / Died March 27th 1962.If thoughts can bring us nearer / then we are never far apart.
12A--/02/03- In / loving memory / of / DOROTHY LILIAN FROST nee GEORGE / who died Dec. 11th 1932 / age 24 years / The Lord gave her rest.
12A--/02/04- In / loving memory / of / AGNES / Beloved wife of / JOHN E. ANDERSON / who died 11th March 1931 / aged 48 years / Her life was one of kindly deeds / Her loving smile brought cheer / She gave a helping hand to all / And we hold her memory dear / A loving wife and mother.# 9216
12A--/02/05- In loving memory / of / a devoted husband / and father / CARL SCHROTER / Died 24th February 1931 / So dear the memory left by you/SCHROTER
12A--/02/06- CHARLES AUGUSTIN FULCHER / Fell asleep / 19th January 1931 / aged 62 years.B.J. & Co.#9201
12A--/02/07- In loving memory of / WINIFRED BARKER / who died 9th Aug. 1928 / aged 54 years / Erected by her stepmother / Mrs KOMA BARKER.B.J. & Co.#9022
12A--/02/08- In / everloving memory / of / ALBERT & ROSE BLYTH / who died April 18th 1928 aged 55 years / and / October 27th 1928 / aged 53 years / Through pain to peace.J.S. Lee & Co.#9033 #9001
12A--/02/09- Capt. DONALD LOGAN / M.C. / Died 17th March 1927 / R.I.P.# 8960
12A--/02/10- In loving memory / of / VON KING STEWART / Born on 19th January 1892 / Passed away on 28th June 1971 / To live in the hearts /of those we love / is not to dieMoses & Co.#11863
12A--/02/11- GEORGE PHILIP LAMMERT / 3-12-1862 - 26-8-39'MOLLY' / MARY ALICE LIDDELL LAMMERT / Born 10th December 1877 / Died 17th September 1926. / The dearly beloved wife / of / GEO. P. LAMMERT.#8899
12A--/03/01- SUSAN ELIZABETH / COUPER / Born 29-1-61 / Died 31-1-61.#11432
12A--/03/02- NEIL JAMES PESKETT / (LITTLE SMILER) / Born 4th July 1961 / Died 10th October 1961 / Be near him Lord Jesus / we ask Thee to stay / close by him foreve / And love him we pray. / Bless all the dear children / in Thy tender care / And fit us for Heaven / to live with Thee there. / Mummy and DaddyMoses & Co. #11475
12A--/03/03- In memory of / JAMES HERBERT BACKHOUSE / who passed away 19th Feb. 1933 / aged 51 years / Rest in PeaceB.J. & Co.#9359
12A--/03/04- In / memory / of / C.F. GEORGE GRIMBLE / who fell asleep 14th Jan. 1933 / in his 65th year / Rest in PeaceJ.S. Lee & Co.#9353
12A--/03/05- In / loving memory / of / MINNIE CAROLINE POTTS / Widow of / Col. J.W.H. POTTS / of New Court, Athlone, Ireland / Died 16th December 1937.
12A--/03/06- In / loving memory / of / RICHARD HENRY HAMSON / Born at Castlemaine, Australia / 1st November 1870 / Died at Hong Kong 14th March 1931 / aged 60 years / His words were kindness, his deeds were love / His spirit humble, he rests above.B.J. & Co.#9216
12A--/03/07- In sacred memory / of / HAROLD EDWARD HENDY / who passed over February 20th 1931 / aged 52 years / In the midst of life
12A--/03/08- Sacred to the memory of / JAMES HENRY WOODIER / Born in Coventry England 30-3-1872 / Died in Hong Kong 30-12-1930 / and his dearly beloved wife / LOUIE / Born 21-9-1891 / Died 5-3-1929.God is almighty and merciful / Erected by G.A.WHK Marble Co.#9194 #10427
12A--/03/09- In / loving memory / of / J.A. STRAUBE / Born 21st Sept. 1851 / Died on 15th Aug. 1828J.S. Lee & Co.#9023
12A--/03/10- To the dear memory / of / WILLIAM THOMPSON / SHEWAN / who passed away / Sept. 9th 1926 / aged 66 years / "Through pain to peace"/and of / his beloved wife / ANN / Died 3rd Nov. 1937 / aged 78 yearsB.J. & Co.#8897
12A--/03/11- Sacred to the memory / of / MAY / the beloved wife / of / K.K. STAPLE / who passed away / 5th July 1926 / aged 38 year / Lo some we loved the lovliest [sic] and the best / that time and fate of all their vintage prest / have drunk their cup a round or two before / and one by one crept silently to rest.B.J. & Co.#8885
12A--/03/12- sacred to the memory / of / LAURA GILLARD / Died 14th December 1956 / aged 70 / Beloved by all/Sacred to the memory of / ARTHUR GILLARD / Died 21st December 1963 / aged 74 / Beloved by all #11110
12A--/03/13- Sacred to the memory of / HENRY GITTINS / Born 18th February 1871 / Died 29th October 1954 / aged 83 / a good man. He put his trust in God.and of / DOROTHY GITTINS / Born 26th March 1878 / Died 5th March 1961.His beloved wife for 61 years / from thier marriage on 19th December 1893HK Marble Co.#11434 #10931
12A--/03/14- In loving memory of / ROBERT GORDON SHEWAN / Merchant for fifty two years / in Hong Kong / where he died on the 14th of February 1934 / in his 75th year / Peace, peace, he is not dead, he does not sleep / He hath awakened from the dream of life.
12A--/03/15- In / loving memory / of / Daddy / JAMES HUNTER / Born 29th November 1874 / Died 8th August 1937.
12A--/03/16- In / loving memory / of / CHARLES D. SULLIVAN / Born 6th May 1880 / Died 10th August 1937Brown & Jones & Co.#9686
12A--/03/17- Hier rust / APOLLONIUS JOHANNES / REYNVAAN / Geb. te Amsterdam 11Juny 1824 / Ges. in Canton 15 July 1866 / Komt tot my / allen die vermoeid zyt.
12A--/03/18- Hier ruht / CLARA ADELHEID ELTZE / Geb te Posen 4 April 1844 / gest in Hong Kong 20 Juny 1866 / Herzlich geliebte gattin von WILLIAM REYNVAAN.Herrdein wille geschehe.
12A--/03/19- In / memory of / ZELIA LEAPH / Died 8th March 1938 / aged 88 years / Rest in Peace.
12A--/03/20- JOHN WILSON / Died 13 May 1938 / aged 25 years
12A--/04/01- Erected by JOSEPH GOULD / in memory of his dearly beloved wife / BLANCHE / who passed on to a sphere of peace / harmony and truth on 26th July 1934 / Rest in Peace, dear Soul.Moses & Co.#9466
12A--/04/02- In loving memory / of / ANNIE RANDALL / Who passed away / 27th Jan. 1935 / aged 57 / I triumph still / if Thou abide with me.Brown & Jones & Co.#9497
12A--/04/03- Sacred to the memory of / JEAN LANDOLT / Born 4th June 1865 / Died 27 January 1935.
12A--/04/04- In / loving memory / of / my beloved husband / ROBIN CHRISTOPHER FARRAR MACGREGOR / July 16th 1916 - November 19th 1969 / Devoted father of KEITH & JOANNA / Forever in our hearts.In loving memory of / JOANNA LOUISE MACGREGOR / Born 14th April 1948 Died 26th February 1999 / Wonderful and caring mother of / JASON and ROBBIE / "Semper in nobis animis"In loving memory of / IMOGEN ANNE MACGREGOR / September 7 1921 - October 21 2002 / Devoted mother and grandmother."Together again forever" #11812
12A--/04/05- In loving memory / of / DOROTHY ANNETTE / SHELTON MACGREGOR / departed this life / 6th June 1965 / aged 76 / and her beloved husband / JOHN FARRAR MACGREGOR / Died 30th Sept. 1968 / aged 82 years / 'Together again.'#11663
12A--/04/06- In / loving memory / of / ELLEN HERCUS / Beloved wife / of / GEORGE MCLEOD / Died / 28th January 1932 / A loving wife and mother.J S Lee & Co
12A--/04/07- NANCY / Beloved daughter of DAVID / and ANNIE MCNEILLIE / Born 10th March 1907 / Died 6th April 1931.And when the sunset gates unbar / Shall I not see thee waiting stand / and white against the evening star / the welcome of thy beckoning handOn the urn: From Quarry Bay Sunday / School Children. B.J. & Co. #9217
12A--/04/08- In loving memory of / COLIN GEORGE MACKENZIE / Born 1st Feb 1890 / died 11th Feb 1931 / Also his beloved wife / HARRIET MARGARET / MACKENZIE / Born 24th June 1888 / Died 29th June 1935#9210, 9559J.S. Lee & Co
12A--/04/09- In loving memory / of / BENJAMIN CUTLER RANDALL / who passed away / 20th sept. 1930 / aged 74.O Thou who changes not / abide with me.In loving memory of ALBERT GATES RANDALL / Born 25th June 1909 / Departed 1943.Brown Jones & Co. #9171
12A--/04/10- In loving memory / of / ALICE B HICKLING / Born November 18th 1876 / Died September 22nd 1928 / Jesus said / "Let us go over unto the other side"BJ & Co. #9029
12A--/04/11- In loving memory of / WILLIAM KNIGHT / Dearly beloved son of / MARY ANN and the late CHARLES KNIGHT / of Walgrove Northamptonshire England / who died March 10th 1927 / aged 37 years 8 months / Until the day breaks.This stone was erected by his / mother sister & brothers.J.S. Lee & Co.#8930
12A--/04/12- In loving memory of / JAMES DANIEL BUSH / Born 1st October 1886 / Died 29th November 1939/VICTORIA MARY BUSH / Born 22nd February 1896 / Died 12th February 1974/'Who brought me hither / will bring me hence. No other guide I seek' / Erected by his loving wife VictoriaWm Nodes & Co. Ltd.#9890 #11917
12A--/04/13- G.M. BILLY LIDDELL / Died 7th December 1974.'Esse quam videri.'
12A--/04/14- In / loving memory / of / BENJAMIN JAMES SPITTLES / Born on the 28th March 1875 / Died on the 7th March 1924 / A good life hath but a few days / but a good name endureth foreverJ.S. Lee#8731
12A--/04/15- iIn loving memory / of / Miss MAY GITTINS / Born 10th December 1883 / Died 5th March 1969 / aged 85 / A beloved Aunt.#11791
12A--/04/16- In loving memory of / AUBREY MAURICE BOWES-SMITH M.M. / who died on 29th September 1935 / aged 42 years / His was the eager spirit of a boy / ever alert to take the joy of life / Within both hands to share it with his friends.B.J. & Co. #9547
12A--/04/17- In / loving memory / of / HELEN / beloved wife of / JOHN RUSSELL / Died in Hong Kong / 6th July 1937 / 'From Death unto Life'on open book - In / loving memory / of / JOHN RUSSELL / Beloved husband / of / HELEN RUSSELL / Died July 25th 1959 / aged 77 / I to the hills will lift mine eyesC.E.W. & Co.#9679
12A--/04/18- In / loving memory / of / SUSAN / Wife of Capt. E.W. LOWSON / Born 11th November 1898 / Died 27th August 1971 / Rest in Peace.#11908
12A--/05/01- In memory of / our beloved Mother / ELIZABETH JESSE BYRNE / Born 17th April 1901 / Died 26th April 1958 / Rest in Peace#11219
12A--/05/02- In / loving memory / of / GEORGE THOMAS MAY / died 14th Feb. 1935 / aged 63 years/and of his beloved wife / ANNIE / Died 23rd Jan. 1941 / aged 68 years.Reunited in god / sleep on Beloved, sleep and take thy rest / Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour's breast / Jesus loves thee beston urn - dear DadB.J.& Co.#9972 #9503
12A--/05/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / BESSIE / Who died 30th October 1934 / aged 43 years. / Beloved wife of / JAMES J. WHYTECEW & Co., HK#9479
12A--/05/04- In loving memory / of / NEIL THOMAS / BEVAN / Died 2nd June 1894 / aged 46 years/also his wife / Mary Antoinnette / died 7th June 1933 / aged 78 years / In God's keeping
12A--/05/05- RIP / Sacred / to the memory / of / JOSEPHINE CALISTA THOM / Died 18th January 1933 / aged 77 yearsBJ & Co.#9356
12A--/05/06- R.I.P. / JOHN OSBORNE / Born 15th May 1858 / Died 30th Oct 1932 / Deeply regretted by his family. / Gone but not forgotten.BJ &Co.#9334
12A--/05/07- In / loving memory / of / WILLIAM WALKINSHAW FOX / Died 27th April 1931 / aged 54 years / and/his beloved wife / MARGARET ORD / Died 19th January 1955 / aged 80 years.On open book: RUBY FOX / 1905 - 1980KITTY FOX / 1899 - 1986WILLIAM A. FOX / 1897 - 1986ANNIE FOX / 1903 - 1994BJ & Co.#10950 #9221
12A--/05/08- In loving memory / of / ARCHIBALD JOHN JEWELL BROCK / Died Dec. 21st 1930 / aged 51 / One of the best/and BEATRICE / Died 31st March 1954 / aged 75BJ & Co.#9190
12A--/05/09- Sacred / to the memory of / JOHN INNES HAZELAND / Died 29th July 1930 / aged 66 years.#8169
12A--/05/10- In / loving memory / of / EDMUND WILLIAM WHITE / who passed away on / Nov. 5th 1928 / aged 46 years/and of / his loving wife / AIMEE / Died 26th Dec. 1947 / aged 60 yearsJ.S.Lee & Co#9037 #10428
12A--/05/11- Peace / In loving memory / of / my beloved wife / and our dear Mum / EVELYN JANE BLISS / who passed away 11th June 1940 / aged 56 years.At rest in the Lord / I H S#9923
12A--/05/12- In / loving memory / of / HAROLD WALLACE PETLEY / who died July 5th 1935 / in his 40th year.CEW & Co. HK#8823
12A--/05/13- ARTHUR RYLANDS LOWE / born at Manchester 22nd June 1873 / Died at Hong Kong 31st May 1924 / In loving memory.CEW & Co. HK#8743
12A--/05/14- In / loving memory / of / THOMAS MICHAEL SPAFFORD / Born August 4th 1849 in Kingston-upon-Hull Yorkshire / Died September 13th 1922 / Erected by his sorrowing wife. R I P J.S. Lee & Co.#8609 Portrait by Sun Ming, Artist in drawing, HK
12A--/05/15- In memory of / ARTHUR SAMUEL CORNELL PLANT / Upper Yangtze River Inspector / of the Chinese Maritime River Customs / The first to command a merchant steamer / Plying on the Upper Yangtze River (1900) / Born at Framlingham Suffolk / 8th August 1866 / Died at sea 25th February 1921.Also in memory of / ALICE SOPHIA PLANT / Captain Plant's wife & devoted companion / throughout his 20 years of toil on the / dangerous section of the Yangtze River / between Ichang & Chung King. / Born 29th November 1870 / died at Hong Kong 28th February 1921. Restored by members of / the Merchant Navy Guild H.K. #8496 #8497
12A--/05/16- In loving memory / of / JAMES VANSTONE / who died / 2nd Jan. 1921 / aged 74 years. / Sleep on dear husband / Thy work is o'er / thy willing hands / shall toil no more / nothing but my adoring heart can say / how i miss thee night and day / forever with the Lord / Erected by his loving wife ROSINA#8481
12A--/05/17- Sacred / to the memory of / MOLLY / Beloved wife of Y. ABBAS / who went to her rest / on 26th Jan 1936 / aged 39 years / A loving wife and devoted / mother sadly missed / Forever with the LordMoses & Co. #9576 #10931
12A--/05/18- In / memory / of / Captain ERNEST WILLIAM LOWSON / Beloved husband of Susan / and / father of ANNIE / who was / born on 15th November 1878 in Dundee / and / passed away on 2nd December 1961 / Rest in Peaceon open book - In life / in death / O Lord / Abide with me.#11478
12A--/05/19- ROSE HUGHES GREAVES / Born 19th Aug. 1887 / Died 21st Apr. 1937.ALEXANDER CLAUDE GREAVES / Born 2nd Nov. 1910 / Died 8th Jan. 1989.Rest in Peace
12A--/05/20- Sacred to the memory / of / CHARLES MANNER? / 3 lines illegible / 'Golden East'? September 7th 1866 ?#1288,
12A--/05/21- In loving memory / of / SUSAN / the beloved wife of / WILLIAM KAILEY / Died 12th February 1939 / aged 58 years / Christ shall lead us when the right shall / cease to the fields of everlasting peace / whne the soul that all the way hath trod / Resteth calm in God.urn - in loving memory of / Susan / from May#9823
12A--/05/22- In loving memory / of / ALBERT JAMES COX / Born 15th April 1877 / Died 15th November 1942 / and/My dearly beloved mother / SOPHIE COX / Born 20th July 1888 / Died 27th May 1966 / Always in my thoughts. and / my dear brothers / RICHARD JAMES COX / Born 15th January 1910 / Died at age 31 years/CHARLES WILLIAM COX / Born 14th November 1915 / Died at age 26 years/Both killed in action in December 1941#10123 #11698
12A--/05/23- In / loving memory / of / ARTHUR EDWARD MOYHING / Born 24th June 1888 / Died 13th Dec. 1937 / Rest in PeaceS. Lee & Co. #9716
12A--/06/01- In / loving memory / of / HENRY JOHN HOWARD / Who died April 26th 1935 / aged 34 years/And his beloved wife / LILY MARY / who died November 19th 1956 / aged 62 years/And their beloved son / RICHARD ARTHUR HOWARD / who died May 4th 1980 / aged 46 years/Louisa A. Lee & Co.#12011 #9521
12A--/06/02- In / affectionate memory / of / THOMAS OSCAR BERNHARD HARMAN / Born Jan 3rd 1872 / Died March 26th 1935 / "Until made beautiful by / love divine / Thou in the likeness of thy / Lord shalt shine"Brown Jones & Co.#9513
12A--/06/03- Sacred to the memory of / CHARLES HERBERT WHITELY KEW / Born in Maryborough Australia / 2nd August 1867 / Died in Hong Kong / 29th September 1934 / aged 67 years.And to his wife / HELENA KEW / Born 15th Apr. 1887 / Died 7th Dec. 1965.
12A--/06/04- In memory of / ELIZABETH EMMA YANG / Beloved wife of Dr. RAYMOND YANG / Born 30th April 1911 / Died 4th Sept. 19577 / Rest in Peacereverse side - Lee Woon Kee#11168
12A--/06/05- In loving memory / of / my beloved parents / JAMES PARSONS BAKER / Died 11th Feb. 1935.and CHOI WAN BAKER / Died 18th Aug. 1919Moses & Co.#9357 #10488
12A--/06/06- In loving memory / of MARY FRANCES WOOLARD GOING / wife of PHILIP H. GOING / Master Mariner / Died September 21st 1932 / aged 57 years / Rest in PeaceJ.S. Lee & Co. #9323
12A--/06/07- In loving memory of / our beloved Mother / MABEL REINERS / Born 16th March 1898 / Died 20th July 1956.#11086
12A--/06/08- In loving memory/WILLIAM FARMER / Born 7th August 1860 / Died 8th december 1930 / Do unto others as you would they should do unto you / that you may live respected and die regretted / as he did
12A--/06/09- In / loving memory / of / EILEEN MARGARET / Died 16th July 1930 / aged 27 years / Beloved wife of CHARLES SIMON ROSSELET.
12A--/06/10- In loving memory of / STARLING JEX / Died 15th April 1943 / aged 50 years.
12A--/06/11- In / everloving memory / of / my beloved husband / CHARLES ERNEST WEBB / Died January 12th 1927 / aged 62 years / "Father in thy gracious keeping / leave we now our loved one sleeping"CEW#8919
12A--/06/12- In loving memory / of / PETER ANGUS / Inspector of the Hong Kong Police / who died July 5th 1925 / aged 51 years/and his son / GEORGE IAN ANGUS / who died on 29th January 1945 / at Nagoya Japan/MATILDA / Wife of PETER / and / mother of GEORGE ANGUS / Died 1st October 1947 / aged 74 yearsCEW#8822 #10417
12A--/06/13- IHS / PETRIE / Sacred to the memory of / LITTIE PETRIE / the beloved wife of / THOMAS PETRIE / Editor, South China Morning Post / who departed this life / on 8th February 1924 / aged 69 years / Peace Perfect Peace.
12A--/06/14- In / loving memory / of / JOHN KERR CAMPBELL McCORQUODALE / who passed away 19th May 1922#8589
12A--/06/15- In memory / of / ALFRED DAVIS / Sub Inspector / Hong Kong Police force / Died / 17th February 1921 / aged 45 years.
12A--/06/16- In / memory / of / LEONARD LE BRETON / who passed away / 22nd of January 1920 / aged 31 years / Till he comeCEW Co. Ltd.#8410
12A--/06/17- In loving memory / of / MINNIE EUNICE MOONEY / Wife / of / the late CHARLES MOONEY / Born 4th June 1869 / Died 16th October 1935 / 'Shall not the Judge / of the earth do right'/MARY CONSTANCE MOONEY / Died 28th March 1946
12A--/06/18- In loving memory / ALFRED PHILIP GREAVES / November 5th 1884 / to / September 24th 1949.
12A--/06/19- front -To the memory of / Twenty two men / and boys / H.M.S. "SYBILLE" / who died on this station / in the years of Our Lord / 1855 - 57/They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any / more: neither shall the sun shine on them / nor any heat.For the lamb which is in the midst of the throne / shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living / fountains of waters: and God shall wipe / away all tears from their eyes.Rev. VII v. 16, 17.
12A--/06/20- In / loving memory / of / my beloved husband / THOMAS LAY / Died 27th September 1936 / aged 41 years / He giveth his beloved sleep / Safe in the arms of Jesus / Safe on his gentle breast / There by his love o'er shadowed / Sweetly thy soul shall rest#9616
12A--/06/21- In / loving memory / of / Captain / WILLIAM BERKELEY HARDINGE / Born 27th Jan. 1850 / Died 28th Sept. 1937 / Here awhile the tired body / to its resting place is borne / To await the last and brightest Easter morn / Always in our thoughts#9698
12A--/06/22- Sacred to the memory / of / LOUISE GIBSON / who departed this life / October 15th 1937 / aged 64 years/.Dear is the grave where our beloved 's laid / Dear is the memory that can never fade / Sweet is the hope that we shall meet / Kneeling together at Our Saviour's feet / Erected by her husband and daughteron urns - to dear Daddy 28-9-37 from your beloved ones Brown Jones & Co.#9703
12A--/07/01- In / loving memory / of / SYDNEY BOULTON / Died 27th April 1939 / aged 65 years/and his wife / EDITH AMY / Died 17th July 1936 / aged 62 years/Loved father and mother of ENID, RUTH & KEITH / 'Raised in glory' / 'I know my Redeemer liveth.'#9533
12A--/07/02- In loving memory / of / BENJAMIN CUTLER RANDALL / who passed away / Feb. 23rd 1962 / aged 63 years / 'Through cloud and sunshine Lord / abide with me.' / In loving memory / of / ADA MABEL RANDALL / who passed away / January 9th 1989 / aged 83 years.Moses & Co.
12A--/07/03- In / loving memory / of / WILLIAM HALL / Born 16th March 1891 / Died 15th July 1934 / Loving thoughts will ever linger / round the place where thou art laid.J.A. & Co.#9480
12A--/07/04- RUBY / Beloved daughter / of / AGNES HOPWAR / Who passed away on / July 31st 1933 / age 39 years / In God's keeping / Our beloved Gran / AGNES MARY HOPWAR / Died 4th August 1945 / aged 77 years.J.S. Lee & Co.#9383
12A--/07/05- In / loving memory / of / FLORENCE / Beloved wife of / W.S. GLENDINNING / who died 28th June 1933 / aged 51 years / God saw the way was getting rough / The hill too steep to climb / He gently closed her weary eyes / and whispered, 'Peace be thine'. J.S. Lee & Co.#9382
12A--/07/06- In / loving memory / of / ALAN GRIFFITHS COPPIN / Beloved husband and father / who passed away on / September 19th 1932 / aged 56 / Dearest Mother / EDITH MAYBELLE / London March 1965 / aged 88/FREDDIE HENNINGSEN / b Peking / d Hong Kong / January 1969#9319
12A--/07/07- In loving memory / of / our beloved Mother / LENA JOHNSFORD CHURN / Born 5th August 1884 / Died 1st May 1940 / and/Our beloved Father / SAMUEL MACOMBER CHURN / Born 22nd March 1887 / Died 27th May 1959 / Always in our thoughts.#11286 #9915
12A--/07/08- In / loving memory / of / "MUMS" / Died 23.2.1936 / Dearly loved Mother of GEORGE & EILEEN HOBBS.#9141
12A--/07/09- In memory of Dr. Frederick Harold Brett Hanna / born on 27th April 1891 / died on 16th February 1962 / aged 71 years
12A--/07/10- Sacred to the memory of / WALTER JAMES LEON FORD / Born 18th September 1878 / Died 14th Jany. 1929/and of his wife / MARY / Born 23rd February 1876 / Died 5th November 1949.B.J. & Co.#9052 #10550
12A--/07/11- In / loving memory / of / my beloved Father / CECIL HYNES LYSON / Born 7th Dec. 1886 / Died 9th Sept 1925/ and / my beloved Mother / VIOLET LYSON / Born 1st May 1888 / Died 9th Nov. 1965 B.J. & Co.#8839
12A--/07/12- PAUL BANKER / Died 13th June 1924 / aged 45 years / Rest in Peace#8749
12A--/07/13- Sacred / to the memory of / GEORGE BANKER / 25th August 1868 - 19th January 1924/MANSFIELD FORRESTER GENEVIEVE BANKER / 7th June 1892 - 25th February 1979 / In thine House forever.J.S. Lee & Co.#8718
12A--/07/14- In loving memory of / SAMUEL EBENEZER GREEN / Died 15th June 1947 / aged 66 years/and also his wife / ELIZABETH GREEN / Died January 14th 1962 / aged 89 years / "Asleep in Jesus"on urn - In memory of / DOUGLAS SAMUEL / GREEN / Born 21st Aug. 1904 / Died 13th Feb. 1963 / Rest in Peace.
12A--/07/15- In Memorium / HORACE ROLAND DYSON / Died / 12th November 1920 / aged 59 years.
12A--/07/16- In / loving memory / of / DENNIS KEBIR MOSS / Born September 13th 1882 / Died April 30th 1920C.E.W. & Co. #8431
12A--/07/17- In / loving memory / of / ARTHUR PERKINS NOBBS / Born at Newport, Isle of Wight / 29th September 1859 / entered into rest 13th May 1918 / For 30 years in the service of / A.S. WATSON & Co. Ltd. Hong Kong / I have blotted out as a thick cloud / thy transgressions and as a cloud / thy sins return unto Me for I have / redeemed thee." / Isiah XLIV 22 / This stone was erected / by his brother CYRIL.C.E.W.#8280
12A--/07/18- In Loved and honoured memory / of / Mr. JAMES SEYBOURNE BAILEY / Shipbuilder and Engineer / Born Dublin 15th April 1853 / Died Hong Kong 27th Dec. 1935 / Founder of the firm of / W.S. BAILEY & Co. Ltd / A good name is rather to be chosen / than great riches and loving favour / rather than silver or goldJoseph S. Lee#9566
12A--/07/19- In loving memory / of / AGNES MURPHY / wife of / E.O. MURPHY / Departed 3rd February 1936 / aged 58 Years / Always in our hearts.Jones & Co.#9581
12A--/07/20- HARRY GARNET JEX / 16th Nov. 1888 / 12th May 1936.Brown Jones & Co#9594
12A--/07/21- In memory / of / WILLIE SANDERSON / Dearly beloved husband / of / JEAN LIVINGSTONE / Died 14th September 1936 / aged 44 yearsBrown Jones & Co.#9613
12A--/07/22- In / loving memory of / JOSEPHINE BLACK / Died Dec. 26th 1936 / age 48 years#9645
12A--/07/23- In loving memory / of / EDWARD / LADBROOK / HURLEY / Died 18th April 1937 / aged 51 years / Erected by his / loving wifeRussian script at bottomBrown Jones & Co.#9684
12A--/08/01- LOELLA CRAWFORD DONALDSON / Born Aug 26th 1868 / Died Aug 26th 1935 / Asleep in JesusMoses & Co.#9539
12A--/08/02- In / loving memory / of / MAY JANE BRAY? / Auntie / who pased on to another sphere / 17th July 1934 / rest in the Lord.J.S. Lee#9461
12A--/08/03- In loving memory / of / Mother / Such was the life thou leadest self abjuring / Thine own pains never easing / Our burdon bearing, our selfishness enduring / A life without self pleasing / ELIZABETH MACKAY / Born 10th June 1877 / Died 8th July 1934 / The Master is come and calleth for theeJ.S. Lee#9452
12A--/08/04- R.I.P. / To the / sacred memory / of / FREDERICK WILLIAM WINYARD / who died on February 12th 1934 / aged 60 years / I am the Resurrection and / saith the Lord he that believeth in me / though he were dead yet shall he liveth / and whosoever liveth and believeth in me / shall never die / St John 11, 25 26.B.J. & Co.#9422
12A--/08/05- Erected by / WILLIAM HENRY BELL / In memory of / his loving and dearly beloved wife / DORA / who passed on to a higher sphere / on 21st November 1933.#9407 D.B.
12A--/08/06- In / loving memory / of / PHYLLIS / The beloved daughter of / PHILIP and GLADYS RATHSAM / Who died on 13th August 1932 / at the age of 17 years/and of her Mother / GLADYS KATHERINE / Born 13th August 1896 / Died 2nd December 1956B.J. & Co.#9813
12A--/08/07- In / loving memory / of / MINNIE HALL / Born 25th May 1914 / Died 21st June 1942 / age 49 years / and / her dearly beloved / Brother STEVE / Died in action 19th Dec. 1941/Loving thoughts will ever linger / round the place where thou art laidJ.S. Lee#10106
12A--/08/08- In memory / of / EDWIN JOHN COTTON / Sub Inspector Hong Kong Police Force / of Ceylon / Died 23rd February 1930 aged 48 years / R.I.P.
12A--/08/09- In loving memory / of / Mum / AILEEN MANNING RAPP / Died 30th August 1942 / aged 63 years / Always in our heartsWm. Nodes#10115
12A--/08/10- In loving memory / of / Our dear husband and father / GEORGE GUSTAV RAPP / born 17th Sept. 1879 / Passed away 8th August 1929 / He who lives in the hearts of those he loves / Is not dead but hath eternal lifeB.J. & Co.#9097
12A--/08/11- In sacred memory of / BOB / Beloved father and husband / HENRY ROBERT STEWART / Born 10th Dec. 1896 / Died 22nd Feb. 1957 / aged 61.
12A--/08/12- In loving memory / of / KARL LUDWIG STUMPF / Born 21 Sept. 1913 / Died 1 May 1987/and / MARTIN LUDWIG STUMPF / Born 12 June 1946 / Died 11 Dec. 1968#11786 #12009
12A--/08/13- Sacred / to / the memory / of / JESSIE TATAM / who died 3rd January 1924 / age 56 years.
12A--/08/14- In loving memory / of our Mother / EMMIE URQUHART / who died on the 10th July 1923 / aged 54 years/and also / of our Father / DONALD URQUHART / who died on the 18th April 1922 / aged 64 years / "To be with Christ which is far better"J.S. Lee & Co.#8664 #8585
12A--/08/15- At Rest / In loving memory / of / ELIZABETH (BETTY) / the beloved wife of / EDWARD (TEDDY) WALKER / who departed this life / on the 5th August 1920/Also / (TEDDY) EDWARD WALKER / the dearly beloved husband of the above / Born 21.12.1883 Died 24.1.1922.#8569 #8451
12A--/08/16- IHS / In / loving memory / of / GEORGE WILLIAM GEGG / Died 8th June 1920 / aged 45 years / Rest in PeaceC.E.W. & Co.#8437
12A--/08/17- In ever loving / memory of / my darling husband / WILLIAM HENRY WOOLLEY / Born 19th March 1872 / Died 14th February 1920 / Them which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. I Thess. 4.14#8420
12A--/08/18- In / loving memory / of / JOHN GEORGE SWANTON / who was / born on 18th April 1879 / and / passed away on 8th December 1938 / Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God /MONA SWANTON / Born 16th February 1924 / Died 24th February 1967#9562 #11727
12A--/08/19- In / loving memory / of / ARTHUR CHARLES MAYCOCK / who passed away / 28th January 1936 / aged 24 years/and his beloved mother / YOSHINO MAYCOCK / Died July 10th 1952 / aged 69 years/And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes / At the going down of the sun and in / the morning we will remember him.#10737
12A--/08/20- PELAGIE EGGE / Gest 21 Marz 1936 / Ruhe in friedenBrown Jones & Co.#9588
12A--/08/21- In loving memory / of / JAMES PHILIP / AIM / Died 27th August 1936 / aged 54 yearsBrown Jones & Co.#9608
12A--/08/22- In loving memory of / ARTHUR SAMY / Born 6th October 1901 / Died 7th September 1972.
12A--/08/23- Sacred to the memory / of / my beloved wife / JOAN KEW / Died 10th April 1937/May she rest in PeaceJoseph S. Lee#9660
12A--/08/24- In loving memory / of / JOHN HENRY MAYCOCK / Born 9th June 1878 / in Chapelizod Dublin / Died 17th January 1954HK Marble Co. #10851
12A--/09/01- IHS / ANITA DALAMADA MOWBRAY JONES / Died 7th July 1958/In loving memory / of my / dearly beloved husband / JAMES MOWBRAY-JONES / Died 28th October 1937 / Rest in peace adored husband / NITA will remember you alwaysBrown Jones#9704
12A--/09/02- In /loving memory / of / DOROTHY / MARGARET GEORGINA WHEELER / who died on Feb. 23rd 1934 / aged 29 years/Also of / PETER ALLAN FREDERICK / who died Dec. 15th 1925 / aged 8 daysBrown Jones#9429
12A--/09/03- In / loving memory / of / my dearly beloved husband / GEORGE WILLIAM MILLAR / Born 27th August 1902 / Died 15th December 1963 / "Till we meet again"/In the memory of / ELLA MILLAR / Born 23 October 1904 / Died 9 April 2000.May they rest peacefully / together once again#11614
12A--/09/04- In / loving memory / of / MAY / The beloved wife / of / CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH RAPP / Born 24th January 1857 / Died 31st March 1932 / R.I.P.J.S. Lee & Co.#9286
12A--/09/05- In loving memory of / HENRY ERNEST SCRIVEN / Beloved husband of / JESSIE FRANCES / and / father of BETTY / Died 15th September 1931 / Thy will be done.
12A--/09/06- In loving memory / of / THEKLA BROTHERTON HARKER / who departed this life / on / the 2nd January 1930 / in her 70th yearB.J. & Co.#9129
12A--/09/07- In loving memory of / our dear Mother / MAY HALL / Died 15th May 1942 / aged 81 years.
12A--/09/08- In loving memory / of our dear Brother / JOSEPH WHITELY KEW / ["JOE"] / Born in Maryborough / Victoria / July 15th 1861 / Died in Hong Kong / August 12th 1929J.S. Lee & Co.#9098
12A--/09/09- In memory / of my dear husband / FREDERICK PIERCE GROVE / May 5th 1920
12A--/09/10- In / memory / of / HENRY PERCY WHITE / Died / 28th February 1929 / aged 66 yearsBJ & Co.#9062
12A--/09/11- MARY STEWART / Born 5th May 1864 / Died 8th July 1942 / Grave No. 10443.WILLIAN (sic) STEWART / Born 1867 / Died 2nd Dec 1928 / Grave No. 8703
12A--/09/12- In ever loving memory / of / our darling mother / CLARA / Wife of the late / WILLIAM HENRY EMBERLEY / of Shanghai / who passed away / on February 4th 1922/Her life was one of kindly deeds / Her loving smile brought cheer / She gave a helping hand to all / and we hold her memory dear / Mother finds her home and Heavenly restCEW & Co.#8570
12A--/09/13- In memory / of / PETER RYVES MARSH / Late Captain/of The West River Service / Youngest son of / the Rev. PETER MARSH / of Ballinaminton / Moate Co. West Meath / Ireland / Born 21st March 1860 / Died 9th May 1920Erected by his loving wife / JOSEPHINE / Sleep on dear husband. Thy work is o'er / Thy willing hands shall toil no more / Nothing but my aching heart can say / How I miss thee night and day / He sleeps to waken to a glad tomorrow/JOSEPHINE MARSH / Died 16th December 1966 / aged 86 yearsCEW & Co.#8435 #11719
12A--/09/14- In memory / of / NEIL LAMMONT / Inspector / Hong Kong Police Force / Died / 23rd September 1919 / aged 49 years# 8385
12A--/09/15- In / loving memory / of / MARY / the beloved wife of / JOHN ROGER / who died 7th July 1918 / aged 43 years / We loved her, yes, no tongue can tell / How dearly, how fondly and how well / Christ loved her too and thought it best / to take her to his heavenly rest#8293
12A--/09/16- In memory of / my dearly beloved husband / EDWARD SNOWDEN-JONES / died November 10th 1935 / aged 42 years
12A--/09/17- In / loving memory / of / ALFRED EDWARD HALL / who passed away on / 22nd January 1936 / aged 46 years / and while he lies in peaceful sleep / his memory we shall always keep
12A--/09/18- In loving memory / of / CHARLES EDWARD LAWRENCE / CRIST / Born December 5th 1906 / Died March 16th 1938 / The eternal God is thy refuge / and underneath are the / everlasting arms.#8586
12A--/09/19- In loving memory / of / GEORGE HALLETT / MADDEN / Died 8th July 1936 / aged 56 years/also of / MICHAEL DESMOND / Beloved son of the above / Died 1 April 1938 aged 11 years and 3 months / In its dawn this fresh young life / waits now until I come / MotherBrown Jones & Co.#9600 #9746
12A--/09/20- In / loving memory / of / CHAU YEUNG / who died December 5th 1936 / aged 77 years / and in affectionate remembrance of her / daughter CHOW WOON YAU who departed / this life Sept. 17th 1913 in her 32nd year / (Exhumed and re-buried here Nov. 16 1975)/WILLIAM JAMES HOWARD / Born 24th October 1903 / Died 15th May 1990both sides - Forever with the LordLouis A. Lee & Co.#9636
12A--/09/21- In loving memory of / WILLIAM MCKENZIE PITTENDRIGH / Died 29th December 1936 / aged 52 years / Gone but not forgottenBrown Jones#9646
12A--/10/01- CHRISTOPHER WALFORD / Age 4 months / December 30 1961 / Suffer little children / to come unto me.
12A--/10/02- Captain / ROBERT F. WITCHELL / Passed away / 24th June 1934 / So little can I say my grief to soften / But I shall think of you in sorrow often / EthelBJ & Co.#9454
12A--/10/03- B.J. DE H. MOORE / died 21-6-54 / aged 38 years.#9452
12A--/10/04- In loving memory / of / WILLIAM EDGAR VAN EPS / Born 31st October 1858 / Died 22nd February 1934.
12A--/10/05- In loving memory / of / ANDREW WILLIAM MILLAR / who passed away on / 11th Jan 1934 aged 65 years/and of / LUCY MILLAR / who passed away / 6th Dec. 1935 aged 61 years/And while they lie in peaceful sleep / their memory we shall always keepJ.A. & Co.#9414 #9561
12A--/10/06- In / loving memory / of / LENA FINCHER / Born 17th April 1872 / Died 12th March 1932/and / WILLIAM FRANCIS FINCHER / Born 11th April 1866 / Died 31st July 1938 / sleep on beloved and take thy restCEW & Co.# 9768 # 9279
12A--/10/07- Sacred / to the memory / of / JOHN JOHNSTON / who died / 20th November 1931 / aged 57 yearsJ.S. Lee & Co.#9255
12A--/10/08- Sacred / to the memory / of / EDWARD MATTHEWS / of Marlborough Wiltshire / Captain of ship "Mystery" / who departed this life 1st January 861 / aged 51 years / erected as a token of esteem by his friends
12A--/10/09- Sacred to the memory / of / PETER M. MCLINTOCK / late engineer of SS Lanceman? / A native of Glasgow / who departed this life at Hong Kong / on the 18th June 1862 / aged 41 years / This stone was erected by a few friends / as a token of regard / 4 lines illegible
12A--/10/10- Sacred / to the memory / of / EDWARD MARSH / the late ?? / who died February 23rd. 1861 / aged 26 years / 4 lines illegible / this sstone is erected as a mark of their esteem / by his messmates
12A--/10/11- In memory / of / JOHN PETER SOMERVILLE / Master Mariner / who died 13th June 1929 aged 72 / A fine seaman and a good comrade#9081
12A--/10/12- In / ever grateful memory / of / DAVID HARVEY / who died 10th March 1929 / aged 54 years/and / JANET HARVEY nee MASON / who died 23rd December 1932 / aged 55 years / A loving father and mother / Safe in the hands of Jesus / sweetly their souls shall rest/Erected by the Members of /the Kowloon Bowling Green ClubW.S.Lee & Co.#9063 #9346
12A--/10/13- Sacred / to the memory / of / GEORGE FREDERICK ALLEN / Died / 25th October 1923 / aged 55 years / In life in death O Lord / Abide with me#8695
12A--/10/14- In / affectionate memory / of / HARRY WILLIAM DICK / who died / 7th January 1922 / aged 61 years / Erected / by several of his Hong Kong Chums / From his sorrowing widow, / 'God saw he needed rest and so he gently closed / his eyes until the morning'#9567
12A--/10/15- A P TIRBAK /Russian characters/5-6-1884 - 8-5-1942# 10849
12A--/10/16- B.I. LEVKOVICH / Russian script / 27.1.1888 - 17.12.1944
12A--/10/17- FRANCIS ANDREW PIESSE / Born 1st November 1871 / Died 18th November 1918 / Sleep on dear husband. Thy work is o'er / Thy willing hands shall toil no more/Nothing but my aching heart can say / How I miss thee night and day / He sleeps to waken to a glad tomorrow / Erected by his sorry wife, MARY.CEW & Co. HK#8315
12A--/10/18- In loving memory of / my beloved husband / EDWARD CECIL VAGG / of Greenwich England / Born 13th February 1892 / died 31st July 1964 / Rest in Peace/and of his wife / SAU CHING / Died 10th February 1976 / aged 78 years#11642
12A--/10/19- In / loving memory / of / JOYCE ADYE / wife of GEOFFREY MISKIN / Born 24th Sept. 1903 / Died 9th Jan. 1936J.S.LEE & Co.#9569
12A--/10/20- Sacred / to the memory / of / ANNIE BERTHA / SANDERSON SMITH / Died 9th March 1936 / aged 41 years.Brown Jines & Co.#9594
12A--/10/21- In loving memory / of / ROSINA WILSON CRAY / Beloved wife / of / DUNCAN TOLLAN / Died 20th June 1936 / aged 58 years / In our garden of loving memories / you will always be in bloomBorown Jones & Co.#9595
12A--/10/22- In loving memory of / Captain / 'TAFFY' / GRIFFITH HUGHES / WILKINS / Born 22nd Feb. 1880 / Died 2nd Dec. 1936 / Russian script / Erected by his loving wifeBrown Jones & Co.#9635
12A--/11/01- WILLIAM DRYDEN / Born 22nd January 1876 / Died 16th June 1934CEW & Co. HK#9451
12A--/11/02- Blessed are the pure in heart / In everlasting memory / of / GEORGINA / Dearly loved wife / of / P.E. FREDERICK STONE / Born March 5th 1866 / Fell asleep May 8th 1934 / Loving and so dearly loved / ?? always with us
12A--/11/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / JAMES JOHNSTONE / Age 64 years / who departed this life / on February 12th 1934 / His memory lingers with us / always / ADELINE BLANCHE THELMA #9923#10707
12A--/11/04- In / loving memory / of / EDWARD LAWRENCE STAINFIELD / Died 1st February 1934 / aged 44 years / In Christ shall all be made alive / Erected by his wife and daughterJ.S. Lee & Co.#9421
12A--/11/05- In loving memory / of / EDWARD CHARLES FINCHER / M.B.E. E.D. / Born 30th March 1902 / Died 10th October 1969.# 11806
12A--/11/06- In / loving memory / pf / CHARLES WILLIAM WARD / Born 8th May 1865 / Died 29th November 1931 / aged 66 years / R.I.P. / Erected by his sorrowing wife and family#9257
12A--/11/07- In loving memory / of / Capt. / WILLIAM COOPER PASSMORE / Died 2nd February 1931 / aged 70 years/He bringeth them unto the haven / where they would be. / Ps. 107.30BJ & Co.#9206
12A--/11/08- In / loving memory / of / GEORGE WILLIAM / CADE BURNETT / Died / 1.1.1930 / and / CAROLINE ELIZABETH / GRACE BURNETT / Died / 1st January 1930.
12A--/11/09- In / loving / memory / of our / dear Mother / JANE BENSON / who passed away / 29th October 1929 / aged 75 years /Rest, dear Mother, thy task is o'er / thy loving hands shall toil no more / no more those gentle eyes shall weep / rest, darling mother, gently sleepJ S Lee & Co.#9115
12A--/11/10- In / memory / of / EDWARD MIDGELY / Born 1st January 1865 / Died 4th August 1929 / aged 64 / Blessed are the pure of heart / for they shall see GodB J & Co#9096
12A--/11/11- In / memory / of / AGNES ADAMSON HANSEN / Died 15th June 1929 / aged 59 years / A loving wife and mother / we commit her into thy keeping o LordJ.S. Lee & Co.#9083
12A--/11/12- In / loving memory / of / ANNA ABRAHAM / Died 20th March 1929 / aged 80/KATHLEEN (ABRAHAM) SEYER / Died 23rd November 1965 / aged 78 / Rest in PeaceB.J. & Co.#9068 #11677
12A--/11/13- In / memory / of / JEHU CONSTANT / ROSSELET / Born in Fleucher / Switzerland / May 15th 1853 / Died in Hong Kong / July 14th 1923 / At Rest / To his beloved wife / MARY / Died 18th Nov. 1942 / aged 82 years
12A--/11/14- Sacred to the memory / of / Mrs. MARY FORD / Chinese / died 8th July 1939 / aged 45 years / and E.S. FORD / The Lord giveth / and the Lord taketh away / Blessed be the name of the Lord.#11339#9854
12A--/11/15- In loving memory of / our dear Mother / SELINA ELLIOTT LONG / who died 11 Sept. 1921 / aged 68 years / I fought a good fight/and / in loving memory of / our dear Brother / FRANK / who died at Yuinanfu? / 30th August 1929 aged 50 / At rest/LONG
12A--/11/16- Sacred / to the memory of / Bernard Balantine / dearly beloved husband / of / Jessie Scott Ballantine / who died 13th July 1918 / aged 48 yearsCEW & Co. Ltd.#8857
12A--/11/17- Sacred / to the memory / of / R. LINDBLOM / who died 14th February 1919 / aged 51 years / Gone but not forgotten/and of his wife / ROSE / Died 24th October 1949 / aged 80 years
12A--/11/18- In loving memory / of / THOMAS GIBBISON / Died 25 Nov. 1925 / aged 63 years/also of / ANNIE GIBBISON / Beloved wife of the above / Died 14 Sept. 1938 / aged 72 years / Loved by JOHN, JOSEPH & / THOMAS / Abide with MeBrown Jones#8855 #9781
12A--/11/19- Sacred / to the / memory of / Sergt. EDWARD PRITCHARD / Royal Artillery / who died on the / ------illegible / aged 30? years.
12A--/11/20- Sacred / to the memory of / FRANCIS CHARLES JOHN CRAICOE / JENKIN K.C. / Born 22 April 1883 / Died 4 March 1936Brown Jones & Co.#9583
12A--/11/21- In happy memory / of / CHARLES BULMER JOHNSON / Born at / Teddington-on-Thames / 7th February 1885 / Died in / Hong Kong / 16th June 1936Brown Jones & Co.#9597
12A--/11/22- In loving memory / of / ARTHUR POONOO SAMY / Died 14th Nov. 1936 / aged 62 years/and - his wife / AMY / Died 16th November 1950 / aged 69 years /Rest in Peace#9631 #10619
12A--/11/23- In / loving memory / of / GEORGE / FREDERICK HUTTON POTTS / Born April 16th 1864 at Bedale / Died January 4th 1937 at SwatowBrown Jones & Co.#9649
12A--/12/01- CHRISTINA ELTRINGHAM / One day old / Born 18th Sept. 1958 / You were our dearest wish / Mummy and Daddy.
12A--/12/02- In loving memory of CAROL / Only child of Mr. & Mrs. STAFFORD / Died 7th Oct 1959 / aged 2 months / Suffer little children to come unto me.
12A--/12/03- ELENA REPIN / Died 22 October 1959 / aged 3 months.#11323
12A--/12/04- JOHN / Infant son of MARY & VIGGO BAKKEN / Died Nov. 8th 1959.
12A--/12/05- BRIAN PATRICK SHAW / Born 12-8-1960 / died 14-8-1960.
12A--/12/06- ALISON LOUISE CURZON / Baby daughter of / AUDREY & FRANK / Died 4th July 1960 / aged 11 months / So loved#11370
12A--/12/07- In / loving memory / of our son / GEORGE SUTHERLAND IRELAND / Born 4th August 1957 / Died 24th March 1960/He liveth / still within / our hearts, / Beloved and / unforgot / from / Daddy and Mummy #11348
12A--/12/08- In memory / of / PETER EDWARD MILLS / Died June 26 1980 / aged 17 months.
12A--/12/09- In loving memory of / KENNETH STEVEN FENWICK / aged 3 / From Mummy and Daddy#11367
12A--/12/10- In / loving memory / of / MARY ELIZABETH FORSTER / Died 24th September 1960 / aged 16 days / A ray of sunshine.
12B--/01/01- In loving memory / of / JACQUELINE MAVIS / Beloved daughter of / Mr. & Mrs. W. A. RUSSELL / Died 5th April 1939 / aged 3 years & 5 monthsBrown Jones & Co.
12B--/01/02- In / sacred memory of / Ronald ... illegible
12B--/01/04- Our MARION/1955
12B--/01/05- In loving memory / of / PETER / Infant son of / RHODA and ARTHUR CLARKE / Born 15th September 1940 / Died 8th September 1940Brown Jones#9943
12B--/01/06- In / loving memory / of / DANIEL / Infant son of / HENRY & DOROTHY GITTINS / Who died on / 16th August 1903 / aged 10 days / "In God we trust"#6740
12B--/01/07- In memory of / our loving son / SIDNEY LAW / SIDNEY RHEINISCH (sic) / Died 27th March 1943 / aged 9 months
12B--/01/08- In / loving / memory / of / MICHAEL BENTHAM / Born / 14th July / Died / 20th Dec. / 1949 / R.I.P. / Suffer little children / to come unto me#10538
12B--/01/09- JOHN WALLACE ARNOLD CHIDELL / who died on / 13th September 1951 / aged 4 days.
12B--/01/10- In memory of / PAUL / son of JUNE & NORMAN BENNETT / 1st September 1953.
12B--/01/11- JOSEPHINE RYRIE GREAVES / Born 15th May 1855 / Died 3rd July 1942 / aged 87 years / Rest in Peace
12B--/02/01- TIMOTHY JOHN LAMB / 13th July 1938 - 24th Dec. 1939.
12B--/02/02- In loving memory / of / GORDON ALBERT REGINALD KEW / Born 8th January 1932 / Died 2nd January 1940 / From his loving Mummy and GEOFFREYWm Nodes Ltd#9894
12B--/02/03- MARY LOUISE / HAYNES / Died 30th July 1949 / aged 17 MonthsWm Nodes Ltd.#9936
12B--/02/04- In / loving memory / of / SUSIE SAHMET.
12B--/02/05- In loving memory of / my daughter / ELSIE GABY / Born 25th May 1933 / Died 19th June 1941.
12B--/02/06- In loving memory / of / FREDERICK ZIMMERN Jr. / Died 8th September 1948#10466.
12B--/02/07- In memory of our beloved daughter / PENELOPE ANN WILLIAMS / Born 30-7-49. Died / 19-4-50#10560
12B--/02/08- In loving memory / of / JONATHAN BREEN RYDE / Born 8th May 1951 / Died 22nd December 1951HK Marble Co.#10696
12B--/02/09- In memory of / ROLFIE STORM ERDMANN / Born 23rd December 1952 / Died 23rd October 1953.
12B--/03/01- Sacred to the memory / of / GEORGIE / Dearly beloved son of / FRED & MARY WINYARD / Died 12th July 1931 / age 4 years & 3 months / Gone but not forgotten / R.I.P.J.S. Lee &Co.#9229
12B--/03/02- In / loving memory / of / RONALD ARTHUR / KENT / Born 27th Dec. 1931 / Died 13th May 1932 / Ever in our heartsBrown Jones & Co.#9294
12B--/03/03- Baby boy / SHAHAN / March 14th 1973.
12B--/03/04- MARY RUTH HIGGS / Died 25th Feb. 1935 / aged 4 days / Death is the beginning / ... illegible
12B--/03/05- Laat de kinderken in--- mit komen / JANE FRANCIS NIJHOFF / 21 Maart 1935.
12B--/03/06- In loving memory / of / DAVID BRIAN / Infant son of / ELIZABETH & DAVID WILSON / Born 13th January 1936 / Died 11th November 1936Louis A Lee & Co.#9926
12B--/03/07- In / loving remembrance / of / JOHN VICTOR Jnr. / the son of / ELEANOR & JOHN MARDEN / Born 23rd December 1933 / Died 13th November 1936Brown Jones & Co.#9629
12B--/03/08- In / loving memory / of / JOAN / Darling daughter of / ROY & EDITH READ / Born Feb. 1st 1932 / died June 5th 1937 / With a cheeky smile and a wave of the hand / she wandered into an unknown land / and left us dreaming how very fair / it needs just be since she lingers there.
12B--/03/09- In / loving memory / of / DAVID GRINDLEY / Beloved son of / Sgt. & Mrs. GRINDLEY / Died 1st July 1937 / aged 6 1/2 months / Forever in our thoughtsBrown Jones & Co.#9676
12B--/03/10- In loving memory / of / Mr. W.M. FUNNELL / Born 19th December 1888 / Died 21st September 1956 / R.I.P.
12B--/03/11- In loving memory / of / MARLENE GLYNN / daughter of / Sgt & Mrs. BEDWARD / 1st Middlesex Regiment / Born April 27th 1937 / Died Feb. 25th 1938#9731
12B--/03/12- in / loving memory of / GEORGE FORDER / Died 8th September 1956 / aged 64 years / He giveth his beloved sleep#11094
12B--/03/13- In loving memory of / JAMES PORTER ROBINSON / 3 October 1873 / 5 July 1951/FLORENCE MARY ROBINSON / 17 November 1884 / 21 October 1954 / In his Presence is the / fullness of joy
12B--/03/14- In / loving memory / of / TIMOTHY JOHN WARD / STOKES / Born 24th ? 1939 / Died 2nd December 1939 / Save for yourself treasures in Heaven for where your treasure / there will your heart be alsoBrown Jones & Co.#9818
12B--/03/15- ? Young Jr. illegible
12B--/03/16- RICHARD / ALFRED HILL? / Son of / Mr. J.R. HILL / illegibleon urn - Richard Hill #9867Louis A Lee & Co
12B--/03/17- JES - NICOLAI PETER / JESSEN / Born 10.6.39 / Died 30.10.39Brown Jones & Co.#9882
12B--/03/18- Our TOMMY / In / loving memory / of / THOMAS CHARLES IENT / Son of Sergeant & Mrs. A.V. IENT Royal Signals / Hong Kong 1940 / who passed over on 21st February 1940 / aged 6 years and 10 months#9806
12B--/03/19- In loving memory / of / JEANETTE LETTICE BRENDA / Beloved daughter / of / PERCY & ROSE LARKEN / Born 18th November 1832 / Died 29th December 1940 / Ever in our thoughts#9969
12B--/03/20- In loving memory of / HEATHER ANN BIDDLE / Born 7th October 1944 / Died 15th February 1945 / The Lord giveth. / The Lord taketh away. / Blessed be the name / of the LordWm Nodes Ltd.#10343
12B--/03/21- In loving memory of / ISOBEL / Infant daughter of / JEAN & NORMAN LITTLEJOHN / Born 4th Feb. 1948 / Died 10th April 1948Wm. Nodes & Co#10444
12B--/03/22- In loving memory of / Infant Daughter / Mr. & Mrs. W.V. BAKER / Born 8th August / Died 14th August 1950#10600
12B--/03/23- Terry Dot / In loving memory / of our darling daughter / THERESA DOROTHY PAGET / whom God gave to us in Arlington Va. 1st Feb. 1945 / who returned to God in Hong Kong 5th Nov. 1950Wm Nodes & Co.S#10616
12B--/03/24- In / loving memory / of / CHRISTINE JANE BENNETT / Born Oct 10th 1951 / Died May 2nd 1952.
12B--/03/25- In memory of / SUSAN POTTER / Died 17th February 1954 / aged 3 years / and 10 months / grave no. 10860
12B--/04/01- Wee / GEORGIE / Darling little son of / Drum-Major / and Mrs JOHNSTON / Asleep with Jesus / 30th July 1931 / aged 4 years and 4 months / Now no sigh of anguish sore / heaves that little bosom more.
12B--/04/02- Suffer little children / to come unto me. / JUNE / The beloved daughteer / of / PERCY & LILY FOREMAN / Born June 7th 1932 / Died June 8th 1932B J & Co. Ltd.#9298
12B--/04/03- In loving memory of / ANNE MARGARET KENT / Born 9th September 1906 / Died 1st March 1970/JAMES ARTHUR KENT / Born 13th July 1903 / Died 12th May 1983 / Forever in our hearts.
12B--/04/04- In loving memory / of / BESSIE MILLAR WHYTE / Born 17th July 1898 / Died 4th Sept. 1962#11536
12B--/04/05- In loving memory of / ALBERT BRINDLE / Born 17-5-1904 / Died 23-4-1964/Chinese characters - born 1913-7-12 / died 1972-3-6
12B--/04/06- In loving memory / of / JAMES (WEE JIM) / Beloved infant son / of WILLIAM & MARION BARCLAY / Born 28th August 1932 / Died 27th October 1936 / Alive for evermore.
12B--/04/07- In / loving memory / of / COLIN / the beloved son of / GEORGE & ELEANOR LEAN / Born May 1st 1935 / Died November 11th 1936 / Forever in our thoughtsJ S Lee & Co.#9627
12B--/04/08- In / loving memory / of / NORMAN / beloved son of / GEORGE & ELEANOR LEAN / Born July 12th 1933 / Died November 13th 1936 / Forever in our thoughtsJ S Lee & Co.#9630
12B--/04/09- G.E.STEWART / Born 3rd February 1898 / Died 20th Oct. 1941 / Grave no. 10020
12B--/04/10- In loving memory of / LUCY GOODRIDGE / Died 14th July 1950 / and / her sister / MARY JANE DRUDE / Died 31st December 1958 / Rest in peace.
12B--/04/11- In / loving memory / of / DANIEL CHARLES FREDERICK / dearly beloved son / of / ERNEST & LILIAN CLEMO / Born 6 September 1937 / Passed away 13th June 1938 / "Safe in the arms of Jesus"Louis A Lee & Co.#9755
12B--/04/12- Sacred / to the memory / of Sonny Boy / WILLIAM / Born June 10 1937 at Bagshay India / Died Sept. 10th 1938 in Hong Kong / Beloved son of / Sergeant & Mrs. ? Marshall / of the Royal Scots. ... illegible
12B--/04/13- In / loving memory / CHARLES HENRY / son of Mr. & Mrs. C C SIMPSON / Born 2nd March 1939 / Died 3rd March 1939 / Suffer little children / to come unto me.
12B--/04/14- In sacred memory / of / Rosemary Wendy Long / born 9 ? 1939 / died 10 ? 1939
12B--/04/15- From Mummy and Daddy of / COLIN PETTIT / Born 19th Dec. 1939 / Died 10th May 1940 / Night night, son.Brown Jones & Co.#9917
12B--/04/16- In loving memory / of / MADELEINE MAY / Beloved daughter of / Mr. & Mrs. J. TAYLOR / Born Bulford 28th March 1950 / Died Hong Kong 20th June 1951 / "Asleep in the arms of Jesus"#10656
12B--/04/17- In loving memory / of / SARAH ANNE WILKINSON / Died July 1951 / aged 4 yrs 10 months.
12B--/05/01- In / loving memory / of / ROBERT ERNEST / only son of / Lieut. & Mrs A E BOOTH R.A.S.C. / Died 9 June 1932 / aged 7 years 7 months / Gentle Jesus meek and mild / Look upon this little child.
12B--/05/02- Suffer little children / to come unto Me / FRANKLYN / Dearly beloved infant son / of / FREDK & LAVON SIMONSEN / Born 4th Nov. 1934 / Died 4th Nov. 1934/FREDERICK SIMONSEN / born 8th Sept. 1903 / died 14th May 1979
12B--/05/03- In loving memory of / KATHERINE JOYCE BECKER / Born 16th November 1934 / died 21st April 1935 / and GLORIA AUDREY BECKER / Born 13th March 1939 / Died 12th February 1942 / Safe in the arms of Jesus.
12B--/05/05- In memory of / JOHN ERNEST LYNN / Died 16th October 1962 / aged 43 years/Erected by Miss M. VUN#11546
12B--/05/06- In / loving memory / of / PURNELL / KAN YAT CHING / Darling son of / Mr. & Mrs. KAN YING PO / Born on 23rd April 1928 / Died on 13th April 1937/Forever in our thoughtsJ S Lee & Co.#9661
12B--/05/07- ROY FRANK / Son of Mr. & Mrs. C. C. TAYLOR / 7th Jan. 1938 - 9th Jan. 1938.
12B--/05/08- In ever-loving memory of our /STEPHEN BERNARD TOPHAM / Born 13th October 1953 / Called away on / 21st December 1954 / May the heavenly breeze blow softly / O'er this sweet and hallowed spot / Although distant seas divide us / Darling you'll never be forgot / Mummy and Daddy
12B--/05/09- In / memory of / ROSIE / who passed away on 23.4.1954 / aged 8 months.
12B--/05/10- Darling KIM / June 1934.
12B--/05/11- In loving memory / of / PHILIP THOMAS MAYNE / Born 31st May 1953 / Died 21st June 1954.
12B--/06/01- Wee Cockin / Sacred to the memory of / SADIE / Beloved daughter of / Sgt. & Mrs. WILLERTON / Died 4th Nov. 1931 / Aged 8 years and 11 months / Not gone from memory nor from love / But to her Father in Heaven above / Asleep in Jesus.
12B--/06/02- WILLIAM HUNTER / Born January 26. 1904 / Died May 24. 1962/LILLY HUNTER /Born February 28 1911 / Died December 22 1981/God giveth God taketh / Rest in Peace#11511 #11986
12B--/06/03- In / loving memory / of / SHIRLEY / Baby daughter of / MOLLY & JOHN JENKINS / Born 25th Sept 1934 / Died 28th Sept 1934.
12B--/06/04- In loving memory of / GERTRUDE BECKER / Born 4th June 1884 / Died 8th November 1945 / Always in our thoughts.
12B--/06/05- KONRAD MARTIN FISCHLE / 15 July 1934 / 13th Sept. 1936 / In frieden Gottes / Jesus lebet. Jesus siegt / Halleluja AmenJ S Lee & Co#9612
12B--/06/06- In / loving remembrance / of / JOHN / Darling son of / Capt. & Mrs BECK / Born 22nd November 1924 / Died 13th November 1936 / In Jesus' arms.
12B--/07/01- In loving memory / of / PETER PLUMBLY / Born 31st October 1925 / Died 19th January 1963#11561
12B--/07/02- In everloving memory of Mum / JENNIE WILSON / Born 3rd May 1882 / Died 27th April 1963/on wedge - In loving memory of JOHN#11578
12B--/07/03- LILIAN YVONNE / Daughter of Corporal & Mrs. E. GOODFELLOW / and E. Lan. Regt. / Born 4th May 1935 / Died 8th July 1935. 2 lines - illegible
12B--/07/04- In / loving memory / of / WALTER / the loving son of / MARY & WILLIAM WHITE / 22nd July 1936 / Suffer little children / to come unto me.Brown Jones & Co.#9603
12B--/07/05- ZOUBOK / TAMARA BORISOVNA / Born 11-5-1949 / Died 23-6-1962illegible
12B--/08/01- Buba / HAMILCAR ALEXANDER CERS / 9 September 1925 / 25 Dezember 1931 / Den andenken unseres lieben Buba / und / seiner beiden kleinen Geschwisterchen / Ruhe sanft in fremder Erde#9263 #9265 #9328
12B--/08/02- In loving memory of / WILLIAM THOMAS MANLEY / Born 15th June 1893 / Died 20th Jan 1980/on wedge - Also / GEOFFREY / Died in Yang Chow / 3rd. Sept. 1945.
12B--/08/03- TIMOTHY DENYS REISS / son of / DENYS & ELIZABETH REISS / Died Nov. 13th 1933 / aged 7 months / Blessed are the pure in heart.
12B--/08/04- In / loving memory / of / DOROTHY / Beloved daughter of / Mr. & Mrs A. BLYTH / Died 10th Sept. 1934 / aged 3 months.
12B--/08/05- In / loving memory / of / BRIAN / Beloved son of Sgt. & Mrs. I.A. WILSON R.A.M C. / Born Jan. 1935 / died May 1935.
12B--/08/06- In / loving memory / of / DAPHNE ALICE / PETERS / Born 24th March 1928 / Died 13th July 1936 / 'Suffer little children / to come unto me.'
12B--/08/07- In / loving memory / of / MAE OLLA ATTAWAY / Born May 14th 1932 / Died Feb. 2nd 1933 / Forever in our hearts.
12B--/09/01- In loving memory / of / JAMES HENRY / Son of / Sergeant & Mrs GRANT ... illegible
12B--/09/02- In memory of / GERTRUDE MADELEINE RAPHAEL / December 12th 1894 February 8th 1970 / Dearly beloved mother of PATRICIA SEPHTON / Grandmother of Pan and our friend / The real memorial to the dead is in the heart / of the living. We will always remember
12B--/09/03- In loving memory of / NIKOLAY EFINOVICH / MAKARENKO / Born 30.8.1916 / Died 25-1-1966 / Rest in Peace.
12B--/09/04- MIHAIL YAMSHANOV / Died 5th June 1962 / aged 45 years.
12B--/09/05- DAVID / beloved son of ..... illegible
12B--/09/06- In / loving memory / of / GERALD DAVID / Beloved son of / ELAINE & HAROLD LEYDEN / Died January 18th 1936 / aged 2 years 3 months.also his brother / PHILIP DENIS / 4.11.30 - 8.4.1931/Suffer little children to come unto me
12B--/09/07- 1891 - 1953 / HENRY HUTCHISON LENNOX / O.B.E., M.C. / Beloved husband of / DOREEN / Died 10th March Hong Kong.
12B--/10/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / MICHAEL / Dearly loved son / of / K. & DAPHNE / ? / June 22nd 1934 / aged 8 years / Cut down / like a flowerB J & Co.#9453
12B--/10/02- In loving memory of / RAYMOND ERNEST FOX / Died 7th September 1985 / aged 7 years / R.I.P.
12B--/10/03- MARY / Daughter of Lieut. & Mrs. A.W. LORENA / Died in infancy Dec. 27th 1935 / May she rest in peace.
12B--/11/01- In loving memory of / --- / Sergt. & Mrs E. ? / Died March 25th ? / aged ? weeks.illegible
12B--/11/02- Safe in the arms of Jesus / In loving memory of / PHILIP EDWARD / Darling son of Mr. & Mrs. E.G. POST / Died 17th May 1933 / aged 11 weeksB J & Co.#9372
12B--/11/03- In loving memory of / my beloved husband / PAVEL IOSSIFOVICH / KOTT / Born 1-3-1904 in Harbin / Died 1-3-1966 in Hong Kong / Thy will be doneMoses & Co.#11684
12B--/11/04- In loving memory of / HELEN / Beloved daughter of / Mr. & Mrs. A.W. INGRAM / Died June 1st 1934 / aged 11 years 11 months / With Christ which is far betterB.J. & Co.#9447
12B--/11/06- C.M. TRICKETT / (Chinese characters) / In loving memory of / my dearly beloved wife / PING / Laid to rest 11th Sept. 1966.
12B--/11/07- FREDDIE / Asleep / son of C.M.S. EATON R.E. / aged 3 years & 8 months.
12B--/11/08- SELANDA ANNE / Dearly loved daughter / of / NOEL & FRANK KISTNER / Died Easter Sunday 1937 / aged 5 months / "Age shall not weary her / Nor the years condemn"Brown Jones & Co.#9659
12BV-/05/04- In / loving memory / of / WINIFRED / PATRICIA MARY / dearly beloved daughter of / O.M.S & Mrs. PHILIPS R.E. / who fell asleep on / October 22md 1936 / age 11 months / For the life so young and fair / Now hath passed from earthly care / He giveth his beloved sleep.
13---/01/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / ROBERT AUSTIN BANKIER / MD / of Naval? Hospital ship MINDEN / who died June 22th 1853 / aged 35 years.
13---/01/02- Hier ruhet / meine manniest? geliebte Gattin / LOUISE OTTEN geb. SCHAFER / Geboren am 25 Januar 1825 / in Rinenthal Bremen / Gestorben am 17ten Juni 1866 / in Hong Kong. ... illegibleFootstone: LO1866#3317
13---/01/03- In memory / of / JAMES SMITH / who died 16th? October 1866 / aged 38 years#3379
13---/01/04- In / loving memory / of / IAN HOWARD MUNDAY / Born on 15th July 1928 / Died on 27th May 1968 / aged 40 / Beloved husband / of / JACKIE CHOW LAI HUNG.#11762
13---/01/05- Right: Sacred to the memory of / JOSEPH EDYE R.N., C.B. / Captain of HMS SATELLITE / who died in Hong Kong Harbour / on the 12th September 1868 / This tomb is erected by the Officers and Ship's Company / as a mark of their esteem and respect for his memory. Left: Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He that / believeth in Me though he were dead / yet shall he live.# 3575
13---/01/06- In memory of / L.A. VISSER / Died June 15th 1956 / aged 66 / He worked on Shing Mun and Tai Lam Chung Dams / R.I.P.
13---/01/07- Right: In memory of / WILMOT WADESDON HOLWORTHY / D.A. Sup.nt. of Stores / who came by his death near / the Gap, Victoria Peak about / noon on 24th January 1869.#3615Left: The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away / Blessed be the name of the Lord.
13---/01/08- In affectionate memory / of / WALTER W. J. KEATES / Died 3rd January 1958 / aged 53 years / Rest in Peace.#11190
13---/01/09- FREDERICK T. WHITBREAD / Died 19th August 1867 / aged 7 months#3479
13---/01/10- In loving memory of / GEORGE MCCALLUM / Died 19th Nov. 1949 / aged 80 years.Wm Nodes Ltd.#10534
13---/01/11- Sacred to the memory / HARRY HAMILTON? / son of / Lieutenant Colonel ?? HIGHT / 29th ? Regiment / Died September 24th 1868? / aged 18 months / 'Suffer little children to come unto me / and forbid them not for theirs is / the Kingdom of Heaven.'#3584
13---/02/01- In memory / of / JOHN H. COOK / of / Salem, Mass. U.S.A. / Died at Hongkong / November 3rd 1865 / aged 24 years# 3228
13---/02/02- In memory of / A.A. DUFFIELD ESQ. R.N. / Sub-Lieut. H.M.S. PRINCESS ROYAL / who died at Hongkong May 1st 1866 / aged 20 years. / This stone was erected by his Brother Officers.#3298
13---/02/03- VIOLA / erected to her memory by / her loving husband / ARTHUR ROBERT FENTON RAVEN / her daughters / DOROTHY & WINIFRED / and their husbands / Dr. T.G. BALEAN & J.E. WARD / and her sister and brothers / in England. / Born Oct. 16 1892. Died Oct. 25th 1957 / Resident in H.K. since 1913.
13---/02/05- In loving memory / of / ROBERT DIXON BELL / Born 23rd January 1894 / Died 26th September 1958 / Rest in Peace.#11242
13---/02/06- In loving memory / ALEXANDER HARVEY / Born 18th October 1890 / Died 17th January 1858 / and his wife / INA ROBERTSON HARVEY / Born 20th June 1893 / Died 27th November 1997 / and their son / ALISTAIR JOHN HARVEY / born 22nd June 1922 / died 11th February 2004 / United in Peace#11194 #12046 #12061
13---/02/07- GEORGE VITALIEVICH / SMIRNOFF / Born 27-10-1903 / Died 6-2-1947 / Russian script.HK Marble Co. #10363
13---/02/08- Left page: LUCIA RAPIDOVA / Born 21-12-1863 / Died 6-5-1943.Right page: VACLAW TESAR / Born 15-9.-894 / Died 5-11-1944On curbs: With love / from / LIZA & LARA.Wm. Nodes & Co. Ltd.#10137 #10191
13---/02/09- In memory of / ALBERT LESLIE LANDSBERT / Beloved husband of DAPHNE / and father of ANNETTE and BRIAN / Born September 17th 1900 / Died February 14th 1960/and of his wife / ADA GERTRUDE LANDSBERT (DAPHNE) / Born November 26 1904 / Died July 23 1996.#11344
13---/03/01- EMILY / the beloved wife of HUGH HUGHES / of Agra Bank / Born Aug. 25th 1840. Died Jan 5th 1872.#3894
13---/03/02- Sacred to the memory / of / GEORGE MACALISTER / A native of Scotland / who departed this life in Hongkong / on the 9th September 1868? / aged 36 years / of the Jardine Matheson Co. / .. illegible.... /This stone is erected as a token of his worth.#1790
13---/03/03- Beneath this tablet / rest the mortal remains / of / two brothers, the sons / of / JOHN GARDINER and EMMA AUSTIN.Left side: CHARLES MILDMAY / Eldest son / Born at Demerara / 9 January 1837 / Died at East Point / 12? December 1862 / aged 25 years.Right side: HUGH PERCY / Third son / Born at Kenilworth / 15 November 1841 / Died at East Point / ? September 1870 / aged 28 years.#2589
13---/03/04- Sacred /to the memory / of / Dr. JOHN ENSCOE / Surgeon to the Seamen's Hospital / who departed this life 3rd August 1869 / aged 50? years / Deeply regretted by all who knew him. .... illegible... #2708
13---/03/05- In memory of / her beloved husband / COLIN S. MATHESON / Third son of the Rev. C. R. MATHESON / of Ross-shire Scotland / for many years in the/establisment of / Messrs Jardine Matheson / who died at Eastpoint / on the 6th November 1863 / aged 42 years / This stone was erected by his widow / God give you rest.#2746
13---/03/06- Sacred to the memory of / ELLSWORTH FURSDON / Lieut. H.R.M. 2nd Batt. 9th Reg. Adjutant of this Garrison / Eldest son of the Rev. EDWARD FURSDON / of Fursdon, county of Devon / andHARRIET GRACE, his wife died 10th October 1865 / aged 24 years / illegible#3219
13---/03/07- BELANOVSKY NICHOLAS / Born 20 April 1889 / Died 21 May 1977 / Russian script - TATIANA IVANOVANA BELANOVSKYBeloved wife of NICHOLAS BELANOVSKY / Born 25.1.1890. Died 16.5.1950.Happy are the clean of heart / for they will see God.
13---/03/08- Sacred / to the memory / of / THOMAS CULLEN / who died at Hongkong / 10th February 1866 / aged 37 years / Requiescat in Pace.#3277
13---/03/09- In memoriam / MAGARETTA ANNA HAZELAND / Died / November 25th 1866 / aged 30? years / illegible#3811 #3398
13---/03/14- Einar Albert Eriksen / styrhand sys reidar / fodt 12 Mars 1874 / i Hvaleroebne / dod 16 August 1908 / i Hong Kong / Venner og landsmaend / reiste ham dette minde#7403 BJ & Co.
13---/04/01- In loving memory of / GEORGE HENRY STACEY / Died 28th May 1955 / aged 58 years.#10987
13---/04/02- Sacred / to / the memory / of / LAURA FRANCES / the / beloved daughter / of / W.H. BRERETON Esq / who died / on the 13th August 1871 / aged 17 years.'And there shall be no night there'.#3855
13---/04/03- Odjarne Tremayne Lane / late assistant consul Canton / died December 12, 1856 / aged 21 years# 1302
13---/04/04- LUDOVIC GRANT DUNLOP / Born... illegible#3225
13---/04/05- EDOUARD PETIT- PIERRE / de Neufchatel en Suisse / Morte le 23? Janvier 1856 / a l'age de 23 ans.....illegible Paroles de Jesus Christ.#3267
13---/04/06- In loving memory of / my beloved husband / JAMES ROSS / Born 20 May 1888 / Died 23 June 1952.
13---/04/07- Sacred / to the memory / of / JOHN BLAKESLEY / of London / Died at Hongkong May --? 1866 / aged 21 years.Many friends--------? united / with his sorrowing family in erecting this stone.#3299
13---/04/08- Sacred / to the memory / of / JOHN ARTHUR MURRAY / Born ---? London April 1838 / Died at Hongkong--- ---? 1865 / aged 28 years.5 lines illegible#3202
13---/04/09- In loving memory of / our beloved Mother / KLARA MARIA MAGDALENE WONG / Born 22 January 1894 / Died 15 October 1961 / Rest in peace
13---/05/01- Sacred to the memory of / HERBERT T. HANCOCK / of Shanghai / who died on his way to England / 16th February 1872 aged 40 years.#3903
13---/05/02- Sacred / to / the memory of / MARY HODGEON / the beloved wife of / ALFRED LAWRENCE TURNER / Born at Kirkcaldy, Scotland / on the 31st December 1852 / Died at Hong Kong / on the 6th of February 1872 / aged 19 years / Her sun has gone down while it was not yet day.#3900
13---/05/03- Sacred / to the memory of / ELIZABETH WAPLE / the beloved wife of / Major D.S. MILLER / 67th Regiment / Born 29th November 1848? / died 11th July 1868.
13---/05/04- Sacred to the memory / of / CHARLOTTE / the beloved wife of / Captain C.G.FIELDING, Ceylon Rifles / who died at Hong Kong / 6th of July 1865? / aged 29 years.Also / her husband / CHARLES FIELDING / -----? / Aged 35 years.Rest in Peace.#3329
13---/05/05- To / ALEXANDER RANDEEN / A Native of India / who died upon the 26th of August 1866 / This stone is erected / as a mark of respect / in memory of / ? faithful service / L M & F M#3349
13---/05/06- In memory of / Dr JOHN MILLAR CAMPBELL R.N. / Assistant Surgeon HMS Icarus / Who died at Hongkong / October 20th? 1866 / aged 25 years#3373
13---/05/07- In memory of / Robert W McCoy F.R.C.S.I. / colonial surgeon / who died in Hong Kong / March 24th 1873 / aged 33 / Requiescat in pace
13---/08/06- Sacred / to the memory of / ELIZA ----? STEAVENS / The wife of H--?.CARR / Who departed this life / on the 15th June 1851 / at an early age of 22 years and 1 month.
13---/08/07- Sacred / to the memory of / Captain WILLIAM THORNTON BATE R.N. / who was killed at the storming of Canton / on December 29th 1857 / in the 37th year of his age / Mark the perfect man and behold / the upright for the end of that man / is peace. Ps. XXXVII. 37.His friends in this country / have erected a monument / near St John's Cathedral / as a token of their deep affection / and respect for his memory.#1565
13---/09/01- In memory / DERBY JOHN HUNTER / of Mallow, County Cork / Master H.M.S. Prince Arthur / Indian Navy / who departed this life / July 8th 1860.#2914
13---/09/02- Side 1: Sacred / to the memory of / FARQUHAR MACQUEEN / Late of / the Hon. East India Company's Maritime Service. / He was born at the Manse of Applecross / In the County of Ross, N.B. / on the 28th day of March 1800 / and died in this harbour / on the 18th March 1855.Side 2: Sacred to the memory / of / DAVID JOHN SHUTTLEWORTH / Youngest son / of / Captn. MCQUEEN, H.E.I.C.S. / Born Feb. XIVth MDCCCXXXVIII / Died / trusting in his Redeemer / Dec. XVIIIth MDCCCLVI.
13---/09/03- illegible - Sacred to the memory of / ALFRED + WILLIAM / FRANKLYN / Died 10th April 1843----? 1845 / aged ?
13---/09/04- illegible
15---/01/00- gunner Ernest Brand / killed 10th Nov. 1887 aged 38 years/gunner William Borrett / killed 10th Nov. 1887 aged 20 years / thro effects of explosion of / rockets at H. M. Jubilee/gunner William Parnell / killed 9th Dec. 1889 aged 34 years/gunner Thomas Henry Thompson / died 11th Dec. aged 21 years / thro premature explosion of / cartridge while priming a salute
15---/01/01- front [facing cemetery] -gunner, John Jones / died 14th Feb. aged 25 years/gunner, Thomas A. Cave / died 27th Sept. 1884 aged 23 years/actg. bombr. Alfred Barton / died 15th July 1885 aged 21 years/gunner, William H. Baker / died 16th July 1885 aged 22 years/gunner Abert [sic] Wilding / died 10th Oct. 1886 aged 21 years
15---/01/02- 22735764 private / W.E. Shaw / army catering corps / 9th November 1955 age 21 / Like falling leaves / the years slip by / but memories of you / never die#11020
15---/01/03- 22944763 gunner / L. Crombie / Royal Artillery / 19th November 1955 age 20 / A road is ended / a path mo more trod / a name in gold / in the logbook of God / R.I.P.reverse - #11018
15---/01/04- back [facing road] -gunr. G. Moonam died / 26th June 1882 aged 25 years/gunr. A. Mills died / 2nd January 1885 aged 31 years/gunr. B. Kerr died / 5 December 1885 aged 28 years
15---/01/05- 585055 sergeant / I.H. Evans / Royal Air Force / 13 October 1955 age 23 / Treasured memories of / our dear son and brother, Ian / always rememberedreverse #11014
15---/01/06- right side -W. Murphin died 9th March 1861 28 years /-. Malley " March " 22 " /James Charters " 7th April " 30 " /John Rodgers " 28th August " 29 " /J Hillingworth " 2nd October " 27 " /Andrew Templeton " 8th " " 29 " /J Peach " 15th May 1862 28 " /T G Saunders " 7th June " 23 " /J Matthews " 8th July " 31 " /J Wotherlay " 4th Sept. " 22 " /Jos. Derbyshire " 25th October " 30 " /W Holland " 13th Novr. " 30 " /W B Meicklejohn " 24th " " 20 " /James Ankers " 9th Sept. 1863 30 " /T Hodgson " 12th " " 31 " /J Slack " 15th Novr. " 22 "
15---/01/07- Sacred / to the memory of / William Ellis / A.B. / late of H.M.S. Winchester / who departed this life / Dec. 1st 1854 / aged 25 / deeply regretted by his shipmates who / have erected this stone / as a testimony of their regard / [illegible]
15---/01/08- left side -Edward Burbridge ordinary seaman / who was drowned at Nagasaki July 4 A.D. 1878 / aged 18 years/Owen Connolley / private R.M.L.I. Plymouth Division 23 Company / died at Aden 2nd May 1878 aged 20 years/John Fitzgibbon / ord. seaman died at Hongkong Sept. 4 1878 aged ? years
15---/01/09- left side -Capt. W.H. Mitton Cd 2 De [?] J. Loady/Sergt. C. Blanchard C. Tankard/Gr & J J. Morris T. Anderson / J. McDonald Mrs. M.A. Robertson / J. Johnson F. Strath / J. Thompson M.I. Stewart
15---/01/10- right side -James Ashworth private RMLI died at / Hong Kong Hospital March 9th 1877 aged 32/Joseph Symons stoker died at Nagasaki / April 8th 1877 aged 21/John Edwin Beatly carpenter killed by an / accident at Yokohama June 11th 1877 aged 53/William Richardson Baird carpenters crew / died at sea September 11th 1877 aged 40/Charles Thomas Hall OS died at Nagasaki / September 25th 1877 aged 19/Charles William Rowe ORD 2nd class died at / Yokohama Hospital October 30th 1877 aged 19/Francis Daniel O'Keefe captain's cox died at / Hong Kong Hospital Novr. 25th 1877 aged 30
15---/01/11- 23010068 trooper / G. Meyrick / 7th Queen's Own Hussars / 21st September 1955 age 21 / To be remembered / by those he loved / is all he would have wished#11019
15---/01/12- back [facing road] -In / memory / of / officers / seamen & marines / of / H.M.S. Immortalite / who departed this life / on the China Station between the dates / March 3rd and October 10th 1876 / This monument was erected by / their shipmates / In the midst of life / we are in death
15---/01/13- right side -Marines / C Williams GR. R.M.A. / who died of smallpox / 4 March 1876 / buried at sea / aged 40/Jesse Rew Pte. R.M.L.I. / who died of fever 2nd August 1876 / buried at sea / aged 33/Geo. Roberts Pte. R.M.L.I. / who died of dysentery / 28th September 1878 / buried at Chefoo / aged 31
15---/01/14A Sacred / to the memory of / Wm. T Graves / seaman on board of the / U.S. Ship Vandalia / born in Virginia / in the United States of America / Sept. 16 1822 / accidentantly killed in an attack on / the pirates near Lantao Island / May 18 1855
15---/01/14B Sacred / to the memory of / John Nicholls / seaman on board of the / U.S. Ship Vandalia / born in Pennsylvania / in the United States of America / died at Hong Kong / April 1st 1855 / aged / 24 years
15---/02/01- 23492391 gunner / M.H. Roberts / Royal Artillery / 24th July 1959 age 20 / A road is ended / a path no more trod / a name in gold / in the log book of God#11293
15---/02/02- Sacred to the memory / of / C. Seargt. P. Pish / of the / Royal Artillery / illegible
15---/02/03- 22846352 sergeant / N. Champion / Royal Army Service Corps. / 17th November 1955 age 29 / Memories are a golden chain / that links us / till we meet again / wife Dorisreverse - #11024
15---/02/04- T/22964029 L. Cpl. / C.E. Chambers / Royal Army Service Corps. / 15th February 1956 age 20 / We have lost / heaven has gained / the dearest son / the world contained#11049
15---/02/05- 23112314 private / D.K. Smith / the Essex Regiment / 10th May 1956 age 19 / In loving memory / of our dear son / our love for him / will never fade#11089
15---/02/06- 23165333 sapper / J.R. Bufton / Royal Engineers / 10th July 1956 age 21 / At the going down / of the sun / and in the morning / we will remember him#11030
15---/02/07- T/22510905 corporal / P.W / Clifford / Royal Army Service Corps. / 13th October 1956 age 29 / It was God's wish / you left so soon / you could not say goodbye / but R.I.P. my son#11101
15---/02/08- 19039628 corporal / J.T. Murphy / The Northamptonshire Regiment / 6th March 1956 age 31 / Forever in our thoughts / from wife and son#11056
15---/02/09- 19041644 L Cpl. / A. Macleod / 7th Queen's Own Husssars / 5th - 9th February 1956 age 27 / "God gives / and when he takes away / takes but what he gave / blessed be his name"#11078
15---/02/10- 22969080 L. Cpl. / A.G. Clifton / The Northamtonshire / The Essex Regiment / 8th January 1956 age 20 / In loving memory / of a beloved son and brother / we miss him so / thy will be done
15---/02/11- 23115498 Private / B.M. Akers / The Northhamptonshire [sic] Regt / 12th January 1956 age 19 / Sadly bereaved / beloved by wife, Eileen / also Dad, Mum / brothers and sistersreverse - #11042
15---/02/12- 22307571 L. Cpl. / Norman Scott / Royal Engineers Regiment / 29th December 1955 age 22 / A road is ended / a path no more trod / a name in gold / in the log book of Godreverse - #11033
15---/02/13- 23810143 fusilier / R. Arthur / Royal Northumberland / Fusiliers / 19th december 1961 age 22 / The Lord / has taken our loved one / we will remember him / in our hearts forever#11480
15---/02/14- right side -The following are the names of those / who have died during the commission/Nov. 25 1856 Geo. Brown 18 B1C drowned/Nov. 26 " Jno Stook 30 gunner RMA " /Nov. 28 " J Poulden 30 cooper's crew " /Dec. 7 " P Lockland 29 stoker died /June 12 1857 Jas. Bowman 18 B2C drowned/Sep. 22 " Wm. Smith 22 painter died /Oct. 14 " Mr. H Laughrin boatswain " /Feb 20 1858 J. Edwards 18 B1C " /July 24 " Win. Taylor 30 stoker " /Aug 29 " W Kennelly 17 B1C " /Oct 18 " E.L. Edwards 21 ord. drowned /Nov. 1 " Ed. Rogers 36 Capt. FC died /Feb 1 1859 Alf Putman 24 ord. drowned/Dec 6 " J Handcock 47 boat mate died /Dec 17 " R [?] Jackson 28 ord. " /Feb 14 1860 W McClure 25 AB died /May 20 " Wm Vincent 23 stoker " /Aug 26 " H Kelly 26 stoker " / " 26 " J Saunders 44 boat mate " /Jan 18 1857 A Shing 40 pilot killed
15---/02/15- Drowned / Henry Chapman Lee ? / 29th Nov. 1846 / aged 26 years/killed in action / William Darling / 1st June 1848 / ? 31st July ?
15---/02/16- 22846352 trooper / D Couling / 7th Queen's Own Hussars / 12th November 1955 age 20 / Loved dearly in life / and living yet / in our hearts / we will never forget#11023
15---/02/17- 23502454 fusilier / I. Bennett / The Royal / Northumberland Fusiliers / 13th may 1959 aged 21 / Far away but near / in our hearts each day / too dearly loved / to be forgotten#11283
15---/03/01- 23536765 sapper / J.M. Peacock / Royal Engineers / 20th Sugust 1959 age 18 At the going down / of the sun / and in the morning / we will remember him#11313
15---/03/02- 22896156 signalman / E.C. Giles / Royal Signals / 4th June 1956 age 21 / Rest in peace#11072
15---/03/03- 22533066 corporal. K. Cleverley / Army Catering Corps / 14th November 1956 age 21 / Sleep on, son / and take they rest#11107
15---/03/04- 23251433 sergeant / M.L. Dunn / Royal Army Pay Corps / 8th January 1957 age 19 / Our beloved son / God has you in his keeping / we have you in our hearts#11118
15---/03/05- 23255399 gunner / R Storer / Royal Artillery / 21st February 1957 age 19 / Not the words / - they are but few / it's the sweet memories / we have of you , mam - dad#11125
15---/03/06- 23226873 craftsman / D.W.R. Smith / R.E.M.E. / 16th May 1957 age 24 / Our beautiful memories / and a heartache for you / Mum, Dad, June and Rita#11177
15---/04/01- In loving memory of / Frank Bayliss Black / died 31st Oct. 1961 / Mizpah
16---/01/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Reginald H Streets O.S. / H.M.S. Tamar / a native of / Portsmouth, England. who was drowned / Dec. 19th 1907 aged 20 years / Gone but not forgotten / erected as a mark of respect / by the officers & ship's company / H.M.S. Tamar# 7295
16---/01/02- IHS / James John Hope R.N. / died / 11 Jan. 1908footstone #7299
16---/01/03- Sacred to the memory / of / James T. U. McKenzie / master mariner / who lost his life / 5th Feb. 1908 aged 32 years / In the midst of life / we are in death
16---/01/04- In Loving memory of / Mrs Petronella Kaastra Choi / US citizens / born May 12th 1906 / died August 23rd 1974 / beloved wife / Harry Sun Choi[Chinese Characters]# 11927
16---/01/05- Sacred to the memory / of / Edith Marshall / a native of Trinidad / the beloved wife of / Ching Johnson / who died / 2nd February 1908 aged 28 years / He giveth his beloved sleep[Chinese Characters]B.J. & Co.#7309
16---/01/06- Chinese Charactersfootstone #7305
16---/01/07- R.I.P. / In / loving memory / of / our dear Mother / Bessie Ting / died Feb. 3rd 1908 / aged 53 years / Thy will be done#7310
16---/01/08- Sacred to the memory / of / Albion Lincoln Knight / who departed this life / February 12th 1908 / aged 43 years / also of / his beloved wife / Josie / who died 9th April 1914 / aged 38 years / erected by their loving children
16---/01/09- Sacred / to the memory / of / David Roy McLellan / boatswain / of the R.M.S. Empress Japan / who was killed by accident / at Hong Kong on the 23rd January 1908 / aged 46 years 2 months / this stone has been erected / to his memory by his shipmates
16---/01/10- Private / Fred Miller / U.S.M.C. / born August 15th 1880 / died / February 14th 1908 / erected / in find remembrance / by his shipmates of / USS 'Wilmingon'
16---/01/11- In loving memory / of / Choy So / the beloved wife of / Fred K Lay / who died 17th May 1908 / aged 28 years / also / Edward beloved son of F.K. Lay / born 27 December 1915 / died 18 October 1916
16---/01/12- Hephzibah Jane / beloved wife of / Sergt. P.G. Lancaster / 'The Buffs' / fell asleep Oct. 18th 1909 aged 35 / Peace perfect peace with loved ones far away / in Jesus' keeping we are safe and they#7574
16---/01/13- Pearl Lake / 1879 - 1908 / My faith looks up to thee / thou lamb of calvary / saviour divine
16---/01/14- Sacred to / the memory / of / Stephen Urry A.B. / H.M.S. King Alfred / who died at Hong Kong / 3rd June 1908 / aged 31 years / erected by his shipmates / R.I.P.
16---/01/15- In loving remembrance of / Ida Lee / beloved wife of / Ernest H. Lee / born 23rd November 1879 / died 14th May 1908 / Gone but not forgotten / Asleep in Jesus, Oh how sweet to be for such a slumber meet / with holy confidence to sing that death has lost its painful sting / asleep in Jesus peaceful rest whose waking is supremely blest / no fear no woe shall dim that hour that / manifests the saviour's power #7342
16---/01/16- Here / rests / Of. Albert Nilson / born / at / Goteborg / 1878 [?] / died / at Hongkong / 1908#7385
16---/01/17- Hier riuet in Gott / Heinrich Pann / 1 offizier NDLD 'Tsintau' / geb 8 Oktober 1969 / gest 1 Mai 1908 / ruhe sanft in frende Erde / gewidnet von seinen Kamereden
16---/01/18- Chinese Characters#7369 #7857
16---/01/19- In loving memory / of / Jack Lionel Kay / the beloved husband / of / Marjorie Zok Yien / born 31st Dec. 1903 / died 12th June 1972 / Gone but not forgotten
16---/02/01- [Chinese Characters]In loving memory of / Philip Chan Ling / died 23rd May 1908 / age 36 years#7350
16---/02/02- In / lovingmemory / of / Robert Pelgate Hume / dearly beloved husband / of / Margaret Hume / born 32st March 1866 / died 24th April 1908 / age 42 years / Gone but not forgotten
16---/02/03- In loving memory of / Evelyn O'Brien Saphiere / a dearly beloved mother / and grandmother / born in Shanghai / 6th Sept. 1904 / died in Hong Kong / 23rd August 1974
16---/02/04- Chinese characters"Weep not, she is not dead but sleepeth"
16---/02/05- In memory of / James B Jackson / master mariner of SS Laertes / who dies 30th March 1908 / aged 55 years / erected by his friends#7322
16---/02/06- In loving memory of / Charles Frederick Towell / beloved husband of / Oi Lin Chan Towell / born in Ditsey Essex, England / on 18 December 1922 / died in Hong Kong / on February 1st 1976 / Rest in Peace#11941
16---/02/07- In / loving memory / of / Li Ng Shi / born November 3rd 1838 / died Aril 12th 1908[Chinese characters]
16---/02/08- In loving memory of / Wiliam James Hobbs / died 30th March 1908 / Rest in Peace
16---/02/09- Henry C Bough / a beloved father / born 7 February 1906 / died 9 August 1974Ann Chao Bough[Chinese characters]a beloved mother / born 8 October 1918 / died 11 January 1994Deep in our heart / a memory is kept / of the one we love / and will never forgetR.I.P.# 12054
16---/02/10- Sacred to the memory of / Edwin Charles Tregillus / born 9th May 1861 / departed this life 27th June 1941/and his beloved wife / Annie Tregillus / born 7th January 1865 / departed this life 19th September 1946/With Christ which is far better / Phiippians 1:23#9997 #10312
16---/02/11- Ter nagedachtenis / van / Hendericus Klaver / geboren / te Amsterdam 12 Juni 1889 / overleden / te Hong Kong 16 Juli 1908
16---/02/12- Inm meory of / our beloved brother / Franz Pedersen / born in Cpenhagen / 12th December 1881 / drowned on the / SS Ying King / in the Canton River / during the typhoon / of 28th July 1908BJ & Co. #7397
16---/02/13- In loving memory / of / Charles F. Markwith / born 15th October 1879 / died 17th September 1972 / your beloved Rosita / sisters constance / John, Doran & Henry
16---/02/14- In loving memory / Roger T Larken / born 10th December 1876 / died 19th July 1908 / and / Dorcas Selina Larken / born 2nd December 1877 / died 21st June 1970 / erected by their son and daughter-in-law / Percy & Rose / and grandchildren / Donald and Mervyn# 7383 CEW & Co. HK
16---/02/15- In loving memory of / Herbert John Rowe / 24th June 1882 -17th January 1965 / Violet Rowe / 17th December 1911 - 27th December 1985/Frances Rowe / 28th April 1945 - 11th May 2007#11652 #12003 #12071
16---/02/16- Charles Collett / of Norway / born / 3 January 1880 / died / 24 July 1908#7385 BJ & Co
16---/03/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Captain Jort Smit / who departed this life / on the 9th day of April 1909 / aged 37 years / Thy will be done / erected by officers and engineers of the / S.S. Sabine Richners
16---/03/02- Max Kunz / ship's cook third class / U.S. Navy / United States Ship 'Helena' / born June 7 1882 / died January 14 1909 / Hong Kong, China#7468
16---/03/03- In loving memory / of / William Baker / eldest son of / Rev. G. E. Baker M.A. / Glazely England / died Nov. 30th 1908 / R.I.P.
16---/03/04- Chinese characters
16---/03/05- In memory of / Raj Des Madan / 16th Dec. 1921 - 20th Sept. 1977# 11956
16---/03/06- In loving memory / 0f / John C Linker / October 3rd 1941 / September 27 1977#11957
16---/03/07- In loving memory / of / Alfred Iliff / who died / August 30th 1908 / aged 45 years / He being dead yet speaketh / Missions to Seamen / Chaplain / Hong Kong 1895 - 1898 / Church Missionary Society 1899 - 1908
16---/03/08- In loving memory / of our dear sister / Helen Patricia Bough / born 11th May 1913 / died 24th August 1945 / Jesus said he that believeth in me / though he were dead yet shall he live / St John 11.25# 10369Wm. Nodes Ltd.
16---/03/09- Kurt Bloch / geboren in Dorpat / am 20 Sept. 1881 / gestorben in Hongkong / am 17 August 1908
16---/03/10- Dr. J.R. Jones C.B.E., M.C. / K.St J. LL.D., J.P. / born Llanuwchllyn, Wales / June 6 1887 / died Hong Kong / January 15, 1976 / Gawfaidd fab a garodd fyd / Ei faddau ai gelfyddyd / D.O.#11940
16---/03/11- In fond loving memory / Albert Percy Langley / aged 30 years / who entered into rest Wednesday / August 12th 1908 / also / Nono Emily Langley / aged 36 years / fond and loving wife / of the above / who entered into rest Friday / September 4th 1908 / after long and patient / suffering / Not dead but gone before / to meet in heaven above
16---/03/12- In memory of / Alfred Parkhouse Blanchard / master mariner / who died / August 19th 1908 / aged 45
16---/03/13- In loving memory of / Pomerantz / Julius M / 26 August 1914 - 25 October 1976 / and / Maria Eugenia / 4 december 1914 - 11 March 1993 / Always in out hearts and thoughts
16---/03/15- [Chinese characters]Jesus called#7513
16---/04/01- In / loving memory / of / Benjamin Alfred Coombes / beloved son of / Walter & Mary Ann Coombes / of Newlands, Ilminster / who died at Hongkong / April 28th 1909 / aged 26 years / In the midst of life we are in death
16---/04/02- In memory of / Fred E.J. Bishop / who died 25th Feby. 1909 / aged 38 years / erected by a few friends / & R.A.O.B. K E VII L 910 HK
16---/04/03- Doe Davies / 1943 - 1974
16---/04/04- Sacred / to the memory of / Harry Pidden / H.M.S. 'King Alfred' / who died at Hongkong / 15th December 1908 / aged 21 years / erected by his shipmates / R.I.P
16---/04/05- Hier ruhet in Gott / E.C.H. Dittelbach / Maschinist des NDL Coy / geb den 7 Juli 1882 / gest den 5 Mai / 1911 / Ruhe sanft in tremde Erde
16---/04/06- In loving memory / of / Tsu Hui Peter Chao / born 15th Jan. 1903 / died 28th Sept. 1974 / In our garden of loving memories / you will always be in bloomMoses & Co #11930
16---/04/07- Erected / by / his mother / in loving memory / of her son / David Mason Dickie / who died 20th October 1908 / aged 22 [?] years
16---/04/08- In loving memory of / Francis Heawood Cornell / who died / 1st October 1908 / aged 35 years / and of his wife / Florence Laura May / who died in San Francisco 13.9.68 / and whose ashes are buried here
16---/04/09- To the memory / of / J.B. Moller / (Sweden) / died 7th September 1908 / aged 33 years / R.I.P.#7412
16---/04/10- In loving memory / of / Vo Van Cuc / 1906 - 1973 / His beloved wife & devoted children / and grandchildren
16---/04/11- In loving memory of / Poon Kwok She / born on 25th March 1881 / died on 30th March 1909[Chinese characters]
16---/04/12- R.I.P. / William Ewart Tingle M.B.E. / born 1st November 1900 / died 11th February 1977#11947
16---/04/13- Chinese characters
16---/04/14- [Chinese characters]Sacred to the memory of / Wong Wing Ho / born 24th December 1864 / died 30th August 1909
16---/04/15- In affectionate memory of / our mother / Johannah Lee / who passed away on / April 4th 1965 aged 78 years / When death these mortal eyes shall seal / and still this throbbing heart / the rending veil shall thee reveal / all glorious as thou art.H K Marble Co#11659
16---/05/01- Sacred / to the memory of / John Leonard Bentley / stoker of / H.M.S. Britomart / who departed this life / 10th March 1909 / aged 22 years / Brief life is our pobtion [sic] / brief sorrow short lived care / the life that knows no ending / the tearless life is there / erected by his shipmates
16---/05/02- Sacred / to the memory / of / Ernest G Carpenter / Ordinary Seaman / who departed this life / 27 February 1909 / aged 19 years & 8 months / In the midst of life we are in death.#7488
16---/05/03- In memory of / Jane Elizabeth Helen (Lizzie) / the beloved wife of / Richard Houghton / born Wigan, Lancashire / September 2nd 1873 / died Hong Kong February 21st 1909 / Thou shalt be mine, saith the Lord / in the day that I made up my jewels
16---/05/04- In / loving memory / of / George Alfred Lawrance / born in Beccles, Suffolk, England / 7th May 1883 / died 6th Oct. 1974 / erected by Cheung Siu PingErected on 8th June 1990 [on reverse]#11931
16---/05/05- IHS / Sacred to the memory of / Hannah Maud Hewitt / beloved wife of / Corpl. J Morris RC / who departed this life / 1st March 1909 / aged 27 years / Though lost to sight to memory dear
16---/05/06- The / father, mother, grandmother & sister / of William Kenneth & Marjorie Mason/In memory of / William Mason / died 19 May 1909 / aged 40 years / and Dorothy Mason / died 10 June 1906 aged 9 months / and Mary A Morris / died 13 June 1909 aged 65 years / and Mabel Jane Cooper / died 7th November 1925 / aged 51 years
16---/05/07- Sacred / to the memory of / George H Mann / ?? Charlton, England / who died at Hongkong / 19th May 1909 aged 31 years / Father in thy gracious keeping / leave me now thy servant sleeping
16---/05/08- In / loving memory / of / Edwin Earnest Evans / Master Mariner / Liverpool / England / who died on the 29th September 1909 / aged 36 years
16---/05/09- Hier ruhet in Gott / Carl Ludwig Koch / geboren 12 April 1875 / zu Bremen / gestoren / 12 September 1909 / in Hongkong / gewidmet von seinen Freunden#7563
16---/05/10- In lovingmemory / of / Mabel Emma / wife of / J Clelland / who fell asleep / on October 26th 1909 / aged 37 years / Rest in peace#7582
16---/06/01- Chinese charactersThi Ly Thuan
16---/06/02- Chinese Characters# 7531Brown James & Co
16---/06/03- Chinese charactersIn loving memory of / Leung Kin Shan / died 13th August 1909 / aged 61 years#7552
16---/06/04- Sacred to the memory of / James F Ernshaw / of Newcastle England / second engineer of / SS Aratoon Apcar / accidently drowned / at Hongkong / June 27th 1909 aged 31 years
16---/06/05- Walter Barrett Larkin / ??ham, Mass., USA / 1876 - 1909illegible
16---/06/06- Sacred to the memory of / (Dad) / Y Abbas / who went to his rest / on the 24th April 1953 / aged 63 years / Thy work is o'er / thy willing hands / shall toil no more / forever with the Lord.# 10785H K Marble Co
16---/06/07- In loving memory / of / Cameron Lang / born 24th November 1872 / died 28th February 1926 / and / Katherine Lang / born 30th April 1875 / died 21st February 1958 / always in our thoughts / your children & grandchildren#11202 #11207
16---/06/08- In loving memory of / John Charles Lang / died 1th September 1942 / aged 43 years / Always in our thoughts
16---/06/09- illegible
16---/07/01- In loving memory of / Yip Hung Shi / the beloved wife of / Yip Chung Wah / who died 18th August 1909 / aged 30 years#7554
16---/08/01- Luke Bright / illegible
16---/08/02- illegible
16---/08/03- Sacred to the memory / of / George Bevans / who died on board / H.M.S. Melville / Dec. 7 1862 aged 21 [24?] years / erected by the officers and / men of HMS Beagle / as a token of respect for / their departed shipmate / Death tis a melancholy day / to thirst - have no God / when the poor soul is forced away / to seek her last abode#2568
16---/08/04- Sacred / to the memory / Henry Willis / sergeant commissariat staff corps ?? / 1868? aged 27 years / illegibleFootstone: H.W. #2410
16---/08/05- Sacred to the memory / of / W.A. Williams. A.B. / late of H.M.S. "Pearl" / aged 24 years / illegible / this stone was erected by / his friend and compnaion George ?dge
16---/08/07- Elizabeth Lucy / Buchan / the beloved wife of / George Trowmann / who .... / ... March ... / August 9th 1877 [?] / died 35 years / illegible# 2402Footstone: 1861
16---/08/08- illegibleE. McCabe / Bath / died / Aug. 21st [?] 1861 [?]
16---/08/09- John Lake / R.M.A. / H.M.S. "Imperieuse" / born July 1835 / died July 10th 1864 [?] / reconciled to God by the ?? / of his son / Rom. V.10# 2388
16---/08/10- illegible
16---/08/11- In loving memmory of / our sister / Phyllis Mary Abbas / who died on the 12th September 1949 / age 21 / Sadly missed by all / forever with the lord#10816, HK Marble Co
16---/09/01- illegibleJ.B Jackson Esq. R.M.
16---/09/02- Sacred to the memory / Thos. R. R. Newberry / who departed this life on / 27th December 1861# 2474
16---/09/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / George Tout / who died November 22? 1861 / aged 52 years / illegible# 2456
16---/09/04- Sacred / to the memory of / J Woodcock / illegible / stoker ? of the ship ? / who departed this life December 2 ??# 2460
16---/09/05- illegibleSacred to the memory of / Joseph Polkingthorn
16---/09/06- illegibleSacred to the memory of / Max Wengler# 2548
16A--/01/01- Sacred to the memory / of / David Kirk / native of Dundee / engineer of SS Hai Yang / who died 27th Feb. 1910 / aged 26 years / He was the beloved son of his mother / erected by his friends as a token / of their regret for his many / sterling qualitites# 7616
16A--/01/02- Nellie Sands Thorpe / wife of Harold Thorpe / left on 1st March 1972 and / hopes to join the others#11875
16A--/01/03- Chinese charactersIn loving memory of / Kwan Kin Man / born 2nd April 1893 / died 24 February 1910#7615
16A--/01/04- Chinese CharactersIn memory of / Lam Ping Moon / born December 1825 / died 30 March ?#?787
16A--/01/05- In loving memory / of / Frederick Charles / beloved husband of / Nitaya and the dearly loved only son / of Ethel and / [the late] Charles Digby Planck / called to rest on October 3rd 1968 / at the early age of 40 years / We miss you so very much#11605
16A--/01/06- In / loving memory / of / Annie / the beloved wife of / Walter H Williams / Chinese Customs Service, Canton / died January 29th 1910 / aged 56 yearsArtistic Mont. Co., Lon. Eng.
16A--/01/07- In loving memory / of / Emma Elizabeth Roehl / wife of / William T. Locke / born / Connersville, Ind. USA / March 1872 / died Hong Kong January 1910# ?761
16A--/01/08- In memory of / Frederick Charles Duxon / died 19th October 1953 / aged 77 years / erected by Wong Mei Chu#10831
16A--/01/09- In loving memory of / Wilhemine Gille / beloved wife of / Carl Schullenbach / born July 26th 1832 / who died October 6th 1307 / aged 75 years/Sei mit mir o Gott / On Christ the solid / rock I stand / all other ground / is sinking sand#7272
16A--/01/10- In loving memory / of / Rachel Ann / the beloved wife of / Edward Bullock / who died / 15th November 1907 / aged 31 years
16A--/01/11- Alice Hestor / the beloved wife of / James Lochead / who died Sept. 16th 1907 / aged 35 years. In thy light shall we see light #7265
16A--/01/12- IHS / In memory of / Frank Adolphus Jarratt / Superintendant clerk Royal Engineers / born 6th October 1966 / died 10th July 1908 / Till the day breaks and the shadows flee away
16A--/01/13- Loukas Koulakis / aged 67 years
16A--/01/14- Sacred / to the memory of / Henry Ewington OS / HMS Monmouth / who died 4th July 1908 / in his 19th year / Peace perfect peace
16A--/01/15- In memory / of / David Barker / 2nd engineer of / SS Hop Sang / who was accidently drowned / 9th January 1908 / aged 29 years / erected by a few friends
16A--/01/16- Hier ruht / in Gott / Heinrich / Nanne / Bliefernicht / geb. 1 Sep. 1862 / gest 8 Marz 1908
16A--/02/01- In memory of / Percy Ingham Newman / died 4th September 1952 / aged 61 years / erected by his brethen
16A--/02/02- In memory of / William Frederick Gray / manager of / the North China Insurance Co. Ltd. / at Hong Kong / 3rd surviving son of the late / B F Gray / 4 Inverness Gardens, Kensington / born Nov. 30th 1863 / died May 8th 1910#7643
16A--/02/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / Richard John Young / died Hong Kong / 11th June 1910 / aged 38 years/also / his beloved sister / Minnie / who died 24th March 1920 / aged 52 years / Gone but not forgotten#8486 ? #7652
16A--/02/04- IHS / George H. Sparrow R.N. / died / 3 May 1910footstone - #7639
16A--/02/05- IHS / George Jones R.N. / died / 29 Mar 1910footstone - #7827
16A--/02/06- Sacred to the memory of / Brian Reginald Tyler / dearly beloved youngest / son of Eileen and Cyril Tyler / London, England - called to / rest July 19th 1893 aged 25 / Thy will be done
16A--/02/07- To the memory of / their late shipmate / Reginald H Manley / stoker / who died 7 February 1910/also of / Nathaniel Coupland / stoker petty officer / who died and was buried at sea / off Colombo 17th December 1909 / this stone was erected by the men of HMS Kent#7612
16A--/02/08- In treasured memory of / Ralph Duncan / Chief Marine Engineer / beloved wife of Jean / and dear father of Sheana / Balmullo Fife Scotland / born at Carnoustie Scotland / 2nd Oct. 1902 / died aboard SS Rochford on / 17th October 1964Moses & Co#11648
16A--/02/09- In loving remembrance o / Jack Frederick Harvey / commander Royal Navy [retd] / born 28th June 1909 / died 17th August 1963
16A--/02/10- In loving memory / of / Elaine Dodd / wife of E. Delsarte / born 10 May 1869 / died 1st October 1969 ? / erected / by her sorrowing brother / John Valentine Dodd
16A--/02/11- Sacred to the memory / of / James Trevaskus / stoker petty officer of / HMS Kent / died Nov. 20 1908 / aged 33 years / erected by shipmates [?]
16A--/02/12- Sacred / to the memory / of / Henry Howarth / who departed this life / Nov. 18 1908 / in the 33 year of is [sic] life / In the midst of life we are in death / the dead shall be raised / erected by a friend
16A--/02/13- A treasured memory of / our beloved father / Henry William Belletty / marine engineer / Sinsapore [sic] / died 12th February 1964 / aged 75 years
16A--/02/14- To the memory of / Reginald Harding / solicitor of Hong Kong / and Exeter England / who died on 28th September 1908 / aged 32 years#7421
16A--/02/15- In / loving memory / of / W H Batty / a native of Sheffield, England / who died Sept. 16th 1908 / aged 28 years / If thou shouldn't call me to resign / what most I prize. He ne'er was mine / I only yield thee what is thine / thy will be done / this stone was erected by a few of / his friends of the Taikoo Dockyard#7417
16A--/02/16- Hier ruht in frieden / Gustav Hoppe / geb den 1 October / 1884 zu Tilsit / gest den 22 Junei 1909 in Hong Kong#7526
16A--/02/17- In loving memory / of / Earnest William Partridge / late S/S Loong Sang / of Streatham, London England / who died 15th Sept. 1908 / in his 34th year / "The Lord knoweth the days of the upright / and their inheritance shall be forever"
16A--/03/01- In loving memory / of / my husband / Andrew Casey / master mariner / who died 14th May 1910 / aged 49 years / Safe in the hands of Jesus / erected by / his beloved wife Constance
16A--/03/02- In loving remembrance / of / my dear husband / Henry Horley / died 10th June 1910 / aged 43 years / We have to mourn the loss of one / we did our best to save / beloved on earth, regretted, gone / remembered in the grave# 7651CEW & Co. HK
16A--/03/03- In / loving memory / Saida Sahmet#7641
16A--/03/04- In / loving memory / of / Betty Learmond / 1927 - 1963 / Rest in peace#11598
16A--/03/05- IHS / Reg. H. Blackwell R.N. / died / 25 Apr. 1910#1636
16A--/03/06- In ever precious memory of / Cadet Alistair Mackie / Fraser / of Carlops, Midlothian / who died in an accident aboard / his ship / SS "Bengloe" / on 23rd August 1963, aged 20 years / erected in the love of his parents / brother and all who knew him#11596
16A--/03/07- In / loving memory / of / George McKerrow / who died / on March 17th 1910 / Blessed are the dead / which die in the Lord
16A--/03/08- In loving memory / of / Mary A Mahon [Belfast] / auntie / died 9th September 1963 / The Lord / is / my shepherd / PS. 23#9523
16A--/03/09- In loving memory / of / Madge Kennedy Atkinson / born 10 June 1905 / died 23 March 1952# 10709
16A--/03/10- In loving memory / of / Charles Reginald Spencer / who died / Jan. 6th 1909 / aged 43 years / Rest in peace# 7463
16A--/03/11- In fond remembrance / of / Emel William Hardrup / born at Copenhagen / 10th September 1865 / died at Hong Kong / 29th December 1908 / Gone but not forgotten / erected / by his wife and friends
16A--/03/12- In ever loving memory / of / Florence Esther Ryder / died 1st Dec. 1966 / age 34 years
16A--/03/13- In loving memory of / Alexandra Danilevitch / died 17th September 1960 / aged 62 yearsRussian Script
16A--/03/14- Thomas Sale Reilly / 1870 - 1909 / civil engineer / class 90 P M C
16A--/03/15- Hier ruht in Gott / Juergen Spiesen / geb 20 Marz 1858 / gest 26 Januar 1909 / ruhe sanft in fremden Erde / gewidmet von seinen Kameraden
16A--/03/16- In memory of / William Tyrell / police constable / H.M. Naval Yard / Hong Kong / who departed this life / Janauary 31st 1909 / aged 32 years / erected by his comrades / 4 lines illegible
16A--/03/17- Sacred to the memory / of / Mary / the wife of / G Berkeley Mitchell / of Amoy China / who departed this life / on the 13th July 1909 / aged 39 years
16A--/03/18- Chinese charactersIn loving memory of / Wong Sheck Chum / died 20th February 1909/and his wife / Ng YIng Chan / died 4th July 1918 / aged 62 years#7474
16A--/04/01- To the memory of / Arthur W Pearce / a native of Bristol, England / who died at Hong Kong / 1st June 1910 / aged 34 years / erected by friends in Taikoo Dockyard
16A--/04/02- Cecile Madge Newcombe / died 20th September 1969 / with treasured memories of Madge / daughter of Lily Newcombe, sister / of Peggy and Kenneth in England
16A--/04/03- In / memory / of / Lily Overbeck Ellis / born 24th February 1861 / died 28th July 1887/and her son / Henry Ellis / born May 31st 1887 / died August 25th 1910 / aged 23 years#8651 #7675
16A--/04/04- Jesus Christ the same yesterday / and today forever / Heb. 13:8/In / loving memory / of / Robert James Semple / missionary and beloved husband / of / Aimee Semple McPherson / "He led me to Christ" / fell asleep in Jesus August 19th 1910 / age 28 / Go ye unto all the world and preach / the Gospel to every creature / and lo I am with you alwaysJ S Lee & Co. #7672
16A--/04/05- In loving memory of / Wong Leung Shi / born 10th November 1885 / died 29th September 1910/Chinese characters#7687
16A--/04/06- In / loving memory / of / George Wilson Whiting / of / Sleaford and Newark, Notts. / England / who passed away / 2nd September 1910 / at the age of 26 years / By God's grace we will / meet you in our eternal home
16A--/04/07- Thy will be done / In / loving memory / of / James Boyd / eldest twin son of / Wm. Robertson / inspector of Hong Kong Police / who died at Hong Kong / on the 10th October 1910 / aged 14 years and 8 months / Blessed are the pure of heart / for they shall see God
16A--/04/08- Sacred to the memorry / of / Arthur Thomas Glanville / chief sick berth steward / R N Hospital / who died 8th September 1910 aged 44 years / this stone is erected as a mark of esteem / by the officers and staff of R. N. H.
16A--/04/09- R I P / In loving memory / of / Thomas Augustus Diall / who was drowned / 1st March 1910 / aged 39 years / 3 lines illegible / erected / by his sorrowing family
16A--/04/10- I H S / Sacred / to the memory / of / Archibald Henry James Ashby / stoker H.M.S. King Alfred / who died at Hong Kong / 1st January 1910 aged 21 years / erected by his shipmates
16A--/04/11- In loving memory / of / Jessie / who died / 6th January 1910 / aged 19 years / erected by / a sorrowing father and motherChinese characters on reverse#7601
16A--/04/12- IHS / In loving memory / of / Choa Leep Chee / born / 21 January 1859 / died / 23 October 1909 / Requiem aeterneum dona ei / domine: et lux perpetua luceat eiChinese characters on both sides and reverse
16A--/04/13- Sacred / to the memory / of / George Henry Tarburton / stoker / H M S Flora / who died 5th December 1909 / aged 24 years
16A--/04/14- IHS / sacred to the memory / of / Horace George Calthrop / of the Inner Temple barrister-at-law / son of / prebendary Gordon Calthrop / born June 7th 1866 / killed by an accidental fall on the Peak / November 5th 1909#7536
16A--/04/15- Chinese CharactersIn loving memory of / John Pau Chiu / died 5th Dec. 1934 / aged 69 years/and his wife / Tong Oi Lin / died 12th May 1937 / aged 52 years#9484 #9669
16A--/04/16- Nicholas Michael / Krasnoperoff / died 11-2-1960 / aged 60
16A--/04/17- In deeply cherished / memory of our / dearly loved father / Eugene P Juberin / born 17-11-1894 died 6-10-1959
16A--/04/18- Sacred / to the memory / of / George Ernest Simpson / ship's steward / H M S Merlin / who died 8th July 1909 / aged 28 years
16A--/04/19- Sacred to the memory / of / H W Hine / for sixteen years a / resident in Canton China / died at the Peak Hospital / 29th July 1909#7546
16A--/04/20- In loving memory of / Robert Lovells, Chief E.R.A. / of H.M.S. Taku / aged 35 years / accidently drowned in / Hong Kong Harbour / 20 June 1909 / We know that / we pass from death unto life / erected by the chief and E.R.A.s / of the fleet and his shipmates#7527
16A--/05/01- Erected by / Isabella Harrison / in loving memory / of her husband / Robert Dryden Galloway / who died / 23rd July 1910 / aged 38 years / Nearer my God to thee#7680
16A--/05/02- Chinese characters
16A--/05/03- Erected by / J Brand Chapman / in memory of / his wife / Helen Watt / died 8th August 1910 / aged 38 years#7688
16A--/05/04- In memory / of / Samuel Farrell / born 23 April 1860 / died 2 September 1910/and / June Aitken / his wife / born 4th October 1864 / died 31st March 1911 / erected by her brother#7738
16A--/05/05- Chinese Characters#7694
16A--/05/06- Hier ruhet in Gott / H.C.L.Th. Schmidt / 3 Maschinist NDLD 'Kohsichang' / geb 24 November 1876 / gest 1st Dezember 1910 / Ruhe sanft in freunder Erde / gewidnet von seine Kameraden#7722
16A--/05/07- R.I.P. / In loving memory / of / Cadwaladr Williams / A.B. HMS Kent / aged 20 years / who died from the effects of / an accidental fall in Hong Kong / Dry Dock 18th November 1910 / This Stone is erected by his / sorrowing shipmates#7697
16A--/05/08- In loving memory of / Joseph Francis Callahan / born 12th October 1921 / died 5th December 1963 / Rest in peace#11615
16A--/05/09- Tatiana Purina / 1902 - 1977#11954
16A--/05/10- T. Woxen / late I.M. Customs / 28-10-1879 - 29-1-1911 / R.I. P.
16A--/05/11- In / memory / of / Hugh A.R. Cochrane / died on 2nd Feb. 1911 / of the Mercantile Bank of India Ltd.#7719 ?
16A--/05/12- In loving memory / of / Herbert William Kenny / of the International Banking Corporation / Canton / who departed this life / March 11th 1911 / in his 31st year / third son of Captain J.H. Kenny R.E. / Southampton, England#7731
16A--/05/13- In memory of / Major G.H. [Jim] Dalton / died 4th July 1966 / aged 63 years / R.I.P.
16A--/05/14- In / loving memory / of / Mrs Margaret C. Allward / missionary of the / Christian & Missionary Alliance / Kwang-Si, China / fell asleep / May 22nd 1911 age 40 / They do rest from their labours#7750
16A--/05/15- In memory / of / Albert W. Smith / signalman of / H.M.S. Monmouth / who died at Hong Kong / on April 29th 1911 aged 26 years / erected by his shipmates
16A--/05/16- In loving memory of / Chua Tong How / born in Malacca 22 June 1875 / died in Hong Kong 7 June 1911Chinese characters
16A--/05/17- Kapitan Emil Anders / * Berlin / den 17 Dezember 1863 / + Canton / den 28 Mai 1911
16A--/05/18- [thistle]In loving memory / of / Annie Evans / beloved wife of / Robert Neill / born in Port Glasgow / 2nd Aug. 1864 / died in Hong Kong / 9th October 1911 / When the pearly gates infold#7705
16A--/05/19- In loving memory of / Donald Kennedy Lawson / born 23rd Nov. 1919 / died 4th Sept. 1962 / erected by his loving wife / Pauline Keung LawsonMOses & Co. #11537
16A--/06/01- Sacred to the memory of / Andrew Gatherer / of Greenock / engineer C.N. Co. Ltd. who died at Hong Kong / 16th August 1910 aged 34 years / erected by a few friends
16A--/06/02- In loving memory / of / Archie Miller Marshall / youngest son of the late / Jas. Marshall, Rowallan Gardens, Glasgow / who died at Hong Kong on / 31st August 1910 aged 32 years / Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God / erected by his brother and sisters#7676
16A--/06/03- In loving memory / of / James Warrack / who died 17th December 1918 / aged 48 years#7704
16A--/06/04- In loving memory / of my husband / Norman Granville Beale / born Sydney 6th June 1884 / died Hong Kong 7th March 1963 / he loved life and his generosity knew / no limits / Always with you Solnishko Dinochka
16A--/06/05- IHS / In loving memory / of / W.J. [?] Dixon / the beloved wife of / Sergt. E.H. Bind [?] / The Buffs / born 5th May 1879 / died 3rd May. 1911 / The resurrection and the life: Ye / that believeth in me hath everlasting life
16A--/06/06- [Star of David]Sacred / to the memory / of / Gregorius George Catchick / born in Julfa 16th March 1882 / died in Hong Kong 25th January 1911Armenian script#7717
16A--/06/07- Carl Frederick Knudsen / born in 18th March 1879 / at Copenhagen / died 29th January 1911 / at Dong Moon [?] / South China
16A--/06/08- Harry Mons Shepherd / born May 16th 1915 / died Sept. 7th 1964 / aged 49 / Always loved and remembered / by his wife and children / safe in God's keeping
16A--/06/09- In memory of / David Louis Baumann / seaman United States Navy / died in the service of his country / March 15th 1911 / while attached to USS Callao / aged 27 years 11 months / erected by his shipmates on the / South China Station#7732
16A--/06/10- In loving memory of / my dear husband / Claude Ellsworth Whie / born 31st May 1893 / died 8th Sept. 1952 / Rest in peaceHK Marble Co. #10756
16A--/06/11- In remembrance / of / James Smith / 2nd engineer of / R.M.S. Empress of Japan / who died at Hong Kong / 15th April 1911 / aged 40 years / Thy will be done#7740
16A--/06/12- IHS / In memory of / Frederick J Sadler / able seaman / H.M.S. Waterwitch / who died at the / Royal Naval Hospital / Hong Kong / on 1st June 1911 / after falling from aloft / aged 22 years#7756
16A--/06/13- In affectionate remembrance / of / Mary / the beloved wife of / Charles A Robertson / master mariner / who passed away after a short illness / 17th June 1911 / aged 50 years / Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God#7767
16A--/06/14- IHS / George J Christie R.N. / died / 5 July 1911#7773
16A--/06/15- In loving memory / of / Kathrine Waller / born 2nd Dec. 1917 / died 30th Oct. 1953 / And in loving / memory of her / dear husband / our devoted father/Prosper Alestaire / Waller / born / 13th March 1912 / died / 7th March 1980Moses & Co. #10834
16A--/06/16- I will come again, and receive you / unto myself; that where I am, there / ye may be also John 14:3/In loving memory of our dear beloved mother / Candida Edith Waller / born 27th February 1880 - died 4th July 1875 / and brothers/Lionel Alfred Waller / born 29th December 1898 - died 19th December 1941/Charles Arnold Waller / born 6th December 1899 - died 26th November 1954/George Albert Waller / born 5th March 1915 - died 16th June 1978/"Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God" Matt 5:8 /Rest in peaceOn wedge -Marjorie Waller / born 19th August 1909 / died 20th November 1896
16A--/07/01- In loving memory / of / Yeung Shi & Pak Pang / the beloved wife and son of / Hay Tong Hang Shing Woo / who died on 8th Nov. 1908 aged 33 years / and 20th July 1901 aged 7 yearsChinese characters front and rear#7443
16A--/07/02- In loving memory of / Edmund Jasper Watson / B Sc., E.M.E., A.M.I.M.E. / born 4th June 1910 / died 28th June 1971 / sadly missed by / his beloved wife and children / Rest in peace
16A--/07/03- Thy will be done / In loving memory / of / Rev. James Chue / [Chinese characters] / born 26th December 1843 / passed away / 6th December 1910 / Trusting in God / 2 Tim 1:10 / erected by his sorrowing wife / and family#7681 #7976 #8700
16A--/07/04- Hier ruhet in Gott / J. Heinrich L. Kohnke / geb 25 April 1882 / in Flensburg / gest 25 Dezember 1910 / in Hong Kong / gedwidnet von seine Kameraden
16A--/07/05- Her / hviler / Sanuel Johannesen / fra Porsgrund / Norge / dod den 6te Januar 1911 / 30 aar gammel / 2 den Styrhand rar / O/S Halvard af Dramgeb [?] / Enner reiste dette mind#7711
16A--/07/06- Sacred / to / the memory / of / John Andersen / born 26th August / 1863 / died 23rd January / 1911 / aged 47 years#7716
16A--/07/07- In remembrance of / William Nicholson / later boilermaker of / R.M.S. Empress of India / who died at Hong kong on the / 26th January 1911 / "In the midst of life we are in death" / erected by his shipmates as a token of esteem#7718
16A--/07/08- Sacred / to the memory / of / Charles Gould / who died / 12 February 1911 / aged 70 years
16A--/07/09- In loving memory of / my berloved / Joseph Otto Wiedmer / born Perth, W Australia / 10th January 1902 / died Hong Kong, Kowloon / 21st February 1966 / R.I.P.
16A--/07/10- Dr Alexender Lang Murray / youngest son of the late / Mr John Murray / Ednam, Kelso, Scotland / died 29th March 1911 / aged 50 years
16A--/07/11- R.I.P. / In loving memory / of / our devoted / father / Charles Homer Jackson / born 24th October 1903 / died 18th March 1952 / departed from his wife and / children / but not / forgotten / wife: Mary Chang and sons / Thomas Benjamin John & Henry#10708
16A--/07/12- Sacred to the memory / of / William Hibberdine [Manners] / who died / April 14th 1911 / aged 47 years
16A--/07/13- IHS / Walter C Howard R.N. / died / 12 May 1911#7748
16A--/07/14- In loving memory / of / my beloved wife / Christina livingstone / born at Greenock, Scotland / September 18th 1882 / died Quarry Bay, Hong Kong / 2nd June 1911 / The dayspring is at hand / erected by Robert Gray#7758
16A--/07/15- In loving memory / of / Prof. Robert Kirk O.B.E. BSc. MD[Glas] / F.R.F.P.S. [Edin] F.R.C.P. [Lond] F.R.S. [Edin] / D.Ph. [Lond] / born 26th January 1905 / died 16th December 1962 / erected by his beloved wife and family / on open book - Let not your heart be troubled / neither let it be afraid#11557
16A--/07/16- In / loving memory / of / Rev. Griffith Lloyd Hughes / missionary of the / Christian & Missionary Alliance / Kwang-si China / fell asleep / Aug 25th 1911 age 34 / He being dead yet speaketh#7788
16A--/07/17- IHS / In loving memory / of / Septimus Gray Kennedy / who died Septemeber 16th 1911 / aged 29 / A devoted son to his loving mother / Blind unbelief is sure to err / and scars his work in vain / God is his own interpreter / and he will make it plain
16A--/07/18- In memory / of my beloved wife / Margaret Christina Davis / born 29-11-1939 / died 14-10-1962#11544
16B--/01/01- In loving memory / of / Marie Ahwee / died September 13th 1918 / aged 50 years / also in memory of Albert Ahwee / died February 26th 1918 / aged 63 years/wedge:In loving memory of / Henry William Ahwee / born 4th December 1900 / died 14th February 1950 / also in memory of / Maude Kathleen Ahwee / born April 23rd 1896 / died September 17th 1992 / Always in our thoughts
16B--/01/02- Barnard Johann / Beilken / prisoner of war / died / 19th March 1916
16B--/01/03- Fred Ablong / died 19th April 1916 / Asleep in Jesus# 8150
16B--/01/04- In / loving memory / of / John Forbes / of the China Sugar Refinery / born at Greenock / 1st January 1882 / died at Hongkong / 18th February 1916 / aged 34 years / "He giveth his beloved sleep"# 8142CEW & Co. HK
16B--/01/05- Mary Duncan Thompson / born May 9th 1846 / Worster, Mass., USA / died February 15th 1916 [?] / Hong Kong
16B--/01/06- IHS / Adam Meldrum R.N. / died / 14th June 1912#7860
16B--/01/07- In loving memory of / James William King / died 11th July 1912 / aged 37 years / also of / Ellen Harriet / the beloved wife of the above / died 5th July 1941 ((Text from Patricia read 1911. Corrected to 1941 by Brian)) / aged 59 years / Sunshine passes, shadows fall / but love and remembrance outlast allW M Nodes Ltd.#7869#9999
16B--/01/08- Til misse / om / Herman Petersen / fodt / Horsle [?] Denmark / den 16th Juli 1871 / dod / Hongkong / den 16th Juni 1912 / dette minde var benst / hans vennerCEW & Co. # 7861
16B--/01/09- In loving memory / of / Elizabeth Ann / died 9 June 1912 aged 34 years / and/George / died 10 June 1912 / aged 2 days / dearly beloved wife and son of / Geirge J. Park [illegible]#7854#7856
16B--/01/10- In memory of / Lily / the beloved wife of / Captain F.C. Everett / died 11th June 1912 / aged 29 / At rest# 7858
16B--/01/11- In / affectionate remembrance / of / Alexander Roberts son of / Edwards Roberts of London Eng. / died Hong Kong 3rd June 1912 / aged 27 years / To live in the hearts we / leave behind is not to die
16B--/01/12- Jacob Bosshard / missionar bibel agent / geb 2nd Feb. 1866 Zurich / ger 26th April 1912 Hongkong / Christus ist mein leben / sterben mein gewinn#7840
16B--/01/13- [Chinese characters]Sacred to the memory / of / U San Man / the beloved wife of / Lau Tsz Ping / who died 8th March 1912 / aged 31 years# 7833
16B--/01/14- Sacred to the memory / of / Annie Jane Cole / beloved wife / of / Alexander Cole / of Sydney, New South Wales / born at Sydney / Oct. 1st 1861 / died at Hongkong / April 1st 1912# 7838
16B--/01/15- [Chinese characters]Sacred to the memory of / [?] Ho Yin Sik, solicitor / who died 12th Jan. 1912 / aged 24 years / Rest in Peace#7820
16B--/01/16- William Chase Mackey / born / January 7th 1887 / died Janury 14th 1912 / I believe in the resurrection of the body
16B--/01/17- In memory of / Charles Thomas Hose / of / the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co. / born at Singapore October 16 1880 / died at Hongkong January 11th 1912 / In la sua voluntade e nostra pace
16B--/01/18- Ter herinnerrig aan / Gerrit Byl / im leven / 2e machinist / Java-China-Japan Line / geboren 5 Jun 1874 / overleben 7 December 1911# 7802
16B--/01/19- IHS / erected by / the Captain. officers / & ship's company / in memory of / John William Stubbs / stoker / H.M.S. Astraer / who died January 7th 1912 / aged 29 years#7315
16B--/01/20- To the memory / of / Richard Henry Mugford / of the Public Works Department / Hongkong / born 18th December 1850 / died 17th December 1911 / R.I.P.CEW HK Co.#7810
16B--/01/21- Erected by friends / to the memory of / H.J. Nicholson, aged 48 years / who was killed while defending his ship / the 'Shui On' against piratical attack / in the West River on the 24th November 1911#7802CEW HK Co.
16B--/02/01- In / loving memory / of / Otto King Sing / who / died January 30th 1917 / aged 46 years / and of / Eileen his wife / the beloved daughter of Mrs J Benson / and mother of Eric [?] Jordan / died August 12th 1925 / aged 42 years #8205 #8832 CEW & Co. HK
16B--/02/02- Sacred / to the memory of / Augustus William Button / of / H.M. Naval Yard Hongkong / who died December 30th 1916 / aged 42 years / erected by his comrades
16B--/02/03- In memoriam / of / Aksel Sorensen / 2nd officer C.N. Co. / a native of Fano / Denmark / died at Hongkong / December 25th 1916 / aged 21 years / erected as a token of respect by his / brother officers in the C.N. Coy. # 8194
16B--/02/04- IHS / In loving memory / of / Emilie Peck / born 17th December 1870 / died 8th December 1916
16B--/02/05- In / loving memory / of / Nelly / daughter of / F.G. Hicks of Bangkok / and wife of / G.A. Burn of Hongkong / died September 28th 1916# 8180CEW & Co.HK
16B--/02/06- In loving memory of / a happy little soul / Flossie / the dearly beloved wife of / Alan O. Brawn / who died on July 30th 1916 / aged 26 years / 'A little while'/also of our chubby baby girl / who died on July 28th 1916scroll:illegible - Alfred George and Nelly Heales of Feltham England
16B--/02/07- Sacred to the memory / of / Robert Knox / Chief Engineer of / S.S. Telemachus / who died July 21st 1916 / aged 37 years / erected by a few friends as a token of esteem#8159
16B--/02/08- In memory of / James E Forster / R.M.L.I / died 27 June 1916# 8154
16B--/02/09- To the memory / of / Cora Fritsch / Faulkner / Pentecostal missionary / 23rd October 1889 / 7th December 1912 / age 24 years 1 month & 14 days / "Looking for that blessed hope and the / glorious appearing of the great god / and our saviour Jesus Christ" / Titus 11.13# 7909
16B--/02/10- Ferdinand Sonksen / geb 21-8-1876 / gest 14-12-1912 / gewidmet von seinen Freunden [?]#7911
16B--/02/11- Sacred / to the memory of / Irene / dearly beloved wife of Harold Pearce / died 20th November 1912 / aged 21 yearsCEW & Co. #7906HK
16B--/02/12- In loving memory of / Harry / beloved husband of / Ruth A Harder / born Nov. 3rd 1850 / died Dec. 5th 1912# 7902
16B--/02/13- Sacred to the memory / of / Henry James Newport / of the / Royal Naval Yard Police / a native / of Ash, Kent, England / who died at Hongkong / 18th November 1912 / aged 32 years / erected as a token of respect by his / comrades in the RN Yard Police
16B--/02/14- Sacred / to the memory / of / Robert Walsstrom [?] / who died at Hongkong / 28th October 1912 / aged 30 years
16B--/02/15- Charles H Bartlett / Toronto, Canada / died Oct. 22nd 1912 / aged 31 years / Blessed are the dead who are in / the Lord from henceforth / Yea said the spirit that they / may rest from their labours / and their works do follow themCEW Co. HK#7898
16B--/02/16- Sacred / to the memory / of / George Thomas Sheldon / stoker H.M.S. Clio / who died 20 September 1912 / erected by his shipmates# 7890
16B--/02/17- Sacred / to the memory / of / John Gardiner McEwen / of the Public Works Department / Hong Kong / born 7th September 1879 / died 31st August 1912 / erected by his loving wife#7882
16B--/02/18- In loving memory / of / Mabel Gertrude Thompson / born at Manston, WIS / Dec. 1 1882 / died at Hongkong / Aug. 8 1912 / I am he that lived and was dead / and behold i am alive forever[Chinese characters]CEW & Co. # 7875HK
16B--/02/19- Sacred to the memory / of / Philip Rees / B.A. B.Sc. MD / Wesleyan Missionary / born Jan 1877 / died Aug 1912 / He left, all rose up, followed him / erected as a token of love / by his friends and colleagues# 7874
16B--/02/20- Sacred / to the memory of / Alexander Nice / native of London, Eng. / and of the victualling department / HM Naval Yard Hongkong / died 10 July 1912 / aged 39 years / erected by the officers and colleagues / February 1914
16B--/03/01- In / loving memory / of / Lily / beloved wife of / James Miller Gordon / born 11th December 1880 / died 3rd July 1917# 8226CEW & Co.HK
16B--/03/02- Sacred / to / the memory of / Frances Harland Smith / born at Seamer, Yorkshire / September 9th 1846 / died at Hongkong / June 7th 1917 / aged 70 yearsCEW & Co. # 8219HK
16B--/03/03- In loving memory / of / Pansy / the devoted wife / of / P.H. Anderson / born April 2nd 1884 / died June 1st 1917 / and / Little May / The dead in Christ shall rise# 8217 # 8218
16B--/03/04- In loving memory / of / James Haskith McCullogh [?] / ?? Scotland / died Hongkong 11th April 1917 / erected by his sorrowing wife and children
16B--/03/05- In loving memory / of / our brother / John Henry Barton / born in London / 1st January 1864 / an officer / in the Chinese Maritime Customs / from 1888 until his death on / 25th January 1917 / erected by his sisters / Mrs M.K. Player and Mrs E.F. Crowley / and his brother officers in the Customs Service# 8201
16B--/03/06- Sacred to the memory/of / Maria / the dealry beloved wife of / Augustus Small / who died 19th December 1916 / aged 43 years / also their son / Victor / who died 4th Nov. 1916 / aged 19 days
16B--/03/07- In lovingmemory / of / Laura Louise / dearly beloved wife of / Percy T Gray / who died Nov. 22nd 1916 / aged 37# 8187
16B--/03/08- In memory of / Frederick Brown. stoker / H.M.A.S. Psyche / who died at Hongkong / 9th August 1916 / aged 20 years / erected by his shipmates# 8157
16B--/03/09- Sacred to the memory of / William Richards Daniells / gunner RN of H.M.S. Cadmus / who died Sept. 13th 1913 aged 39 years / this stone is erected by his shipmates / as a token of their appreciation# 7970
16B--/03/10- F Mason / In loving memory / of / Frederick John Walter Last / eldest son of / James & Kate Last / of Portsmouth England / who died 21st June 1913 / aged 35 years / Thy will be done# 8172
16B--/03/11- Chinese characters# 7963
16B--/03/12- In loving memory / of / Frederick W Davies / Master Mariner / who died / 5th June 1913 / aged 54 years / Gone but not forgotten# 7943
16B--/03/13- In Loving memory / of / John Ross / engineer / a native of Aberdeen, Scotland / who died 27th May 1913 / aged 56 years / erected by his loving wife / Doris / To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die# 7946
16B--/03/14- In loving / memory of / Edward H Pratt / Lieut, R D RNR / Master S/S Chiyuen / who was drowned / in Hongkong harbour / July 5th 1913 / erected by his friends / in the China Merchants / Steam Navigation Company# 7953
16B--/03/15- In loving memory / of / Harold Ernest William Carson / 2nd officer SS 'Wakool' / and eldest son of / William & Emma Sarah Carson / of Sydney Australia / died 26th April 1913 / Thy will be done# 7941
16B--/03/16- Ice repose / Jean Debrabant / ne a Lyons le 23 Novembre 1887 / decede a Hong Kong le 18 Juillet 1913 / Dieu a tant aime le monde qu'il a donne son / fils unique afin que quiconque croi en lui ne perisse / pas mais qu'il ait la vie eternelle / Saint Jean III 19
16B--/03/17- Sacred / to the memory / of / Murdoch McPhee / stoker of H.M.S. Flora / who was drowned at / Stonecutters Island / April 6th 1913 aged 26 # 7937
16B--/03/18- In Loving memory / of / George Alexander Crawford / husband of Emily Crawford / Whitley Bay, England / who died / in the Isolation Hospital / Hong Kong / February 28th 1913 / aged 48 years / At restCEW Co. HK#7928
16B--/03/19- hier ruht / der Backer jast / Wilhelm Jensen / von / S M S Scharnhorst / geb. 3.5.1892 / gest. 22.2.1913#7927
16B--/03/20- In / memory / of / Isabella Alexander / born Edinburgh 1843 / died Hongkong Jan. 11th 1913 / She loved muchCEW Co. # 7320HK
16B--/03/21- IHS / in memory of / walter Geo. Matthews / stoker RN / died / 2 Feb. 1913#7925
16B--/03/22- Sacred / to the memory / of / John O'Neil P O I [?] / H.M.S. Minotaur / who was drowned Dec 25th 1912 / aged 27 years / erected by his shipmates
16B--/03/23- Hier ruhet in Frieden / Peter Breannesse [?] / Offizier des Nord e(D?) Lloyd / geb Apenrade Juli 1872 / gest Hongkong 25 Dec. 1912 / Rune sanet in freide Erde
16B--/04/01- Sacred to the memory / Robert Ferguson / who died / February 27th 1918 / age 49 years / Gone but not forgotten / erected by his friends# 8268
16B--/04/02- In dear memory / of / Peter H Gandall / born / at Honolulu Dec. 6th 1894 / died / at Hongkong 26th Feb. 1918 / [illegible]
16B--/04/03- Francis Edward McMurphy / born February 1875 / Cleveland, Ohio, USA / died October 18th 1917 / Hongkong
16B--/04/04- In loving memory / of / James / second son of the late / Edward Wallace and Mrs. Wallace / died on / June 29th 1917 aged 46 / Heaven's morning breaks /right hand sideAnnie / beloved daughter of / Aline Wallace / died 3rd Nov. 1923 aged 50# 8362 # 8224 # 8697 [?]
16B--/04/05- Sacred / to the memory of / Joseph William Steel / A.V.S.O. / R.N. Depot / Kowloon / who departed this life / 9th February 1917 / aged 40 years / In my father's house are many mansionsCEW & Co. Ltd # 8206HK
16B--/04/06- In / loving memory / of / Elsie / the dearly beloved wife of / Reuben Abraham / who died 30th October 1916 / aged 29 years# 8184 CEW & Co. Ltd.HK
16B--/04/07- In Loving memory / of Dorothy / dearly beloved wife of / Stewart Lack / who fell asleep 24th September 1916 / aged 33 years / Thy will be done# 8176
16B--/04/08- In memory of / George J Brunning / CH E R A RN. died / 10 Sep. 1914
16B--/04/09- Sacred / to the memory / of / Chetta T Ransom / Pentecostal missionary / 1874 - 1914 / He will giveth his beloved sleep
16B--/04/10- In memory of / Reginald Dennis / aged 32 years / Called away on September fourth / nineteen hundred & fourteen / while on service for his king and country / Jesus said / "Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God" / "And they shall be mine" saith the Lord of hosts / "In that day when I wake up my jewels."# 8056 CEW & Co. HK
16B--/04/11- To / the memory / of / William Curwen / Hong Kong Volunteer Corps / who died on duty at Stonecutter's Island / 9th August 1914 aged 43 years / This stone is erected by his comrades. in the Civil Service Company# 8051
16B--/04/12- In loving memory / of / Chen Yuen Chow / born 1st December 1859 / died 3rd September 1914 / Gone but not forgotten[Chinese characters on reverse]# 8054
16B--/04/14- In Loving memory / of / David McKeddie Muir / Taikoo Docks / born in Renfrew / Aug. 2nd 1880 / died at Hongkong / 15th June 1914 / erected / by his brother William / to memory dear / A lonely grave in a far off land a grave I'll never see / but as long as life & memory lasts I will remember thee / from his sorrowing mother# 8037
16B--/04/15- In loving memory / of / Alex Robertson McMillan / younger son of / Wm. McMillan of / Gourock, Scotland / died / May 12th 1914 / aged 41 years# 8024
16B--/04/16- In memory of / Corurluis Grant / died 2nd June 1914 / aged 71 years# 8088
16B--/04/17- In loving memory / of / Lilian Ellen Ablong / born Warwick, Queensland / 30 May 1880 / died Kowloon, Hongkong / 10th May 1914# 8028
16B--/04/18- Sacred / to the memory / of / William Francis Barnes Cox / Pte. RMLI / of / HMS Minotaur / born October 1891 / died 3rd December 1913 / erected by his shipmates
16B--/04/19- In / loving memory / of / William Leonard Parker / who died / 29th January 1914 / aged 56 years / erected by his loving widow and children/and his beloved wife / Aline Parker / [Yeong A H Lin] / born 10th March 1878 / died 25th December 1959/their son / Arthur H Parker / born 12 November1904 / died 16 May 1989/and his beloved wife / Yvonne Parker [Chinese characters] / born 14th July 1907 / died 19th July 2004 / erected by May / their loving daughter / R.I.P.# 7959 #11257
16B--/04/20- In loving memory / of / Amelia Sarah / the beloved wife / of / Bombadier / Charles Brown / 88 Co. R.G.A. / who died 10th Dec. 1913 / aged 29 years / also their twin sons / Albert died 5th Oct.1913 / born 28th Sept. 1913 / Sidney died 8th Nov. 1913#7973 #7887 #7988
16B--/04/21- In loving memory / of / James Alfred Morgan / beloved husband of / Mary Morgan / of Exeter, Eng / who died 20th October 1913 / aged 39 years / Forever with the Lord# 7977
16B--/05/01- In loving memory / of / William Bunting / son of the late / John Bunting / solicitor Chesterfield, England / died October 1st 1916 / aged 50 years# 8181
16B--/05/02- Sacred / to the memory / of / Arthur Walmsley / late staff of the / Taikoo Sugar Refining Co. Ltd. / formerly 88th Co. R.G.A. / a native of Leyland, Lancashire / who died at Quarry Bay / on the 31st August 1915 / as a result of an accident / aged 33 years / erected by a few of his friends# 8109
16B--/05/03- Sacred to the memory / of / Clara Douglas Denney / Pentecostal missionary / born August 8th 1878 / fell asleep October 6th 1915 / "And yet a little while"
16B--/05/04- In ever loving memory of / Florence Stockholm / dearly beloved wife of / George Henry Haskett / born Agust 2nd 1885 / died August 27th 1915 / Father in thy gracious keeping / leave we now our loved one sleeping# 8108 CEW & Co. Ltd. HK
16B--/05/05- Sacred to the memory / of / Walter George Harling / born 1st June 1838 / died 22nd November 1914 / erected / by his sorrowful widow# 8067
16B--/05/06- In / memory / of / Cosby French Grey / died 25th July 1914 / aged 36# 8045
16B--/05/07- In loving memory / of / me dear beloved husband / Edward Henry Jacobs / who passed away / Tuesday May 19th 1914 / aged 42 years / There remaineth a rest to the people of God# 8027
16B--/05/08- Sacred to / the memory / of / Charles Willsockson / for 25 years connected with / the missionary [?] service / [illegible]# 8019
16B--/05/09- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Charles Henry Dodd / of Durham, England / late of Messrs Ramsey & Co. / Hong Kong / and / for many years / Captain / of steamers on the / China Coast / died / 11th February 1914 / aged 66 years# 8003 CEW & Co. HK
16B--/06/01- In loving memory / of / Robert Whyte / a native of Dumbarton, Scotland / marine engineer / who died 9th April 1918 / aged 46 years
16B--/06/02- Sacred / to the memory / of Thomas Membrey / master mariner / born in London / 22 August 1874 / died / 7th April 1918 / Rest In Peace# 8226
16B--/06/03- Hier rust / Chel Van Der Putte / in leve / officer aan boord / SS Van Vaerwuck [?] / O H ??iske Paketmart [?] / maat Schappi [?] / geboren te Brelle / te 4 Mai1855 / overladen te Hongkong / 22 Maart 1918
16B--/06/04- Resting in Jesus / Amy Maud / the greatly loved wife of / Norman Leslie Railton / taken home March 7th 1918 / and her son / Norman Leslie Howard / the beloved husband of / Mollie Railton / died 17th July 1947 / aged 53 years# 8270 10408 CEW & Co. HK
16B--/06/05- In loving memory / Elizabeth Ann Warnes / born 2nd August 1882 / died 8th April 1917 / aged 34 years / The gift of God is eternal life# 8211 CEW & Co. HK
16B--/06/06- Sacred to the memory / of / Joan Hoy / a native of Glasgow / the dearly beloved wife of / John Stewart / who died 25th January 1916 / aged 55 years / Death is the gate of life# 8137
16B--/06/07- In loving memory of / my dear father / James MacMillan / died 1st Janaury 1916 / aged 29 years / Thy will be done# 8135
16B--/06/08- IHS / In memory of / Edwin Manley E.R.A. / died / 26 Dec. 1915# 8131
16B--/06/09- Sacred / to the memory / of / Alfred John Lindberg / born / 26th November 1880 / died / 11th December 1915# 8127
16B--/06/10- In loving memory / of / Charles Roberts / late of the 2nd Royal West Kent / who died 8th November 1915 / aged 38 years / Erected by Mitsu Yangshiro
16B--/06/11- In / loving memory / of / Ellen Olson / who died 20th October 1915 / aged 61 years / Be thou faithfull until death & / i will give you thee a crown of life
16B--/06/12- In loving memory / of / Annie Melbye / born Jan. 1st. 1883 / died July 15th 1915 / erected by her brother, Alfred# 8097
16B--/06/13- In loving memory / of / Capt. Hugh Mathias / born at Holyhead North Wales / 23rd September 1864 / died at Hong Kong / 22nd May 1915 / "Thy will be done"# 8088
16B--/06/14- IHS / in memory of / Charles V Kneighton / stoker R.N. / died / 22 April 1914
16B--/06/15- In / loving memory / of / Helen Maud Potter / born in Liverpool, England / died in Hongkong / 14th February 1914/Agnes Mary Potter Lossius / July 23rd 1938/Captain I. J. Lossius / died 16 Feb. 1942#10064 #8004 #9767
16B--/06/16- Hier ruht / unsere geliebte / Gattin (und?) Mutter / Marie Nielsen / geb. Luttjohann / geb Flensberg d 4 Juni 1888 / gest. 6 Febr 1914 / geliebt / und / unvergessen
16B--/07/01- In memory / of / Anna M Deane / Pentecostal missionary / fell asleep Aug. 12th 1918 / Whosoever will lose his life for my sake / shall find it
16B--/07/02- In loving memory / of / Annie Tweedie Alexander / wife of / Donald McColl / born Kilmarnock. Scotland / 25th April 1875 / died in Hong Kong / 29th July 1918# 8298
16B--/07/03- In / loving memory / of / John Olson / born 24th February 1838 / died 23rd March 1918 / aged 80 years / Rest in peaceCEW & Co # 8238HK
16B--/07/04- Eric Banstead / 1915 - 1996 / "Forever cherished' / he enfolded his family / with his courage his / faithfulness & his love
16B--/07/05- In loving memory / of / Elmer B Hammond / Pentecostal missionary / born March 19th 1884 / died June 15th 1916 / His rest is glorious
16B--/07/06- Sacred to the memory / of / Aleaxander Ralston / a native of Greenock / Scotland / late chief officer of the / SS Chang Chow / C.N.C. / died at Hongkong / 13th April 1916 / aged 47 years / erected by a few friends# 8147
16B--/07/07- In memory of / Frank Penfold / R.M.L.I. / died / 26 Dec. 1915# 8132
16B--/07/08- In loving memory / of / Charles Henry Murphy / late of Hebburn-on-Tyne / foreman shipwright / Taikoo Dock / who died at Hongkong / 8th November 1915 / aged 34 years / "Until the day dawns" / erected by Christina Murphy# 8121
16B--/07/09- Sacred to the memory / of / Albery William Delaney Lee / late of the Chinese Postal Service Canton / and Deal, England / who died at Hongkong on the / 26th August 1915 aged 38 / erected by his colleagues in China / 1.1.16#8107
16B--/07/10- Sacred / to / the memory of / Emma M / the dearly beloved wife of / Alfred Lambden / who died at Hong Kong / 2nd August 1915 / aged 47 years / Blessed are the peacemakers# 8103 CEW & Co. HK
16B--/07/11- Sacred to the memory / of / Robert James McClore / master mariner / of Sunderland / who died at Hongkong / October 14th 1914 / aged 38 years / [illegible] / erected as mark of esteem / by his shipmates / of s s Ching Chong [?]
16Ci-/01/01- In / loving memory / of / Adelaide / the beloved wife of / C Crispin / who died 25 February 1919 / aged 47 years# 8338
16Ci-/01/02- In / loving memory / of / Alfred Cyris Broadbridge / born 18 September 1867 / died 23 February 1919/Lily Broadbridge / / born 6 December 1887 / died 20 September 1966#11710 #8336 J S Lee & Co
16Ci-/01/03- In / memory / of / Francis [Han] Christie / widow of the late / Captain C H Christie / born 20th October 1887 / fell asleep 26th June 1919 / Absent from the body / present with the Lord / illegible
16Ci-/01/04- In / loving memory / of / Nellie Henderson Kay / of Edinburgh / born August 13th 1881 / died May 25th 1919# 8357 CEW & Co Ltd. HK
16Ci-/01/05- In / loving memory / of / Alfred William Percival Spiers / Dover [?] England / died February 2nd 1929 / age 33 / erected by his sorrowing wifeCEW & Co # 8415HK
16Ci-/01/06- Chinese CharactersIn loving memory of / Yeung Tsit Sam / born at Paksan, Heungshan / April 7th 1850 / died at Hong Kong / Feb. 14th 1920 / I am the resurrection and the life and / he that believeth in me / though he were dead, yet shall live / erected by his son Fuki and son-in-law T. Bolt# 8419
16Ci-/01/07- In memory / Anton Wilhelm Forsberg / of / Ljungskile Sweden / 2nd officer M/S ?? / born 21.2.1897 ? / died 6-4-1921
16Ci-/01/08- In memory of / Karl Wilhelm Andersson / of / Goteborg Sweden / engineer M/S Inngro ? / born 31.8.1902 / died 5.4.1942
16Ci-/01/09- In meory of / Paul Hagvar Lindqvist / of / Herrang [?] Sweden / 3rd officer M/S Inngro born 7.11.1910 / died 5.4.1942
16Ci-/01/10- In loving memory / of / George Ireland / Stavely England / died Dec 25th 1920 / aged 46 / erected by his sorrowing wife#8476
16Ci-/01/11- In loving memory / of / Clara / wife of / Dr R A Falconer / who died March 6th 1921 / aged 26 years#8499 CEW & Co HK
16Ci-/01/12- In ever loving memory / of / my dear husband / Frederick Samuel Hill / died July 2nd 1921 / aged 39 years / I am the resurrection and the life / saith the Lord. He that believeth in me / though he be dead yet shall he live# 8523 CEW & Co
16Ci-/01/13- N Magnus Nilsen / engineer S/S Prometheus / fodt i Norge 26/3/88 / dod i Hong Kong 26/8/21 / eg er opstandelsen og livet / hverder tror paa mig om han / end dor skal han dog leve / Joh 1:25 / fra Norske Osten#8532
16Ci-/01/14- Jessie Lockie Doane / native of Edinburgh / beloved wife of J.A. Doane / late of Ballerat / died 25th Dec. 1921 / aged 84 years / At rest# 8561
16Ci-/01/15- Joh: Ant: Herm: Bonne / geb zu Hamburg / den 24ten May 1842 / gest dep 11ten September 1870 / zum gedachtniss / von / seinen Freunden
16Ci-/01/16- In / sacred and loving memory / of / my dear wife / Eliza Florence Knight / who departed this / life 30th July 1922 / aged 45 years / Rock of ages cleft for me / let me hide myself in thee# 8608
16Ci-/01/17- In / loving memory / of / my beloved husband / John Moore / born November 8th 1887 / died November 2nd 1922CEW # 8521
16Ci-/01/18- In / loving memory / of / Alice / the beloved wife of / Robert Watson / who died / January 1923 / aged 33 years / Thy will be doneCEW # 8538
16Ci-/01/19- In loving memory / of my dear husband / W.H. Durrance / who departed this life / on the April 1923 / aged 53 years / born Leicester, England / on the September 2nd 1870 / late of the 23rd East R W Reg / of the R A in Hong Kong / Gone but not forgotten / Rest dearest husband thy ? is safe / thy loving hands toil no more / no more thy gentle eyes shall weep / rest darling husband gently sleep / erected by his loving wife / Mary Jane Durrance / R.I.P.
16Ci-/01/20- In memory of / our brother / Albert E Salter / born in New York / April 20th 1842 / died in Hong Kong / December 28th 1885# 4892
16Ci-/01/21- In memory of / John McColt / eldest son of / Donald McNicol / Ashfield, New South Wales / who departed this life / 23rd October 1923 / aged 43#8692
16Ci-/01/22- In / loving memory / Leslie Stevens Kibble / who passed away / December 4th 1922 / aged 44 years
16Ci-/02/01- Rachel / Rachel Mary Hele Lampson / adored wife and constant companion / of / Sir Miles Wedderburn Lampson / British Minister to China Peking / born July 31 1886 / died suddenly at Hong Kong / January 23 1930 / My true love hath my heart and i have his / by just exchange one for another given / i hold her dear and mine he cannot miss / there never was a better bargain driven / my true love hath my heart and i have his / his heart in me keeps him and me in one / my heart in him his thoughts and senses guide / he loves my heart for once it was his own / i cherish his because in me ihe abides / my true love hath my heart and i have his
16Ci-/02/02- In loving memory / of / Hisa / the beloved wife of / C J Mattock / master mariner / who died / 15th January 1910 / aged 45 years
16Ci-/02/03- In loving memory / of / Herbert Cecil Jennings / died 19th May 1919 / aged 16 1/2 years / deeply mourned by mother / father, sisters and brothers / God be with you we will meet again
16Ci-/02/04- In loving memory / of / Rev Alvin W Field / missionary C & M A / Kwangsi, China / born Feb 6th 1885 / fell asleep Aug 29 1919 / Always rejoicing
16Ci-/02/05- In loving memory / of / Charles Arthur Ching / GBM, J.P., N P J / [1935 - 2000] / beloved husband of Christine / devoted father of Adriana / Nicola and Andrea# 12055
16Ci-/02/06- Sacred / to the memory / Thomas Blair / passed away / 6th July 1920 / In God's keeping# 8444Moses & Co
16Ci-/02/07- Otto I.G.O.Breknaes / engineer S/S Prominent / fodt in Norge 1880 / dod i Hong Kong 9/11/20 / Hver den som lever og tror / paa mig skal ikke do evindelic / Joh II:26# 8163
16Ci-/02/08- In loving memory / of / [Robbie] / R.A.J.A. Holloway / died / 2nd January 1921 / aged 15 years / Now the day is over# 8180
16Ci-/02/09- In loving remembrance / of / NY ?? insbank ? / William Galed Robinson / who died / ? Januaryy 5th 1921# 8435CEW & CoHK
16Ci-/02/10- none
16Ci-/02/11- right side - In loving memory of / Eric Arthur Woods / medical missionary / London Missionary School / born in Tasmania Feb 25th 1892 / died at Hong Kong July 13th 1921 / God so loved the world that / he gave his only begotten son / John 3:18left side - Chinese Characters
16Ci-/02/12- Sacred to the memory / Henry Eustace Talbot / who departed this life on the / 10th February 1863 / aged 27 years and 4 months / I shall go to him but he shall / not return to me
16Ci-/02/13- Sacred / to the memory / of / David Murray Mackay / who died / 5th January 1922 / aged 38 years / erected by his friends# 8566
16Ci-/02/14- Chinese CharactersIn loving memory of Jeremirh [sic] Tweed / born on 12th June 1846 / died on 9th June 1921 / also his loving wife / Li Choi / born 25th June 1853 / died on 2nd October 1932 / erected by their daughtersJ S Lee & Co# 8591 9329
16Ci-/02/15- Sacred / to the memory / of / Maria Miller / beloved wife of / William Vinton / P & O SN Co's Service / who departed this life on the / 22nd June 1869 / aged 49 years / In all thy ways acknowledge me
16Ci-/02/16- In loving memory / of / William P Joy / of Nantucket USA / master of the American ship / St Nicholas / died at Hong Kong / July 9th 1895 / aged 31 years and 11 months and 9 days
16Ci-/02/17- Sacred to the memory / of / Mowbray Arthur Hancox / revenue officer / born in Redhill Surrey / 24th February 1891 / died at Hong Kong 16th February 1923 / erected by his brother officers / God will link the broken chain / closer when we meet again / from mother/also / Claude Clement Hancox / born 29th June 1898 / died 4th November 1937 / "In Life a beautiful memory / is death a silent grief"
16Ci-/02/18- To / the memory / of / W C E Lloyd / H M Dockyard / died May 31st 1920 / aged 30 yearson seperate heart-shaped text panel, possibly not related and comes from another grave:A mon ami / j'ai le culte du / passes ton souvenir / restera a la main ? / ?? dans mon coeur / donne 1 Novembre 1913
16Ci-/02/19- IHS / Resurgam / in loving memory of / Ellen Augusta Card [Nella] / at rest July 27 1923 / The world was richer for her life / The Lord shall be thine everlasting light
16Ci-/02/20- In / memory / of / James Shamks / died September 13th 1884 / aged 22 years / erected by his friends
16Ci-/02/21- A Anderson / aged 45 years / died December 9th 1923 / SS West Sequana / erected by his shipmates
16Ci-/03/01- Ernst Schelle / prisoner of war / died / 16th March 1919
16Ci-/03/02- Sacred to the memory / of / James Stewart / who died / 2nd December 1919 / aged 54 years / erected by his friends# 8393
16Ci-/03/03- Sacred / to the memory / of Paul Stoppa / who died / Jan 1st 1920 / aged 65 years / Gone but not forgotten / on scroll -In loving memory / of / Maudie Stoppa / born 13th November 1900 / died 8th November 1976
16Ci-/03/04- Chinese CharactersFritz / Schlatter / missionar der Basler mission / gebore den 10 Mai 1890 / in Buchs [Schweiz] gestorben den 4 April 1920 / Jesus Christus / ist / unsere hoffnong# 8425
16Ci-/03/05- Helen / wife of / Edward Lockwood / October 27th 1886 / August 7th 1920# 8450
16Ci-/03/06- In / loving memory / of / Maragret Annie Giles / wife of sergt. R J Giles / 2nd Wilts. Regt. / who died on October 22nd 1920 / aged 27 years / erected by her husband and friends# 8459 CEW & Co HK
16Ci-/03/07- In / memory / of / Nathaniel / Beard / born / at Brighton / in England / August 2nd 1810 / died / at Victoria / Hong Kong / July 8th 1855 / this stone / hewn from an / English rock / typifies / his solid worth / and / placed here by / affectionate hands / records the love / of those who lived / to lament him
16Ci-/03/08- In / loving memory / of / Isobel Braifield Bugg / who departed from this earth / on the 22nd March 1921 / age 23 years / daughter of William Miller, Dunferline [sic] / Fife Scotland# 8502
16Ci-/03/09- In loving / memory of / Leila Mary Hirst / of Bristol, England / for some years a medical missionary / in China / who died at Hong Kong 27 May 1921 / aged 55 / "The Lord is my shepherd"
16Ci-/03/10- right hand side - To the / memory / of / Thomas ? Hapgood / illegible left hand side - illegible
16Ci-/03/11- Sacred / to the memory / of / Mary Primrose / the youngest daughter of / John and Elizabeth Roberts / who departed this life / September 29th 1863 / aged 19 years and 10 months / The Lord take and the Lord hath taken away[?] / blessed is the name of the Lord
16Ci-/03/12- In loving memory / of / Fanny / the beloved wife of / Eichard Henry Hamson / late of Ballarat, Australia / who died on the / 25th December 1921 / When the day of toil is done / when the race of life is run / father grant thy weary one / rest forever more# 8560
16Ci-/03/13- In loving memory / of / our dear son / Thorvold Emil Anderson / born 20th Oct 1902 / accidently drowned while / bathing at Stonecutters Island / on 17th June 1922 / erected by his sorrowing father and mother# 8594
16Ci-/03/14- In / ever loving memory / of / my dear husband / Walter Midwinter / of Swanage, Dorset / who died October 12th 1922 / aged 25 years / Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God# 8615 CEW & CO HK
16Ci-/03/15- In memory of / Elizabeth Ann Atherley / school mistress 88th Regt / departed this life / 1st Dec 1874 / aged 31 years / R.I.P.Thomas / Mason / Atherley / deceased / 30th Nov 18?? / aged 6m / Thy will be done
16Ci-/03/16- 1901 - 1923 / E.W. Scribner / SS President Jackson / Seattle USA# 8908
16Ci-/03/17- Sacred / to the / memory / of / William M Morgan / who died at Hong Kong / 2nd April 1885 / aged 63 ? years / Emily / GSTS 762
16Ci-/03/18- In / loving memory / of / Fatime Sahmet
16Ci-/03/19- In memory of / William A Fan / who died in Hong Kong / on the 6th August 1886 / aged 41 years / this stone was erected by a / few brother masons as a / mark of esteem
16Ci-/03/20- Sacred to the memory of / David Allison Wells / who died at Canton / 3rd Septr. 1886 / aged 33 / the only son of S S D Wells. inspector general of hospitals R N / this stone is erected by his / sorrowing relatives and friends
16Ci-/04/01- Sacred to the memory of / John A Honey / chief officer / HMT Huntball / who died 10th October 1918 / aged 45 years / erected by his shipmates# 8310
16Ci-/04/02- Chinese CharactersLoving memory / of / our sister / Susie Esther Tso / died January 5th 1919 / aged 18 years / God thought it best# 8325
16Ci-/04/03- In / loving memory / of / Robert William Winfield / died Augsut 13th 1919 / aged 14 years / Father in thy tender keeping / leave we now our loved / one sleepingCEW & Co. Ltd.HK# 8375
16Ci-/04/04- Erected by the / crew of the American / SS Gold Shell / In loving memory of / Ernest B Westbrook / born ? 1898 died Mar 7th 1920
16Ci-/04/05- Sacred / to the memory of / Alice May / widow of / William Wykeham Myers / born 4th May 1846 / and died 29th May 1920 / at Hong Kong when on her way home after / 47 years unbroken residence in China / and their son / William Robertson Myers / Chinese Maritime Customs / born Takow 9th December 1883 / died Hong Kong 17th October 1951 / beloved husband and father/and his dearest wife / Olga Vasilievna Myers / born Warsaw May 19th 1881 / and died at Hong Kong April 8th 1978 / cherished mother and grandmother
16Ci-/04/06- In / loving memory / of / Hilda May Love / dearly beloved wife of / Edward Stanley Carter / who fell asleep on Sunday Augt. 22nd 1920 / aged 30# 8455 CEW & Co Ltd HK
16Ci-/04/07- In / loving memory / of / Alfred William Hurlow / 1855 - 1920 / May Anna Hurlow / [1879 - 1904]
16Ci-/04/08- Sacred / to the memory of / Susannah / much beloved wife of / William Harding / who departed this life / March 24th 1865 / aged 40 years
16Ci-/04/09- In memory of / Mary Frederica / the beloved wIfe of / the Rev. J.J. Irwin / colonial chaplain / who died July 21st 1857 aged 35 / Blessed are the weak for they / shall inherit the earth / Matt XL.5
16Ci-/04/10- Sacred / to the memory of / Emma Maria. the second wife of Revd John J Irwin / colonial chaplain / died 1/26/1864 / aged 31 years / To depart and to be with Christ / which is far better / L. Phil 23 v ?
16Ci-/04/11- In memory of / Eliza Storey [?] / lived among [?] us loved by all / obeyed her maker's call / November 1866 / in her 63rd year
16Ci-/04/12- Sacred / to the memory / of / Frank / Darvall Wakeford / died 11 July 1865 / Blessed are the pure of / heart for they shall / see God
16Ci-/04/13- Kieu-Van-Ut / cochinchinois / decede / le 13 Mars 1922 / 30eme annee
16Ci-/04/14- In ever loving memory / of / Captain Thomas / William Whiffen / F.R.C.S. F.R.A.I. F.Z.S. late XIV Hussars / born February 10th 1878 died / July 3rd 1922 on board / SS St Albans in Hong Kong harbour / on his way to Yokohama / the eldest son of Mr and Mrs Whiffen of Putney, London / soul of a remembered being lives forever# 8596
16Ci-/04/15- In memory / R V C Smith / officer ? Sept. ? illegible
16Ci-/04/16- ? Arthur / Lister / Sept 23 1871 May 17 1872 / his mother / Fanny Elizabeth Lister / went to him / April 30th 1881 / aged 31
16Ci-/04/17- Sacred / to the memory of / our beloved mother / Mary Price / who died / 20th March 1823 / aged 55 yearsCEW & CoHK# 8647
16Ci-/04/18- Sacred / to the memory / of / Capt. Adolph Fredrik Gadd / RSS Barq Storfursten / born at 'Abo' Finland / 13th Jan 1846 / died at Hong Kong / 10th Jan 1886 / aged 40 years / Thy will be done / this stone was erected / in loving memory by his / widow
16Ci-/04/19- erected by Wm. Rankin Wilson / and / Helen Wilson / of Broughty Ferry, Scotland / in loving memory / of their son David Rankin Wilson age 27 / 2nd officer SS Loong Sang lost in typhoon in / Hong Kong harbour 18th August 1923
16Ci-/04/20- Sacred / to the / memory / of / W.G. Nisbet / / late master of / SS Teviot / who died at Hong Kong / January 2nd 1887 / aged 46 years / this stone has been erected / by the crew and friends / as a mark of their esteem
16Ci-/04/21- erected by the Chinese Independent Church / in / memory / of the / Revd. John Charles Edge / who laboured in connection with the London Missionary Society / for 13 years / and died in Hong Kong of malarial fever / on the 17th September 1886 / aged 35 years / Deeply regretted / be thou faithful unto death and i will give / thee the crown of life / Chinese Characters
16Ci-/05/01- In loving memory of / James Hutchings / born at Hazlebury [?], Dorset August 30th ? 1886 / died at Hong Kong May 18th 1918# 8282
16Ci-/05/02- In memory of / James Luchung / who departed this life / 24th January 1919 / for he that soweth to his flesh / shall of the flrsh reap corruption / but he that soweth to the spirit / shall of the spirit reap life everlasting / Gal. 6.8 / erected by his loving wifeCEW & CoHK# 8327
16Ci-/05/03- F C Youngs / son of / R O M S E Youngs / RE / who died / 27th June 1908 / aged 12 years
16Ci-/05/04- Sacred to the memory / of / Elizabeth Olsen / who died / 16th Dec 1919 / aged 81 years / Gone but not forgotten
16Ci-/05/05- Sacred / to the memory of / Agnes Annie / beloved wife of / Sergt. Joseph Henry Randall / 2nd Bn Wiltshire Regt. / died May 6th 1920 / aged 40 years / erected by WOs, NCOs, and men / 2nd Batln Wiltshire Regt.
16Ci-/05/06- Charles Cumley / died February 26th 1921 / Home is the sailor home from the sea / and the hunter home from the hill
16Ci-/05/07- In / memory / of / Frederick William Brown / marine engineer / born 6th December 1886 / died 21st March 1921 / aged 32 years / [illegible] / erected / by his sorrowing wife
16Ci-/05/08- In / loving memory / of / Reginald Samuel / the dearly beloved son of / David and Alice Lewis / born August 16th 1906 / died June 20th 1921 / Father in thy tender keeping / leave we now our loved one sleeping
16Ci-/05/09- In loving memory / of / Archibald Bain Edwards / engineer / born at Greenock Scotland / 20th April 1888 / died at Amoy China / 24th August 1921
16Ci-/05/10- Sacred / to the memory of / Elizabeth / the beloved wife of / John Pritchett / foreman of coin dept / Royal Mint / who departed this life / June 21st 1866 / aged 29 years/also Susan Maria / the beloved daughter / of the above / who died / ?? 1987 / aged 1 year 10 months
16Ci-/05/11- In memory of / William Sparkes / late chief engineer of the P&O Co's / steam ship "Granada" / who died at Peh-Tang on the 4th August 1860 / aged 27 years / erected as a token of esteem by his friends
16Ci-/05/12- In memoriam / IWW / illegible\ obit Aug VIII MDCCCLXX
16Ci-/05/13- # 2724
16Ci-/05/14- In / loving remembrance / of / Edwin Goodwin Moorsom / who passed to the fuller life / on July 14th 1923 / the youngest son of Frederick / and / Lizzie Margaret Moorsom / of Hartlepool, England / born January 12th 1906
16Ci-/05/15- Til erindring / om min elskede hustrU / Cathinca Bull F Rynning / fodt den 7de Mai 1881 / 1 Namsos / dod den 20de September 1923 / i Hong Kong / hvil i fred du kaere# 8686
16Ci-/05/16- In / loving memory / of / George Young / born 23rd August 1889 / died 16th October 1923 / Thy will be done
16Ci-/05/17- Sacred / to the memory / of / Philip Robert Doral / native of ?? / who died at / Hong Kong / on the 17th July 1986 / aged 65 years / [3 lines of vers illegible] come ye blossoms of
16Ci-/06/01- In / ever loving memory / of / Minnie Brackstone / born October 24th 1876 / died September 18th 1922 / "Peace perfect peace"
16Ci-/06/02- illegiblefront -F Nullard illegibleright hand side -R T Banison illegiblePowhattan/who died 11 ? August illegiible
16Ci-/06/03- Frank Permaser / ?? 1855 / September 1922 / aif hm schdt ?
16Ci-/06/04- In memory of / Peter Young M.R.C.S.E. / who died at Hong Kong / 3rd October 1854 [64] aged 40 years/James H Young MD / missionary China / who died in Edinburgh ? / ?? 1857 / aged ??
16Ci-/06/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / Edward James / who died 8th June 1923 / aged 62 years# 8656
16Ci-/06/06- In memory of my husband / Malcolm Black / marine engineer / born at Salen Mull Scotland / June 16th 1897 / drowned Hong Kong harbour / August 18th 1923 / Thy will be done
16Ci-/06/07- Hier ruht / Carl Gustav Plitt / geb zu Lubeck / am 8 Mai 1845 / gest zu Hong Kong / am 27 September 1884 / friede seiner Asche# 4745
16Ci-/06/08- In / loving memory / of / Harry Samuel Burleigh / who departed this life / 25th August 1923 / aged 32 years / In the midst of life we are in death
16Ci-/06/09- Ter nagedag tenis / H M Klop / illegible ju / Doggers Bank / dem 3October 1858 / illegible
16Ci-/07/01- George Clarence Hill / gunners mate 3rd class / USS Ashev Lee / born 28 September 1901 / died 6th February 1924
16Cii/01/01- In memory / of / Arthur ?? Robson ? / died 12th January 1922 aged 56 yearsillegible
16Cii/01/02- illegibleCarol ?
16Cii/02/01- Chinese CharactersIn loving memory of / my beloved wife / Ethellee / who died on Jan 18th 1924 / Safe in the arms of Jesus
16Cii/02/02- Sacred to the memoiry / of / John Dick Wylie Thomson / marine engineer / son of the late / Robert Thomson / 'The Burn' Carluke / who died at Hong Kong / 25th February 1921 / aged 58 years / Unto thy hands of Lord unto thy hands / erected by his old schoolmate L Maclaren
16Cii/02/03- Caesius Louis Kiaer / at / Ribe / dod / den 6 Juni 1859 / a sit 22 aar / month 24.4 / derkadf u rer og jire
16Cii/03/01- In loving memory / of / James Willox / master mariner / born 5th December 1855 / who was killed by pirates / on SS Tai Lee / January 24 1921# 8719
16Cii/03/02- illegibleR Von Nieunburg / born on the 8 May 1873 / died on the 5 March 1924 / R.I.P.
16Cii/03/03- Peter Henry Dvinger / * 18th October 1889 / + 25 April 1924
16Cii/03/04- In memory / of / William Barnicot / who died at Hong Kong / on the 27th February 1870 ? / aged 24 years# 3708
16Cii/04/01- Axel Norin / born 26th November 1893 / died 9th February 1924# 8723 J S Lee & Co
16Cii/04/02- Gomannet / G A Henriksson / born on the 1st December 1899 / died on the 27 March 1924 / R.I.P.
16Cii/04/03- Sacred to the memory / of / Mr Daniel Felgate / Navy purveying department / who died at / Hong Kong / 22 July 1850 / aged 32 years / this stone is erected / by his brother officers ?# 1979
16Cii/04/04- In / affectionate remembrance of / William Henry Mason / son of the late / T B Mason Esq / town clerk of Doncaster / England / who died March 11th 1870 / aged 39# 3705
16Cii/04/05- maskinist / Richard Monsen / Bergen Norge / fodt 27/1/1880 / dod i Hong Kong / 18-6-1924 / at taeue vore dage det laere / du os fordt ki vi maa faa visdom / huertet salite 80 12 / venner reiste ham dette miade
16Cii/04/06- In loving remembrance / Margaret Kilpatrick / wife of John Sloane / born at Greenock / Scotland / on July 6th 1878 / died at Hong Kong / on July 22nd 1924 / aged 46 years / We have to mourn the loss of one / we did our best to save / beloved on earth, regretted, gone / remembered in the grave
16Cii/05/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / Thomas Nellow / late boilermaker of the P & O Co. / who departed this life 19th May 1860 ? / aged 28 years / a native of Londonderry Ireland / this stone is erected as a token of esteem by his friends / illegible# 2148
16Cii/05/02- Rev. J H Lewin / beloved husband / of / Margaret Lewin / father of Leo / and devoted pastor of / Wesley Church, Singapore / "Called to higher service" / April 11th 1924 / aged 58
16Cii/05/03- In memory / of / Johann Clausen / late of the Chinese Maritime / Customs Service Canton / who died / June 3rd 1924 / aged 48 years / erected / by his brother officers / on black plaque [fallen] :At saa tidling du forlod / dine kaere her / disser vi dog samles maa / for eg at skilles mer / din / inka og born / dybt savnet aldrig / glemt
16Cii/05/04- In / loving memory / of / Thomas Jensen / born 16th December 1924 / died 22nd July 1924 / aged 45 years / erected by his wife / Mrs M Jensen# 8758 CEW & Co HK
16Cii/05/05- In memory / of / Thomas Hardy / late captain of the ship 'Fave Alum' ? / who departed this life on the / 13th May 1850 / aged 41 years / erected as a token of esteem / by his friends/
16Cii/05/06- Sacred / to / the memory of / Rosalie / beloved wife of Louis Borboen / who died on the 8th November 1861 ? / aged 42 years ?# 3235
16Cii/05/07- In memory of / our dear and only / beloved son / Jack Kidd Agnew / who died 6th Sept. 1924 / aged 32 years
16Cii/06/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Thomas Stanton / late master of the British ship / Veritas / died 6th december 1858 / aged 52 years / this stone is erected to his memory / by his affectionate son / T Carrey
16Cii/06/02- In / loving memory / of / Frederick Henry Foster / entered into rest / July 12th 1924 / aged 45 years / Till the day breaks and the / shadows flee away
16Cii/06/03- Sacred to the memory / of / Anne Dunn / who died / the 30th of March 1859 / aged 36 ?
16Cii/06/04- Hier ruhet / Ticke Simons / Capitain / The H.C.NI / 'Helena' / geboren / ? 27 July 1929 / gestorben / Hong Kong 28 Novermber ? 1859 ? / In Gott - illegible# 2051
16Cii/06/05- In loving / memory of / Maurice Alfred James / eldest son of / Alfred and Christina Searle / of Workmit, Fifeshire / Scotland / who died 12th October 1924 / aged 29 years# 8779 CEW & Co HK
16Cii/06/06- In loving memory / of / Janet Sue / dearly beloved daughter of / E S Stringer ? J.P. / of Stoke-upon-Trent / born September 20th 1888 / died November 24th 1924
16Cii/06/07- Hier ruhet / Johann Jacob Funfgeld / Baden / gestoren in Hong Kong / 27 Marz 1869? 8 / M mier von 36 Jahren / gewidmet Freunden# 3291
16Cii/06/08- In / loving memory / Harold Chaney / died 8th December 1924 / aged 27 years / "Our loss is his gain"
16Cii/06/09- R I P / in / loving memory / of / Harry William Budden / died December 20th 1924 / born at Basingstoke / Hampshire England / aged 50 years
16Cii/06/10- Sacred to the memory / of / George Dickson / blacksmith / native of Greenock / who departed this life / at Hong Kong / on 12 ? December 1860 ? / aged 46 years / 2 lines illegible# 2235
16Cii/06/11- In loving memory / of / Frederick Charles Higgins / who departed from this life / on January 28th 1925 / Come to me in my dreams Daddy / that my days may be as before / / for then the night will more than / repay me / for the long longing of long day / you loving and ever / sorrowing Vera
16Cii/06/12- In grateful memory / of / Daisy Alice Chamberlain / who died 3rd March 1925 / RIP
16Cii/06/13- Sacred / to / the memory of / James John Dunaway / deputy purveyor / to his majesties forces / who departed this life on the 2nd August / 1862 / aged 32 years / Blessed is he to whom the Lord / imputeth no guile# 3568
16Cii/06/14- Sacred / to the memory / of / Ann / the beloved wife of / John Morris / foreman of Rolling Department / Royal Mint / who departed this life / Augt 25 1867 / aged 42 years / deeple\y lamented / 4 lines illegible
16Cii/06/15- In loving memory / of / Agnes McLellan / dearly beloved wife / of / J T Smith / who died 28th June 1925 / aged 41 years
16Cii/06/16- Sacred / to the memolry / of Charlotte Florence / the beloved wife of / Cpt Stainer [?] R.Signals / who died at Hong Kong / October 29th 1925 / Ever remembered by her loving / husband and children / Thy will be done
16Cii/06/17- In / loving memory / of? Lilian Baloni / who departed this life / on 26th December 1925 / aged 31 years / May the Lord rest her soul on peace
16Cii/06/18- In loving memory of / E F Cox of Saigon / who died at sea / January 29 1926 / age 38 RIP# 8864
16Cii/06/19- Til the day breaks and / the shadows flee away / In loving memory and tender memory / of / Sidney John Harris / of the Chinese Postal Service / the beloved husband of / Ethel Maud Harris. / who passed to higher service / on the 29th February 1928 / aged 37
16Cii/06/20- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Catherine / beloved daughter / of / Captain M LLoyd ? / 59th Regt. ? / died ? Oct. 1865 ? / aged 8 months / illegible# 3191
16Cii/06/21- Sacred / to the memory of / Jane Amy Milbert / of Canton / who died at Hong Kong 17 July 1865 / aged265 years
16Cii/06/22- illegibleSacred to the memory / of / Henry Carvin ?
16Cii/06/23- In memory of / May Decker / born Rockhampton Aus 1893 / died Feb. 20th 1927 / and her son / Clyde / aged 7 months
16Cii/06/24- Sacred / to the memory / of / Thos Henry O'Flaherty Esq. / staff surgeon / who died 8th July 1855 1851 / aged 31 years
16Cii/06/25- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Geo. L Dawson ? Esq / of the Ceylon Rifles / and Maria his wife / who died at / Victoria on the / 30 May 1851
16Cii/07/01- J M Binet / 1892 - 1924
16Cii/07/02- In loving memory of / Alex Cochrane / 2nd officer of SS 'City of Oran' / who died on board / 14th May 1924 / erected by his parents / in Rutherglen Scotland
16Cii/07/03- In memory of / Eric Alexander Thompson / died 21st July 1924 / aged 41 years / At rest
16Cii/07/04- Sacred to the memory / of / James McNicol ? / late master of the / SS C ?? / who departed this life / on the 30th August 1868 ? / aged 26 years ?
16Cii/07/05- In / loving memory / of / Rev. Flora James / died 9th Sept. 1924Chinese Characters
16Cii/07/06- In memory / Henry Curtis Huttleston / of Fairhaven, Mass. / U S of America / born .... / died 7th ? April 1870 ?# 3716
16Cii/07/07- Sacred to the memory / of / Joseph Scott Esq. / governor of Victoria Gaol / 17 May 1863illegible# 2647
16Cii/07/08- Sacred / to the memory / of / Henry Harcourt Searle / beloved husband of / Constance Searle / died 31st Dec 1924 aged 45 years
16Cii/07/09- no inscription
16Cii/07/10- Sacred / to the memory / of / William Baird / late chief engineer of the steamer "Chevy Chase" / who departed this life at Hong kong / on the 13 ? August 1860 ? / born in Glasgow / aged 43 years / this stone was erected by his brother / officers as a mark of respect / illegible# 3221
16Cii/07/11- Sacred / to the memory / Capt C E Nickels / of the American ship Baldeagle / who departed this life on / ? 1861 ?# 2420
16Cii/07/12- hier ruhet in Gott / Peter Ketels / geb in Tonning / am 27 Mai 1834 / gest 28 Dec 1867 / sahft ruhe seinen / Asche# 3524
16Cii/07/13- Lorne Murohy / dearly beloved husband / of / Emily Murphy / late chief engineer / SS Haiching / born Whangarei New Zealand / / 18th November 1878 / died Hong Kong August 3rd 1925 / aged 42 years / At rest# 8829
16Cii/07/14- Sacred to the memory / of / William Gaskell / who died 29th December 1868 / His friends erected illegible
16Cii/07/15- Sacred / to the memory of / Mary Harriet / the dearly beloved wife of / George Birley ? / who departed this life / March 26th 1867 / aged 20 years / deeply lamented# 3441
16Cii/07/16- Sacred / to the / memory / of / James Lindow / native of / Manchester, England / who departed this life / on the / 7th July 1855 ? / aged 25 years / [4 lines verse] / this stone was erected by his friend / as a mark # 1058
16Cii/07/17- Sacred / to the memory / of / James A Roe / who died at Hong Kong / aged 58
16Cii/07/18- At rest / in / loving memory of / Jack / beloved son of the late / John Gibson / and of / Margaret Gibson / Dumbarton Scotland / born July 21st 1894 / died March 11th 1926 / erected / by his loving mother / Until the day breaks and / the shadows flee away# 8871
16Cii/07/19- CEW # 8873
16Cii/07/20- Sacred to the memory / of / James Quin / of ... Ross Scotland / who departed this life / on 12 December 1851?
16Cii/07/21- Sacred to the memory / of / James C Hirlong / of .... Ireland / late ... of the / Peninsula and Orient Steamship / ?? mail-ship / Canton / who died / on the 5th July 1852 / aged ? years / erected by ...
16Cii/07/22- Alwine Lobscheid / geb Kind / gest den 5 Aug 1851 alt 29 Jahren / aber deine rod er werde leben lae / und mit den Leichnam auter sichen / I E S 26 19
16Cii/07/23- In memory / of / John Jones / aged 40 years late / engineer of the P & O Co / steamship Formosa who / departed this life on the 5th / of June 1853. This stone is erected / by a few of his brother officers / as a tribute of esteem
16Cii/07/24- Sacred to the memory / of / Joseph Duffell / aged 25 years late P. engineer / of the P&O Coy. steamship Canton / who departed this life on / the 23rd August 1853. This stone / is erected by a few of his / brother officers as a tribute of esteem / [4 lines verse] / friend of China
16Cii/07/25- Sacred to the memory / of / James Wing / late fireman of the / P & O Co steamer Lady / Mary Wood who departed this life / July 21st 1853 aged 17 ? / years. This stone is erected / by his brother ship / mates as a tribute of esteem / [4 lines verse]
16Cii/07/26- Erected by the / Government of Hong Kong / in memory of / Harry Conway / chief officer / of the Chinese SS "San Nam Hoi" / killed by pirates near Kong Mun / Kwong Tung Province on 17th January 1928
16Cii/07/27- In loving memory / of / David Evans / of Brighton England / born / 18th September 1886 / died / 7th March 1928# 8993
16Cii/07/28- Erected / everlasting / and / loving memory / of / Lily Burbage [nee Armit] / who departed this life on the 17th May 1928 / aged 28 years / Thy will be done# 9007
16Cii/07/29- In / memory / of Horace, Cannon, Dalziel / "Every one that loveth is born of God"
16Cii/07/30- In / loving memory / of / Maud Bennett / died 18 November 1828 ? / aged 35 years / Thy will be done
16Cii/07/31- Sacred / to the / memory / of / George Clarke Lawson / Whitby, Yorkshire / who died 24-3-1858
16Cii/07/32- In / loving memory / of / Alfred Evelyn Brown / Willington Quay on Tyne / died Jan 2nd 1928 aged 26 years / "Till the day breaks / and the shadows flee away"
16Cii/07/33- In / proud and loving memory / of / Jack / eldest son of John and / Annie Love / born 20th July 1900 / died 30th July 1929 / Oh! for the touch of a / vanished hand / and the sound of a voice / that is still / B J & Co# 9131
16Cii/07/34- Sacred / to the / memory / of / William Henry Doller / died 9 ? October 1855 / aged 25 years / [2 lines verse]
16Cii/08/01- In memory / of / Charles May Guild / of New York / died 23 February 1872 / aged 56 years# 3906
16Cii/08/02- Sacred / to / the memory of / Charles Delano Williams / died 26 March 1872 / aged 48# 3917
16Cii/08/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / Gerhard Wilhem Farrelmann / born 4th of August 1827 / died 20th December / 1870# 3798
16Cii/08/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / William King / of the / Military Store Department / Hong Kong / died September 16th 1866 / aged 44 ? years and 7 months# 3358 f
16Cii/08/05- In memory / of / Elizabeth / the beloved wife of J Scott Esq / governor of the gaol / who died on the 4th of / November 1862 / aged 48 years / [4 lines verse]# 2576
16Cii/08/06- In / loving memory / of / Charles Whitley / who died in Hong Kong / on the 9th January 1932/also his son / Charles Thomas Cheyne Whitley / who died on April 25th 1925 / Until the day break and / the shadows flee away# 8911 # 9264
16Cii/08/07- In memory / of / George Napier / born at Singapore / who died at Hong Kong / on the / 1st May 1861
16Cii/08/08- To / the memory / of / Ann / the beloved wife / of / John Morris / sergeant gen [?] of Hong Kong Mint / died 10th July 1865 / aged 40 years / In the midst of life we are in death# 340 ?
16Cii/08/09- # 9810
16Cii/08/10- Kaptein James Jacobsen / fodt 4/8 - 1879 / dod 3/10 - 1925 / 46 aar gammel / familien og venner reistie / ham dette minde# 8845
16Cii/08/11- In tender / loving memory / of / "Bess" / Elizabeth Victoria / dearly beloved daughter of / John Charles and Elizabeth Mackay / born 2nd November 1912 / accidently killed 24th Oct 1925 / A beaitiful flower in heaven / until we meet again# 8849 J S Lee & Co
16Cii/08/12- Sacred / to the memory / of Dr E.I. Van Coevorden / who departed this life on the / 31 January 1861 / aged 32 years / [3 lines verse] / erected by his beloved and deeply / afflicted wife# 2294
16Cii/08/13- Sacred to the memory / of / Alexander McKenna seaman / who departed this life on 15 / / [?] erected by his friends / [4 lines verse]# 1017
16Cii/08/14- Sacred / to / the memory ... illegible
16Cii/08/15- hier rust / onze innig geliffde zoon en broeder / Cornelius Koster / geboren te Dordrecht [Holland] 25 April 1900 / overleden te Hong Kong 22 September 1926 / rust zacht liefste / je nagedachtenis zalsteeds / in hooge eere in myn herinnering Blyven Voortleven / je diepbedroefde en opnig liefhebbende verloofde
16Cii/08/16- In memory / of / Captain Alexander Gillan / born in Glasgow 1852 / died on the 11tth October 1926 / Rest in peace / erected by S M Bander C K Railway# 8904CEW & Co HK
16Cii/08/17- Sacred / to the memory / of / William Simpson / chief engineer / of the P & O steam ship / "Norna" / who departed this life / 22nd September 1854? aged 51 ? years / [4 lines ]
16Cii/08/18- Sacred to the memory / of / Robert Jolliffe / late of the P & O SS Ganges / who departed this life / Sept 1858 ? aged 24 ? years / this stone is erected as a / tribute of respect by his shipmates / [4 lines]
16Cii/08/19- To live in the hearts / of those we love / is not toto die / Sacred to the memory / of / Alexander Cooper / the dearly beloved husband of / Clara Gibson Cooper / who passed away October 30th 1927 / aged 49 years / of HM Dockyard Portsmouth
16Cii/08/21- hier rust / Willem Zeylemaker / in leven gezagverider / N.I.T. oud 30 jaar / overleden 5 Juni 1928 / A/B M/S 'Selehe' / rust in vrede liefste
16Cii/08/22- In sacred memory / of / Catherine Robert / the beloved wife of ?? Robert / Pt 59 Regt. who departed / this life at Hong Kong on / the 30th October 1851 of foul / illness aged 28 [3?] years / also to the memory of their / children Eliza who died / Aug 1854 ? Mary Ann 24th / of Aug ? 1856 Cornelius who / died Oct ? 1855 ? / Blessed are the dead who / die in the Lord. They rest / from their labour. Their work will follow them.
16Cii/08/23- In / loving memory / of / David Harrower Balfour / who passed away suddenly / on 23rd August 1928 / aged 59 / " A beloved physician" / this memorial was erected / by his many friends# 9026J S Lee & Co.
16Cii/08/24- In affectionate remembrance / of / John William / husband of / Jane Matthews / who died October 1st 1928 / and also in memory of / Olive / their daughter / who died June 7th 1929 / in Sunderland England
16Cii/09/01- J L M Frederiks / geboren / 4 Augustus 1899 / overleden / 13 December 1932/
16Cii/09/02- In memory of / Andrew Cochran M.D. / .. illegible.. / born March 3 1844
16Cii/09/03- 8825 / William Prichard ? / died on 12 July 1925 / R I P# 8825
16Cii/09/04- In memory / Thomas Cranmer Piccope / third son of the late / Reverend John Piccope MA / incumbent of Farndon Cheshire / and formerly / of St Paul's Church, Manchester / who died at Hong Kong the 6th July 1861 ? / in the 44th year of his lfe# 2394
16Cii/09/05- Sacred / to / the memory / of / William Denis Crew Esq. / 4th April 47 ?
16Cii/09/06- William Harris Gill / died 7th November 1925# 8851 CEW & Co HK
16Cii/09/07- In loving memory / of / Alfred William / John Hoy / engineer Holt's Wharf / Kowloon / died / April 14th 1926 / aged 38 years# 8876
16Cii/09/08- Sacred / to the memory of / William White / engineer / Royal Mint Hong Kong / who departed this life / August 12th 1865 / aged 27 years / erected as a token of respect / ... officers of the Mint
16Cii/09/09- fronthier ruht illegiblerightWilhelm Cesse ? Magger ? / am 22 Mai 1857leftgeboren / 22 June 1855 / overladen / 1868
16Cii/09/10- in ever loving memory of / Thomas William Leonard / Grant / of Gillingham, Kent England / the beloved husband of / Edith Grant / passed away August 27th 1926 / in his 28th year / "Until the daybreak and the shadows feel away"#3550
16Cii/09/11- Ruhe staette / von / Johann Heinrich Wemit / aus Bremen / geb am 29 September 1833 / am bord des Schiffes / "Princess Louise" / ? / ? / ? und gestorben / Hong Kong am 1st April 1852
16Cii/09/12- Agnes Dulmage / Canadian Presbyterian Missionary / Kongmoon / 1915 - 1926 / "As for God, his way is perfec"tChinese CharactersB J & Co # 8903
16Cii/09/13- Sacred to the memory/of / Margaret the beloved / wife of ?? / who died on 12 June 1852/[illegible]
16Cii/09/14- In / loving memory / of / Margaret Anne Bond / widow of the late / John Madison Bond / of / Co. Dublin, Ireland / who passed away / December 10th 1926 / aged 73 years / At rest# 8510
16Cii/09/15- Erected / to the dear memory / of / Thomas Peterson / foreman engineer / by / his loving wife / Jeannie Green / who died 20th July 1927 / aged 36 years
16Cii/09/16- Sacred / to the memory / of John Platt / native of Manchester / who departed this life / June 25th 1860 / aged 18 years / Blessed are the dead / who die in Lord / for they rest from thgeir / labours
16Cii/10/01- Freemason [G] grandmasterSacred to the memory / of / James H Krill ? / of Troutbridge [?] England / late engineer of the / Sara .... illegible
16Cii/10/02- # 8888
16Cii/10/03- In / loving memory / of / Alice E Macready / nee Wright / died May 23rd 1927 / aged 44 years / Rest at lastErnest William Macready / died in England 1st April 1932 / aged 64 yearsJ S Lo & Co# 8941# 9760
16Cii/10/04- In loving memory / of / Eva Louise Mackrell / born 17th June 1860 / died 6th July 1927Chinese Characters
16Cii/10/05- Captain Richard Jentoft / master SS Solviken / died at Hong Kong / 22nd July 1927 / 34 years of agerederiet ? reiste deite minde
16Cii/10/06- Sacred / to the / memory / of / George W Rose / USS Vincennes / born in Philadelphia / died 26th 1854 / aged 27 ? years / erected by his shipmates
16Cii/10/07- John Williams 4th / main top man / on board the US steam frigate / Susquehanna / who died 20 ? 1855 / aged 22 years
16Cii/10/08- Sacred / to the / memory of / John Hadley / Cooper / SS Hongkong illegible
16Cii/10/09- John L Ruckle / forecastle man / on board the US frigate / US steamship Susquehanna / who departed this life / on the 21st day of December 1853 / aged 22 years / native of Hartford ?
16Cii/10/10- Thomas B Dunn / landsman / native of Philadelphia / United States of America / who / departed this life / .. / steam frigate Susquehanna (illegible)
16Cii/10/11- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Mary Ann / the beloved wife of / J Robertson Esq BA / who departed this life / 5 June 1854 / aged 40 years
16Cii/10/12- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Charles Shorter / USS Vincennes / born Washington, DC / died March 6? 1855 / aged ? years / erected by his messmates# 1015
16Cii/10/13- [cross anchor]Sacred / to the memory / John Glass / private / USS Vincennes / born in Scotland / who died ? 1855? / erected by his messmatesillegible
16Cii/10/14- Sacred to the memory of / Charles F Sandiford / of the steamer John Hancock / died at Hong Kong August 1854 / aged 18 years / a native of Callis Maine / erected by his shipmates
16Cii/10/15- Edward North / main topman / ...Maine? / Susquehanna / who departed this life / ? / ? aged 22 years and ? months illegible
16Cii/10/16- Sacred to the memory / of / David J Emery / ordinary seaman / US steamer John Hancock / died / at Hong Kong Aug 20th 1854 / aged 28 years / erected by his messmates
16Cii/10/17- In memory / of / Thos. D Schulz / of Baltimore, MA / seaman on board the / US sloop 'Powhatan' / who dpearted this life / January 9th 1855 / aged 20 years / by his messmates
16Cii/10/18- In loving memory of / Thomas Hawking Gosden / who fell asleep / Jan 26th 1929 / aged 54 years / Sleep on beloved sleep / and take they rest / Mary loved thee well / but Jusus loved thee bestB J & Co# 9055
16Cii/10/19- Sacred / to the memory / of / John Brown / late P & O Co. s service / who departed this life / 22nd August 1858 / aged 26 yearsillegible
16Cii/10/20- Sacred / to the memory / of / Evans Dubs / born September 21 1805 / of Philadelphia USA / died May 14th 1855
16Cii/11/01- Sacred / to the / memory / of / William Smith / a main top man / USS Vincennes / erected by his shipmates
16Cii/11/02- In / memory / of / a loving wife and mother / who died on January 11th ? 1933 / age 64 years / erected by her sorrowing / husband and family Alec / Ena and Willie
16Cii/11/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / John Baptsiste / seaman / belonging to the US ship / Macedonian / who died 5th December 1854 / aged 45? years
16Cii/11/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / John Morrison / seaman / belonging to the US ship / Macedonia / who was killed in ? among / some piratical ? / Koo Lan / November 13th 1854??
16Cii/11/05- In / memory / of / a good wife and mother / Norah Jane Holmes / aged 47 years / who passed to rest / 2 April 1933B J & Co# 9363
16Cii/11/06- In / loving memory / of / Ernest John Burt / passed away on 3rd March 1933 / beloved husband. of Lilian / and / father of Nancy Nelson New Zealand / "ever remembered"
16Cii/11/07- This rich earth illegible# 8588
16Cii/11/08- In / loving memory / of / David Illtyd Evans / Tylegwyn New Quay Wales / died 27 May 1933 / aged 45 years / "Until the day dawns and the / shadows flee away"J S Lee & Co. # 9373
16Cii/11/09- Thy will be done / In / memory / of / my beloved wife / Lily Bradshaw / who passed away 8th April 1933 / aged 31 years / rest in peaceB J & Co. # 9369
16Cii/11/10- Sacred to the memory / Thoomas Graham / second officer ? / ? of the ship "Gunader" ? / who departed this life on the / 22nd April 1860 / afged 27 years / erected in the ? by his BWM ? shipmates
16Cii/11/11- anchorMonrad Nicolai Kronhaug / engineer SS "Kronviken" / born / Bergen Norway 25th July 1904 / died / Hong Kong 12th June 1933 / rederiet reiste dette minde
16Cii/11/12- Sacred to the / mermory / of / William Davies / son of / master / of ..... steamship Co. ... / who died in Hong Komg / on the 19th May 1860 / aged 31 years. (illegible partly guesswork)
16Cii/11/13- Sacred / to the memory of / William Laure Conner / S.S. Somau / Hong Kong June 16th 1933 / aged 18 years
16Cii/11/14- ??? / Hiner ? Van G.... ? illegible
16D--/01/01- T/22792161 driver / C H Bickley / Royal Army Service Corps / 19th June 1954 age 20 / He heard the voice / of Jesus say / 'Come unto me and rest' / so in peace he slept
16D--/01/02- 22950735 Private / R H Munday / The Dorsetshire Regiment / 8th May 1954 age 18 / To have loved / and then to part / was the greatest blow / to all out hearts
16D--/01/03- In memory of / CFN W.C.Bishop R.E.M.E. / died 29th April 1954 / erected on behalf of his / family by all ranks / L.A.D. 27th H.A.A. Rgt. R.A. / one of the dearest, one of the best / now in God's keeping lies safely at rest
16D--/01/04- 22759373 Gunner / D Sears / Royal Artillery / 18th March 1954 age 19 / For ever in our thoughts
16D--/01/05- 22915609 Private / M.J. Lawless / The Dorsetshire Regiment / 24th February 1954 age 19 / To a dearly beloved son / and brother / God keep you / until we meet again
16D--/01/06- 4082464 leading aircraftman / N.G. Tansell / Royal Air Force / 19th February 1954 age 27 / In remembrance of / my dear husband / in memory's garden / we meet every day
16D--/01/07- 22540346 Private / L.L. Common / The Border Regiment / 2nd February 1954 age 21 / At the going down / of the sun / and in the morning / we shall remember him. Amen
16D--/01/08- 3046099 Private / A. Young / The Royal Scots / 10th October 1941 age 47 / Until the day break / and the shadows flee away
16D--/01/09- 3051840 Sergeant / M. Elliot / The Royal Scots / 4th September 1941 age 31 / "Until the rwilight gloom / is overpassed / good night" / loving wife and daughter
16D--/01/10- Sacred to the memory of / No. T/35218 / M.S. / Sergt. William George Grover / Royal Army Service Corps. / died at Hong Kong / 18th April 1941 / aged 48 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/01/11- Sacrrd to the memory of / No. 2324498 / William Aubrey Taylor / Royal Corps of Signals / died at Hong Kong 12th November 1940 / aged 24 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/01/12- 3188417 Private / T. Begbie / The Royal Scots / 8th November 1940 age 22 / "God's greatest gift / remembrance"
16D--/01/13- 3059233 Private / W.T.Weir / The Royal Scots / 9th July 1940 age 34 / Without farewell / he fell asleep / with only memories / for us to keep
16D--/01/14- 3054873 Private / J.C. Lawson / The Royal Scots / 29th January 1940 age 23
16D--/01/15- In memory of / No. 6202374 / Pte. Charles Harold Stevens/(Charles Harold Miller) / 1st Bn. The Middlesex Regiment / died 4th September 1939 / at Hong Kong / aged 23 years
16D--/01/16- Sacred to the memory of / No. 1422855 Sergeant / Herbert Gray / 12th Heavy Battery / Royal Artillery / died at Hong Kong / 6th June 1939. aged 39 years
16D--/01/17- Sapper Irving Stangfieldillegible
16D--/01/18- 3054814 Private / J. Jackson / The Royal Scots / 15th January 1939 / Christ shall clasp / the broken chain / closer when we meet again
16D--/01/19- Sacred to the memory of / No. 871596 / Gunner Arthur Sutton illegible
16D--/01/20- 3052881 L. Cpl. / J. Lindsay / The Royal Scots / 17th August 1938 / In Loving memory / sadly missed by / his loving wife / and son Eric
16D--/01/21- 57 / No. 6187398 / L/Cpl. James Alfred Lawlor / Middlesex Regt. / died at Hong Kong June 18th 1928 / aged [?] / erected by his comrades
16D--/02/01- In memory / T/i4858103 / driver Joseph Hughes G.C. / 387 Coy. RASC G.T. / died on duty 23rd March 1946 / aged 20 years / R.I.P. / erected by the officers, N.C.O.'s and men of his company / Driver Joseph Hughes was / posthumously awarded the / George Cross for outstanding / devotion to duty
16D--/02/02- The King's Own / 14063962 Sergeant / J.D. Boswell / The King's Own / Royal Regiment / 1st January 1955 age 27 / Sadly missed / by those you left behind# 10928
16D--/02/03- 22995150 Trooper / G.R. Davies / The 7th Queen's Own Hussars / 13 December 1954 age 19 / To our loving son / and brother / who is always in out hearts / love, Mum, Dad, famliy# 10946
16D--/02/04- In memory of / Bandmaster (WOI) / C A Adams M.B.E. A.R.C.M. / 1st Bn. North Staffords Rgt. / died 16the Nov. 1954 / Mey he rest in peace / erected by members / of his band / The North Staffordshire Regt.# 10987
16D--/02/05- T/22796763 driver / D.E. Woodhouse / Royal Army Service Corps / 31st October 1954 age 24 / Resting / where no shadows fall / loved and remembered / by us all# 10932
16D--/02/06- 4110834 senior aircraftman / J.A. Hickman / Royal Air Force / 25th September 1954 age 19 / with fondest memories of / our dear son / there is no parting / from those we love# 10925
16D--/02/07- 22466033 L.BDR. / B. Bowman / Royal Artillery / 13th July 1954 age 21 / In loving memory / of our dear Bryan / may he rest in peace / Mum and family# 10911
16D--/02/08- 22920420 Private / E.G. Beales / The Dorsetshire Regiment / 30th June 1954 age 18 / Memory keeps him ever near / the one we love / and still hold dear# 10906
16D--/02/09- 1712446 gunner / E. Green / Royal Artillery / 19th October 1941 age 35 / At rest# 10019
16D--/02/10- 213464 Private / R.W. Brown / The Middlesex Regiment / 15th September 1941 age 21 / In loving memory of Reg / Never forgotten / and sadly missed / by Mum and family# 10014
16D--/02/11- 3054159 Private / W.C. Smith / The Royal Scots / 10th July 1941 age 25 / We mourn the loss of him / beloved on earth / regretted, gone / remembered in the grave# 10002
16D--/02/12- Sacred to the memory of / No. 1862028 / O.M.S. Ernest Trimmer / Royal Engineers / died at Hong Kong / 8th March 1941 / aged 43 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/02/13- 3054548 Private / H. Ballantine / The Royal Scots / 18th September 1940 age 23
16D--/02/14- 6200545 L. Cpl. / J.A.V.J. Williams / The Middlesex Regiment / 22nd July 1940 age 23 / To live in the hearts / of those we love / is not to die
16D--/02/15- In memory of / No. 4442952 / Pte. John Stephen Mooney / 1st Bn. The Middlesex Regiment / died 29th June 1940 / at Hong Kong / aged 28 years
16D--/02/16- Sacred to the memory of / 1872666 / Sapper Henry Sims / 22nd Portress Coy. Royal Engineers / died at Hong Kong / August 25th 1939 / aged 22 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/02/17- Sacred to the memory of / No. 515896 / Sergeant Jack Ogden / Royal Air Force / died at Hong Kong July 13th 1939 / aged 25 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/02/18- In memory of / No. 6200567 / Pte. Edward John Stemp / 1st Bn. The Middlesex Regiment / died 30th May 1939 / at Hong Kong / aged 22 years / erected by the officers, COs, NCOs / as a mark of their respect
16D--/02/19- Sacred to the memory of / No. 1312377 / L/Sergt. Alec Malcolm Wood / 9/5th A.A. Regt. Royal Artillery / died at Hong Kong September 3rd 1938 / aged 36 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/02/20- Sacred to the memory of / ? /staff sergt. George Alfred Taylor / The Royal 27th Coy. ...../died at Hong Kong .... / aged 36 [?] years / erected by his comrades
16D--/02/21- No. 2819388 / Pte. James Fraser / 1st Bn. / [illegible] / died March 24th 1938 / aged 22 years / illegible
16D--/02/22- Sacred to the memory of / 1426090 / master gunner / Harold Courtney Hole / B Heavy Brigade R.A.
16D--/02/23- Sacred to the memory of / No. 47988391 Pte. / Ralph Vickers / 1st Bn. The Lincolnshire Regiment / who died at Hong Kong / on the 2nd January 1935 / age 27 years 2 month [sic] / This stone is erected / by his comrades as a token of their affection and respect
16D--/02/24- Ernest Plume / 6082669 Private / M G Coy. 1st Bn. / The Queen's Royal Regiment / died / Hong Kong 11th June 1928 / aged 21 years / He that loseth his life for my sake / shall find it Mathew X 29# 9012B J & Co.
16D--/02/25- In memory of / No. 2977069 / Pte. David Wallace Foreman / died at Hong Kong 17.5.31 / B Company / Bn. Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders
16D--/02/26- In / loving memory / of / Arthur Frederick / Osbourne / Sgt. Army Educational Corps / died / 10th April 1931 age 35 / I sigh sometimes to see thy face / but since this may not be / I'll leave thee to the care of him / who cares for thee and me / from his sorrowing / wife and children
16D--/02/27- Sacred / to the memory of / gunner / George Coventry / 20. heavy battery / Royal Artillery / who died on the 20th day of October 1927 / aged 23 years. erected by his comrades
16D--/02/28- Sacred to the memory / of / Sigmn. Eric Charles Gough / Royal Signals / who died on the / 25th day of March 1927 / age 21 years / A light in from our household / gone / a voice we loved is stilled / a vacant place is within our heart / which never can be filled / Mother
16D--/02/29- In memory / of / No. 3180503 Pte. O Melville / 2nd Bn. The King's Own Scottish [?] / who died 23.2.1927
16D--/02/30- In memory / of / Richard Wilson / gunner / 83rd Co. R.G.A. / who died / 26th June 1923 / aged 27 years
16D--/03/01- 3516692 Corporal / M.A. Thornton / Royal Air Force / 27th May 1955 age 19 / In memory of / a dearly beloved husband / and son / forever in our hearts# 10988
16D--/03/02- 22904653 L. Bdr. / G.W. Crowhurst / Royal Artillery / 28th April 1955 age 20 / In Loving Memory / of our dear son George / from his Mum, Dad / brothers and sisters# 10980
16D--/03/03- 2654113 S. Sergt. / A.W. Burd / Royal Engineers / 20th March 1955 age 46 / In loving memory / of my dear husband# 10974
16D--/03/04- 4153876 aircraftman 1st cl. / R.M. Harris / Royal Air Force / 16th March 1955 age 18 / In loving memory of / our dear son / we cannot dear Lord see why / one day we shall# 10972
16D--/03/05- 23047365 Private / J.C. Gratwick / The Essex Regiment / 12th February 1955 age 18 / Nil desperandum# 10069
16D--/03/06- 4112603 senior aircraftman / R. Poole / Royal Air Force / 30th January 1955 age 20 / At the going down / of the sun / and in the morning / we will remember you / Mum and Dad# 10961
16D--/03/07- In memory of / No. 928514 / Sgt. Joseph William Stephens / Royal Artillery / died 28th April 1950 / aged 24 years
16D--/03/08- 3709559 Serjeant [sic] / T.P. Bagley / Royal Artillery / 19th December 1949 age 35
16D--/03/09- 22792611 L/Cpl George Edward Palmer / Royal Engineers / born 28 Feb. 34 died 2 Sep. 54 / in loving memory of our dear son / May he rest in peace / raised by his officers & men / of / 56 Field Squadron RE
16D--/03/10- 1627447 WO.I (RSM) / G.W. Smee / Royal Artillery / 6th November 1941 age 40# 10021
16D--/03/11- Sacred to the memory of / No. 788490 / Sergt. Frank Burdett / 36th (H) Battery Royal Artillery / died at Hong Kong / 25th October 1940 / aged 29 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/03/12- 3054790 Private / B.R. Bullman / The Royal Scots / 11th August 1940 age 26
16D--/03/13- Sacred to the memory of / No. 7683824 / Sergeant Frederick James Evans / 6th Section R.A.O.C. / died at Hong Kong 14th November 1939 / aged 29 years / erected by his comrades / Fondly rememebred by his father, mother and / sisters Ethel, Edna and Doris
16D--/03/14- In memory of / No. 6199897 / Cpl. Alfred Thomas Borrow / 1st Bn. The Middlesex Regiment / died July 20th 1939 / at Hong Kong / aged 27 years / erected by officers, NCOs / and members ..... [illegible]
16D--/03/15- sacred to the memory of / No. 838920 / gunner David Benton / 9/5th A.A. Regt. Royal Artillery / died at Hong Kong / 12th November 1938 / erected by his comrades# 9763
16D--/03/16- Sacred to the memory of / 1422807 / B.Q.M.S. Francis Henry / 3rd Medium Battery / Hong Kong Brigade H.K.S.R.A. / died at Hong Kong / December 21st 1937 / aged 36 years# 9718
16D--/03/17- No. 2818993 / Pte. Jas. Walker Urquhart / 1st Bn. / The Seaforth Highlanders / died September 8th 1937 / aged 27 years / S seinh surin na sonn
16D--/03/18- Sacred to the memory of / No. 826792 / Gnr. Ronald Hickman / 20th Heavy Bettery Royal Artillery / died at Hong Kong / on the 16th August 1937 / To our beloved son loves last on / remembrance [?]# 9687
16D--/03/19- Sacred to the memory of / No. 7588394 / Pte. Cecil Edward Partridge / Royal Army Ordinance Corps / died at Hong Kong / on the 6th August 1937 / aged 24 years# 9683
16D--/03/20- Sacred to the memory / of / No. 1071181 / Gnr. Ronald Vibart / 12th Heavy Battery Royal Artillery / who died at Hong Kong / 13th January 1935 / aged 23 years / erected by his comrades / Blessed be the dead which die in the Lord
16D--/03/21- Sacred to the memory of / Lance Cpl. Herbert Arthur North / [2 lines illegible] / who died at Hong Kong / on 5th July 1934 / whilst proceeding from Shanghai ? / aged 22 years / This stone is erected by his comrades / as a token of their affection and regard
16D--/03/22- Erected by / all Ranks RAOC / in memory of / Conductor John William Green / R.A.O.Corps Born of Gotherington / Gloucestershire 19-9-1909 / died at Hong Kong 29-6-1931 / 41 9/12 years / In the midst of life / we are in death / R.I.P.# 8228
16D--/03/23- Sacred to the memory / of / George William Pitcher / 1st Bn. Somerset L.I. / born 2nd Nov. 1904 / died 8th Nov. 1930 / erected by his comrades of C Company / Christ will gather in his own / to the place where he is gone / we have nought to do but still / rest in silence on His will / a message from his mother
16D--/03/25- In memory / of / No. 3183510 L/Cpl W. Richards / 2nd Bn. The King's Own Scottish Borderers / who died 7.4.1927# 8034
16D--/03/26- In / memory / of / Harold Frederick Jacobs / late / B.Q.M.S. Roayl Artillery / died August 11th 1926 / age 39 yrs. 6 mths.
16D--/03/27- A mon cher epoux regrette / Henry C Butler / Q.M.S. 83rd Coy. R.G.A. / who died Sept. 18th 1921 / aged 32 years / erected by his wife & his comrades# 8539
16D--/03/28- Sacred / to the memory of / Sapper Maurice Mills / 40th company R.E. / who died June 5th 1921 / aged 26 years / Till we meet again / erected by his comrades
16D--/04/01- 23069070 signalman / R.S. McFaull / Royal Signals / 15th September 1955 age 21 / We shall always / remember you smiling# 10888
16D--/04/02- 22858728 Private / T.M. Greatrix / The North Staffordshire / Regiment / 22nd August 1955 age 20 / God has you in his keeping / until we meet again / Mum, Dad, sister & brothers# 11003
16D--/04/03- 22871756 Private / A. Corrie / The North Staffordshire / Regiment / 22nd August 1955 age 20 / So suddenly you were taken / we never said goodbye / God bless you my son# 10902
16D--/04/04- 22850526 L. Cpl. / E.G.W.Walsh / The Essex Regiment / 9th July 1955 age 20 / In memory / of our dearly beloved son / sadly missed. / by all who knew him / plaque - Edward George / Walsh / 21.01.1900 - 7.09.1958 [?]# 10994
16D--/04/05- 2254748 gunner / H. Palmer / Royal Artillery / 14th June 1955 age 22 / At the going down / of the sun / and in the morning / we will remember him# 10992
16D--/04/06- 22534396 L. Cpl. / W.E. Connolly / The King's Own / Royal Regiment / 16th June 1955 age 22 / In some small way / memories of you / come our way / Mum and Dad, R.I.P.# 10991
16D--/04/07- 4027097 Corporal / N.W. Minns / Royal Air Force / 14th July 1954 age 24 / Deep in our hearts / you will always stay / loved and remembered / every day# 10912
16D--/04/08- 1238233 aircraftman 2nd cl. / R.C. Thompson / Royal Air Force / 3rd November 1945 age 22 / Remembered always# 10231
16D--/04/09- 1444040 rifleman / E.J. Wilkie / The Cameronians / 28th February 1950 age 23 / Remembered with pride / and affection / by his parents / brothers and sisters# 10552
16D--/04/10- 1192198 Pilot II / K. Sutcliffe / Royal Air Force / 11th February 1950 age 27 / In loving memory of / my adored husband Kenneth / always in my heart dear
16D--/04/11- 1661940 corporal / P.S. Watkins / Royal Air Force / 27th December 1949 age 25 / Rest In Peace
16D--/04/12- In memory of / No. 6196354 / Sgt. Percy George Hopwood / 1st Bn. The Middlesex Regiment / died 16th February 1940 / at Hong Kong / aged 35 years / erected by the officers, N.C.O.'s / and men of the Battalion
16D--/04/13- In ever loving memory of / No. 6399563 / sapper Charles Alfred George Williams / 22nd Fortress Company Royal Engineers / fell asleep 11th February 1939 / aged 18 years / erected by his comrades / A message from mother / always [?] in those hearts / but loved .... illegibel
16D--/04/14- Sacred to the memory of / No. 1066941 / L/sergt. William Thompson / 12th Heavy Battery Royal Artillery / died at Hong Kong 4th January 1939 / aged 37 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/04/15- Sacred to the memory of / aircraftman / Bernard George Chisholm Ellams / Royal Air Force / died at Hong Kong / on 30th July 1937 / aged 23 years / erected by his comrades# 9831
16D--/04/16- Sacred to the memory / 7582395 / Arm/Sgt. Albert Arthur Codd / Royal Army Ordinance Corps / died at Hong Kong / on 29th July 1937 / aged 26 years / erected by his comrades# 9689
16D--/04/17- Sacred to the memory of / No. 822851 gunner / Henry Spinks Saunders / 20th Heavy Battery Royal Artillery / on the 26th December 1936 / aged 22 years / "A dutiful son, his memory is ever cherished"# 9644
16D--/04/18- In memory of / No. 4189611 / fusilier Oliver Roberts / "B" Company / 2nd Bn. Royal Welch Fusiliers / who / died on the 25th December 1935 / aged 27 years / erected by his comrades# 9564
16D--/04/19- Sacred to the memory / of / bandmaster F. Burnett / 2nd Bn. The Royal Welch Fusiliers / died on 18th January 1935. aged 29 years. "Loved - remembered - longed for always"# 9452
16D--/04/20- Sacred to the memory / of / No. 6768014 Sgt. / Frederick Richardson / Royal Army Ordinance Corps / who died at Hong Kong / on the 4th July 1934 / age 38 years / this stone is erected by his comrades as / a token of their affectionate regard / "In the midst of life we are in death"
16D--/04/21- R.I.P. / in / loving memory / of / my dearly beloved husband / No. 1406897 / B.Q.M.S W.H. Hill / who died at Hong Kong / 16 August 1931 / age 39 / Gone / but not forgotten / from Beatrice and / son Billy# 9239B J & Co.
16D--/04/22- To the memory / of / 1068234 / gunner / Walter Seal / 31st Heavy Battery / Royal Artillery / died / 16th October 1930 / age 24 / erected by his comrades / R.I.P.# 9176J S Lee & Co.
16D--/04/23- In memory of / 6082563 Pte. / George Erdward / Rogers / C Company 1st Bn. / The Queen's Royal Regiment / died at Kowloon / 5th September 1928 / aged 23 / erected by C Company 1st Bn. / The Queen's Royal Regiment
16D--/04/24- In memory / of / No. 3183171 Pte. M Prince / 2nd Bn. The King's Own Scottish Borderers / who died 10.7.1927
16D--/04/25- In / memory / of / William Frederick / Champion / Lance coporal C Co. / East Surrey Regiment / who died 5th January 1926 aged 24 years / He was upright and good and / walked humbly with his God / from his comrades
16D--/04/26- Sacred / to the memory / of / Lce./Cpl. H.W. Way / B. Coy. 2nd Bn. Wilstshire Regt. / (Duke of Edinburghs) / who died September 1st 1921 / aged 35 years / erected by the officers, NCOs / and men of his company
16D--/04/27- Sacred / to the memory / of / F.W.O.M/S. A H Wood R.E. / died 4.8.1920 / age 38 years / erected by his comrades# 8449CEW & Co.
16D--/05/01- 22296488 Corporal / J.W. Flynn / Royal Corps of Signals / 6th December 1953 age 32 / Without farewell / he fell asleep / with only memories / for us to keep# 10844
16D--/05/02- Sacred to the memory of / No. 856919 / gunner Eric Watson / 28th Heavy Battery RA / died at Hong Kong / 30th June 1940 / aged 22 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/05/03- Sacred to the memory of / No. 847790 / gunner David William Beswick / 7th A.A. Battery R.A. / died at Hong Kong September 21st 1937 / aged 20 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/05/04- Sacred to the memory of / rifleman Alfred Noddings / 1st Bn. The Royal Ulster Rifles / died at Hong Kong / on 12th February 1937 / aged 25 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/05/05- Sacred to the memory of / S/13191 / Sergeant Albert Petty / Royal Army Service Corps / died at Hong Kong / aged 35 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/05/06- Sacred to the memory of / L/Cpl. James Barclay / 1st Bn. The Royal Ulster Rifles / died at Hong Kong / on the 29th July 1936 / aged 26 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/05/07- Sacred to the memory of / No. 826866 gunner / William Patterson Walker / 20th HY Battery Royal Artillery / on the 3rd November 1895 [? 1935] / aged 21 years / This stone is erected as a token of / their affection and respect [?]
16D--/05/08- Sacred to the memory of / No. 4800291 / Private Thomas Baxter / 1st Bn. The Lincolnshire Regiment / who died at Hong Kong / on or about 8th January 1925 / age 24 years and 10 months / This stone is erected by / his comrades as a token of their affection and regard
16D--/05/09- Sacred to the memory / of / No. 3897425 / Pte. Archie T.W. Horris / 1st Bn. The South Dales Borderers / who died at Hong Kong / the 13th June 1934 / age 28 years / [2 lines illegible]
16D--/05/10- Sacred / to the memory / of / 5379328 gunner / Harold Charles / Clarke / 20th Heavy Battery / Royal Artillery / who died on the / 9th day of December 1931 / aged 21 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/05/11- To the memory / of / 1062530 Lance/Bomdr. / Richard Yould / 31st Heavy Battery / Royal Artillery / died / February 7th 1930 / age 24 / erected / by his comrades / R.I.P.
16D--/05/12- In memory / of / No. 3178827 Lance Sergeant / Frederick Charles Gamsby / 2nd Batt. The King's Own Scottish Borderers / who died on 2nd November 1928
16D--/05/13- To the memory / of / Gnr. J.H. Williams / 31st Heavy Battery / R.A. / died / 23rd March 1928 aged 28 / erected by his comrades / R.I.P.
16D--/05/14- From his loving wife / sacred to the memory / of / Leonard N.J. Gager / S.S.M. R.A.S.C. / who died 9 Oct 1925 / aged 42 / beloved by all / In the everlasting memory from / Mum and Dad / "Until the day breaks"
16D--/05/15- Sacred / to the memory of / Gr. Robert J. Flexon / 83rd Company R.G.A. / who died June 13th 1921 / erected by his comrades
16D--/05/16- Sacred / to the memory / of / Ruby Newman / army / schoolmistress / who died / 11th September 1919 / aged 38 years / erected / by her comrades
16D--/06/01- In memory of / 22717475 / Lance corporal H. Smith / The King's Regiment / C. of E. / died 8th November 1953# 10917
16D--/06/02- Sacred to the memory of / No. 781496 / gunner Harold Thomas / 12 Heavy Battery Royal Artillery / who died at Hong Kong / April 22nd 1936 / aged 22 years
16D--/06/03- Sacred to the memory of / No. 1417103 Sergeant / Charles Albert Layzell / 20th Heavy Battery Royal Artillery / on the 1st April 1936 / aged 40 years / This stone is erected / by his comrades as a token of / their affection and regard / .... illegible
16D--/06/04- Sacred to the memory of / No. 4188909 / fusilier Thomas Lawton / 2nd Bn. The Royal Welch Fusiliers / died at the Military Hospital Hong Kong / on the 30th of October 1935 / aged 24 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/06/05- sacred to the memory / of / No. 1025306 B.O.N.S. / John Maldwyn Francis / 20th Hy. Battery Royal Artillery / wh died at Hong Kong / on the 8th March 1935 / aged 39 years 8 months / This stone is erected / by his comrades as a token of / their affection and regard
16D--/06/06- In memory / of / Sergeant Richard Preslin / Royal Army Pay Corps / who died at Hong Kong / on the 2nd March 1934 / age 38 years
16D--/06/07- In memory of / corporal Thomas James Coleman / "A" Company / 1st Bn. The South Dales Borderers / died at Hong Kong / 9th September 1932 / age 25 years / Sincerely remembered / by his loving parents / and devoted friends
16D--/06/08- Sacred to the memory / No. 3764881 / Pte. Charles Banks Williams / Royal Army Medical Corps / who died on the / 10th day of January 1930 / aged 24 years
16D--/06/09- Sacred to the memory / of / Sigmn. Henry George White / Royal Signals / who died on the / 10th day of January 1929 / age 32 years / A good life hath but a few days / but a good name endureth forever
16D--/06/10- To the memory / of / Pte. D.T.W. Jackson / Royal Army Medical Corps / died August 8th 1027 / aged 20 / erected by his comrades / R.I.P.
16D--/06/11- R.I.P. / in / memory / of / Signalman / John Richard Skinner / who died / 18th October 1924 / aged 29 years
16D--/06/12- Sacred / to the memory / of / Pte. Frederick Crocker / C Company 2nd Bn. Wiltshire Regt. / who died at Hong Kong Jan. 18th 1921 / aged 37 years / erected by the officers. NCOs / and men of the company
16D--/06/13- sacred / to the memory / of / Edward J. Agar / Lce. Corporal / Manchester Regiment / who died / 31st August 1919 / aged 36 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/07/01- 14472630 Private / T.J. Richardson / The King's Own / Scottish Borderers / 29th April 1950 age 24 / Sunset memories / silently kept / of one who loved / and wil never forget
16D--/07/02- Sacred to the memory of / No. 3383486 / Private F.N. Mealand / 2nd Bn. The East Lancashire Regiment / who died Military Hospital Hong Kong / 18th January 1936 / age 25 years / This stone is erected by his comrades as / a token of their affection and regard
16D--/07/03- Sacred to the memory of / No. 4179359 / Sergt. Wm. Harold Setterfield / 2nd Bn. The Royal Welch Fusiliers / died at the Military Hospital Hong Kong / on the 21st of October 1935 / aged 35 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/07/04- In memory / of / sapper Walter Vallance / Royal Engineers / dies at Hong Kong / 6th April 1935 / age 34 years / erected by comradesfootstone - In memory of / Jock / erected by / his comrades who / sailed for home / 1938
16D--/07/05- Sacred to the memory / of / No. ?306398 / Pte. Albert Lowe / of the South Wales Borderers / who died at Hong Kong on / the 20th February 1934 / aged 25 years / ... illegible
16D--/07/06- Sacred to the memory / of / No. 4797962 / Pte. John Thomas Cartwright / 1st Bn. the Lincilnshire Regiment / who died at Hong Kong / on the 28th June 1933 / aged 25 years / This stone is erected / by his comrades as a token of affection and regard
16D--/07/07- Sacred / to the memory / of / 1056026 / bombadier / Ernest Bellerby / 20th Heavy Battery / Royal Artillery / who died on the / 23rd day of October 1928 / aged 24 years / erected / by his comrades
16D--/07/08- Erected by / all ranks D NG Company [?] / In memory of / 5606705 [?] Pte. Goddard A. / 1st Bn. The Somerset Light Infantry / who died at H.K. on 16th Feb. 1928 / aged 25 years / What I do thou knowest not now / but thou shalt know hereafter / John XIII.7 / R.I.P.
16D--/07/09- To the memory of / driver Charles William Begley / R.A.S.C. / died - Hong Kong 13-1-1928 / "He sleeps" / (erected by his comrades)
16D--/07/10- In / memory / of / Pte. Cecil Howard / Booth / B Co. 1st Bn. The East Surrey Regt. / born 15th July 1903 / died at Hong Kong 22nd July 1924 / erected by the officers, non commissioned / officers and men of his company
16D--/07/11- In / affectionate memory / of / Charles Frederick Lintott / Q.M. Sergt. R.E. / who died in Hong Kong / on 6th December 1919
16D--/07/12- Sacred / to the memory / of / William E. Mayall / who died / 13th July 1919 / aged 43 years / erected / by his comrades
16D--/08/01- 7261823 serjeant [sic] / G.W. Smith / Royal Army Medical Corps / 27th March 1950 age 37 / Rest in peace
16D--/08/02- Sacred to the memory / of / No. 4799450 / Lance corporal Lewis Ashby / 1st Bn. The Lincolnshire Regiment / who died at Hong Kong / on the 20th July 1935 / age 24 years / this stone is erected by his comrades / as a token of their affection and regards
16D--/08/03- Sacred to the memory of / No. 3383699 / Pte. Alfred Waldock / 2nd Bn. The East Lincolnshire Regt. / and of Melbourn, Cambs., England / age 21 years / God himself is with us for our captain / 2 Chron, XIII.12 / this stone is erected by his comrades / of the 2nd Bn. The East Lincolnshire Regt.
16D--/08/04- To the memory / of / Private Herbert Langdon / 2nd Bn. The East Lancashire Regt. / died at Hong Kong on 1st January 1934 / erected by his comrades
16D--/08/05- Sacred to the memory / of / No. 1800161 Pte. Samuel Brown / 1st Bn. The Lincolnshire Regiment / who died at Hong Kong / on the 27th Sept. 1933 / aged 20 years and 5 months / this stone is erected / by his comrades as a token of their affection and regard
16D--/08/06- In memory / of / gunner John Lambert / 12th Heavy Battery R.A. / died at Hong Kong 12 July 1929 / erected by his comrades
16D--/08/07- Sacred to the memory / of / Pte. Albert Beck / 1st Bn. Somerset L.I. / who was accidently drowned / at Kowloon 14th June 1929 / this stone is erected by his comrades of 'B' Coy. / "A light from our household is gone / the voice we loved is stilled / a place is vacant in our home / which never can be filled" / A message from his mother, father, / brothers and sisters
16D--/08/08- To the memory / of / gnr. C Newham / 38th Heavy Battery / R.A. / died / 5th July 1927 aged 25 / erected by his comrades
16D--/08/09- Sacred to the memory / of / William Henry Griggs / Armr / Q.M. Sergt. R.A.O.C. / died 11th June 1924 / aged 32 years / No shadows yonderJoseph S Lee# 8748
16D--/08/10- Sacred / to the memory / of / gr. J Bell / who died / 12th Oct. 1919 / aged 27 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/08/11- Sacred / to the memory / of / Frederick J Parker / 2nd Bn. Wiltshire Regt. / (Duke of Edinburghs) died July 12th 1921 / aged 22 years / erected by his comrades
16D--/09/01- In memory / of / William Wodehouse / gunner / 94th Co. R.G.A. / who died / 19th Nov. 1023 / aged 28 years
16D--/09/02- Sacred / to the memory / No. 7386 sergt. F.J. Witt / 2nd Bn. Wiltshire Regiment / who passed away / 21st September 1920 / erected by his officers, W.O. NCOs / and men of the 2nd Bn. Wiltshire regiment 8496CEW & CoHK
16E--/01/01- illegible
16E--/01/02- To the memory of / Harry Rusden / dearly beloved husband of / Kate Rusden / died at Hong Kong 29th June 1934 / erected by captain, officers and engineers / SS "Changte"
16E--/01/03- In proud and loving memory of / Florence / the beloved wife of C.E. Hodges / who found peace with God / May 31st 1934 / aged 44 years
16E--/01/04- IHS / Sacred to the memory / of / Estella Grace Langly / the beloved wife / of / Herbert Leslie Langly / died 13th May 1934 / aged 34 years
16E--/01/05- In / loving memory / of / George Henry Payne / who died 15th November 1933 / aged 35 years
16E--/01/06- In loving memory / of / George William Sinclair / master mariner / passed away on 19th August 1933 / aged 60 years / His servant shall serve him / and they shall see his face and his / name shall be on their foreheads / Rev 22 3 & 4
16E--/01/07- Hier ruhet in Gott / Margarethe Schlag / Missionarin der Rheinischen / Missions- Gesellschaft zu barmen / geboren in Berlin den 26 Mai 1903 / gestorben in Hong Kong den 4 August 1933 / sei getreu bis an den Tod / so will ich ihr dir Krone / des Lebens geben / Offenb Joh 2.10
16E--/01/08- Thy will be done / Sacred / to / the memory / of / Biddy Eliza Marsh / beloved daughter / of / Capt. and Mrs. Peter Ryves-Marsh. born 31st September 1901 / died 31st July 1932 / deeply mourned / in memory a constant thought / in heart a slient sorrow
16E--/01/09- In / loving memory / of / Margaret Bell MacGregor / second daughter of / the Rev. William MacGregor D.D. / for forty years missionary / of the / Presbyterian Church of England / at Amoy / 24th April 1871 / 20th July 1932
16E--/01/10- In loving memory / of / dear daddy / George Goldebaeff / born in Samara 1875 / died on 11th July 1932
16E--/01/11- In / memory of / William Ramsey Stephens / of Brisbane Australia / who died 20th September 1932 / aged 30 years
16E--/01/12- Ivar Motteberg / born / at Larvik (Norway) / 29th May 1889 / died at Hong Kong / 6th March 1932
16E--/01/13- Sacred / to the memory / of / Harold George Kew / born Hong Kong / 3rd April 1932 / died Hong Kong / 7th February 1932 / aged 20 years
16E--/01/14- Katherine L Schaeffer / born Wisconsin USA 1867 / for thirty-seven years / a beloved worker in the / American Presbyterian MIssion / island of Hainan / died Hong Kong 1931 / "Preach the word"
16E--/01/15- In loving memory of / Malcolm Lamond Brodie / aged 47 years / born at Campbeltown Argyleshire / Scotland / at rest
16E--/02/01- In / loving memory / of / Rev. Ivan S. Kauffman / Missionary Assembly of God Mission / born 1885 died 1934 / "Jesus grant that we may meet there / adoring at thy feet"
16E--/02/02- In / loving memory / of / John Velentine Dodd / born 26th June 1870 / died 24th September 1932 / and of / Pansy Dodd / born 22 December 1922 / died 14 September 1939 / R.I.P.
16E--/02/03- Commander / S.N. Petroff / Imperial Russian Navy / born 2nd [?] April 1979 / died 3rd July 1931
16E--/02/04- IHS / In / loving memory / of / Captain Harry A Settle / of Liverpool / beloved husband of / Margaret Settle / died Dec. 16th 1931 / aged 31 years
16E--/02/05- In / loving memory / of / James Maxwell / born 18th Feb. 1885 / died 8th Sep. 1931
16E--/03/01- Captain P Grunberg / born 8 July 1873 / died 8 October 1934
16E--/03/02- Sacred / to the memory / of / William Ernest Plewilliegible
16E--/03/03- In / loving remembrance / of / Edgar Reginald Collier / born on 1st August 1904 / at Weybridge Surrey / England / died on the 10th June 1934 / at Hong Kong / erected by his sorrowing wifeCEW & Co. Ltd. # 9450HK
16E--/03/04- To the memory / of / Johan A. Torgersen / 2nd engineer / SS Fingal / died 30 April 1934 / aged 36 years
16E--/03/05- In loving memory / of / Richard Joseph Tyler / of Sidcup Kent England / who passed away 28th Mar. 1934 / aged 37 years / Forever in our thoughts / mothers and sisters
16E--/03/06- RSRS Charles Scbtar / aws [?]illegible
16E--/04/01- In ever loving memory / of / Arch McCallum (Mac) / who passed away / 17th March 1932 / born Dunfermline Scotland / on the 28th September 1893 / At rest
16E--/04/02- Duncan Campbell / died Hong Kong 6th January 1931 / aged 60 years / late headmaster Ellis Kadoorie / Honam College Canton / a native of Partick, Scotland
16E--/04/03- in loving memory / of / Hendrie Wardlaw Somerval / of Glasgow / born 17th June 1900 / died 15th August 1931 / Gone but not forgotten
16E--/04/04- In / ever loving memory / of / Daosy Rose / the wife of G Penwill / who passed peacefully away / on the 23rd October 1930 / age 30 years / Thy will be done
16E--/04/05- Rusplaats / van onzen selieflen / zoon en broeder / Wilhemus Antoon / tjaberings / geboren te Hoogezand / (Holland) / den 14en Januari 1890 / overladen te Hong Kong / den 26en September 1930J S Lee & Co. # 9174
16E--/04/06- In / loving / memory / of / Charles Samuel Goddard / who died 19th July 1930 / aged 52 years / this stone was erected / by his sorrowing wife / Mrs Goddard
16E--/05/01- In loving memory / of / Eugene V Mende / died 5 May 1932 / aged 65 / Thy will be done O Lord
16E--/05/02- In loving memory of / Frederick Thomas Lee / born 21st February 1868. died 10th January 1932 / He lives in our hearts forever / not dead but gone bfore
16E--/05/03- In / memory / of / William John White / who passed away 17th September 1931 / aged 31 years / Ascended to those immortal mansions / whence all goodness emanates
16E--/05/04- In loving memory / George Edward Bell (Junior) / age 29 / born 4 Sep. 1902 / died 13 Feb. 1931/In memory of / Daisy Bell / died 11th June 1968 / aged 56 years.Moses & Co # 9213
16E--/05/05- Eric Cleburne / age 28 / died Hong Kong / 22nd January 1931
16E--/05/06- In / loving memory / of / Ethel / beloved wife of / Sgt. H Livingston / A & S HRS / (Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Regt.) born 1903 died 1930 / Thy will not mine 'O' Lord
16E--/05/07- In dear memory of / Paul / only son of J.M.W. and Nellie Poncione / of Clevedon, Som, England / late of SS 'Natica' / died July 28th 1930 / aged 20 years / This corner is forever England
16E--/05/08- In memory / of / Marry Grant / (Leung A Chiu) / died 4th December 1929 / aged 67 years / Rest in peace
16E--/05/09- In affectionate memory / William Woods / died 13th March 1929
16E--/05/10- in / loving memory / of Annie SAHMET [?]
16E--/05/11- Sacred / to the memory / of / Captain F.J. Connolly / R.F.A. Francol / died 12 March 1929 / aged 32 years / erected by his loving wife / and colleagues on the China StationBrown N Jones & Co
16E--/06/01- In / loving memory / of / Dora Winifred / the beloved wife of / Cornelius Sidney Madgwick / Hong Kong Police Force / who was murdered / at / Lok Ma Chau Police Station / on 21st July 1930 / age 25 years 11 months / Thy will be done# 10917S Lee & Co.
16E--/06/02- In / loving memory / of / Sephorah Cooke / beloved wife of / Sergeant T Cooke / 2nd KOS Borderers( Kings own Scottish) / died 15th February 1930
16E--/06/03- [Russian - Olga Vaselevna Kouznetzoff]* 18 1/IV 98 + 19 17/VIII 29 / Olga Kouznetzoff
16E--/06/04- In loving memory / of / Thomas / the dearly beloved husband / of / Elizabeth Pollard / who departed this life / on July 31st 1929 / aged 46 years
16E--/06/05- her hviler / premier loitnant / Harald Nyhuus / fodt 22-8-1895 / dod 15-2-1930
16E--/06/06- In loving memory of / Capt. William Perritt / Merchant Navy / died 24th December 1941 / aged 73 years / and his wife / Bella Perritt
16E--/06/07- In / loving memory / of / Alice Mary Cunningham / who / departed this life / July 12th 1929 / age 31 years / utcunque placuerit deoJ S Lee & Co. # 9091
16E--/06/08- Erected by the / Government of Hong Kong / in memory of / Kingsley Frank Woodward / 3rd officer SS Haiching / killed by pirates / in the execution of his duty off Chelang Point / 8th December 1929
16E--/06/09- R.I.P. / in loving memory / of / Winnifred Dora Mabel / the dearly beloved wife of / G.E. Stephens / who fell asleep on 22nd May 1927. aged 32 years 5 months / A bitter grief, shock severe / to part with one we loved so dear / our loss is great we will not complain
16E--/06/10- Sacred / to the memory / of / Richard Habberfied Short / who died Feb. 27 1929 / aged 46 years / R.I.P.
16E--/06/11- In loving memory / of / my dear husband / Thomas Henry Ball / of / Salcombe, Devon, England / who died in the / Government Hosptital / Feb. 6th 1929
16F--/01/01- In loving memory / of our mother / Annie Florence Smith / died 29th June 1944 / and of our father / Captain Sidney George Smith / M.B.E. D.C.M. H.K.V.D.C. / and late of Corps of Royal Engineers / died 20th July 1944
16F--/01/02- [Chinese characters] Headstone rebuilt 1867plaque on body stone - Harry Norman De Cosier
16F--/01/03- illegible
16F--/01/04- In loving memory / of / Arthur John Martin / who passed away / on / April 6th 1942 / aged 58 years / Rest in peaceJoseph S. Lee & Co. # 1092
16F--/01/05- Nicolas Michael Dessoulavy / 15th Dec. 1890 / 11th July 1941 / Always in our thoughts
16F--/01/06- In loving memory / of / my dear wife / Rose Amelia Wood / who passed away / on / 16th December 1940 / aged 41 years / He giveth his beloved sleep
16F--/01/07- In loving memory / of / Robert / the second son / of / James and Edith Jackson / of / Church, Lancashire, England / died 15th Feb. 1940 / aged 22 years / Deeply regretted
16F--/01/08- In / loving memory / of / Alice Mable Cumming / died 2nd March 1940 / aged 61 yearsBrown Jones & Co. # 9911
16F--/02/01- illegible
16F--/02/03- In loving memory / of / John Charles Power / died 26th November 1944 / aged 59 years / Deep in our hearts a memory is kept / of one we love and will never forget
16F--/02/04- [Chinese Characters]
16F--/02/05- Olga Divecha / (Kazi-Girey) / died 14th August 1944 / age 43
16F--/02/06- In loving memory / of / Joseph Esmail / born 29th September 1899 / died 11th April 1944
16F--/02/07- In loving memory of / Capt. William James Collom / born 9th September 1862 / died 22nd Feb. 1944 /Ruby Collom / born 28th Feb. 1899 / died 8th Nov, 1979/"Nearer my God to thee"
16F--/02/08- In remembrance of sister Jennie Williams / the founder of / Apostolic Faith Church Canton China / born on 26 October 1880 / died on 18 October 1940 / erected by / church members in Hong Kong on Easter Day 1957[Chinese characters]
16F--/02/09- Russian script - Mareby [?] Valentin Antonovich / vovetsky moryak / May 1941
16F--/02/10- In loving memory / of / my dear wife / Agrippina Smith / (Mrs. Randy) / died 15th June 1940 / aged 48 years / God has taken you / I wil never forget you / from your loving husband / God bless you
16F--/02/11- Russian script - Maria Dimitrievna / Zavarixina / ? 1903 May 1940 / ......
16F--/02/12- In / loving memory / died / (third daughter of) [?] / Mary [?] / dearly loved and never forgottenillegible
16F--/02/13- In / loving memory / of Florence Aller / beloved wife of / Sergeant F. Aller / 1st Bn. Seaforth Highlanders / born 20th Aug [?] 1903 / died 28th May 1938 / aged 36 years / Gone but not forgotten
16F--/02/14- Thomas William Worsfold / clerical officer / HM Dockyard / died 11-2-1939 aged 37
16F--/02/15- In loving memory / of / Thomas Balfour Robertson / dearly beloved husband of Lillian / and loved father of Sadie / died 3rd February 1939
16F--/03/01- Alevtina Vasilieva / born 26th June 1912 / died 11th January 1947 / ever remembered / by / aunty and cousins / in / San Francisco / Rest in peace
16F--/03/02- [Chinese characters]
16F--/03/03- Peace / in ever loving memory / of our dear mother / Sophia / wife of Fredderick T. Lee / born 13 December 1875 / died 25 March 1944 / The Lord is my shepherd / I shall not want
16F--/03/04- In loving memory of / Linton Henry Decosier / died 15th January 1950 / aged 64 years
16F--/03/05- Hier rust / Johan George Camphius / in leven wierde werituie kundie bij de / N.V. Koninklijke paketvaart maatschappij / geboren te Poerwokerto 24 January 1909 / overleden te Hong Kong 3 September 1939 / R.I.P. / van zijne vrie den en collega's
16F--/03/06- In loving memory of / Elizabeth / the beloved wife of / William Dowell / who died 18th Feb. 1939 / aged 62 years / "Jesus said to her: I am the / resurrection and the life / he that believeth in me / although to be dead, shall live" / John XL 25# 9825 Brown Jones & Co.
16F--/03/07- In loving memory / of / Ernest Alfred Haywood / died 3rd September 1938 / aged 44 years / At the going down of the sun and / in the morning we will remember thee / till we meet again# 9778 Brown Jones & Co.
16F--/03/08- In loving memory of / Charlotte Henrietta Walker / born 17th April 1859 / died 27th Sept. 1897 / Peace perfect peace
16F--/03/09- In loving memory / of / Edward Charles Allen / E . st y [?] s Sergt. / Royal Ordinance / who died at Hong Kong / 22nd June 1907 / age 40 years
16F--/03/10- In loving memory / Martha / the beloved wife of / Charles Engelbert / Dworjak / died 26th January 1936 / aged 42 yearsBrown Jones Co.# 9657
16F--/04/01- freemason / Erected in the memory of / John Gilchriest Warner / who passed away to the grand lodge above / on Sunday 24th April 1949 / aged 59 years / by brethen of the Tientsin Lodges
16F--/04/02- to the everlasting memory of / Ernest Charles Wakeling / who passed away on 11th April 1950 / dearest husband of Emily / and / beloved daughter Mary
16F--/04/03- Rene Jean Victor Neumans / mort a Saigon / le 10 Janvier 1950 / age de 37 ans
16F--/04/04- Estella S Bernard / b. Nov. 2 1869 Barrie, Pike Co. Illinois, U.S.A. / d. Jan. 24 1950 Hong Kong / widow of / John Thomas Bernard M.D. Capt. / Med. Corps. U.S. Army / and / Elizabeth C Bernard / nurse, A.N.C. (Army Nursing Corps) / b. Oct. 10 1890 Desoto, Dallas County / Texas / U.S.A. / d. Dec. 12 1971, Hong Kong / daughter of John Thomas Bernard / and Estella S Bernard / arrived H.K. Feb. 5 1933#10547 #11874
16F--/04/05- In loving memory of / Samuel Robert Owen / born in Ningpoon 14th February 1882 / died in Hong Kong on 6th January 1950 / erected to his memory by / his brother and sisters and his / colleagues in A.R. Burkill & Sons Ltd.
16F--/04/06- Frederick / Pinch On / Thompson
16F--/04/07- Fernand Felicien Quarez / ne a Bruxelles / le 6 Juin 1894 / decede a Hong Kong / le 30 Aout 1949
16F--/04/08- In loving memory of / Alexander Happur / R.I.P. / died 11th April 1943 / Hong Kong
16F--/04/09- Sacred to the memory of / Freda / dearly beloved wife of / Adjutant Leonard Adams / (Salvation Army) / and / Kenneth John's Mamma / promoted to glory on 31st January 1947 / aged 36 years / "You came to touch our times with joy / with priceless gifts of love / you've gone to wait our coming there / to welcome us above"# 10360Wm Nodes Ltd.
16F--/04/10- In remembrance of / Shirley / beloved only child of / John and Florence Boyle. born 13 June 1929 / died 5th November 1945 / And when the sunset gates unbar / shall i not see thee waiting stand / and white against the evening star / the welcome of thy beckoning hand / Till we meet againWm Nodes Ltd. # 10232
16F--/04/11- In loving memory / of / James Carson Ferguson / born 28th January 1882 / passed away 12th September 1945 / "Deep in our hearts a memory is kept / of one we love and will never forget"/and of his wife / Lillian Ferguson / passed away 25th April 1966 / We will not forget your example in life / we will remember
16F--/04/12- Sacred / to the memory of / George Ian Roberts / born 20th Sept. 1924 / died 31st March 1945
16F--/04/13- [Russian script]Innokente Vashlevich / Fellenov ? / ..... b 1896 / .... 1-12-1944 / ....
16F--/04/14- In loving memory / James Ming / died 18th December 1943 / aged 76 years# 10154
16F--/04/15- In love we remember / Rebecca Jewell Ming / born 12th April 1879 / at Christchurch, New Zealand / died 24th January 1941 / Here all the flowers and lives do close / to wear the garlands of reposeWilliam Nodes Ltd# 9973
16F--/04/16- Joseph Paul Aalbus / Sept 1908 - [?] / Memory - illegible
16F--/04/17- Rev. Benjamin Milton Jones / born Vasey, Ontario, Canada / 29th May 1880 / died Hong Kong 26th June 1939 / Missionary of the Methodist / Episcopal Church Burma / 18th Oct. 1903 to 26th June 1939 / Thou wilt keep him in peace perfect peace / erected by his wife Luella Ricby Jones# 9852
16F--/04/18- Aan mijn lieven / zorgzamen man / Job Joh De Outer / god zij met hem / 9-7-38
16F--/04/19- in / loving memory / of / Fanny Isabella Philip / beloved wife of / Staff Sergeant Philip R.A.O.C. / born 13th May 1883 / died 12th June 1938 / aged 45 years
16F--/04/20- In / loving memory / of / Kathleen Esther Biggs / dies 7th February 1938 / aged 44 years / beloved wife of Arthur Leonard Biggs / 'A beloved wife and devoted mother'/also Arthur Leonard / P/O RN / killed 1944Brown Jones and Co.# 9728
16F--/04/21- Homeward / bound / In loving memory / of my brother / Edward Vyvyan Neville Fuller / 2nd officer S/S Seistan [?] / died at sea Sept. 3rd 1937 / aged 30 years
16F--/04/22- In / loving memory of / Captain / Janus Christian Cram Jensen / born at Skagen, Denmark / 4th January 1887 / died at Hong Kong 28th April 1937 / late of the Chinese Maritime Customs
16F--/04/23- In / loving memory / of / Alexander Walker Norrie / beloved husband / of / Arthuretta Christie Kilgour / died 23rd January 1937 / aged 39 years
16F--/05/01- In loving memory / of / Jessie Montgomery Abbass / born 23rd October 1907 / died 1 Jan. 1945/Gerald Abbass / born 19th Dec. 1904 / died 17th Sept. 1979 / Always in our heartsHK Marble Co# 10594
16F--/05/02- Euzavet Kysheft / died 1950
16F--/05/03- IHS / in memory / of / Philip V.C. Twin / civilian officer / H.M. Dockyard Hong Kong / died / 24th October 1948 / aged 32 years / R.I.P.
16F--/05/04- Albert Francis Ollerdesson / born 9th July 1886 / died 16th October 1948 / "Forever in our thoughts"
16F--/05/05- R.I.P. / Mikhail Adamovich / Matveichik / died 20th September 1948 / aged 50
16F--/05/06- In memory of / Robert Morrison / Captain of S/S Wing Hing / died 5th April 1947 / aged 35 years / erected by T Hing Co. (HK) Ltd.
16F--/05/07- in memory of / Edward John / beloved son of Marcel and Mabel Annett / who died 30th July 1947 / aged 24 years
16F--/05/08- C S Derrick McCockin / aged 22 years / only son of S & H McCockin / East Harsley, Northallerton, Yorks. / died 24.5.47 on S/S Possaras / Faithful united death
16F--/05/09- Russian scriptA N Oboushova / 1.11.1875 - 12.12.1943/A E Oboushova / 8.8.1864 - 30.1.1948
16F--/05/10- In memory of / Alexander Frederick Wright / of / Rangoon, Burma / Chief Officer S/S Empire Park / born 4th Dec. 1915 / died 18th April 1947 [HK]
16F--/05/11- In loving memory of / Sidney Leighton Smith / Chief Officer S.S. "Hong Siang" / died 15th April 1947 / aged 32 years / beloved son of Capt. and Mrs. Smith / husband of Margaret and father of / Morag and Wendy / "Thy will be done"
16f--/05/12- Born 22 February 1880 / died 13th November 1944
16F--/05/13- In loving memory / Walter Peter Darlin / died 3rd Feb. 1947 / aged 42 years / The end came sudden / you made us cry / but the saddest part of all / you never said goodbye / ever remembered by / his loving wife and family
16F--/05/14- Hier rust miun lieve / Cornelus Hazeleger / hoofdwerktuickindge N.I.T. / geb 6 April 1899 / overl 12 Dec. 1946 / mi een plichtsgetrouwen / werkzaam leven / js hij in de veliee haven aangekomen# 10344
16F--/05/15- In loving memory of / Gustav A Heolune / * 5-9-11 / + 8-7/1946# 10299
16F--/05/16- In loving memory / of / Reginald Arthur Rogers / missionary / died 22nd May 1946 / aged 61 years / greater love hath no man than this# 10239
16F--/05/17- Russian ScriptSeraphima Semenova / Komarova 62y / .... 17 April 1949/Vladimir Petrovich 30y 7m / ... 25 December 1942/Alexandra Porphrevna 26y 8m / ... 25 December 1942/Victor Petrovich 37y 2m / ... 2 April 1946
16F--/05/18- In memory / Robert Stewart Stevenson / Glasgow / aged 35 years / died 23rd March 1946 / at Quarry Bay / Hong Kong
16F--/05/19- In loving memory / of / Alexis Tsenin / died / 5th Janury 1945 / aged 29 years[Russian script]# 10201
16F--/05/20- In loving memory / Nicolas A. Popeff / died 31st October 1944 / aged 42 years / R.I.P.# 10190
16F--/05/21- Russian scriptIn loving memory / Valentine Vargassoff / died 15th July 1944 / aged 28 years
16F--/05/22- In loving memory / of / Elsie Elizabeth / beloved wife of / Robert Brown Gillespie / died 13th July 1940 / aged 52 years# 9930
16F--/05/23- P ol ob [?] / Gerte Bl [?] Ora [?] [Russian script]
16F--/05/24- In loving memory / of / Olivia Gertrude / "Gertie" / the beloved wife of / John McAlister Boyd / died 11th July 1939 / aged 21 years / She shall not grow old as we that are left grow old / age shall not worry nor years condemn# 9856
16F--/05/25- Vervoanie [?] / Judith Hultquist / fodd i Sverige 4/3 1887 / dod i Hong Kong 31/1 1938on urn - mother / will / dick / grace
16F--/05/26- Sacred to the memory of / my dearly beloved wife / Rakel Eriksen / born in Norway / who passed away at Hong Kong / 30th September 1937 / aged 26 / "Thy will be done" / erected by her husband Aksel EriksenLouisa A Lee. & Co. # 9700
16F--/05/27- In / loving memory / of / Joan / Taylor Smith / died 30th August 1937 / aged 21 yearsBrown, Jones & Co.# 9690
16F--/05/28- In / loving memory / of / Charles Ernest Watson / born 11th September 1882 / died 28th June 1937 / R.I.P.
16F--/05/29- Philip Claud / beloved only son of / Claud and Mabel Frost / of Finchley, London / who fell asleep May 14th 1937 / in his 25th year / The eternal God is our refuge / and underneath are the everlasting arms / on footstone - Asleep awhile beloved / there is no more separation / Bobbie
16F--/05/30- In loving memory / of / Thomas Gordon Paget / boat officer Chinese Maritime Customs / formerly of Bradford / and beloved husband of Mollie Paget / killed by smugglers at Poon Lung Kwan Tung / In God's keeping/In loving memory / of / beloving mother [sic] / Molly Paget / who died on 29th July 1985 / in / H.K. Sanatorium & Hospital / "God Bless"# 9642 #12000
16F--/06/01- Evan Thomas Evans / aged 54# 10304
16F--/06/02- In loving memory of / T.A. Kung / died 22nd July 1946 / aged 69 / erected by daughter / and son-in-law
16F--/06/03- In everlasting memory / of / Eugene Liu / died 24th May 1946 / aged 32 years / May he find eternal happiness / erected by his loving family
16F--/06/04- Aubrey E. Burgoyne / 1886 - 1946
16F--/06/05- In loving memory of / Margaret Kirkwood / who died during internment / 7th February 1945
16F--/06/06- In loving memory of / (Granny) / Jean Musgrave / died 22nd September 1944 / aged 68 years / Gone but not forgotten
16F--/06/07- In loving memory / of / Richard Henry Wong / born at Mackay, Queensland / August 29th 1908 / died at Hong Kong / April 24th 1944 / Gentle, brave, beloved / ever in our thoughts
16F--/06/08- In loving memory / of / Agnes Esmail / born 19th March 1924 / died 30th May 1943 / No. 10138# 10138
16F--/06/09- In loving memory / of / my wife / Maud Alicia Tarsnane / who died 15th Nov. 1939 / aged 34 years / Sunshine passes shadows fall / but love and remembrance outlast all# 9884
16F--/06/10- In loving memory / of / Alice Hays / and her infants / died 14 May 1939 [?] / aged 33 years
16F--/06/11- Sacred to the memory / of / Alexander Fairbanks McCormick / who entered into his rest on 28th Novermber 1938 / Whom I have loved long since and lost awhile / erected by his wife# 9796
16F--/07/01- Benjamin Francis Johnston / 1865 - 1937# 9656
16F--/07/02- Hier ruht in Gott / John Philip Sauer / geb 18 Nov. 1864 / in Steinbach Im Odenwald / gest 21 Feb. 1937 in Hong KongBrown Jones & Co.# 9655
16F--/07/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / May Jeanette / the loving wife of Henry James Perryman / who passed away 30th Aug. 1936 / aged 46 years / "In the midst of life we are in death"Brown & Jones & Co.# 9610
16F--/08/01- Captain P. Dent D.M.C. / Look through the mist and / see what really is / the one you love still / serving him and his / life is eternal: Naught / could ever part / these whom God loves and / he loves all, dear heartCEW & Co. # 9653
16F--/08/02- In / loving memory / of / Albert / Douglas Harold Hands / born May 28th 1912 / died Dec. 13th 1936 / aged 24 years / Alas the manuscript of youth is folded up / and the fresh springtide of joy is finishedBrown & Jones & Co.# 9638
16F--/08/03- In loving memory / of / Catherine Ruch / the dearly beloved wife of / Albert Alexander Dykes / who fell asleep on / Dec. 5th 1936 / aged 32 years / Until the dawn breaks / and the shadows flee away / from Mum and Dad / Beautiful memories from / Patsy Peggy and KennethBrown & Jones & Co.# 9637
16F--/08/04- In / loving memory / of / Alice / the beloved wife of / C.O.M. Sgt. E. Noel I /R U. Rifles / age 47 / Rest In Peace (Royal Ulster Rifles)Brown Jones & Co. # 9595
16F--/09/01- sacred / to the memory / of / Miriam / beloved wife and comrade of / Brigadier William Darby / The Salvation Army / promoted to glory September 15th 1936 / aged 51 years / She gave herself , on earth her works remain / in Heaven with Christ her Lord / in sublimest fellowship / she ever lives to reign / Brown Jones & Co. # 9614
16F--/09/02- In loving memory / of / Frank William Smith / who died on 24th July 1936 / aged 49 years / To be with Christ / which is far better Brown Jones & Co. # 9604
16F--/09/03- In / loving memory / of / Gertrude Kerby / who died on 29th November 1936 / at Kowloon / from her mother and family in England / and / deepest respects of the staff of / SS RanchiBrown Jones & Co. # 9633
16F--/10/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / John McLeod / who died 15th April 1936 / aged 44 years / erected by / the captain and officers / S.S. 'Changte'
16F--/10/02- Sacred / to the memory / of / my beloved husband / Reginald Worthington / who passed away on / 23rd September 1935 / aged 33 years / (late of Chinese Maritime Customs)
16F--/10/03- In / loving memory / of / Kathleen Charlotte French Fairburn / beloved wife of / Thomas Campbell Fairburn / who died 7th April 1936 / aged 37 years
16F--/11/01- Sacred / to the memory of / Brigadier / James Edward Sansom / The Salvation Army / pioneer officer of the South China Command / promoted to glory / March 18th 1936 / aged 44 years / servant of God, well done! / rest from thy loved employon urn - Our darling daddy / Joan / Kathleen / Peggy and MaryB & J Co. # 9587
16F--/11/02- In / loving memory / of / S.N. Warren / of Epsom / England / who passed away July 12th 1935 / aged 38 yearsB J & Co # 9531
16F--/11/03- In loving memory / of / my dear wife / Muriel Janice Brown [?] / who departed this life / on 30th April 1935 / aged 32 years
16F--/12/01- Gertrude Ella / Anderson / 25th December 1936 / Loved by allBrown Jones & Co # 9662
16F--/12/02- In / memory / of / Paul Baumann / died 30th November 1935 / aged 60 years
16F--/12/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / Captain Frank Smolt [?] Fister [?] / who passed away 31st Janury 1935 / aged 56 years
16F--/12/04- Bernhard Ullahd / born 3rd Sept. 1877 / in Drammen, Norway / died on 18th Feb. 1935
16F--/13/01- In / loving memory / of / ? / Katheleen / Young / died 12th May 1937 / aged 27 yearsBrown Jones # 9678& Co.
16F--/13/02- Dein Wille Geschehe / Kapitan / Ighaz ?Teufl? / geb 29 Dec. 1894 / gest 22 June 1933
16F--/13/03- Irma Leung / fell asleep / im Jesus / April 2nd 1935 / aged 20 years / My sheep hear my voice / I give them the eternal / life and they shall never perish / Surely I come quickly / 'Till ye come'
16F--/14/01- Hier ruht unser Kamerad / deaver Sohn seiner Heimat / Erich Schuler / geb. 18 Januar 1910 zu Klotzen / gest 23 Juni 1935 / an bord des D. 'Scharnhorst' in Hong Kong / gewidmet von der gesamten besatzung des / Nord Lloyd Schnellt "Scharnhorst"
16F--/14/02- In / loving memory / of / George William Waite / who passed away / 30th April 1935 / aged 59 years / Just gone before
16F--/15/01- illegible
16F--/15/02- Hier ruht unser Kamerad / Paul Kurt Grohmann / geb 5 Januar 1909 zu Erlzachiem [?] / gestorben am Heomshall [?] / am 30th Dezember 1934 / illegible
16G--/01/01- In memory / of our / dearly / beloved mother / Gladys Baker / who passed away / in Shanghai / 23rd December 1910 / reinterred in Hong Kong 1953
16G--/01/02- Gottlob Greiner 20.1.1861 - 3.3.1926/Aka Maria Greiner 1.11.1877 - 17.3.1920/Babetta Edith Jones 14.6.1899 - 4.5.1941/(nee Greiner)/Wilhelm Ereinea 5.3.1910 - 2.7.1928 /Rest In Peace
16G--/01/03- In / loving memory / of Janet McMurray / died / Shanghai January 1916
16G--/01/04- In loving memory / David Brand / born in Glasgow 28th June 1845 / died in Shanghai 23rd July 1900 / dearly beloved husband of / Ann Sophia/and their sons / Robert Arthur / born in London 7th October 1893 / drowned in Yokohama 24th July 1920 / and / James Andrew / born in Shanghai 27th September 1882 / who lost his life in France in the Great War / between 20th and 23rd March 1918
16G--/01/05- Gwendoline Alice Fabian born / 1914 / died 1917Cyril Philip Fabian / born 1907 / died 1911 / Sydney Smith / born 1846 / died 1921/Sydney Philip Fabian / born 1876 / died 1945/Walter Frederick Fabian / born 1911 / died 1917/died in Shanghai / reinterred in Hong Kong 24th February 1953
16G--/01/06- In loving memory / of our son / Ludwig Theodore Werner / Canton / Nov. 7th 1930 / Shanghai / Nov. 3rd 1940
16G--/01/08- In loving memory of / Sir Everard Fraser KCMG / born in Inverness Scotland 1958 / died whilst Consul General / in Shanghai in 1922 / and his son / Robert Walkinshaw Fraser / born in Edinburgh Scotland 1905 / died in Tientsin 1956
16G--/01/09- In loving memory / of / James Hunter / Farquharson / died Shanghai / 21st July 1931 / aged 53
16G--/01/10- William B McBain / born 31st October 1891 / died 22nd April 1971 / aged 79 years / Rest In Peace
16G--/02/01- R.I.P.In cherished memory/Caroline Sullivan/James Thompson/May Thompson/Sonny Thompson / Violet Thompson/[on open book] May Victoria Jennings / 1894 - 1986 / until we meet again / Mum darling/Percy John Jennings / 1897 - 1962 / my wonderful husband / always in my heart darling oneHenry Hufner/Joseph Sullivan/Charles Sullivan/Winnie and Verdun Sullivan/Ernest Ling
16G--/02/02- Alexander Dunlop Bell / 1874 - 1937 / dear husband of Nora Bell / sometime chairman of the / Shanghai Municipal Council / died in Shanghai March 1937 / reinterred 7th June 1956
16G--/02/03- In loving memory / of / John J Peters / 1868 - 1901
16G--/03/01- In loving memory / of / Maj. Hector / Frederic George / Van Chauvin R.A. / [Chinese characters] / born 1 June 1908 / died 30 June 1974 / Always in our thoughts
16G--/03/02- In loving memory / of / Edward John Brown / born 3rd August 1906 / died 4 March 1971 / from Evelyn, Clara and Patricia
16G--/03/03- Felix Hurley Mody / died 16th February 1971 / R.I.P.
16G--/03/04- In memory of / Frank Henry Schnepel / died 12th April 1921 / aged 67years / R.I.P.


Submitted by
fergusmacdermot (not verified)
Wed, 05/01/2013 - 19:19

Interesting when you see one's great grandfather on the list and 95 years later end up living close by and find out you were born the day before he died!

Karen McCormick writes:

Alexander was my grandfather and I was hoping you could change the spelling of McCormick as it is spelled incorrectly as McCormack. I also want to thank you for having this listed on your site, I was able to find a photo of his headstone on find a grave but was not able to make out the whole inscription. I have found 2 other inscriptions of importance on your site today also. Thank you for what must have been a very tedious job.

Kind regards,


I have corrected the spelling.

You could try asking at the cemetery office, but I doubt they will have this information.

By cance I was at the cemetery office this week with a visitor who asked a very similar question. The cemetery staff were very helpful and showed the entry in their book for the relevant grave, but it just showed name, date of death, and location.

Has anyone else been able to find who placed a headstone?

Regards, David

PS If you can tell us more about your family members it will be very welcome, and readers may be able to add more information. Here's how to make a Person page:

For reference, mention is made of Holworthy in the 1922 Directory and Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China etc on Page 995:

"There is also a road from Victoria Gap down to Pokfolum and Aberdeen, and at the side of this, about  half a mile from the Gap, a small granite cross has been erected. This bears the inscription: 'W. W. H. 1869' and marks the scene of a brutal murder,........, the victim being Mr. Holworthy, an officer of the Ordnance Department."

He is buried in the Hong Kong Cemetery. Details extracted below:

13---/01/07- Right: In memory of / WILMOT WADESDON HOLWORTHY / D.A. Sup.nt. of Stores / who came by his death near / the Gap, Victoria Peak about / noon on 24th January 1869.#3615Left: The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away / Blessed be the name of the Lord.