Ho Man Tin Roman Catholic Cemetery [????- ]

Submitted by David on
Current condition

Place marker is *very* approximate.

Name may also be spelled "Ho Mun Tin".



Notes from lolau:

Anybody know the history and photos of Ho Mun Tin Catholic Cemetery (Kowloon I.L. No. 2148) which I found it from the Gov't Gazette of 27.6.1930?

This cemetery area was later resumed by the government and was transferred to the Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Cemetery.

I followed the steps at https://gwulo.com/comment/41386#comment-41386 and see that familysearch.org has four scanned documents from this cemetery:

  • Register of Interments, Sections A and B, 1942
  • Register of Interments, Sections A and B, 1943
  • Register of Interments, Sections A and B, 1944
  • Register of Interments, Sections A and B, 1945

So hopefully they have what you're looking for. Please let us know how you get on. 


No. 518.—It is hereby notified that His Excellency the Governor in Council has under section 90 of the Public Health and Buildings Ordinance, 1903, this day authorised as a place to be used as a Cemetery and to be known as " Kowloon Inland Lot No. 2148 " the piece of land containing about 14 acres, situated at Ho Mun Tin in Kowloon in the Colony of Hong Kong and shown on the plan deposited and which may be seen in the office of the Public Works Department.

D. W. TRATMAN, Colonial Secretary.

11th October, 1929.

I wonder if this is the catholic cemetery or more likely another one:



In accordance with the Provisions of Sections II and III of Ordinance No. 12 of 1856, entitled "An Ordinance to regulate Chinese Burials, and to prevent certain Nuisances, within the Colony of Hongkong," His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council is pleased to notify that,—

A Plot of land defined by four Boundary Stones, situated about one Quarter of a mile to the North-east of the Village of Yau-ma-Tee, in British Kowloong, has been set apart as a Chinese Burial Ground, and from this date this will be the only Place, in which it shall be lawful for the Chinese Inhabitants of British Kowloong to inter their dead.

By Command,

J. GARDINER AUSTIN, Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, 2nd December, 1871.