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Blue Books

Submitted by David on

I've seen several mentions of these Blue Books as sources, and finally had a chance to look at them earlier this month. They're another good resource if you're looking for information about people who lived in Hong Kong.

I'll talk about that some more, look at where to find them, and end with some more general information about the books.

Research past residents of Hong Kong

Inscriptions for cemetery sections 10-16

Submitted by Admin on

This list was compiled by Patricia Lim with the help of Cliff Atkins. It is part of the research for Patricia's recently released book, Forgotten Souls: A Social History of the Hong Kong Cemetery. Thank you to Patricia for generously letting us publish the list so that everyone interested in Hong Kong's history can benefit from it.

Some brief notes on each of the columns:

Chapel of the Conception / First Roman Catholic Cathedral [1843-1886]

Submitted by David on

It had two towers, which stood above the surrounding buildings and made it a landmark at the time.

I'm not sure of the dates it was built or demolished either. HFSiu notes that:

According to a book "City of Victoria", the old Roman Catholic Church at Wellington Street was demolished after the new church was opened in 1888. It seems the old church was demolished well before the opening of new church.

He says that because in this photo, the second cathedral is still being built, but the towers of the old one can't be seen.