What's new and updated on the Gwulo website:
- Memories of life in:
The new book, Target Hong Kong: A True Story of U.S. Navy Pilots at War by regular contributor Steven K Bailey (ssuni86 on Gwulo), is now available. "Target Hong Kong describes the U.S. Navy’s ambitious but flawed attempt to bomb Hong Kong during Operation Gratitude, which involved nearly 100 warships and close to a thousand carrier-based warplanes." Read more ...
Hong Kong history resources:
My notes and photos from a recent visit to the Service Reservoir at Bishop Hill, above Sham Shui Po. Well worth a visit!
Readers ask:
- Was Walvick Cottage on Kwun Tong Road ever used by the R.A.F. ?
- Looking for Old Photos of Devon Road, Kowloon Tong
- Who were in the 108 graves in the HK Cemetery that were moved in 1961?
- Where was the photographer standing to take this 1890s photo of the Peak?
Peak - Where is the photographer standing, by annelisec
- Was Walvick Cottage on Kwun Tong Road ever used by the R.A.F. ?
Gwulo's news
There's a Gwulo meetup lunch this Tuesday, 16 April, all welcome. We usually get around 6-12 people show up to have a chat about Hong Kong's history. Click here for details, and please let Annelise know by Whatsapp if you're joining us.
Tickets are selling steadily for the Gwulo's Farewell talks on the 8th & 22nd of May - by Friday one quarter of the seats were already filled. You can book tickets via the EventBrite website.
- We're the subject of the next video interview from Bristol University's Hong Kong History Centre, Video #5: David Bellis, Gwulo.com. It has had a good reception so far, with over 16,000 views.
- I've edited the automatic subtitles to the recent talk, Who in these 1880s-1950s photos called Hong Kong 'home'?, to correct some mistakes and make them easier to read. You can see the updated video & subtitles on Youtube.
Thank you to everyone who came along to my recent talk at the USRC showing Hong Kong photos with a military connection, and to the Orders & Medals Research Society (OMRS) for arranging it. You can read their write-up of the event on the OMRS website.
- Muhammad Baksh BALOCH from Pakistan, policeman in Hong Kong from 1951-63
- Antonio CATTANEO [????-????], an Italian music teacher, and his wife Lilian CATTANEO (née LYSAUGHT) [????-????]
- Thomas KAVANAGH (aka Tom) [c.1916-????], policeman
- Hajee Mahomed Hassan NEMAZEE [1857-1935], a wealthy Persian businessman who lived in Hong Kong for almost 40 years
- Georg Franz Robert SACHSE [????-1901], a ship's captain, and his wife Ada Charlotte SACHSE (née MCINTOSH, aka Georgina Ada) [1864-????] who ran several private hotels in Hong Kong
- Enea TAPELLA (aka 達碑立神父) [1929-1977], a priest who worked to support Hong Kong's mentally handicapped children
- Interned in Stanley Camp
- Ritchie RAYMOND [1885-????] and her husband Albert RAYMOND [c.1881-1955]
- Ritchie RAYMOND [1885-????] and her husband Albert RAYMOND [c.1881-1955]
- Visiting regiments
- King's Liverpool Regiment, 2nd Battalion [????- ]
- Royal Welch Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion [????-????]
- King's Liverpool Regiment, 2nd Battalion [????- ]
- Hong Kong Island
- Boundary Path / St. Joseph's Path (renamed 1975) [????- ]
- C. E. Warren & Co. Ltd Works Department [1912-1941]
- Globe Hotel [????-????]
- Pentecostal Holiness Church Rousseau Memorial Church, Ap Lei Chau [????- ]
- Petrol stations in Shek Tong Tsui [c.1929-c.1989]
- Tramway Path 火車路 - after 1975 纜車徑 [????- ]
- Whitty Street Tram Terminus (1st Location) [????-1989]
- Boundary Path / St. Joseph's Path (renamed 1975) [????- ]
- Kowloon
- HKWW Beacon Hill Salt Water Pumping Station [1967- ]
- Xavier House, 167 Argyle Street [????- ], last of the old low-rise villas on this road
- HKWW Beacon Hill Salt Water Pumping Station [1967- ]
- New Territories & Outlying Islands
- Mariner's Club, Kwai Chung [1975- ]
- Plover Cove Resettlement Estate (六鄉新村), Tai Po [c.1966- ]
- Tai Miu Wan (Joss House Bay) Ferry Pier [1983- ]
- Yuen’s Mansion & West Watchtower, Mui Wo [????- ]
- Mariner's Club, Kwai Chung [1975- ]
Click to see all recently added photos.