Albert Raymond and Richie neé Silas, both of Hong Kong, were married in 1906 at the colony’s synagogue.
They were held at Stanley Internment Camp where they both took prominent roles; he was a member of a three-man tribunal:
Richie served on the British Community Council; she was the only woman to serve on any of the Councils. A
lbert Raymond and his uncle Abraham Jacob Raymond were on the board of Bombay’s Raymond Woolen Mills, part of the E.D. Sassoon empire, which was named after Albert and Abraham’s family. He was chairman of China Light & Power and Lawrence Kadoorie gave the eulogy at his funeral. At the time of Raymond’s death at the age of 74, he also was a director of Hongkong Land, General Commercial Corp., Hongkong Rope Manufacturing, and Lane Crawford.
Lawrence Kadoorie eulogized Raymond as “an unusual man of great knowledge and charm – both student and teacher, a scholar in Hebrew, Latin and Greek, yet a business executive of unrivalled experience and understanding, yet one who demanded of himself and others the highest standard of integrity and efficiency."
Albert Raymond abt 1881 - 1955
Find a Grave
Albert Raymond buried 12 December 1955 Jewish Cemetery aged 74 years Happy Valley Beloved husband of Richie
"Richie Raymond buried 29 December 1958 Jewish Cemetery Happy Valley Hong Kong Dearly beloved wife of Albert Raymond
Ancestry Tree records Richie as Rachel Silas born about 1887 in Shanghai
Her parents recorded as David Hai Silas (1852 - 1926} and Kate (1863 - 1927)
Marriage 2 September 1906 Miss Ritchie (sic) Silas to Mr Albert Raymond of Hong Kong
19 January at Edgehill 6A The Peak a son to Albert Raymond (Carl Smith Card)
“MARRIAGE. On the 2nd…
On the 2nd September, 1906, at the Synagogue, “Ohel Leah,” ALBERT RAYMOND to RICHIE, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Silas, of Hongkong.”
Source: The Hong Kong Telegraph, page 4, 3rd September 1906
The Synagogue, “Ohel Leah,” in Robinson Road, presented a very gay and lively appearance when the many friends of the contracting parties assembled yesterday afternoon to witness the nuptials of Mr. Albert Raymond, of Hongkong, and Miss Richie Silas, daughter of Mr. D.H. Silas, also of Hongkong. The Synagogue had been very tastefully decorated with festoons of evergreens, the pillars being also encircled with the same foliage, while red carpets were laid down from the door to the spot where, in front of the Ark, the ceremony took place.
Mr. D.H. Silas, assisted by Mr. H.A. Meyer, officiated in the tying of the nuptial knot which “made of them twain one.” The bridegroom, attended by Mr. C.D. Silas, who acted as best man, was early upon the scene, to await the coming of the bride, who shortly afterwards entered the Synagogue, attired in a very handsome gown of dead-white crepe de Chine, and hand embroidered mousseline de soie anglais, down the entire length of which trailed lover’s knots of white satin, while bunches of orange blossom and white heather peeped out, here and there, from the folds of lace on bodice, skirt and train. A wreath of orange blossoms and fine tulle veil completed the very handsome long-trained costume, the creation of Madame Jay, while the bride wore a beautiful diamond broach, the gift of the groom, and carried a splendid shower bridal bouquet, composed of stephanotis, orange blossoms and tube-roses, banked by maidenhair fern. The bride was attended by Misses S. and R. Judah, who acted in the capacity of bridesmaids, and who were charmingly gowned in white silk costumes, daintily trimmed with much chiffon and lace, each wearing handsome gold brooches, the gift of the bridegroom, and carrying miniature replicas of the bride’s bouquet.
After the ceremony was concluded in the Synagogue the happy couple received the congratulations of their relations, and then an adjournment was made in “Devonia,” Peak Road, the residence of the bride’s parents, where a reception was held in a large mat pavilion, specially erected on the lawn, when the health of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond was drunk in bumpers, after they had received the felicitations of their many friends present, and the bride had, according to orthodox custom, cut the first slice of cake.
The presents, both handsome and numerous, were displayed in the drawing-room, and besides those, of which we append a list below, a large number are on the way to the Colony, from friends of the happy pair in other parts of the world.
The presents include: Mr. M. Simmons and Mrs. Simmons, silver card case, cruet stand and one doz. Spoons; Mr. J.S. Abraham, silver toast rack; Mr. and Mrs. E. Elisha, gold watch; Miss Bird, silver toothpick holder, Mrs. E. Elias, silver comb; Mr. S.H. Michael, gold bangle; Mr. E.J. Ellis and sons, gold bracelet; Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Nissim, diamond brooch; Mr. Ellis Kadoorie, diamond earrings; Mr. D. Haskell, gold locket; Mr. and Mrs. Buxford, mother-of-pearl opera glass; Mr. M. S. Sassoon, diamond and sapphire pendant; Mr. E.J. Moses, gold bracelet; Messrs. D. Sassoon & Co., gold curb bracelet and watch; Mr. and Mrs. Tatcher, embroidered tea cover; Mr. M.H. Michael, silver card tray; Mr. H.A. Seth, three silver cups; Mr. S.H. Dutton, pair of silver flower holders; Mr. and Mrs. A. Weill, set of four silver salt cellars; Mr. and Mrs. I.E. Ellis, silver flower holders; Dr. Forsyth, silver photo frame; Mr. S.G. Newall, silver fern pot; Mr. and Mrs. I. Kuhn, six silver tea spoons; Miss Sybil Raymond, silver sweet tray; Master Joe Raymond, silver wheel barrow cruet stand; Mr. M. George, embroidered table centre; Mr. A. Aftahoa (?), cut-glass bowl; Private pupils, silver bowl; Mr. and Mrs. W. Legan, silver tea canister; Dr and Mrs. G.P. Jordan, silver bowl; Mr. O.I. Ellis, silver bowl; Mr. T.P. Cochrane, silver bread basket; Mr. Lau Chin Ling, silver bowl; Mr. M.J. Patell, silver tea set; Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Raymond, silver tea set and tray; Mr. E.S. Abraham, set of lacquered tea-poys (sic); Mr. Ed. M. Raymond, blackwood screen; Mr. S. Goldschmidt, marble ink-stand; Messrs. S.J. David & Co., cheque; Compradore of Messrs. S.J. David & Co., cheque; Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Ellis, cheque; Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Shooker, cheque; Mrs. Ezra and the Misses Judah, pair of silver sweet dishes; Messrs. A.A. Meyer, E. Howard, J.E. Joseph and E. Baskell, mantel clock; Mrs., Miss and the Messrs. Gubbay, blackwood escutaine (?); Mr. J.H. Seth, three silver cups; Mr. E.A. Gubbay, gold bangle; Mr. H.N. Mody, pair silver cruet stands and six finger bowls; Mr. Nankin cut-glass sugar and milk bowls; Dr. Park, cut-glass bowls; Mr. and Mrs. Sigler, vases; Mr, and Mrs. Sugarman, cut-glass bowls; Messrs. A.H. Ough and A. Bryer, tantalus; Mr. K.D. Mistry, silver flower holders; Mr. I.E. Perry, silver toilet set; Mr. F.P. Shroff, silver flower holders; Mrs. B.J. Raymond, silver photo frame; Mr. and Mrs. I.S. Levy, silver brush and comb; Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, travelling clock; Mr. U. Ramjahn, silver flower holders; Mr. R.M. Ezekiel, silver rickshaw cruet stand; Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Judah, silver flower stand; Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Caldwell, cut-glass salad bowl; Mr. J. Gregory, silver vase; Mr. A.V. Apcar, silver vase; Mr. J. Joseph, silver bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Eca da Silver, drawn-work doylies; Mr, and Mrs. E. Ezra, silver salt-cellars; Sun Shing, silver purse; Mr. H. Shui Pao, silver photo frame and vases; Miss Sugarman, silver spoon; Mr. M. Meyer, gold bangle and silver tea-pot; Mr. S.A. Seth, cloisonne vases; Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Kadoorie, dozen silver fish knives and forks; Mr. and Mrs. A. Seth and the Misses Seth, dozen silver spoons, Messrs. A. Chao and Willee, embroidered crepe shawl; Mr. Lau Koon Hing, silver tray.”
Source: The Hong Kong Telegraph, page 5, 3rd September 1906
“A JEWISH WEDDING. ---------…
A pretty Jewish wedding was celebrated at the Synagogue, “Ohel Leah,” Robinson Road, yesterday afternoon, when Miss Richie Silas, daughter of Mr. DH. Silas, of Hongkong, and Mr. A. Raymond, of Hongkong, were married.
Mr. D.H. Silas, assisted by Mr. H.A. Meyer, performed the service, which was of a simple yet impressive character. The bridesmaids were Misses S. and R. Judah, while Mr. C.D. Silas acted as best man.
The bride’s dress was of white crepe de chine and English hand embroidered mousseleine de soie, the entire dress being trimmed with trailing lovers’ knots of white satin. She also carried a shower bouquet and wore a beautiful diamond brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. The bridesmaids were prettily attired in white silk, trimmed with lace and carriet (sic.) beautiful bouquets.
A reception was afterwards held at “Devonia,” Peak Road.”
Source: Hong Kong Daily Press, page 2, 3rd September 1906