What's new and updated on the Gwulo website:
- A scene-by-scene walkthrough of the 1956 film Flight To Hong Kong, showing screenshots and explaining where in Hong Kong they were taken.
Tung Chau Street, by philk
- Notes on the 1841 Typhoon
- Readers ask:
Update on the new Gwulo book
Yesterday I finally signed off the proofs!
That was a great feeling, as the rounds of edits to text and photos were starting to feel like they would never end. That's been the case with each of the books, but thankfully there's always a sudden rush at the end where everything slots into place.
The first glimmer of hope is when I see pages with their proper layout. I create the draft document in Microsoft Word, adding in photos to show how I want the page to look. When I've finished I'm pretty happy with it, but it always surprises me how much better it looks after Lilly, the designer, turns it into the layout for the printer. Here's page 12 as an example, with my Word version on the left, and the layout from Lilly on the right.
The next leap forward is when I see the cover for the first time. This is one of the last parts of the layout to be completed, so when I see this I know the end is in sight.
Once I finally decide I've run out of things to change, we ask the printer to produce a proof copy of the book. The proof copy is printed on a digital printer, so it doesn't exactly match the colours we'll get in the final offset-printed book, but it is very close. This is the first time I get to hold the book, and is always a happy moment.
Below is the proof copy I received on Thursday. The pages are grouped into 'signatures', in this case groups of 16 pages that are printed on the same large sheet of paper, then cut and folded, and sewn together during binding. You'll see I've initialled each 16-page signature, which is the signal that I've approved the printer to go ahead with printing. BUT, you'll also note I've crossed these two pages, as I wasn't happy with the appearance of this image.
Looking through the proof copy I noted seven images I felt could be improved, which meant another late night's work in Photoshop. Lilly and Suk Woon (who works with the printing company to handle the actual printing) are both very responsive and quickly turned around my changes. Yesterday (Saturday) morning I received the new proofs for the updated pages.
The changes all looked good so I signed them all, handed them back to Suk Woon, and breathed a sigh of relief. Suk Woon takes it from here, guiding the book through the printing process.
We're nearly there! I'll let you know once I have the delivery date for the printed books.
- Florence DREW [????-1932], missionary
- Phyllis HARROP [????-????], escaped from Japanese-occupied Hong Kong in 1942
- Florence YEO (née HO TUNG) [1915-2011]
- Organisations
- The American Club - Hong Kong [1925- ]
- The Society of Yorkshiremen in Hong Kong [1931- ]
The Society of Yorkshiremen 33rd Annual Dinner-Dance, 1969, front cover, by Robbot27
- The American Club - Hong Kong [1925- ]
- Hong Kong Island
- 21 Bar / 21 Club Bar [????-????]
- American (Peking) Restaurant, Lockhart Road [????-????]
- Boys' and Girls' Club Association Building (first generation) [????-????]
- Cafe de Nice [????-????]
- Douglas Building, 24 & 24A Connaught Road Central [1900-1952]
- Fairy Land (1st generation) [????-1984]
- Good World Hotel [????-????]
- Island Club / Fairy Land (2nd generation) [1984- ]
- Liberty Tailor (first generation) / Liberty Trading Company, Lockhart Road [????-????]
- New Tavern Hotel / Central Hotel / Wonner Hotel, Lockhart and Jaffe Roads [????-????]
- Old Maryknoll Storage Huts / Stanley Reformatory School (Training Centre) / Ma Hang Prison [1939- ]
- Pok Fu Lam Zone Substation [????- ]
- 21 South Bay Road [????-????]
- 21 Bar / 21 Club Bar [????-????]
- Kowloon
- Milagros Building, TST [????-????]
- The Salvation Army Girls' Home [1948-1994]
- Savoy Mansion [1966- ]
- ShamShuiPo KaiFong Welfare Advancement Association [????- ]
- TST bars & restaurants
- Carnarvon Bar & Restaurant [????-????]
- Fairyland Restaurant & Bar [????-????]
- Happy Bar [????-????]
- Manhattan Bar, Restaurant & Night Club, TST [????-????]
- New Savoy Plaza Night Club & Restaurant [????-????]
- Oriental Pearl Night Club & Bar [????-????]
- Savoy Restaurant, Bar & Night Club, TST [????-????]
- Carnarvon Bar & Restaurant [????-????]
- Milagros Building, TST [????-????]
- Islands and the New Territories
- Beaufort Island [????- ]
- Haven of Hope Pier [????-????]
- Beaufort Island [????- ]
Click to see all recently added photos.