Hong Kong Electric Laundry Co.-a business subsidiary of the electric company??

Thu, 11/30/2023 - 22:04

Previously https://gwulo.com/comment/65079#comment-65079

In the early 1970s there was a group of squatter huts declaring themselves to be the Hong Kong Electric Laundry Co.’ just above the southern curb side edge of Tai Hang Road immediately below Hong Kong Electric’s Cavendish Heights senior staff residential blocks at the top of the valley.

This amused me, imagining the company’s employee’s wives trekking down to get their washing done.

I had always intended to photograph the huts and signs, but the road was too narrow, twisty and busy to safely stop the car.

Nevertheless, I seemed to recall a photograph of the sign in a book which has now been located, and image is shown in ‘HONG KONG’ by Harold Ingrams- His Majesty’s Stationery Office-1952.

One would assume that HKE would object to their name being used in such a way in such a prominent location.


Date picture taken