Cemeteries in Hong Kong

Submitted by David on

This is a resource page for people researching the history of a person that died in Hong Kong. Since many of Hong Long's old paper records have been destroyed, grave headstones may be the only remaining record of a person's life and death.

Here's a list of cemeteries in Hong Kong, plus a map of their locations. Click on any cemetery name for more information about it.

And the list isn't complete - if you know of more, please use the instructions below to add another.

Place name Sort descending Author
Abandoned cemetery on south-east slope of Mount Davis [1856- ] David
Ammar Mosque (1st Generation) [1870-1954] eurasian_david
Ammar Mosque (2nd Generation) [1955-1978] eurasian_david
C.C.I.L. No 1 marker Stone 4 [????- ] tngan
Cape Collinson Chinese Permanent Cemetery [????- ] David
Cheung Chau Boundary Stone #5 [????- ] tngan
Chinese Christian Cemetery, Kowloon / New Kowloon Cemetery No. 1 [1904- ] Admin
Chinese Christian Cemetery, Pokfulam [1882- ] David
Chinese permanent cemetery, Aberdeen [c.1916- ] David
Chiu Yuen Cemetery (Eurasian) [1897- ] David
French Mission Cemetery, Pokfulam [????-1975] David
Gravestones on slope near Fung Yiu King Hospital [????- ] elphashea
Ho Man Tin Roman Catholic Cemetery [????- ] David
Hong Kong Cemetery [????- ] David
Jewish Cemetery [1855- ] annelisec
Kai Lung Wan Cemetery [????-????] David
Mahomedan Cemetery - resumed by Government [1858-1867] annelisec
Marker Kai Lung Wan [????- ] MikeB
Mount Caroline Cemetery [1891- ] annelisec
Muslim Cemetery, Happy Valley [????- ] philk
Muslim cemetery, Kowloon [c.1921-c.1967] David
Parsee Cemetery [????- ] lizchater
Sai Wan War Cemetery [????- ] Admin
St. Michael's Catholic Cemetery, Happy Valley [1848- ] Admin
St. Raphael’s Catholic Cemetery, Cheung Sha Wan [????- ] Admin
Stanley Military Cemetery [????- ] Admin
Stanley Prison Cemetery [1947- ] gw
The Infectious Diseases Hospital Cemetery, Kennedy Town [1897- ] David
Tsuen Wan Chinese Permanent Cemetery [1941- ] David
Wanchai Protestant Burial Ground [????- ] David
Wanchai Roman Catholic Burial Ground [1841-1889] annelisec
West Point Burial Ground - Chinese Cemetery - Sai Ying Poon [1843-????] annelisec

To add another cemetery to the list and map, start by clicking here to create a new Place. You'll see a new window appear where you can enter details about the cemetery.  The important point to remember is that in the Tags: section, you'll need to type the word cemetery so that your new Place automatically appears on the list and map above.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

Regards, David


Invaluable resource: http://www.nmm.ac.uk/memorials/Index.cfm - the National Maritime Museum online archive. "The memorial database contains records of over 5000 church, cemetery and public memorials to seafarers and victims of maritime disasters, including many important works by prominent sculptors and designers."

There are 373 records from Hong Kong complete with inscriptions