The Infectious Diseases Hospital Cemetery, Kennedy Town [1897- ]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Date completed

The marker is a rough guess at it's location.

The cemetery is mentioned in Government Notification 522 on 25th Nov 1897, which announces it is now an "Authorised Cemetery".



Did you mean this one? Sorry, there's only a Chinese version. I have been there twice, there's a faint path connecting the bend of Ka Wai Man Rd to the west of St Luke's. Church. If you are on Victoria Rd, then you may notice the stone steps, which are in fact the tombstones.

Last week when I was at the Aberdeen Battery, I also came across several similar stones but without Chinese characters.

Thanks for the link to that blog post - it does seem like the right location. Here's the description of the site in the Government Notification mentioned above:

The Infectious Diseases Hospital Cemetery.

Situated about 300 yards West of the Kennedy Town Hospital and bordered on the North side by Government ground, and the sea cliff, and measuring 730 feet, on the South side by Government ground and measuring 700 feet, on the East side by Government ground and a footpath from the Kennedy Town Hospital and measuring 330 feet, and on the West side by Government ground, and measuring 300 feet.

The limits of the Cemetery have been defined by wooden posts.

By Command,

J. H. Stewart Lockhart,

Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Hongkong, 25th November, 1897.